Category: European Stock Markets
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, June 02, 2018
Is the EU About to Collapse? Stocks Don’t Think So / Politics / European Stock Markets
By: Graham_Summers
The “Italy Crisis” is over.
I know the headlines read as though Italy was collapsing and the Euro is about to implode. But the headlines are reporting on yesterday’s news.
The collapse of the Italy government means a new election. That, in turn, means a pro-Euro politician heading Italy. And that in turn means the Italy Crisis is over.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2017
4 Reasons European Stocks Will Make a Big Comeback This Year / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: John_Mauldin
BY STEPHEN MCBRIDE : Just a year ago, Europe looked like the last place where you’d want to put your money.
The UK had voted to leave the EU, top German and Italian banks were in shambles, and populists reigned on the Continent.
The issues that plagued Europe didn’t fade away, but the turmoil subsided.
While everyone was applauding the uptick in US growth after the election, Europe recorded higher growth in 2016. This reversal of fortunes has now begun to show up in the markets.
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Saturday, April 22, 2017
Le Pen, Melenchon French Election Stock, Bond and Euro Markets Crash / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The French people, European Union and financial markets are counting down to a potential seismic history shattering election result event, perhaps bigger than Britains' BrExit, perhaps even a bigger shock than Trump winning the US Election, for a Le Pen / Melenchon extremes of the far right and far left result would mark the starting point for the DEATH of the Euro-zone and soon afterwards the European Union.
Friday, April 07, 2017
3 Must-See Market Charts: Learn What's Next for Europe / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
You can learn a LOT about stocks from these 2 factors
In this new interview, Brian Whitmer, the editor of our European Financial Forecast and contributor to the European section of Global Market Perspective, highlights the precarious position of European stock markets.
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Thursday, March 09, 2017
Warnings Posted by European Stock Market Indices / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Harry_Dent

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Friday, January 13, 2017
What Can Stock Market Tell You About Politics? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
Dear reader,
Our friends at Elliott Wave International have just posted a new article, "What Can Stock Market Tell You About Politics?"
The stock market and politics are indeed connected -- but probably not in the way you think.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Deutche Bank Stock Price Crash - The EU Has Problems Far Beyond the Brexit / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Harry_Dent

That’s just like markets on “crack!” They react to political events, but totally miss the fundamentals.
Yes, Brexit is important. Years from now it will be recognized as the beginning of the end for the great Eurozone experiment.
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
France CAC40 Stock Market Technical Outlook / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Austin_Galt
The French stock index, the CAC40, has traded more or less as outlined in analysis produced back in May 2015. That analysis called the top in place and outlined expectations of a bear market to play out.
Price hit a low this past week at 3892 which was just over 26% down from the May 2015 high and I believe that may well represent the final low to the bear market.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Greek Stocks - Why You Shouldn't Consider Buying This Crisis / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: DailyWealth
Brett Eversole writes: Greece's crisis has been underway for months. But the most extreme event happened two weeks ago... Greek stocks fell 19% on June 29.
That's the largest one-day fall we've ever seen in Greek stocks.
Buying after this crash might seem like a good idea. Most investors know it's usually good to "buy when there's blood in the streets."
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Friday, May 22, 2015
SP500 Looks For Lifetime High, German DAX Follows / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Gregor_Horvat
A three wave decline from the highs and down to 2114 is corrective pattern that is pointing to new highs especially if we also consider a five wave rise to around 2131 recently. As such, we believe that sooner or later the futures contract on S&P500 will reach new all-time highs.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Investing in Europe? 5 Critical Insights to Boost Your Portfolio Now / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
Dear investor,
Here's a fact you won’t hear about on financial TV.
You know that the European Central Bank has been engaged in an unprecedented 1-trillion-euro quantitative easing effort, right? The goal has been to give European banks more capital.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Is Europe Worth the investment? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: GoldSilverWorlds
Europe has often been portrayed as a drag on the world economy. Although it had - and still has - its fair share of problems, are things really as gloomy as they seem? In this article, we aim to analyze Europe more, examine how things really are, and answer the question of whether an investment in European equity markets makes sense or not.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Italy Stock Market Primed to Soar in the Draghi Asset Bubble / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: DailyWealth
Brett Eversole writes: The Draghi Asset Bubble is here...
