David Cameron Defends British Power, After Russia 'Small Island' Snub
Politics /
UK Politics
Sep 07, 2013 - 12:13 AM GMT
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We are living in a fast changing world. That is never more so than for the status of many countries, and where the small Island of Britain is concerned, not so long ago Britain really was GREAT BRITAIN.
Unfortunately, Britain in geopolitical terms has been on a century long trend towards coming to reflect the actual size of Britain in terms of geography and population (having lost its colonies decades ago), in respect of which the older one is then the more in denial one is likely to be in terms of Britain's actual standing in the world.

However, it could be worse, we could be France! America's new poodle!
Nadeem Walayat
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Nadeem Walayat has over 25 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of four ebook's in the The Inflation Mega-Trend and Stocks Stealth Bull Market series.that can be downloaded for Free.

Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication that presents in-depth analysis from over 600 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets, thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction. http://www.marketoracle.co.uk
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07 Sep 13, 03:22
9th largest island in the world, actually! :) sarahkb7
07 Sep 13, 04:11
Island house prices
Yes, and there are many advanatages to living on an Island aka house prices :) And Czar Putin ignores teh fact that in recent years 400,000 of Russia's richest and smartest (including criminals) have parked themselves in London. Best NW
07 Sep 13, 14:17
geographical weight
How did you calculate your graphic? And even though it's shrunk, it's still punching above its geographical weight in 2020.
07 Sep 13, 15:48
GDP and military strength
Hi GDP and military strength, a map of all countries would show the US being about X3 its geographic size and most of Africa would be tiny. When I get time I will try and make such a map but will require sourcing software or programming to generate. In 1900 the US and Britain were roughly equally matched which is why the US in the early 1930's saw Britain "The Red Empire" as the MAIN threat to its interests and planned to attack and sieze Canada! Britain will always generate a bigger map than geogpraphy because we are more densely populated than most countries, with above average GDP per capita. Best NW
08 Sep 13, 10:03
If the Russians believe that we are a small of no importance country then why is it that they have to discuss Britain so much on there news program's ?.
08 Sep 13, 10:13
Czar Putin
Because despite Russia's huge land mass and potential, at this point in time is LESS geopolitical important than tiny Britain. Czar Putin is Russia's Assad.
08 Sep 13, 11:06
Seems to me that the week always try to drag the strong down.russia is pathetic haha cowards.
08 Sep 13, 11:36
Totalitarian states
All of the totalitarian states on one side (with Russia) and on the other side we have well err.. Nations trending towards becoming totalitarian states. It's all differing shades of grey with hidden agenda's. Best NW
09 Sep 13, 18:48
Time we got real
I think our standing in the world would actually be enhanced if our preening vain politicos stopped strutting about the place on G20 conferences etc trying to pretend we are still an empire and actually started recognising the limits of our power. At the minute we look like the walter mitty's of Europe, it is embarrassing, especially as we would have nothing to be ashamed of anyway. I see the "special relationship" is in the news again. Exactly illustrates my point. Obama hates the British for what happened to his grandfather in Kenya and in any case Washingtons idea of a relationship is everyone doing what they say. Time to get real I think.