Extreme Climate Change And Life On This Planet
Politics / Climate Change Apr 21, 2014 - 01:05 PM GMTBy: Andrew_McKillop
Elite Climate Change and Global Warming (CCGW)
There is no need to dwell on the political elite theory and fear of CCGW except that its main goal is to enrich the crony capitalist “carbon finance” industry and reward techno-geek start ups rushing their newest gimmick able to store sunlight for nighttime use to market, and then to IPO, powered by free sunshine! The elite doomster theme of CCGW is essentially no different from that of former Nazi ideologist Gunther Schwab. In his 1958 book “Dance With The Devil” he melded Goethe's Faust with Svante Arrhenius' original CO2 global warming theory, which by 1908 was defined, debated and discussed – and disputed – in scientific circles. Schwab used his Nazi-flavored version of CCGW theory to make an “Appeal to Humanity”, to abandon non-Aryan industry and cut CO2 emissions.
Later charlatans including Al Gore, James Lovelock and James Hansen recycled the Schwab theory, called it their own, and enriched themselves with it. They deliberately melded climate change with global warming - treating them as one and the same thing – the scientific basis of which is unsure.
The Arrhenius theory was not “proto-Nazi” and was scientific. Its main scientific argument is that human emissions of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, slightly change the chemical make-up of the planet's atmosphere and cause warming. Various effects such as “the greenhouse gas effect” and others including angular incident solar radiation effects, virtual albedo modifications, the ozone layer effect, were already suspected or under active study as climate modifiers well before Arrhenius' definitive-version warming theory of 1908. One of his critics, also a colleague, Anders Angstrom for whom the angstrom (size of the atom) unit is named, particularly criticized earlier versions of Arrhenius' theory, where he exaggerated the warming effect of greenhouse gas concentrations increasing, by at least two-fold. Critics and colleagues of Arrhenius also included the US astronomer Pierpoint Langley, and several other early atom scientists.
Arrhenius and the late-19th century scientific establishment were exposed to multiple shocks of drastically expanding knowledge, and changing theory. His first warming theory was for instance also affected by the publication, 20 years earlier, of Charles Darwin's evolution theory. Life was imagined to be in “fragile equilibrium” and pursuing a climate-change-free program of evolution towards English Victorian middle class values – for the human component of planetary life forms. That is 1 on the 5415 known mammal species of the planet, and 1 on the minimum of 1.5 million all known animal species on a current basis. Human arrogance has no limits, but Darwin had other interests in mind.
GRB and ECC Events
Arrhenius and the early atom scientists including Angstrom were unaware of what is studied and discussed-debated in cosmological physics and radioastronomy of today. The first scientific attempts to prove and measure cosmic radiation can be dated to 1910 and the German scientist Theodore Wulf who climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris with a geiger counter-type device (called an electroscope), leading to balloon ascents also testing the invisible radiative environment, by scientists such as Bracciano Pacini. Other scientists, some of them receiving Nobel physics prizes such as Viktor Hess, were able to show by 1913 that gamma ray and other cosmic radiation intensity was 4 – 5 times that at ground level, when measurements are made at 7500 metres – the typical altitude of commercial jetliner flights, if not Flight MH370. Other major and reputed atom scientists also active in pre-1914 studies on cosmic radiation included Wilhelm Roentgen and Max Planck.
Politics and war exercized a strong negative impact on cosmic radiation study and theory, due to a large number of German scientists being involved. By the early 1920s the Nobel committee had severely reduced the number of physics prizes awarded to Central Power nationals (Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia and others) and greatly increased physics prize awards to nationals of the Allied Powers (US, UK, France) and Neutral Powers including Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain and Holland.
This however in no way prevented cosmic radiation from being real!
GRB or Gamma Ray Bursts are cosmological origin, from inside or outside our “local galaxy” the Milky Way. Our solar system's position and disc-axis relationship is always changing. As you read this article, our solar system is moving at about 865 000 kilometres per hour as it rotates in the galaxy but also moves relative to the plane of the galaxy's thin disc at a variable speed, certainly above 2500 kms per hour. Incident GRB from novae and supernovae and other cosmological explosion events are not easily predictable but cosmologists and astronomers often utilise an approximate frequency of 1 mega event per billion years for any exposed solar system in the disc. Depending on the intensity of galactic or extra-galactic GRB, incidence angle of the radiation, and other parameters such as the type of nucleosynthesis trigggered by the GRB, cosmologists in the US, Russia and Japan today estimate the frequency may be closer to 9 ECC events every 1 billion years, for this planet.
Solar system positioning in the disc also affects the frequency. At present, our solar system is moving out of the plane. This can have a major impact on GRB incidence potentials for either north-south hemisphere, due to galactic and solar system architecture. Predicting the next GRB event which can cause an ECC event - which will always be towards intense or extreme cooling - is therefore highly speculative, simply due to geometry effects or incident angle of GRB.
While today's elite version of CCGW concerns a highly speculative warming of maybe 2 degC by about 2045 and an “extended thesis” of perhaps 5 or 6 degC warming by 2099, the type of ECC events caused by major GRB are radically intense, rapid, and always lead to large or massive cooling.