As regular DailyWealth readers know, we've been telling you about the opportunity in European stocks for more than two years... and about what my colleague Steve Sjuggerud has coined the "Draghi Asset Bubble" since last December.
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Monday, August 18, 2014
German Stock Market DAX About To Drop / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Austin_Galt
The German index, the DAX, has been Europe's shining light in recent years. But thats about to change if my analysis is correct. Let's proceed with a top down approach beginning with the yearly chart to put it all in perspective.
Saturday, August 09, 2014
European Stock Markets Look Downright Scary / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Sy_Harding
Here’s the situation.
The economy of the 18-nation European Union is about the same size as that of the U.S., with roughly equal impacts on each other and on global growth. Germany, France, and the U.K. are the largest economies in the EU, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth largest economies in the world.
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Monday, August 04, 2014
Best Investor Bets in Europe and Asia Right Now - Video / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
Interview: Our global markets expert Chris Carolan talks opportunities across Europe and Asia
Enjoy this 7-minute interview with Elliott Wave International's global opportunities expert Chris Carolan.
You will learn where Chris sees the best market opportunities unfolding in both Europe and Asia right now.
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Thursday, July 10, 2014
Why We Are Heavily Invested in Poland / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Frank_Holmes
There’s a reason why Poland retains the number two slot in our Emerging Europe Fund (EUROX), following Turkey. Ever since the fall of communism in 1989, the country has risen steadily, from a fledgling republic beset by near-bankruptcy, a deteriorating infrastructure and an East-West identity crisis, to emerge as one of the European Union’s (EU) most prosperous nations, alongside the U.K., France, Germany and Spain.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Europe Stock Markets Potential Turbulance Ahead / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Tony_Caldaro
Using OEW we have been tracking 8 of Europe’s most important stock market indices: England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the hybrid STOX 50. In general, since the 2011 low in most indices, and the 2012 low in some other European indices, all of these stock markets have been rising. Over the past year, however, we have been noticing some fairly negative, and potentially completing, long term patterns unfolding.
Monday, May 12, 2014
European Financial Market Forecasts - Sentiment Gauge in Reaches Epic Proportion / Economics / European Stock Markets
A visual history of complacency and fear as seen by the 10-year spread over German Bunds
The one-two punch 2014 winter storms that battered the southeastern United States left $13.5 million in damages in Georgia alone and thousands of residents displaced due to burst pipes and power outages. I am one of the displaced. Three months after the flood, I'm still living out of suitcases in a hotel while my apartment gets rebuilt.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
European Stock Markets Cliff Ahead? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: John_Mauldin
By Dirk Steinhoff
(This article originally appeared in World Money Analyst)
When Kevin Brekke, managing editor [of World Money Analyst], contacted me last week, I knew it was time again to survey the investment landscape. This month, I will focus on Europe and its decoupled financial and real-economy markets.
Globally, the last two years were marked by booming stock exchanges of developed markets, disappointing bond markets, and devastation across the precious metals markets.
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Monday, April 14, 2014
Greece, Turkey, We're Shuffling The Cards on Our Europe Investing Play / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Frank_Holmes
Did you know that over the last year the Greek stock market is up roughly 45 percent? The country that many believed would never recover from a six-year recession is now making astounding strides, recently being added to the MSCI Emerging Markets Index at the end of 2013.
As I've witnessed new strength from this "comeback country," along with a rise in foreign investment into emerging markets as a whole, our investment team is currently strategizing to adapt our game to new European plays. Here are the game changers we see:
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Friday, January 31, 2014
European Stocks and Financial Markets Forecasts / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
Today, European Financial Forecast Editor Brian Whitmer shares a six-page report that sheds light on the status of the euro and European stocks. You also get Brian's special report, Europe's Monetary Magicians are Out of Tricks. His analysis reveals the "value play" myth in tech and gaming companies, the status of the euro crisis and more.
