Gordon Brown Makes Way for Nick Griffin Britain's BNP Fuhrer
Politics /
UK Politics
Jun 08, 2009 - 03:27 AM GMT
By: John_York
Nick Griffin the Fuhrer of the extreme far right BNP, British National Party that is also referred by many as the British Nazi Party capitalised on Labours vote meltdown and the Westminister MP's expenses scandal that has hit all mainstream parties by the BNP winning 2 MEP seats in the Labour heartlands of North West England and Yorkshire and Humberside.

The blame for the victory of the neo-nazi BNP is squarely at Gordon Browns feet, that saw Labour record its worst poll showing since 1918, and barely 24 hours after the 65th commemorations of Britain's pivotal role on the D-Day landings that marked the start of the end of Nazi Europe.
Nick Griffin the holocaust Denier who called the Holocaust "the hoax of the 20th century", has a long history of supporting the fascist ideology dating back to the early 1970's. Including in 1997 receiving a suspended 2 year sentence for co-authoring a pamphlet about Jewish conspiracies to brainwash people in Britain and was found guilty of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred.
Socialist parties right across Europe have suffered losses as voters turned to the centre right parties which has surprised many commentators as the expectations
were that socialists would benefit from the financial crisis, rather instead the opposite has transpired as clearly voters have been alarmed by the bank nationalisations and talk off return of socialism as clearly the European electorates still view a free market orientated European Union as the only viable future for the continent.
The BNP's victory whilst alarming is in the final analysis is a protest vote against all existing mainstream parties that is not expected to follow through in a General Election. However the election of the two fascist neo-nazi's MEP's does give the British Nazi's both legitimacy and funding from Europe to start to implement their racist agenda of dividing the British public by means of the policy of hate. Far right parties also did well in other areas across Europe, especially in the Netherlands.
By John York
(c) http://www.marketoracle.co.uk 2009
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08 Jun 09, 03:54
SHAME on this Country. I don't want to be a part of Britain if you vote in UKIP and BNP. Your a discrace to what my Grandparents fought for in 1939-45. We fought the Facists to preserve freedom, dignity and a fair society. At least research what your voting, instead of being so ignorent.
08 Jun 09, 03:56
Stop knocking the BNP they are a legitimate party
Rob Smith
08 Jun 09, 04:00
BNP administration
Anyone who thinks the BNP will help the country are seriously misguided. Where they have had people elected they have been totally ineffectual. In Stoke their councillor Steve Batkin rarely turns up for meetings and when he does he says nothing (check the minutes) so much for standing up for working people. In Dagenham the BNP voted against building more affordable homes, despite saying theyd sort out housing for ordinary people. On the Greater London Authority their man Richard Barnbrook pledged to fight knife crime - he hasnt mentioned it for six months, preffering to appear in fancy dress in the assembly. Their economic policies would wreck Britain - which countries would trade with Britain if we had a policy of banning their imports without warning? Hi tech industries that rely on expert workers from the US and Europe would suffer huge skill shortages, while British people wanting to work in Europe would lose the right if we left the EU. Their policy of voluntary repatriation of non white people would starve the NHS of doctors. There plan to nationalise foreign owned businesses would cost millions, which would be passed on to the taxpayer. A BNP administration would leave Britain shattered, run by incompetent leaders, high taxation, unemployment - all the things they claim to be against.
08 Jun 09, 16:51
What alot of S**te. I voted for UKIP. Please do not confuse UKIP with BNP!! John York! sounds like a leftwing lib, to me!
Nick Griffin
09 Jun 09, 03:52
Nick Griffin Your Fuhrer
I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the Earth was flat … I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria Nick Griffin 1998 ........................ The only difference between the BNP of today and the BNP of old is presentation. The BNP knew that to be electorally successful it had to improve its image. It is the image, rather than the fundamental politics, that has changed. Too often we hear the BNP being described as "anti-immigration" or "nationalist" or even simply "rightwing". Nothing could be further from the truth. The BNP leaders might wear snappy suits and tone down their public message but their real politics are the same as they have always been. The BNP is racist and nazi and must be exposed as such.
09 Jun 09, 03:55
BNP Nazi's