India On The Verge Of A Revolution For Corruptions
Politics /
Feb 28, 2011 - 07:12 AM GMT
By: Submissions
Raju M. Mathew writes: Land of the billionaires and the Very Poor - In India, the benefit of liberalization, globalization, privatization of public enterprises, the infrastructure development with public money and the overall economic growth have been hijacked by a dozen families and their corporate houses. During the last fifteen years, they could virtually grab between 60 to 70 per cent of the natural, industrial, air and technological wealth of India, keeping over 80 of the population under poverty line. Now India has some of the richest billionaires on earth.
The Largest Democracy
Though India can be considered as the largest democracy of the world with parliamentary system, India is under the explicit and implicit control of these billionaires and corporate houses that finance all the political parties and their election campaigns. They determine who should be the party boss and who should be the party candidates and who should form the government and who should be the ministers and their portfolios and who should hold the key positions in the media, judiciary and bureaucracy. They see that everybody who is holding the high position must be either corrupt or their obliging yes man or woman.
History of Corporate Corruptions
The millionaires and corporate houses started to play a dominant role in forming the government and ensuring the majority for the ruling party or coalition with Narasimha Rao as the Prime Minister. He bribed some of the members of the Parliament to ensure the majority in the Parliament. This has become an accepted practice in India. As a reward for the needy help, the Government sold several public sector companies and their wealth at a throw away prices to those millionaires and corporate houses.
The Government adopted the policy of Economic Liberalization and Globalization that made a dozen Billionaires and hundreds of millionaires. In India no political party or candidate can enter in the election campaign without the backing of corporate houses and Billionaires and even criminals, as it has become multi-million businesses with the effective use of muscle power.
Bribing the Left, Right and Marxists
In the early stage, not only the leftist parties, including the Marxist Communist Party and their leaders, but also the some of the fire brands of the ruling Congress Party or the BJP vehemently opposed the new policies. The Corporate houses in India could successfully silence them by making them rich overnight; those who resisted bribing had been black mailed or even suspended from the political parties or denied seats in the next elections. Now some of the leftist party leaders and fire brands of the ruling parties or leaders have become millionaires with Swiss Bank Accounts. What has been happened at the national level has occurred at the State level all over India.
Income tax and Black Money
Though India has very tough rules and laws on income tax, it could be implemented only in the case of salaried employees and officers of both at the central and states governments and public undertakings; all the others could effectively avoid or evade paying tax. At government level, all the illegal and improver dealings of the Ministers and Corporate houses are carried out with the help of bureaucrats from top to bottom for which they have been bribed. Now black money rules every thing in India, and it has grown to the extent of four to five times of the white or accountable money and wealth in India.
Silencing the Media and Judicial Officers
In the initial period, the opponents of high level corruptions could effectively utilize both mass media and Indian judiciary to control or prevent the corruptions and plundering of the national wealth by corporate houses. By knowing the power of the mass media, the corporate houses, richest families and even political parties in India have been controlling the majority of mass media in India.
Further, they could successfully prevent Judicial Activism and even the interference of the Judiciary in their affairs by bribing some of the judicial officers. Now, the Income Tax people are telling that some of the former judges of both the Supreme Court, High Courts have undisclosed wealth in terms of several millions.
White Washing
All the corporate houses and business men in India with a lot of black money have their own brand and unbranded ambassadors drawn from God Men or Spiritual Heads, Film and Cricket Stars besides well paid public relations experts and well publicized charity organizations to white wash their criminal deeds and the national plunder.
The National Carnivals
Unlike Brazil or Portugal, India does not have any national carnivals. Even the two national celebrations, Independence and Republic day celebrations are too official, though each state has its own fests or carnivals. In India, the National Election, both at the State and Federal levels, is the time for flowing black money in terms of trillions and using liquor and muscle power or criminals for intimidating or influencing the illiterate or poor citizens to vote for the candidates of the Corporate houses.