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Cyprus Stock Market - The Next Crisis Investing Opportunity / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor, International Man
Recently, legendary crisis investor Doug Casey and I put our boots to the ground in Cyprus to search the rubble of one of recent history's most significant financial crises—the financial collapse and bank deposit raid in Cyprus—for incredible bargains. And we found them.
The fact of the matter is that there are sound, productive, and well-run businesses that are listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange that continue to produce earnings and pay dividends.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
Crisis Investing in Cyprus - Video / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor, International Man
Recently, legendary crisis investor Doug Casey and I put our boots to the ground in Cyprus to search the rubble of one of recent history's most significant financial crises—the financial collapse and bank deposit raid in Cyprus—for incredible bargains. And we found them.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Cyprus Crisis Stock Market Investing in Action / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno, Senior Editor, International Man
Stocks in Cyprus Are Down 98%—Time to Start Edging In?
Readers who have been with us for a while know that I've been hinting at the project Doug Casey and I have been working on in Cyprus for a while now. It's a project that dovetails perfectly with Doug's unique expertise. Now is the time to reveal what we have been up to.
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Friday, October 25, 2013
Three Bullish ETFs for an Increasingly Optimistic Eurozone / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: DailyGainsLetter
John Paul Whitefoot writes: Despite Congress miraculously pulling the U.S. back from the brink of destruction by temporarily raising the debt ceiling and ending the U.S. government shutdown, Americans continue to be a pessimistic bunch. But can you blame us?
According to Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index, consumer sentiment remains in negative territory. After falling to -39 during the recent standoff in Washington, U.S. economic confidence has improved to -36. To use the term “improved” is being generous; in late May, the index was at -3. (Source: “U.S. Economic Confidence Index [Weekly],” Gallup web site, October 14, 2013.)
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Wednesday, October 09, 2013
The Cheapest Stocks In the World / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: DailyWealth
Today's chart displays a stock rally happening in a place you'd never expect. It shows the rally in Greece.
Most folks know the current "Greece story." It's an economic basket case. It has spent and borrowed its way into a depression. Unemployment is over 20%. Things seem hopeless to lots of people there.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Is Europe Economy, Stocks Ready to Take Off? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Frank_Holmes
One year ago, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi announced that the central bank had the political will to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro. Now, the worst may be over, as suggested by stronger economic data coming out of Europe. It appears the Continent is finally on the road to a sustained recovery.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
German DAX – Different Country, Different Culture. People Are People / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Michael_Noonan
The one common denominator that crosses all cultures, even religions, is money. It is the
global equalizer. We take a look at the DAX, Germany’s stock market. Do the “precise”
Germans fare any better at investing than at, say, building cars?. Likely not. Money goes
to the core of the human psyche as the fundamental driver for tapping into the fear/greed
element from which few escape, at least when it comes to investing.
Unfortunately, DAX does not have volume, a vital element that shows the ebb and flow of two incredibly important principles, supply and demand. Why it volume so important? It shows the effect from the cause factor of investors/traders making buy/sell decisions.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Is the Euro Zone Debt Crisis Really Over? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Clif_Droke
Many investors are wondering what has been behind the relentless rally in stock prices. Look no further than corporate profits.
Consider that in the third quarter of 2013, corporate earnings were $1.75 trillion, up 18.6% from a year ago. That took after-tax profits to their greatest percentage of GDP in history. For the most recent quarter, earnings for S&P 500 companies are estimated to have risen 4.7 percent, above a 1.9 percent forecast at the start of the earnings season. See earnings chart shown below.
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Sorry Mario Draghi, But Spain is Finished, Here’s Why! / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Graham_Summers
As I’ve outlined in earlier issues of Private Wealth Advisory, Spain will be the straw that breaks the EU’s back. The country’s private Debt to GDP is above 300%. Spanish banks are loaded with toxic debts courtesy of a housing bubble that makes the US’s look like a small bump in comparison. And the Spanish government is bankrupt as well.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Why Marc Faber the "Gloom and Doom" Man Is BUYING European Stocks / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: DailyWealth
Investment guru Marc Faber is actually buying European stocks...
