Category: Middle East
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, May 13, 2018
Trump Crossed the Rubicon in Pull Out From Iran Nuclear Deal / Politics / Middle East
By: Michael_T_Bucci
Trump crossed the Rubicon and the world is reacting. He decided to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement (JCPOA) signed in 2015 by Iran, the United States, Germany and all permanent members of the Security Council (P5+1), the fruit of more than a decade of planning. He then lit another match handed him by John Bolton and the “war parties” in Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh to widen sanctions by including any nation doing business with Iran (“secondary sanctions”).
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Friday, May 11, 2018
Why Trump WANTS Iran to Develop Nuclear Weapons for Israel and End Time Prophecies / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Trump has once more pressed the reset button on what has come before by resetting the middle east to where it was before the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as President Trump declared to the masses that he 'keeps his promises' whilst breaking America's promise in respect of the Iran Nuclear deal (JCPOA) which had put Iran's nuclear weapons programme into reverse gear as verified by regular IAEA inspections, in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions that have now been reimposed. Unfortunately, Iran NOT engaged in developing nuclear weapons is not in the interests for large section of Trumps delirious electoral base, the Christian fundamentalists who desperately crave the End Time apocalypse prophecies to be fulfilled in their life time so that the Messiah may return and they all be raptured straight to paradise, an ideology backed by the Israeli state and its own Jewish fanatics who have their own prophesies for the coming of the Messiah and perceive everything that Israel does being towards that end. Whilst of course the Islamic fundamentalists also await their own version of the End Times prophecies to be fulfilled which was the primary reason why Islamic State came into existence in Syria as a means of making prophecy become manifest.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Saudi Arabia and Israeli Alliance Targets Iran / Politics / Middle East
The consequences of the failed American foreign policy in the Middle East has seldom been more vivid with the defeat of ISIS; the U.S. surrogate in the Syrian conflict. ISIS, a blended creation of the CIA and the Mossad was the inevitable result of sanctioning the murder of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. With the support of Russian involvement, Syria's President Bashar Hafez al-Assad was able to fend off the imperialist efforts of Israel to remove him from office and destroy his country. Defeating ISIS on the battlefield has never been the intention of the DC shadow government. The consistent policy under every US administration has been to protect the Zionist state above all else. Unfortunately, the Trump regime is no different and certainly does not follow a genuine America First foreign policy.
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Increasingly Unstable Middle East Must Be On Every Investor’s Radar / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
While we here in the US were focused on President Trump’s visit to Asia, a powerful drama with vast geopolitical implications played out in Saudi Arabia.
Mohammad bin Salman, the king’s son, is the de facto ruler of the country and has been making increasingly aggressive moves in an attempt to shift Saudi Arabia from its status as an ultraconservative, oil-producing nation to a 21st-century manufacturing superpower.
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Monday, September 25, 2017
Here’s Why Turkey Can’t Stay Out Of Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
By Jacob L. Shapiro, Mauldin Economics : Turkey has tried not to be involved in Syria since the Syrian civil war began.
Instead, it preferred to work diplomatic angles or prop up proxies on the ground. But unseen forces keep pulling Turkey into Syria. Forces that date back to the times of the Byzantines and Ottomans.
It appears that the Turks can no longer resist, and that their security demands a more hands-on approach.
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Monday, July 03, 2017
Kuwait Stock Exchange Index (KWSE): Watch out below! / Stock-Markets / Middle East
By: MarketsToday
The Kuwait Stock Exchange Index (KWSE) is sitting on the edge of a cliff. We may soon see a decisive reversal of the uptrend begun from the January 2016 low. Following the January 2016 low the KWSE advanced as much as 44.4 per cent as of the 7,091.46 peak reached in early-April. That high completed a 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of the long-term downtrend.
During the rally the index moved well above the pivotal 40-week exponential moving average (ema), and as of January broke out above the long-term downtrend line. This is all bullish behavior for the long-term.
