Zombie Apocolypse By Ben Bernanke
Politics / US Politics Mar 30, 2013 - 06:33 PM GMTBy: Submissions
Lance Burnham writes:
Is it a coincidence that the rise in popularity of zombie genre movies and shows( ie AMC Walking dead) is so high? In my opinion, it is a social manefestation of
what is happening economically in all the advanced economies of the west, led by the master of deception Ben Bernanke.
The middle class has been gutted by globalization, crony capitalism,
Zero interest forever, stealth inflation, heavy over regulation and taxation, and media manipulation. As well documented on numerous occasions on this site, income inequality has never
been worse, leaving vast chunks of the population impoverished, dependent on families, dependent on food stamps, looting any remaining credit available such as student loans, and
spending their last meagre resources on trinkets to pacify such as iphones /facebook, and tatoos.
Society has gone in a few short generations from opportunity, to no known prospects for the average person. I found it so powerful to read here that the minimum wage paid in 1965 at $1.25 in five silver quarters used at the time would need to be almost $25.00 now in todays currency to just keep even in purcahsing power with the official inflation statistics, never mind how manipulated they are.
On the next breath, there is a tiny cohort of well connected people, masters of the global economy, who live like absolute gods for now. It is a pretty good deal to be in the top management of a TBTF bank, or multinational corporation.
You can outsource all production to the least regulated countriess with the lowest wages, and sell it to the last vestiges of the advanced economy markets who are propped up by cheap credit thanks to Bernanke. He will keep interest rates too low forever to allow governments and consumers to borrow to the last dollar to keep the game alive. It matters not to them anyway, because they have become supra-national with the ability to move resources and production at any time to any place in the world when they spoil the sandbox.
It is laughable that the market gets driven ever higher on Bernankes put and a coopperative media due to "record" profits. Record profits are created by accounting tricks, currency manipulations, and are not even located in the USA. Could, or would these corporations ever return this money to the USA to pay tax or invest in America the bankrupt, and over regulated? Would China the overleveraged bubble queen ever let out of country these profits on American corporate balance sheets? The zombie hordes in the USA have let themselves be sold out for cheap trinkets at dollar general and walmart.
They let their corporate masters sell out their manufacturing, and technology to Asia on the pretense they could get something for nothing, and they did for a time, but the pipers about to be asked to get paid, as the amount of debt is choking us all at every level.
What is going on in Europe is just a bit ahead of us because they can't hide behind money printing like Bernanke is trying to do. He and Greenspan have been the master enablers of this disaster unfolding, and they keep doubling dow until they crap out. Never before has there been such a great attack on capitalism. Capital, and its creation and destruction have lost all meaning and purpose. Allocaton of capital has now become a joke. It is allocated with no cost mostly to governments to borrow and distribute to food stamps, false wars,unemployment benefits, crony business (solindra, GM, TARP, etc), Obamacare, and too many others to list.
The checks and balances inherent in capitalism are gone, as if bad investments are made in policy or form who cares because Bernanke will bail them out. No one needs to save money to create capital the old fashioned way as we can just print more. Instead of saving to look after ourselves, we can all become zombies and consume whats left of our society until we kill the last hosts.
Everyone, but apparently Bernanke, knows that you cannot print your way to prosperity. It would have been done before.
Everyone, but the government, knows that you cannot regulate and tax the economy out of existence, then pick industries to invest and bailouts to do based on politics and connections.
Everybody, but the government, knows that when you have to start to lie about statistics at evry chance through new sampling techniques, later revisions, seasonal adjustments, smoothing, and probably just fraud, that the game is getting terminal. It is end of times, the zombie apocolypse for our economy. It is beyond me how citizens cannot see through this all, and how badly it will end unless we collectively return to capitalisms roots.
In case I haven't made it cear, we can only be saved through:
- sound money which can only be increased in quantity by the amount of real production in the economy
- get rid of the federal reserve unless it goes back to real money policies
- time to default on the national debt, and begin anew with no deficit financing allowed by any government with the exeption of bonds for actual infrastructure projects
- interest rates set by market forces, not by manipulation
- massive deregulation
- a rejection of the idea of a command economy where governmets can select winners and losers through subsidies, bailouts, and tax policy for friends
- tax reform including taxing all corporate profits reported on the NYSE regardless of where they are made so companies cannot offshore evrything so conveniently
-break up the banks, they have gotten to big, they are not lending except to government, and they ahve become one with the federal reserve in a corrupt way
- companies, housing market, and people are allowed to default as capitalism can only thrive trhough creative destruction
- managing the disenfranchised through benefits should go back more to family, churches, and communites as the current system is going to kill us all
In short, our zombie system needs a massive reset, and I for one do not imagine Ben Bernanke, nor Obama are the ones to do this. They look intent to take us all off the cliff
together in one writhing screaming zombie mob, witnessed by the one percent from their gated secure residences located anyhere in the world deemed safe
By Lance Burnham DDS, avid reader of all things economic
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