The Day Mitt Romney Lost the U.S. Presidential Election 2012, Youtube Fund Raising Video
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US Presidential Election 2012
Sep 19, 2012 - 01:46 PM GMT
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Up until Monday, depending on which poll you referred to, the incumbent Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney were virtually neck and neck in the lead up to the Presidential debates. However Mitt Romney has now blown his chances of winning by having let his mask slip in a youtube video that reveals his true face to the electorate, gone was the wooden Romney of slow painfully delivered lines, instead replaced by rapid fire commentary of what he actually thinks of near half the american voting public (47%).
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That, that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what."

Draft dodger Romney Even Makes George W. Bush Look Good!
In response to Mitt Romney's fatal gaff, ultra slick Barack Obama stated:
"One of the things I've learned as president is you represent the entire country. My expectation is if you want to be president, you've got to work for everybody, not just for some.”
Mitt Romney instead of being on the attack on the abysmal performance of the US Economy, instead is constantly having to defend himself against a continuous stream of gaffes that the latest outburst is mere the icing of the cake off. The video illustrates to the electorate that Mitt Romney inhabits a difference planet to most american's and so does Barack Obama, but he has intelligence to retain the aura of being one of the people that Mitt Romney never had.
Therefore it does not take a genius to conclude that the U.S. presidential race is now all but over because a wooden Romney never stood a chance of improving his odds in the three presidential debates, at best he could hope to just stand his ground, at worst he was expected to slip a point in each debate, but after Mondays debacle he has fatally crippled himself and is destined to lose the November election.
Many tears will be being shed by the Tea party nutters, Fox News and the 1% as America prepares itself for four more years of Obama.
Who was the best man for the job?
This is very difficult to to answer because both candidates had strong positives and negatives, for instance Obama was never as socialist as the republicans made him out to be and much of what Romney badly states is economically very logical on terms of improving the prospects for the US economy. However the debt and deficit trajectories are such that neither candidate in practice would have made much actual difference to the economy which is wholly reliant on Fed money printing to the tune of $40 billion a month until it ignites a U.S. housing bull market, the prospects for which my next in depth analysis will take a close look at, to receive this analysis in your email in box ensure you are subscribed to my always free newsletter.
In my opinion, the american public have just had a lucky escape because Romney has all the traits of a sociopath, still the Republicans now have 4 years to find someone that is actually electable, unfortunately 77 year old Ron Paul will probably be too old to run?
Source and comments - http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article36617.html
By Nadeem Walayat
Copyright © 2005-2012 Marketoracle.co.uk (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved.
Nadeem Walayat has over 25 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of three ebook's - The Inflation Mega-Trend; The Interest Rate Mega-Trend and The Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2011 that can be downloaded for Free.

Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication that presents in-depth analysis from over 600 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets, thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction. http://www.marketoracle.co.uk
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20 Sep 12, 19:25
Wrong About Romney
A week after the press tried to convince the world of yet another Romney gaffe, last time that the Libyian attacks were the work of terrorists, he has said something, again. (Damn him!) This provoked another round of hysterical denunciations from the media. At a private gathering, Romney told donors that Obama had a lock on the 47 percent of voters "who pay no income tax" and "believe the government has a responsibility to care for them." This was deeply offensive to people who pay no income tax and believe the government has a responsibility to care for them. But no matter how much the media belch out the usual cliches -- out of touch, insensitive, racist, not one of us, Thurston Howell, etc. etc. -- what most people heard was: FORTY-SEVEN PERCENT OF AMERICANS PAY NO INCOME TAX? A friend of mine who spent time in Russia during the '70s told me that whenever a Russian would bring up the extensive coverage of Watergate, he'd sigh, thinking he'd have to explain that the American political system was not as corrupt as the commissars would have everyone believe. But all the Russians ever wanted to ask him was: "Do all Americans have such nice shoes?" The lesson is: You can't always control the message. Thanks to the myopia of our one-party media, most journalists are firmly convinced that voters will be appalled by Romney's description of 47 percent of Americans as supporting Obama because they pay no income tax. (Yes, head-up-their-butts journalists in the charming little burg of Manhattan are complaining that Romney isn't connecting with ordinary people.) But the only people shocked by Romney's statement of fact are those who would never vote Republican under any circumstances (and socialists the world over). Everyone else (at least in America) is saying, "Is it really as high as 47 percent?" -- as the media impotently shouts, "No, you idiot! That's not the point!" There's going to come a time, in the not-too-distant future, when it's 51 percent paying no income tax. And when that happens, the party of big government will never lose another election. America will become indistinguishable from Western European nanny states -- except there will be no America to protect us. The media happen to love the party of big government with all their heart, so from now until the election, no matter what Romney says, they plan to be scandalized.
