If All Else Fails, You Eat Your Kids
Politics / Social Issues Jul 05, 2014 - 03:39 PM GMTBy: Raul_I_Meijer
The global financial system owns our societies, banks, politicians, the whole lot. It therefore owns us too, which includes you, and it’s very counterproductive to deny that. It can do what it wants and what it pleases with impunity. It took the finance wizards surprisingly long to figure that out, but they have. This has enabled them to buy everything and everyone they wanted to buy.
Starting about 40 years ago with the demise of the last slice of gold standard, a tidal wave of debt was unleashed upon western societies, and later on China, that has since taken on proportions the label absurd cannot begin to describe. Yet, as with so many things in life, if and when introduced sufficiently slow and sneaky, people don’t even notice and when they do, they simply see it as a given. “You get used to anything, sooner or later it becomes your life”.
This kind of slow and sneaky scheme gets far more persuasive if the perpetrators manage to convince people that it is actually to their benefit. That the scheme is meant to, for instance, lift them out of a crisis. “It’s very complicated, but lucky you, we know much more about this than you do, and you can trust us, since after all, we’re all in this together, we all want and need growth”. Or else, we have armageddon. Or seven plagues.
So an insane amount of money has been spent, and pledged, on all sorts of sub-schemes – QE – that ostensibly will solve our problems, and theirs. Only, theirs have to be solved first, because if they’re not, it’s still seven plagues for everyone. There is a man in the street “consumer” base consisting of many hundreds of millions of people in the west that can be drawn on to “finance” the rescue schemes. And if that is not enough, there are hundreds of millions more of their children. Who will all be forced to put in their labor to try and survive.
What the perpetrators know, and neither the people nor their children do, is that a recovery is not possible, because as things stand it would have to be built on a pile of debt so large that it makes any recovery impossible. Record stock markets, higher home prices and a tidal wave of good news stories about equal in size to the debt tidal wave, have kept the public in the dark about this painfully simple fact. Meanwhile, not only is the bankrupt financial system being kept alive, it’s made much richer.
What makes this possible is the same thing that makes it possible for us to continue our ‘normal’ lives, and to pretend that it’s normal in the first place, to let debt increase where we don’t immediately notice it. It’s like a bunch of guys with masks coming into your home at night while you’re watching TV, and taking away everything that’s not in your direct range of vision. And then the morning comes.
It’ll be very hard to pry back control over our lives from the cold hands of the rich and ruling class, not in the least because they have incorporated the military-industrial complex into their power sphere while we are stuffing our homes with trinkets and gadgets. But at some point and at some time we will need to realize that the only way we can keep up the appearances that our lives have become, is to take away from our children’s lives and wealth and well-being.
We may not at this point literally eat the flesh of our children, but we do eat their lives. We desire the same TVs and cars and homes our neighbors have, or better and bigger if at all possible, but we refuse to see what prices we pay for those things. Our world today promotes matter over mind, the biggest and ugliest trap that exists for our species. When you think about it, an opposable thumb is very handy, but what good is it if you use it only to produce bling? Are we perhaps not supposed to be smarter than that?
It’s not that hard, it really isn’t. But as long as we keep telling ourselves it’s all awfully hard to understand, we can continue to live in our comfort zones for another day, while Rome is burning. There are plenty species that eat their kids, or leave them behind, or chase them away, but we all (well, not all) pretend we love our children, and many of us would claim we’d give our lives for them. Well, here’s your chance to prove it.
You can either continue to sit in front of your TV, and work your job, and drive to the supermarket, and check your stocks 10 times a day. Or you can put your energy into ensuring that either the system ends, or that you and yours stop depending on it.
Door number 1, you eat your kids’ futures.
Door number 2, you fight for their futures.
That’s all the doors there are. And there’s precious little time left to make your choice.
Happy 4th of July to you and yours.
By Raul Ilargi Meijer
Website: http://theautomaticearth.com (provides unique analysis of economics, finance, politics and social dynamics in the context of Complexity Theory)
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