Budgets and Developmental Expenditures
If we go through the budgetary documents of the national and state governments for the last twenty five years, including the speeches of the Ministers, now there should not be any poor or backward any where in India, as the total allocation of funds for the welfare of the poor and down trodden came into several trillions. But in India over 80% of the population remains illiterate, backward and lives under poverty line. Over 70 % of the funds allocated and spent for the poor have gone to the packets of the Ministers, politicians, and Bureaucrats in the form of black money.
India on the Verge of a Violent Revolution
India is also the land of young generations who constitute above 70% of the population. So far, all the political parties and even religious organizations could effectively divide and rule India by playing caste and communal cards that too with the help of criminals and muscle men. The worst victims are always the people belong to the back ward regions and communities, especially women and children.
Now the new generations in India, including women, are getting aware of the crime and looting or plunder committed against them by the billionaires, millionaires, politicians and bureaucrats and leaders of religious organizations. They are angry and impatient for they are cheated and alienated.
They are on the verge of a revolution, some times violent or bloody revolutions for they have lost their faith in Parliament, Political Parties, Judiciary, the Mass Media and Religious and Spiritual Heads, their organizations and charity works and sermons. The recent uprisings of the women and youth in the Arab or Islamic World give new impetus to the Indian Youth and women.
The violent revolution will happen within two years, some times immediately after the forthcoming national elections. The newly educated and professionally qualified youth from middle class families have already launched their campaign against corruption and mismanagement; the women and youth in the rural and backward areas are getting organized for retaliations. Integration between the middle class and the lower strata of the Indian society has been taken place thanks to their new awareness and developments, including the Arab Revolutions.
Unless the government takes immediate corrective and revolutionary steps to satisfy the youth and women, uprooting corruptions and black money and undue influence and manipulations of the Corporate Houses and provide minimum income and living conditions for all no body can prevent such a Revolution, a Violent Revolution in India and its outcomes will be unpredictable.
By Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew
© 2011 Copyright Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew - All Rights Reserved
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28 Feb 11, 20:16
poor india's REALITY
very correctly said here in southern most india named tamil nadu at present hell is ruling the state.extreme corruption,theft,murder,the ruling family like rajas can do any thing here with the media under their control.they are in power in a trecherous way by giving freebies to voters during election and giving everything to the so called poor people and making them addicted to freebies instead of developing the state. by doing this they are diverting the mass and looting the state themselves these thing are happening with the consent of manmohan sing the indian dummy prime minister and sonia ghandi the lady who is selling india. from tamilnadu, india
Jacob Thomas
28 Feb 11, 21:08
No revolution will happen in India like that happen in the middle east in the near future.
No revolution will happen when the youth feels they have opportunities in this country. When I was in college during the late '80s, we didn't have campus recruitment. Now students get jobs in the same college, while they are still in college. Corruption is there in the country, no doubt about that. But there are enough ways to address the grievances of the public at present without going for revolutions, violent or not. 'The violent revolution will happen within two years, some times immediately after the forthcoming national elections.' That is just Prof. Raju M. Mathew's opinion.
Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew
01 Mar 11, 14:36
When Corruptions Reign, Plans, Budgets And Speeches Become Meaningless
Plans, Budgets and Speeches The new budget in India is an excellent document. The speeches of the Prime Minister, The President, the UPA Chairperson and the Finance Minister of India are exemplary because they are prepared by an army of speech writers. The Annual and Five Year Plan Documents are marvelous for they are the work of a group of Economists and Statisticians of the Government and also of the Think Tanks of some powerful Corporate Houses. If we study such kind of documents for the last twenty five years, and the actual benefits to the End Users - Farmers, Rural People, Low Income Group of the Urban Areas, the Tribal and Backward People - the picture is dismal and the documents are rubbish. Had the stipulated amount spent for the actual beneficiaries in a proper way, now India would not have even a single family or person to live under poverty line. But every year, the number of people belongs to 'below poverty line' is increasing alarmingly. The Last Twenty Five Years Growth If we study the increase of assets, wealth and income of the Registered Political Parties both at national or State level, the rate of growth is to the extent of 1000 folds to 10000 folds. If we study the income of the politicians and their relatives or associates of both the ruling or the opposition parties for the last 25 years, they achieved their growth to the extent of more than 20000 folds. From a meager amount of a few thousands or millions, some of the Corporate Houses in India have emerged as Multi- Billionaires and the world's richest ones. Such a study can be conducted on the basis of the wealth and income statements given either to the Income Tax Departments or the Election Commission or other agencies for obtaining loan or certificates etc and also the known source of their income. Details of their tax evasions and unpaid and loans that were written off from Big Banks and other Financial Institutions must also be taken into account. The Correlation It can be found that there exists a direct correction between the growth of Budget and Plan Outlay and the Growth of Corporate Houses, Political Leaders and Political Parties and the Medias and Channels that support either the Ruling Parties or the Opposition Parties, including the Marxist Communist Party (CPM) with regard to their wealth, assets and income. At the same time, falls in income or living conditions can be noticed with regard to the people belong to 'Below Poverty Line'. However, about 10% of the people belongs to 'middle income group' could make some advancements, thanks to the education of their children or small businesses or appreciation of their lands. As long as Corruptions, Mismanagement and Unfair Relationships exist between the Political parties and Corporate Houses, billions of people in India can never come out from the pathetic state of 'Below Poverty Line.' Besides a good number of people belongs to 'middle income group' will also be pushed back to the level of 'Below Poverty Line". This is because India is under the grip of Highly Corrupt and Criminal Minded Corporate Houses who made the politicians and rulers their obedient servants or slaves. Crimes Against the Growing Billions Corruptions and Mismanagement are the greatest crimes against over 80% of the people of India. With Elections and Litigations nobody can change the situations other than making worst from worse or bad. Here the victims are the direct and immediate the Women and Youth. Let them decide their fate and path of Poverty and Lack of Dignity. But the New Generation of Youth and Women in India cannot site idle and blaming their fate unlike the Last Generation, especially in the Age of Internet, Communications and Revolutions.
12 Mar 11, 04:21
Youth are also corrupted
The youth are also corrupted here and they are fit for nothing group. Hence no revolution can be expected anywhere in India.
Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew
30 Mar 11, 10:42
Historic Blunder The formation of Pakistan, separating from India, proved to be a great blunder from the point of view the people who share the common culture and heritage but living under poverty and backwardness in India and Pakistan. Though it served the ego of some politicians and top military men, the people of these two nations have to pay a very great price. Instead of spending money for wiping out poverty and ignorance of the masses, and creating jobs for the Youth and Women, both India and Pakistan have spent billions for wars, defense, nuclear weapons, espionage, propaganda and sustaining hate and mistrust among people. Reverse Growth of Pakistan This is the age of Third Generation of Indians and Pakistanis, since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947. The new generation couldn’t find much logic in the decision of separation and sustaining enmity between the people of these two countries. Such a feeling is strong among the young people of Pakistan who are very much sad and frustrated about the fate of their country. Up to the end of 1960s, Pakistan was far ahead of India in many fields. With the rise of religious fundamentalism, Pakistan entered a stage of stagnation and then deterioration. At the same time, India emerged as a world economic power capable of moving forward at a great speed than even China or USA. Business Sentiments In various international forums, business men and young professionals from Pakistan even dared to express their concern that if the present condition persists, Pakistan will be the poorest nation in the entire Asia, in spite of the fertile land, hardworking and sturdy people and possibilities of industrialization. There