Mealy Mouthed MP's Blasted Over Expenses Abuse on Historic BBC Question Time
Politics /
US Politics
May 14, 2009 - 11:33 PM GMT
By: Nadeem_Walayat
If MP's were in any doubt as to the outrage amongst the British public then last nights BBC Question Time programme should bring home the serious situation which threatens literal rebellion amongst the British voters away from the three main parties in favour of the fringe parties such as the Greens, UKIP and the BNP.
In near unprecedented audience response to "Mealy mouthed" excuses as to why MP's on the panel abused their positions of power by rigging the expenses system that allowed themselves to get away with tens of thousands of pounds of tax payer cash every year which in any other organisation would have resulted in immediate dismissal if not prosecution. Instead having now been caught with their hands in the till, the likes of Margaret Becket scraped the bottom of the excuses bucket to attempt to explain away the outrageous action by stating that her actions were 'within the rules'. At least Ming Campbell caught out has taken the action of repaying some of the expenses that threatened to destroy a reputation built up over over 22 years.
The item that will run in the media tomorrow will be the audience exchanges with Margaret Becket after the MP attempted to justify the £72,000 that she claimed in expenses, an audience member responded with -
" I am just very Angry Mr Dimbleby,"
"Mrs Becket are you going to pay back the £72,000 that you have taken after your mealy-mouthed answer trying to explain yourself, and Mr Campbell how the hell do you get through £800 a month on food?"
"No I'm Not, because as I pointed out a moment ago...."
The audience boo's, jeers and heckles Margaret Becket's mealy-mouthed excuses.
The full programme is available now to watch on BBC Iplayer.

The longer Parliament delays in taking decisive action to clean up the House of Commons, then the worse will be the outcome for the parties at future elections with the 4th June European elections bearing down.
My own view is that voters should vote out those MP's that have clearly abused their powers such as Labours Elliott Morley who claimed £16,000 for interest on a mortgage that he no longer had.
By Nadeem Walayat
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Nadeem Walayat has over 20 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis specialises on the housing market and interest rates. Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. We present in-depth analysis from over 250 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets. Thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction. http://www.marketoracle.co.uk
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William F
17 May 09, 10:17
EP elections
I want to punish Westminster politicians, I want so badly to punish them it hurts. Not that the perks scandal annoys me one bit, I would suggest that 75% of the population in the same care free circumstances would be at it too. I want to hurt them for their lack of concideration for the general public in Britain. From the mismanagement of the economy to ID cards and all the other issues that when viewed from their ivory towers seem to become distant irrelevances, second to their petty social manipulations. To this end I believe that the EP elections come at the most fortunate time. That is, within the electorates short memory span before the general election, and within the time frame that a stern message to Pinky and Perky in Westminster will still remember and not be able to sidelined with bluff and bluster. 1. To vote for a candidate is legitimising the EP, an entity no one legitimised by actually voting for, but was foisted on us by various governments over time. Until this matter is address the EP is a fraudulent entity, and to vote to put a wanna be millionaire there to represent you, is co operating with a fraud. 2. Tebbit is partly right, Pinky and Perky at Westminster need a good slap, but calling on people to vote for parties other than he main three is just perpetuating the fraud, and although it may piss of the main three still legitimises the entity. 3. Abstention, well they would love that wouldn’t they. Voter apathy, an excuse to pour more money into advertising their EU the next time round as people don’t understand how important the leeching of their national democracy is. Anyway, should no ordinary voter vote, the people with the larges families/secretarial assistants would get in or they would just appoint someone. Yes a slap but not a protest as such, and all covered by good excuses. 4. Spoil your vote. Now in a voting system that uses the 1 2 3 PR system there will be mistakes made and counted as spoiled votes, heck it even happens in the first past the post voting. But a properly spoiled vote wherby a message scrawled acoss the ballot paper that can’t be counted as wee granny Jones not understanding, is the way to send your message of disgust to Pinky and Perky. Firstly you actually turned up and bothered to enter the booth with a voting slip, two you clearly noted your opinion that Pinky and Perky were no longer to be trusted with either the running of the country or the nodding of heads in the EP. Three, yes it will be put down as many things, but never the truth. BUT they, Pinky and Perky WILL know, and perhaps a nosey reporter wandering about may get to know too. Why is the spoiled vote so high? Answer that Gordy the grunter? I do know what may be asked if this is allowed to stay. Does not spoiling your vote not fall into the category of legitimising the entity, and a good question it is too. But as stated, abstention is desired over dissention. Yes I may well be legitimising them but for the peaceful aim of reclaiming my British Parliamentary sovereignty, and to scare some sense back into them. The only other way is to wait until the next G20 and break some windows.
