War for Muslim Gold and Silver: Goldsmiths Part XXXIX
Commodities / Gold & Silver 2009 Feb 25, 2009 - 04:32 PM GMTBy: Robert_Bradshaw
As discussed in an article on World Power Blocs at www.analysis-news.com , and in other Goldsmiths' material, there is strong evidence that in coming days the Muslim empire of the South will have treasures of gold and silver which may invite a military invasion, evidently by a power bloc in the North. The Northern power will seize, steal or otherwise take possession/rulership of the gold and silver treasures in the South.
To appreciate this course of events, it must be said that the Northern power appears to be the European Union and the South will be an Arab/Muslim configuration. So, the question here is how is it possible that the empire of the South can have such a quantity of gold and silver that it will invite an invasion and conquest of its territory and the loss of control over its apparent gold and silver assets.
The very fact that this event takes place allows that the gold and silver riches in the South (perhaps Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc) must be substantial and evidently more than has been true in modern times.
The Current Situation
For the past year or so a number of nations around the world have begun to openly question the practice of the various nations blindly allowing the US dollar to rule supreme over much of the rest of the world (as the world's so-called reserve currency used in international trade and commerce), despite its problems in the United States.
Because of its backing and support by the Western plutocrats (like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers), the Cabal controlled nations (the EU, Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand) have stayed on board to support and promote the US dollar even though it has meant an economic disaster for their own nations and their own financial survival. The state of Israel has gone along on this course, perhaps because the US is its primary financial supporter and the Israelis don't have any plausible alternatives.
Certain other states have also went along with this status quo because they have been getting benefits from the US (like the military assistance going to the Saudis); have been conquered nations and lacking any real independence from the US (like Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany and Japan); have been big sellers of goods to the US (like China, Mexico and much of Latin America); and/or have benefited otherwise (like the outsourcing going to India, the Philippines, etc).
But perhaps the biggest problem of all which has precluded any form of an agreement on displacing the US dollar in the global arena has devolved to the question of which nation/currency will get to rule supreme or be the captain of the ship. Many nations of the world either want to direct things and/or have their currencies in the driver's seat. Of course, this division problem is not present among Americans, Europeans and British Commonwealth devotees where the Cabal rules supreme and no one can question its power and decisions. But change is in the winds.
Perhaps the biggest catalyst for change has been the recent plutocratic directed collapse in oil and the push for a deflationary fall (as discussed in Goldsmiths X and others). These events have upset the thinking of people in many other nations in the world—particularly Russia, China, and the Muslim states in the Middle East.
Just like the Cabal has successfully defrauded, deceived and cheated the people of the US, Britain, British Commonwealth and Europe for the past 250 years or so, it has likewise successfully done the same thing to much of the rest of the world. The situation with the Canadians was discussed in Goldsmiths, Part XV, and with Japanese investors in Goldsmiths, Part XXI. As many foreign nations begin to put two and two together they are realizing that the Cabal is out to cheat them.
Besides the efforts of Iraq (under Saddam) and Iran to turn to gold and other non-dollar currencies, the past few years have seen the Russians actually advocate a reserve currency status for the Russian ruble. Both Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev have openly called for an increase in the value of the ruble and a greater role for it in international affairs. While they have not necessarily advocated that the ruble should/would replace the US dollar, they have frequently indicated that the ruble should at least be a regional reserve currency—perhaps in much of Asia.
Interestingly, there has even been some international support/discussion on the ruble assuming a more important profile in the world economic situation. On this, Reuters of Jun 8, 2008 had a report by Robin Paxton which said:
“ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - The Russian ruble could potentially become a reserve currency if the country's economy continues to grow, a top official at the International Monetary Fund said on Sunday. It's quite conceivable that the ruble could emerge as a much more important international currency," John Lipsky, the fund's first deputy managing director, told Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of the St Petersburg Economic Forum…
“President Dmitry Medvedev said during the forum he wanted to turn the ruble into a key regional reserve currency as part of a Kremlin drive to make Russia an international financial centre.
“Lipsky earlier told reporters that fighting inflation and maintaining strong economic growth were among the main tasks facing Russia as it seeks to grow the ruble's influence on world currency markets. ‘Developments in the Russian economy have been broadly very favorable. There is a sense of confidence and modernization; an increasing recognition that, if managed well, the Russian economy will play an increasingly important role,' he said.
"To become a reserve currency, experience shows that they're always backed by a developed financial system, so the development and modernization of the Russian financial system will open the prospect of the ruble becoming more generally used as a reserve currency."
The very fact that the IMF is addressing the question of the ruble becoming a reserve currency has to be significant. So it's more than simple Russian speculation that the ruble can have a larger role in global economic matters. As a minimum, Russia has been increasing her gold supplies—perhaps specifically for the possible coming time when the ruble can achieve a reserve status in the global economy.
