What would a Gorden Brown PM mean for Britian ?
Politics /
UK Politics
Sep 26, 2006 - 07:00 PM GMT
By: Sarah_Jones
On the day when Tony Blair made his last speech at a labour party conference, we ponder what a Gorden Brown Premiership would mean for Britian ?
Gordon Brown having waited some 10 years, is now poised to become the next PM sometime during the next 9 months.
On face value, there is not much difference in declared policy substance between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.
But the problem is that there are substantial areas of policy where he hasn't set out any details.
He has shown that he cares passionately and deeply about the developing world and that he thinks seriously about the nature of society and the relationships between the individual and the social structures they form part of.
His achievements to date include the granting of independence in monetary policy to the Bank of England, 10 solid years of economic growth, record employment, low inflation and low interest rates. The only negative is the high level of debt i.e. both public and private sector, especially since the 'golden rule' despite the fiddling has been broken !
Thus, this is likely to translate into a more conservative government, i.e. less risk taking then Tony Blair's march into an unwinnable war in Iraq, and more low key. He is likely to give more independence to government departments and the regions.
Overall, he has shown himself to be a great No 2 !, whether this can translate into a great No1, is a separate question, as he will need to face the electorate in a general election ! with the Tories for the first time in 15 years, with an attractive face to the broad mass of the electorate and pose a real and credible threat to New Labour!
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09 Feb 08, 07:44
broken the law
dear mr.gorden brown, this is the result of broken the magna carta, uk law, european law. |Print Story| |Close Window| TRIBUNAL SET TO DELIVER VERDICT ON GP'S 'SEX AND RACE' CLAIMS Date : 07.02.08 A GERMAN GP living in Witham will have to wait to hear the verdict of an employment tribunal hearing her claim that she suffered racial and sexual discrimination virtually from the moment she started working for an Essex health trust. Dr Marion Becker told an employment tribunal that as part of the deal to recruit her to the Witham, Braintree and Halstead Care Trust in 2003 she was promised a "Golden Hello" payment of £12,000. But the payment was not finally made until July 2005, she told the third day of the hearing in Bury St Edmunds and no-one at the trust could explain why. Giving evidence with the assistance of an interpreter, Dr Becker, of The Oaks, Witham, said that when faced with a financial deficit, the trust had failed to consult with her properly before saying she was to be made redundant. Dr Becker is claiming unfair dismissal, sexual and racial discrimination against the Mid Essex Primary Care Trust - successor to the Witham, Braintree and Halstead Care Trust - and it's chief executive Dr Paul Zollinger-Read. Dr Becker was employed for three and a half years as a salaried locum. But the tribunal heard that in May 2006 when faced with the need to make cuts to address an £18 million budget deficit the trust's management had decided to axe the locum GP service. Chief executive Dr Zollinger-Read, himself a GP in Braintree, told the tribunal that the sole reason for Dr Becker being made redundant had been the need for financial economies. The tribunal was adjourned to allow the panel to consider Dr Becker's claims. A decision will be announced later. |Print Story| |Close Window|
m j southcott-barnes
19 Jun 08, 09:55
shame on you all, you the few that hold the lives of so many,yet treat us with complete disreguard.my whole sence of being, my history,my sence of pride of being british was taken away without so much as by your leave.you have torn up the magna carter,now you wave a new piece of paper,have you fogotten how many died because of total denile of the peoples wants and needs,and the failure to listen.hang your flags at half mast for you have wounded the country badly,and it will be the people you distrust so much that will bring it back to the great country it was, a country to be proud of ,a country respected by all.
r mcdonald
09 Jul 08, 15:51
Gordon Brown
dear Mr brown you need to come out in to the real world we are not waisting food . we are paying to much rent , too much pol-tax, to much interest , and paying to much on our heating cost we are paying to much of our hard earned money on the likes of you and it needs to stop now . you need to give the people of this country a little of there self respect back . stop the emigrants coming in , let us have some of our wages for our selves we are working to exist
27 Feb 09, 04:54
Gordon Brown Thanks for Nothing!
mr brown i wish to thank u for doing a great job for gb ,firstly thanks for bailing out all the banks with the working mans money,thanks for bailing out the foreign car com,thanks for shafting the royal mail,but most off all thanks for shagging the british people who put there trust in u,and lastly thanks to the labour gov for putting my rent up by 5.5 percent when there is no pay deals this year,poll tax to come from a 22 year post man roll on the torys,once again thank u for,nothing
Bill Callaway
10 Mar 09, 16:04
Democracy in Britain
Did any person in this country vote for Gorden Brown as PM? Did any person in this country vote for Peter Mandelson as MP? Are we going to persue the poor, unfortunate CEO of Lloyds when Brown created new legislation to allow the take-over of HBOS? Is there any democracy left in this country?
18 Mar 09, 08:21
yo stop man you need to lower taxes and thing like that no wonder peaple are living on the streets of london you could of put then there man because they could not pay ther rent,tax or what ever. man lower payment
mrs d watts
05 Apr 09, 18:24
credit card charges
As the bank interest rate is 1% WHY ARE CREDIT CARDS CHARGING ANYTHING UP TO 30% MY SON FELL INTO THE CREDIT TRAP now they cant afford to keep up with two young children every day is a bad dream or pay off thier bills at these high interest rates WHY WHEN THE BANK BASE RATE IS SO LOW????????
14 Apr 09, 16:11
Gorden Brown
I would like to say you are a pain in the A** you have got this place like a S*** Hole you let every tom dick and Harry into this country and they take all the Jobs and leave the British with nothing, you are a One eye Scottish *** we dont want you as our PM go back to scotland where you belong you might learn something from the way scotland run things.
James F Walker
06 Jun 09, 01:28
The country at the moment is waiting for THE leader, to invite no insist, that the police are brought in, to do there duty, and punish the one's who have been stealing from us.
30 Sep 09, 16:36
Gordon Brown
31 Mar 10, 09:41
I regret you having passed a comment about people of this country not welcoming immigrants into this country .I feel it was untrue .I for one welcome any imigrants who come to this country legaly and who are a willing to pay thier way and who also pay all thier taxes just as us british do.It is the illegal ones that I object to as a lot of other people do .I for one will not vote labour.
mohan sellathurai
06 May 10, 19:37
wish you all the best you will win this election and my family also very kind of welcome.mr gorden brown