21 Sep 12, 05:06
Hi David I think the point your missing is that the election is just 6 weeks away! To write off 47% of voters ahead of an election is loony. He is showing that he does not have what it takes to be a president. My opinion is that Rupublican or Democracts will make little real difference as America faces the SAME future of a mountain of debt to climb. Best NW
21 Sep 12, 12:56
Wrong About Romney Part II
Nadeem: With all due respect to your political leanings, the only reference to timing in your article appears in the opening sentence: Up until Monday. And then readers are treated to a gleefully delivered dismemberment of Romney's character. From masked wooden delivery, to secretive mask-slipping rapid fire commentary, draft-dodging not-even-equal to the blundering George Bush, and an alien without even the intelligence to maintain the lie-enhanced aura of his political competitor. From declaring Romney's hopes dead in the water forty seven days before the election, to rather unsubtly informing readers that not even a steallar performance could salvage the gaffe-prone, destined-to-lose Governor from Massachuessets. Without ever telling the reader your political leanings, you've gone and joined the ranks of the big-government media class. Forgive me if I missed your point about the election being six weeks out. I should have read your article with my cracker jack decoder read-between-the-lines super hero Karl Marx glasses. The only mask that appears to be slipping is yours.
21 Sep 12, 13:10
Romney III
Hi It is about 6 weeks until the election is it not ? And yes it is true Romney comes across mostly wooden, whereas in the video he is relaxed. Okay so worse than Bush was below the belt, no one could be worse than Bush, I'll give you that, we all have our favourite bushisms. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." So do you think Romney can beat slick Obama in the Presidential debates? He is now about 5 points behind going into th debates. Therefore in my opinion in all probability Romney HAS lost the election. My Mask is off ! - Politically, I am a free market capitalist. The US politician I most admire is Ron Paul. VOTE RON PAUL 2016! Best NW
05 Nov 12, 15:05
Romney is right,
Dear readers, I'm an economic libertarian, I think that freedom for business and personal initiatives and entrepeneurship is the path to growth and progress for a society... like the roots of America. So... In which case a Super Government, a big brother which would help you in all free or semi-paid... is good??? IN NOTHING. WHY? Because create on you a dependence of somebody.. it's like a child that always depends on their parents.. and never grow up.. now is mature. HAving a government that give you all is going to create in people the thought that they don't need to solve problems... and that is the path to failure. I think Romney is right, because people want thing easy.. they don't want to face problems and to think new ideas to overcome problems. Look europe.. they had that socialist-welfare state and they are in a deeper model crisis... not just economic.. and the people on PIGS they can't overcome the problems because they have always waited for government do and give things... and that sucks. Now they can't make solutions to overrun the model and economic crisis. The best asset of america is their entrepeneurs, like says Lloyd Blankfein. Romney is best than Obama Big Daddy Government. Is matter of ideology... romney's tends to face in the right way the problem rather than Obama. America to overrun the actual slowdown economy.. don't need low interest rate or Bernanke Easing... needs people facing problems and having solutions for the economy... in that way we will overrun the economic slowdown... in the long run.. the big daddy government will make you fall in crisis... like europeans... Also, personal experiencie of Romney have been of success... in economic issues... and Obama??????? See you soon, Mark Barrientos mbdorner@gmail.com
05 Nov 12, 15:16
US Election is Irrelevant
Romney vs Obama, the difference in practice will only be at the margins. They are led by events, not by policy, for instance for Obama it was coping with the aftermath of the Bush catastrophe. The next big event on the horizon is the Jan 1st fiscal cliff, in the face of which THIS election outcome is irrelevant because it is the outcome of what congress does in respect of the fiscal cliff that will decide what happens to the US econcomy over the next few years and not campaign rhetoric. Best NW