The London “Daily Telegraph” of Jan 31, 2009 had a report by Ambrose Evans Pritchard on the recent activities at the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos, Switzerland. Pritchard quoted Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin from his speech calling for a concerted action to break the stranglehold of the US dollar and create a new global structure of regional powers.
In this speech at the Forum, Putin said that "The one reserve currency has become a danger to the world economy: that is now obvious to everybody.” Per Pritchard, Putin added that the leading powers should ensure an "irreversible" move towards a system of multiple reserve currencies, questioning the "reliability" of the US dollar as a safe store of value." Putin also noted that “The pride of Wall Street investment banks don't exist any more."
Assuredly, the Western plutocratic rulers are watching the ruble. And if there is any prospect of the ruble interfering in the super role of the US dollar, then there will be increasing tensions between the controlled Christian West and Russia. The recent flap in Georgia (which was specifically set up by the Cabal) could be a precursor of things to come which could lead to WWIII.
For sure, the Western media owned and controlled by the super rich plutocrats will be attacking Russia and Putin more and more in the coming days. The groundwork is now being laid for WWIII.
For many years now, the Chinese have been content to sit back and let the West have all the glory and credit for the world economy. But with the inflow of dollars and dollar assets into China, in the past twenty years or so, the Chinese attitude has been changing.
Just as gold has become important in Russia, the same is true in China. The Chinese government buys up all Chinese gold production. So, along with its huge chest full of dollars, the Chinese are beginning to accumulate some gold (and if China should start spending some of its dollars for gold, as she might be now doing on the global markets, the price of gold will go up substantially).
The Oct 24, 2008 Reuters had a story by Simon Rabinovitch and Ken Wills which could prove to be far reaching in international affairs. It said:
“BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has plundered global wealth by exploiting the dollar's dominance, and the world urgently needs other currencies to take its place, a leading Chinese state newspaper said on Friday. The front-page commentary in the overseas edition of the People's Daily said that Asian and European countries should banish the U.S. dollar from their direct trade relations for a start, relying only on their own currencies.
“A meeting between Asian and European leaders, starting on Friday in Beijing, presented the perfect opportunity to begin building a new international financial order, the newspaper said. The People's Daily is the official newspaper of China's ruling Communist Party. The Chinese-language overseas edition is a small circulation offshoot of the main paper.
“Its pronouncements do not necessarily directly voice leadership views. But the commentary, as well as recent comments, amount to a growing chorus of Chinese disdain for Washington's economic policies and global financial dominance in the wake of the credit crisis.
" ‘The grim reality has led people, amidst the panic, to realize that the United States has used the U.S. dollar's hegemony to plunder the world's wealth,' said the commentator, Shi Jianxun, a professor at Shanghai's Tongji University. Shi, who has before been strident in his criticism of the U.S., said other countries had lost vast amounts of wealth because of the financial crisis, while Washington's sole concern had been protecting its own interests.
" ‘The U.S. dollar is losing people's confidence. The world, acting democratically and lawfully through a global financial organization, urgently needs to change the international monetary system based on U.S. global economic leadership and U.S. dollar dominance,' he wrote.
“Shi suggested that all trade between Europe and Asia should be settled in euros, pounds, yen and yuan, though he did not explain how the Chinese currency could play such a role since it is not convertible on the capital account…
" ‘How can Europe and Asia grasp each other's hands and together confront the once-in-a-century global financial crisis sparked by the U.S.; how can they construct a new equitable and safe international financial order?' he said…”
This backdrop on Russia and China brings up the reality of an organization called BRIC—made up of Brazil, Russia, India and China. BRIC is an economic and trade forum whose representatives meet every few months to discuss mutual issues of importance to its members. On the surface, this group seems to offer alternatives to the G7 forum which is run by the US and Europe under the rulership of the Cabal team of financial manipulators.
While the G7 fat cats have largely ignored BRIC and its meetings, things are now in the process of change as the plutocratic push for a deflationary correction in the global economy is setting the stage for trouble not only in the US and Europe but also in other parts of the world. As a minimum, the BRIC nations are strong economically in their own right and must be reluctant to face enormous economic troubles because of the skullduggery and dishonest of the Cabal which rules supreme in the US and Europe.
There is no doubt about it, BRIC will be holding meetings and issuing declarations in the coming days expressing their dissatisfaction over events and trends in the global economy. At some point in time, BRIC will have to take a stand on a world reserve currency besides the US dollar.