But wait a minute...
Isn't Greece about to explode? Isn't Spain next? Isn't the very existence of the euro in doubt?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Greece Stock Market, The Real Contrarian Investing Play? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Willem_Weytjens
It might sound CRAZY when I say that Greek stocks could become a good LONG TERM investment soon.
However, from a real contrarian point of view, it might not be that crazy.
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Friday, June 08, 2012
Are European Blue Chip Stocks A Bargain? / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning
Jonathan Yates writes:
The legendary French financier, Baron von Rothschild famously once remarked, "When the streets of Paris run with blood, I buy!"
But this time it is not just Paris. It's Athens, Dublin, Madrid and most of the other major Old cities of the Eurozone, where the markets have taken a beating.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Greece Debt Bailout: Why I'm Mostly Bullish about the Eurozone / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes:
Last week's news that Eurozone GDP declined by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2011 set all the usual pundits moaning about the inevitable decline of Europe.
Even Andrew Roberts, a wonderful historian with whom I almost always agree, wrote in the Financial Times that "Europe's fire has gone out."
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Friday, September 16, 2011
Europe's Stock Market Panic / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Zeal_LLC
Europe has become something of a four-letter word among American investors and speculators lately. Weak European stock action has been mesmerizing stock-index-futures traders here in the States. They dump US stock-index futures in sympathy whenever Europe is selling off. This in turn spawns bearish sentiment and weak opens in the US markets. Europe is the epicenter of US stock fears these days.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Germany Becomes an Appealing Investment / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Trader_Mark
While we've had a quite serious correction in domestic markets, Europe has been crushed the past few months - for obvious reason. As I was looking over the charts last night, it was stunning to see a country like Germany, the fourth largest economy in the world, mangled to the tune of a 33%+ loss in under two months. No matter the outcome of this crisis (and fact the Eurozone is probably headed for recession anew), this is a very dynamic economy which has probably melded the best parts of 'capitalism' and 'socialism' (I hate the labels) to create an export machine with a high standard of living.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Collapse Of Europe's Top Stock Market / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: DailyWealth
The euro crisis isn't just hammering Germany's banks... it's hammering the "DAX" as well. And that's very, very bad...
You can think of the "DAX" as the Dow Jones Industrial Average of Germany. It consists of the biggest blue-chip German companies. Names you'll recognize here include BMW, Merck, Bayer, Adidas, Daimler, BASF, and Volkswagen. As you can see from today's chart, these blue chips are in crash mode. The DAX has fallen 31% in the past two months. This type of move is the mark of a region in crisis.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
European Stock Market Long-term Analysis / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: WavePatternTraders
I originally wanted to wait till we had a potential low in place, but I feel that this is important enough to now put down in writing so readers may have some ideas going forward.
I want to stress I am not a big fan of these large macro wave counts, at WPT we specialize on shorter term time frames from days to weeks, using wave counts of many year magnitude is in the authors opion not really that beneficial, as being wrong for 2-3 years is not really going to help your account balance.
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Friday, May 06, 2011
Greece Stocks New Bull Market? / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Willem_Weytjens
When I saw the CDS prices for Greece debt, I was wondering “How High will they go?”
I thus started to dig deeper, and had a look at some long term charts of the Greek Stock market.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Investing in Sweden – A Cold Country with a Hot Economy / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes:
What comes to mind when you think of Sweden: Blonde hair, pale skin, and a pair of sullen blue eyes piercing through a whiteout - or an economy that grew 5.5% last year?
Too often, it's the former when it should be the latter.
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Friday, February 11, 2011
European Stocks Under Pressure / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The Technical Trader’s view:
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Monday, January 10, 2011
Germany EWG ETF in Bullish Digestion Period / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Although the iShares MSCI Germany Index ETF (EWG) has experienced a 5-6% decline during the past week, my pattern analysis argues that all of the action off of the Nov 4 high at 24.92 represents a sideways, bullish digestion period. When complete this should resolve in another thrust to the upside that projects to 27.00-plus in a resumption of the larger bull leg off the May 2010 low at 17.97.