17 May 09, 11:41
MP Expenses
The argument that somehow the rules are at fault is quite irrelevant as well as being totally wrong. MP's set up the rules, and when dealing with people intent on wrongdoing rules are pointless, moreso when adjudicated on in house. A bit like putting the criminals in charge of legislation, the police and the courts. If the MP's were trustworthy you wouldn't need any rules at all. Don't they see that ? The strict rules state specifically the purpose of things they should be charging for and why - which doesn't include saunas. swimming pools, multiple house swaps and furnishing every property they own. The rules cannot be misinterpreted on this point and are completely unequivocal. If MP's have not followed that requirement - it's clear fraud, and finding the whistleblower will be quite pointless, because no English jury would ever convict him and I'd assist in putting him up for a parliamentary seat.
17 May 09, 12:12
Expenses Solutions
Two suggestions: 1. Fixed amounts of expenses for all MP’s should be based on distance between Parliament and constituencies. They would then have a capped amount per annum for purchasing / renting property, or for hotel accommodation. 2. All responsibility for office expenses must be taken away from MP’s and organised by the House of Commons authorities.
17 May 09, 16:10
Beckett and Blears
becket and blears have come over as being the "old" socialist MP`s --there to help the working classes from the old school. We have found out they are happy to steal from those same hard working tax payers. Shame on this government --although all parties have had their noses in the trough Labour are the party in power who should have sorted this out. Brown has only done follow up to camerons actions. If Cameron hadnt have done anything Brown would still be dithering. The polls show the UK`s disgust.Labour has the worst % in the polls --ever.
17 May 09, 16:20
Arrogant MP's
I too watched the programme. Gordon Brown must have the death ewish ,to surround himself with these arrogant people. He must sack them now , or The Labour Party MUST hold a meeting ,and vote for a new leader,to have a chance of winning a few seats next election. I have been a Labour supporter all my life , but , the last 8 years have been very hard to believe in them any more. The Mp`s ,on all sides , do really believe that they are the chosen few , but they will soon realise that they are the chosen few to be voted out of power at the next election. I pray to God that I may live to cast my vote against these supercilious fools at the next polling day.
17 May 09, 16:41
The smugness on this woman's face is breathtaking, as is her attitude. As for us ''not understanding'', it is patronising to both the TV audience, and the viewers watching ''Question Time'' at home, She was unbelievable. Arrogance doesn't begin to explain her She is odious in the extreme, and if her local party don't start the immediate deselection process from her being their MP then all I can say is they deserve everything they get, but we don't deserve her, or her vain and patronising attitude
17 May 09, 16:52
where the hell do we get these mps from, just a bunch of thieves and can anyone tell me why anyone would have an affair with "beckett" she is one ugly woman
17 May 09, 17:23
MP Expenses
Incredible! They think we're all so stupid. Men dying in foreign lands for the lack of body armour and udgraded patrol vehicles and these bastards are buying dog food, porn and antique fire places! Do what I did - write your MPs and ask for a complete lit of their most recent claims. Most will have acted unlawfully somewhere and that's why they're all shitting themselves, because criminal fraud WILL show up when the CPS move in. These are public servants spending YOUR taxes!
17 May 09, 17:43
Disgusting MP's
These MPs makes me sick they have a go at the banker but they are no better they are the ones that have brought the country to it's knees not small time benefit cheat the real problem is the rich playing the system and using tax havens that is what has been killing the economy.
17 May 09, 17:54
Beckett 3 houses
Why did Beckett have to have 3 houses then ? Defending the indefensible. Incredible.
17 May 09, 18:25
I really wish The Queen would simply walk in Parliament and and dismiss the lot of them!!Just like Charles I did. She still has the power, doesn't she?