A Pan Islamic Currency
Contrary to the economic and money problems in much of the Third World and especially in Latin America and Africa (South of the Sahara), the states of Malaysia and Singapore in Asia have had some stability, growth and cause for respect.
Of course, with a growing economy and stable currency, it wasn't long and a possible Rothschild relative or colleague named George Soros allegedly decided to move in and crash the Malaysian currency so he could make a pile of money on the manipulation (the MO for some has for ages been to move in on a small country and crash its economy and political structure in some way to allow the Cabal to move in and take over the nation).
After many days of turmoil from the team, and its alleged player George Soros, Malaysia finally survived without collapsing into the grasp of the Cabal's plans for evil. Perhaps it was the personal strength and determination of the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, which coalesced to allow the nation to emerge victorious after its bout with the Cabal. In any case, it did survive and was not conquered as has happened with various other nations.
In 2003, following the Malaysian victory over the forces trying to destroy it, then Prime Minister Mohamad proposed a pan-Islamic gold dinar currency. Of course, it was such an ambition of Saddam Hussein which ultimately cost him his life as the plutocrat directed US conquerors moved in to take his country over and murder him in the process. But somehow, Mohamad and the nation of Malaysia survived.
Yet, on the minus side, Mohamad's plans for a pan-Islamic gold dinar currency went no where at that time. Maybe too many countries were looking at the US invasion and conquest of Iraq and they decided to back off and take a low profile and do nothing to upset the plutocrats ruling the US and Christian West.
A Persian Gulf Combine
But the hope for a Muslim gold backed dinar was not dead and its idea continued off and on since 2003. The next big development was the decision of Iran to move to gold and other currencies in its sale of oil. And while Bush and the Cabal players have threatened and intimidated Iran continuously for the last couple of years or so, the state survives (although a US attack is now on the drawing boards and will become a reality soon).
This backdrop brings up an article in the May 9, 2008 Asia Times by Nathan Lewis on “The Gulf Currency Solution.” Lewis wrote:
“ Persian Gulf states, including Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, are talking about dropping their currencies' pegs to the US dollar. Inflation in these states is spinning out of control, as the peg causes their currencies to follow the dollar lower.
“They have been somewhat hesitant about this, not least because of concern over a viable alternative. They could peg to another currency, such as the euro, or even the yen, but pegging to either of these could at some point create the same difficulties that the dollar peg is creating now. It was not that long ago that the euro was trading at US$0.87.
“Another option is some sort of currency basket, as is used by Singapore. This is not a bad solution, as it provides some diversification among central bankers' errors. However, in the sort of dollar-led worldwide inflation that is happening today, typically all currencies sink together.
“Of course, these countries could try to go it alone, with an independent currency. But there is hardly any guarantee that the home-grown central bankers would be better than those at the US Federal Reserve or European Central Bank. Smaller countries have a history of regular currency crises.
“The problem with all these alternatives is that, at their base, they rely on some personage like US Federal Reserve head Ben Bernanke to manage the currency properly. There is little evidence that this ever happens. Central bankers always screw up, eventually.
“There is one and only one monetary system that has a history of not screwing up. That, of course, is gold. One of the most common currencies in the Gulf region was the gold dinar. Ibn Khaldun, the 14th century Arab genius, wrote that the dinar had the weight in gold of 50.4 grains of barley, or 4.25 grams. Today, gold dinar coins are still being produced, in Malaysia. They contain 4.25 grams of gold. The first standardized gold dinar coins date from AD 698. They contain 4.25 grams of gold.
“Why did people use these coins for over 1,000 years? Because, when using the coins, they never ran into problems, like those governments face today, that would cause them to adopt another system. These regions are no strangers to fiat paper currencies. The king of Persia issued a fiat paper currency in the year 1294, the first paper currency outside of China. These systems didn't last. You can imagine why. Faith and superstition could never persist for 1,000 years. Gold makes good money because it has the most desirable characteristic of money: it is stable in value…
“There are probably too many people in the world for everyone to use gold coins. That is one reason paper currencies, linked to gold, were invented. However, for a smaller region like the Persian Gulf states, it would be possible to use gold coins in daily transactions… silver coins, redeemable for gold dinars on demand, could be used for smaller transactions. Bank transactions would remain electronic, but bank reserves could be redeemed for gold bullion on demand. Paper money would cease to exist in the Gulf states.
“The Gulf states are uniquely suited for this change because their main export is oil. They don't have to worry as much about the ‘competitive disadvantage' that results when the US dollar or other major currencies are devalued. Governments' desire to avoid this ‘competitive disadvantage' is why major currencies typically decline together, causing inflation everywhere. Of course, the Gulf states would be paid for their oil in dinars--dinars linked to gold.”