Expressed in simple easy to understand terms, cosmic rays include radiation with the incredible (to us) energy of about 10 to the power 15 times the energy intensity of light or normal photons, of the type the solar start up geeks want to store and use to their profit and kudos from “protecting the climate”. Heavy cosmic radiation literally slices through entire planets and keeps going. Planets are cut through like butter by a hot knife, whatever their type, gaseous or metallic. On its way, GRB can totally destroy ozone shields on planets like ours with a relatively delicate, relatively fixed gaseous composition. Very obviously, this is not just intense temperature change, but also has drastic impacts on prevailing climates and therefore on life forms of affected planets.
Planetary gaseous make-up is itself closely dependent on repeated cycles of radiative change of the local solar system, and radiative density change at the galactic and universal levels, concerning all types of radiation, whether visible to human beings or not. Relative to this, our present planetary CO2 concentration may be unimportant for the durability of life on this planet, for example because of GRB enabling or causing major changes of nitrogen gas and NOx (oxide derivatives of the nitrogen atom) quantities and activity when major events occur. The process is always rapid.
ECC Events and Mass Dieoffs
Evolutionists may or may not agree that massive die offs favor the emergence of new species. One leading explanation of the emergence of mammals, and therefore us, attributes this to the Triassic-Jurassic die-off event, particularly of saurians like the dinosaurs. The documented and scientifically agreed consensus view on GRB-induced mass die offs, on our planet, certainly includes the late Ordovician mass die-off, from extreme climate change, about 440 million years ago (Mya). In this event, approximately 95% of all invertebrate life disappeared. At the time, the few aquatic vertebrate life forms that existed on our planet were wiped out. No vertebrates existed on land.
The so-called “conquest by life” of non-aquatic terrestrial environments, including vertebrate evolution or emergence occurred well after 440 Mya. Previous to the Ordovician mass die off, the Earth's life forms were basically aquatic and only microbial, bacterial and a few plant organisms were able to exist on the single super-continent of this planet, Pangaea, which started to break up about 250 Mya.
The Ordovician mass die off was a global reset, for living things. The start of insect life on this planet closely corresponds with the event. Climate change was certainly massive due to features such as the almost total destruction of the ozone shield or layer. Intense global cooling was in the range of -10 degC (cooling of 10 degrees celsius) at least two times the claimed (or hoped for) global warming by 2099, of the more-hysterical CCGW charlatans anxious to peddle doomster predictions. The penetration effects of intense gamma radiation and other high energy radiation including high speed protons and thermal neutrons, in the Ordovician event was at least 10 – 30 metres depth in all oceans and seas. Nearly all oceanic life was wiped out. The chemical make-up of the atmosphere was rapidly and massively changed, notably by the CNO (carbon-nitrogen-oxygen) process of nucleosynthesis, and by spallation, and by thermal neutron bombardment.
Cosmological physicists and stellar astronomers argue that this process – when it starts – can run very fast, not at all on the million-year scale of change, but above all it is unpredictable. They contrast the GRB-induced reset for life on this planet, with “random event change” such as the impact, in a physical sense, of bolide (asteroids and meteorites above 2 kms diameter) collisions with the Earth. These are given scientific consensus support as a main, or possibly the only cause of the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event dated at about 201 Mya, but this was however much smaller, and slower than the GRB-induced Ordovician event.
What can be called mechanical-induced climate change (bolide impacts) also interact with the constantly changing gamma ray and cosmic radiation environment. As just one example, the possible impacts of SN1987A, the 1987 supernova at about 50 kiloparsec (around 170 000 light years) distance from our solar system, possibly due to a blue supergiant EMP (low metallicity) star explosion upstream of the event, has yet to provide a corresponding predicted neutron star. There is a “missing neutron star” with a very large and calculable GRB potential. Related radiative events may or can be large or extreme in our Galaxy, but on an unpredictable time basis.
GRB events, of variable intensities but able to change Earth climate are possibly overdue at this time, and are impossible to exclude as climate changers. The known, but unexplained large variations in ozone layer thickness in Antarctica, but almost zero change of the Arctic ozone shield, is possibly explainable by different incident angles of GRB, from galactic or extra galactic sources. Galactic architecture or the exact position of our solar system relative to major gamma ray emitters is above all uncertain. This leads to the real possibility of GRB ECC events occurring - or already being under way - but assumed by human beings as due to their own CO2 emissions. Human arrogance again!
By Andrew McKillop
Contact: xtran9@gmail.com
Former chief policy analyst, Division A Policy, DG XVII Energy, European Commission. Andrew McKillop Biographic Highlights
Co-author 'The Doomsday Machine', Palgrave Macmillan USA, 2012
Andrew McKillop has more than 30 years experience in the energy, economic and finance domains. Trained at London UK’s University College, he has had specially long experience of energy policy, project administration and the development and financing of alternate energy. This included his role of in-house Expert on Policy and Programming at the DG XVII-Energy of the European Commission, Director of Information of the OAPEC technology transfer subsidiary, AREC and researcher for UN agencies including the ILO.
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