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Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Are The Problems in Europe Just Beginning? European Stocks Opportunities / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Jim_Farrish
The fear of another financial crisis in Europe is impacting the markets around the world. The decline in the euro has been significant enough to rekindle speculation of the euros demise. Portugal’s bond auction of 12 monthTreasury bonds saw a significant rise in cost with the yield hitting 5.28% versus the 4.8% in early November. Spain has seen a rise in yields as well with rumors growing concerning financial trouble. It is the uncertainty of the current issues facing Europe that are driving the markets lower. One thing is for sure, a lack of clarity breeds speculation which left unchecked will feed on itself causing extreme market volatility.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Dogged German Dax / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The Technical Trader’s view:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Keeping an Eye on Spain and Portugal Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Currently, our fundamental concerns primarily center on the possibility Portugal will become the market’s next target soon after some bailout is finalized in Ireland. Eventually, market participants will come after both Portugal and Spain; the question is how much time will the Ireland bailout buy the markets. We will need to keep an eye on Europe for the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
European Emerging Stock Markets Top Performers / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Frank_Holmes

Global investment guru Nicholas Vardy says “there’s always a bull market somewhere” and it’s up to investors to find it. We think there’s a bull market emerging in Eastern Europe.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Soverign Debt Panic Amongst The PIIGS / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: PaddyPowerTrader
U.S. stocks fell for the first time in five days Tuesday, ending the longest streak of gains for the S&P 500 Index since July, on concern the European debt crisis may worsen and hamper global growth. Bank of America and Citigroup fell at least 2% as European banks slid on concern stress tests understated potential losses from sovereign debt.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
European Stock Pare Gains After Four Up days / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: PaddyPowerTrader
US stocks rose Tuesday, sending the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to its biggest gain in two weeks, following higher-than-estimated earnings and BHP Billiton’s massive $39 billion bid for Potash of Saskatchewan Bellwether stocks. Wal-Mart Stores climbed 1.2% and Home Depot jumped 3.4% as both retailers raised their full-year earnings forecasts. Potash led a rally in fertilizer shares, surging 28%, after rejecting the unsolicited takeover offer from BHP saying (according to the WSJ) BHP has to offer a “Big Boy” price, but the news led all of the fertiliser related names in Europe up with Yara +5.9%, K&S +5.7%. Johnson & Johnson gained 2.1% on news Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway increased its stake in the company.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Better Corporate Earnings Boost European Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: PaddyPowerTrader
The majority of US stocks rose Monday, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index ending a four-day slump, as technology companies helped the market overcome an earlier slide. That slide was driven primarily by concern about an economic slowdown. EBay gained 2 percent on speculation its PayPal service will be used by Google’s smartphone while Newmont Mining advanced 2 percent as gold prices jumped to a six-week high and Goldman Sachs reiterated its “overweight” rating on commodities. But Washington Pos and Corinthian Colleges both sank a hefty 8 percent plus on concern they will lose access to federal financial-aid programs.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Beaten Down European Country ETFs / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: Ron_Rowland
Last week I told you to keep your eyes on nine sector ETFs that have been crushed in the recent market downturn. Today I’m going to continue the same discussion starting with beaten-down ETF #10. This time, we’ll look at six specific international ETFs that are in the bargain basement.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Completed Corrective Period for German EWG ETF / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Mike_Paulenoff
My near- and intermediate-term pattern and momentum work in the iShares German Index Fund ETF (NYSE: EWG) argue that all of the action from the Oct '09 high at 23.40 into last Tuesday's low at 17.97 represents a completed corrective period in that aftermath of the Mar '09 to Oct '09 advance. Let's keep in mind that current strength comes off of 17.97, which was the 50% support plateau of the entire upleg during 2009, and a sign that the EWG is trading very technically at the moment.