While the idea of a gold based dinar for the Gulf states has not yet reached fruition, it is on the drawing board and may be soon coming.
In an article on “US Dollar Death Dance,” Jim Willie in the Hat Trick letter (at Goldseek.com), said that the Arabs want a global gold trading center and a gold backed Gulf dinar currency in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Willie notes that “The Gulf Coop Council is biding time, cutting time delay deals, warding off pressure by the US Govt, appeasing with weapons contracts from the US Military, and is working behind the scenes to create a new dinar currency.”
Per Willie, foreign nations will be forced to purchase the dinar for most or all of their crude oil payments coming out of the Middle East. He adds that many of the details are unknown, but the basic structure has been slowly come to light. It can come fast now that crude oil prices are down.
The Latest
For the latest on the Arab move to replace the US dollar, rense.com had a Jan 3, 2009 report/blog on the “Gulf Cooperation Council to create new currency” which discussed the Gulf States' actions in the vein of including Saudi Arabia. The Saudis apparently were not involved to any extent in earlier new currency initiatives. Perhaps the work of the Western plutocrats to crash oil and elevate the US dollar has added new momentum to the effort.
This report quoted an Internet article from seekingalpha.com which said that “Gulf Cooperation Council leaders yesterday concluded their 29th annual summit meeting in Muscat, Oman with a final approval for the creation of a single currency for the six nation economic bloc, still targeted for 2010 (editor's note--the GCC includes Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates). Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the GCC and boasts substantial gold reserves. But whether gold will be included in the currency basket has not yet been decided.”
Seeking Alpha added that GCC assistant secretary-general Mohammad Al Mazroui told Gulf News: “We first have to decide on the location of the Central Bank, then the Central Bank and Monetary Council will have to decide on the gold reserves for the Central Bank.”
The new Gulf based single currency will apparently be called the Khaleeji which means Gulf in Arabic. It is believed that the new currency will break the Gulf States' pegs to the US dollar and benefit gold. Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has directed that GCC economic integration committees speed up their work and complete the whole exercise by September 2009.
As the article concluded, the breaking of their dollar pegs by the Gulf Arab nations is clearly dollar negative. And secondly, any inclusion of gold either as a part of the monetary basket, or in the reserves of the new GCC Central Bank will create additional demand for the precious metal.
The essence of the above reports is that things are building up on the global scene for a new world reserve currency. The dollar could quickly head for the garbage can. And with it, US notes, bonds and paper in general could also quickly pass into history. Any or all of the above developments can be the catalyst to completely upset the plans of the plutocratic financial market manipulators. Such an event can represent the loss of some of the Cabal control over the US and European financial markets.
Once a gold backed dinar or Khaleeji comes into play in the Gulf region, it won't be long and much of the rest of the world will have to acknowledge it as at least a regional reserve currency. This will mean that the US dollar will no longer be the exclusive power source in that part of the world.
The only drawback in achieving such a gold backed dinar or Khaleeji to assume a reserve currency status has been and is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have to be on board or the idea will not really become important in the global arena. But there are problems in getting full Saudi support for this motion (although this lack of Saudi support could now be changing somewhat in view of the GCC developments). While the Saudi people are Arab Muslims (descending from Ishmael, son of Abraham), the Saudi royal family are actually a different people racially.
The Jan-Mar 2000 Petah Tikvah magazine (p. 55-57) had an article by Vendyl Jones on “Who Was His Majesty King Hussein,” which said that the Faisal family of Saudi Arabia was originally Edomite slaves in the ancient Hashemite kingdom which took over the Trans-Jordan in the 20th century. Jones claims that when Lawrence of Arabia tied in with the Arabs, the British created the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and gave it to the Emir Faisal I, who was a slave to the Hashemite ruler, Sharif Hussein bin Ali, Emir of Mecca.
This racial divide between the Saudi royalty and the people of the nation has meant that the royal family there has had far more in common with Israel and the Christian West than they had with the people of Saudi Arabia proper.
It is also this fact which has motivated the Saudi royals to continuously look to the US for support instead of the other Arab states in the Mid East. Finally, there is great fear among the Saudi royals that some Arab Muslim revolutionary movement can arise and end their rein. Hence they are running scared presently. One must wonder what it would take for the Saudis to fully support a Pan-Islamic or even Gulf wide dinar or Khaleeji ? But anything is possible.
The above article has been published by the Analysis of News to better inform people on the activities of the plutocratic financial market manipulators and what they are doing to deceive us and cheat us out of our last nickels and dimes whenever we try to play on their field.
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By Robert Bradshaw
Robert Bradshaw is a retired CPA and editor of Analysis of News at www.Analysis-News.com.
© 2009 Copyright Robert Bradshaw - All Rights Reserved
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