are several rich Pakistani professionals and businessmen settled in different parts of the world. But they are not ready to invest in Pakistan because it is getting poorer and religiously fanatic than the rest of the Islamic world. Even the Arab World is undergoing rapid social transformation and Renaissance thanks to the Youth and Women Uprisings or Revolutions. As an Islamic country, Pakistan cannot insulate itself from such a revolution or renaissance for long Pakistan Needs Reforms Pakistan must introduce lands reforms on a massive scale to end feudalism and making landless and poor farmers the real owners of the land along with embracing Secular Democracy, as theocratic states all over the world could only keep people under eternal backwardness and mass poverty. Then capital and technology will flow into Pakistan in terms of billions. Several rich Pakistanis will return to Pakistan with their capital, technology and expertise. Otherwise, Pakistan will trail behind some of the poorest African countries. Economic Miracle and Poverty in India The unprecedented economic growth in India results in the emergence of some multi-billionaires, side tacking and marginalizing millions under poverty. Corruptions have emerged as the only means for getting rich quick in India at all levels. The newly rich could virtually buy or leased out the money hungry politicians and party leaders in all political parties, including the Marxists and thereby plunder the wealth of the nation. The greedy mega rich in India feel that they are the real citizens or masters of the country and the people are mere stumbling blocks or nuisance for their onward march. It is quite natural on the part of the marginalized millions to lean towards extremism and to associate with splinter groups like Maoist or Naxel groups. This problem cannot be tacked with military forces, but only by brining them into the main stream and ensuring the fruits of developments to all people in India. Reforms and Empowerment However, several Indians both within and outside India have launched several anti-corruption campaigns, including legal battle and using social networking medias. The masses are getting empowered to fight against corruption and lopsided growth models. It is inevitable for India to introduce a series of reforms and a new development paradigm so as to prevent corruption and making the millions the real beneficiaries of development so as to make India truly developed giving top priority to human development. Towards a Federation It is also time both for India and Pakistan to form a Federation so as to cut short defense expenditure substantially on the one hand and to encourage free movement of people and massive investment and thereby ensure a real economic miracle for the people of India and Pakistan who share the common culture and heritage.
07 Apr 11, 15:28
India!! Will it erupt?
What's happening...a revolution in the making...people coming out in thousands on streets in more than 50 cities / towns to protest against rampant corruption. The inspiration sure is MENA countries. Mode again is modern media...satellite tv & internet. But isn't India a democracy? Yes, but a dysfunctional one...where a common man has virtually little chance to make it big in politics.
Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew
16 Aug 11, 12:46
Corruption in India
When I posted my write up " India on the Verge of a Revolution for Corruption' on 28th Feb 2011 in the Market Oracle, nobody was willing to accept my contention. Now, on 16th Aug. 2011, with Anna Hasser's Revolution, it has come near to truth. India is on the verge of a Revolution. Now both the Prime Minster and the President of India are forced to declare Corruption as the greatest challenge of India. The Youth and Women in India are on a war path against corruption that is the single factor that keeps over 61% of the Indian poipulation under poverty and ignorance while keeping corrupt politicans and corporate heads immensly rich and powerful. Now everybody is getting aware of such a reality.
Parth V
16 Aug 11, 15:03
Revolution in India simply never happens overnight
Prof. Raju this is nowhere near a revolution. The Government of India will not be overthrown, work will not stop for extended period of time, snap elections will not be called. There have been umpteen "mini-revolts" in India , but a revolution? India is not Egypt or China where a mass homogenous population exists. We can barely get along as a country, much less have a "real revolution" on a national level. Well I take that back, Cricket and Sachin Tendulkar are the only thing that India gets together for.
18 Aug 11, 12:44
Production of Space.
Most of the communities in the entire Indian sub-continent(such as Bengali) succumbed in ‘Culture of Poverty'(Oscar Lewis), irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody is at all feel regret ed or ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous absorption of common social space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold(supported by some lame excuses). Simply depriving their(the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society, fearless & dignified living. Do not ever look for any other positive alternative behaviour(values) to perform human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-parenting children those are born out of ignorance, extreme poverty. It seems that all of us are being driven only by the very animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of ‘poverty’) in their own life/attitude, involve themselves in ‘Production of (social) Space’ (Henri Lefebvre), initiate a movement by heart, decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come up. – Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah-711101, India.