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Friday, May 14, 2010
Euro Tarp Bailout, Here We Go Again / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Richard_Shaw
The nearly $1 Trillion bailout by Europe of Greece and whichever countries come next, is like an echo of the US TARP rescue of banks in 2008. It is similar in size, similar in its intention to save the banks from their own bad decisions, similar in making taxpayers eventually pay for the mistakes of the banks, and perhaps similar in other outcomes. One outcome that should be noted is that the US and world stock markets continued to fall for several months after TARP. That pattern may repeat. We need to be prepared for that possibility.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Intermediate-term Weakness Ahead for Germany Index EWG ETF / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Mike_Paulenoff
While everyone is fixed on Greece (for good reason), why don’t we look at the pattern developing in the German equity market, just to keep an eye on the country within the EU that is on the hook for the lion’s share of money to be loaned to the PIIGS. After all shouldn’t the health of the creditor nation’s equity index be telling?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Germany's DAX: FREE Insight Into Europe's Leading Economy / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
It's one of the first rules in the book of mainstream economic wisdom: a country's economy is the thermometer which "reads" its stock market's temperature. If financial conditions are heating up, stocks rise; if they are cooling down, stocks fall. Were it so simple -- millionaires wouldn't make up a measly .15% of the global population.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
How Investors Can Profit from European Election Results / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: The European election result has been met with little interest in the United States; for one thing, the plethora of parties from 27 different countries makes it almost incomprehensible. Yet it continued a long-term, very important trend, which should be hugely interesting to international investors.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Weak Start to European Stock Markets / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: PaddyPowerTrader
Stock markets remained on the defensive overnight, with the Dax yesterday closing at 4918 while the Nikkei was last down 69 at 9277. International tensions remain elevated in the wake of the nuclear test by North Korea with wires reporting there could be further missile tests by the country this week. There are also fears that shares in the Stoxx 600 may have gotten well ahead of themselves, with a P/E ratio of 24 (a 5 year high) versus the cycle low of 8.3 in Nov 2008.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Investing in Profitable European Companies / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Investors Diversify Away From the Dollar Into Cheap Value Stocks / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: John_Henry
Today's financial papers read like a history of economic turmoil. In no particular order we have warnings the bank recapitalisation will not be enough if assets continue to fall (shouldn't be a surprise), a surging yen hitting Japan (who largely avoided the bank credit issues), worries over the IMF being swamped with it's relatively small fund of $250bn, Hungary, Iceland and the Ukraine looking into the abyss, global property prices falling at ever faster rates, mass redemptions of hedge funds, $3 trillion of corporate debt needing refinancing in the next 24 months, a BOE report that is frankly as depressing as you're ever likely to read (I hope) and to cap it all worries about the confidence in government debt if any or all of the above continues. Now that has to challenge even the most optimistic of all contrarian investors.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, August 03, 2008
French Economic Reforms Improve Appeal of Cheap French Stocks / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Money_Morning

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Warren Buffett Bargain Hunting in Germany / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Martin_Hutchinson
Investors have been watching Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ( BRK.A , BRK.B ) Chairman Warren Buffett's moves for years to see which investments are going to take off next.
Back in October, the Oracle of Omaha's trip to South Korea encouraged our own bullishness on that country's stock market.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
All Aboard European Utility Stocks / Companies / European Stock Markets
By: Roger_Conrad
This week, I'm writing from aboard the MS Deutschland on the first leg of my publisher, KCI Communications, Inc's investment cruise of the Baltic region. For 10 days, my colleagues and I have joined a group of subscribers and spouses, visiting major coastal cities in Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany in an effort to get to know this historically interconnected and unique region better.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, June 04, 2007
New Profits in the Old World - Europe / Stock-Markets / European Stock Markets
By: Money_and_Markets
When I think of the Old World, among the images that first spring to mind are those of medieval castle towns like Heidelberg, where Rupert the Red founded the fourth university of the Holy Roman Empire in 1386 … or of the Acropolis, rebuilt by Pericles during the Golden Age of Athens between 460 and 430 BC.
It's only on second thought that I remember the modernity of today's Europe.
Similarly, when you think of the European economy, you typically associate it with outdated economic models — burdensome taxation, non-productive social support systems, and a tangled web of government regulations.
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