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Thursday, June 29, 2017
5 Maps That Explain The Modern Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN AND KAMRAN BOKHARI : Nation-states are the defining feature of the modern political era. They give people a collective identity and a pride of place… even when their borders are artificially drawn, as they were in the Middle East.
However, transnational issues like religion and ethnicity often get in the way of the notion of nationalism. Those can’t be contained by a country’s borders.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The Middle East Is Blowing Up / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Rubino
Every day brings another scary headline from the Middle East — which makes it easy to treat them as background noise rather than a clear and present danger. But the latest batch is reminiscent of the Balkans circa 1914, which means it may be time to tune back in. Some examples:
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Sunday, May 28, 2017
Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
US-led NATO aggression on Libya raped and destroyed its sovereign independence - one of history’s great crimes.
Africa’s developed nation was transformed into a cauldron of failed state, terrorist-infested violence, chaos, deep poverty, mass unemployment, and devastating human misery.
Libya was Obama’s war, launched in 2011, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. Her remark after hearing of Muammar Gaddafi’s death, saying “(w)e came, we saw, he died” alone will long define her pure evil.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Maps That Explain Wars In The Middle East And North Africa / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : The Middle East and North Africa region runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and from Turkey to Yemen. The bulk of the region is along five waterways: The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea.
Here are four maps that explain the dynamics and inherited divisions in these regions. (Download my FREE e-book, The World Explained in Maps, to get more insight into the forces shaping our physical and financial worlds.)
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Sunday, January 03, 2016
Mass Saudi Executions Reflect Regional Violence of Pro-Western Despotic Regimes / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Most Arab League states are run by pro-Western despotic regimes - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Egypt the worst of a bad lot.
Palestinians get rhetorical support only, nothing meaningful done on their behalf. In March 2011, League members backed UN Resolution 1973 - prelude to US-led NATO war on Libya, a devastating conflict creating endless violence and chaos continuing unabated.
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Thursday, October 22, 2015
Reshuffling the Deck in the Mideast / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Browne
The U.S. presence in the Middle East, which for years provided some control over one of the world's most volatile regions, appears to have dissolved into chaos. By removing Saddam Hussein from power, the U.S. removed his tyrannical but stabilizing hand from the powder keg that always existed in the poorly designed nation state of Iraq. Rather than attempting to repair the damage, President Obama appears intent on leaving what he terms "a quagmire." Predictably, chaos has emerged, not just in Iraq, but in Syria as well. The rapidly changing political landscape is pushing major regional players like Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to drastically reshuffle their assumptions and allegiances.
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Why the Iran Nuclear Deal Will Never Achieve Peace in the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Katherine_Smith
The latest development that the experts claim is undermining the Iran deal is Russia’s move to cement its alliance with Iran in Syria during last week’s meeting of 200 world leaders.
The Iran Nuclear Agreement is good for Middle East peace but neither the agreement nor the international unity forged in Vienna will be able to resolve the deep-rooted regional problems in the region.
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Monday, October 05, 2015
We’re Not Nearly As Worried About The Middle East As We should Be / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Rubino
What’s the opposite of a gift that keeps on giving? A mistake that keeps metastasizing.
Which pretty much sums up the US role in the Middle East. Beginning with the CIA’s 1953 overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected president and continuing through the multiple regime changes and invasions of recent years, various American governments have behaved like they both understood that region and had the power to mold it into a docile client that pumped oil, suppressed dissent and otherwise caused no trouble.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015
The 5 Biggest Myths and Lies about the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Atlantic_Perspective
The more well informed you think you are about the Middle East, the more likely you are being manipulated by the media. Just because a lie or a semi-truth is repeated millions of times, doesn´t mean it´s true.
Here are the 5 biggest lies and myths about the Middle East today:
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Libya Crisis - EU Leaders Are Indicted for Nazi-Style Crimes against Humanity / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
International Law says if you invade a country you are responsible for the well being of the civilians of that country. Hitler knew that, and with a few exceptions he followed the Law. As for the exceptions (murdering a several million Jews), his Lieutenants were put on trial in Nuremburg and punished.
The mandate that the Western Powers got rubber-stamped at the U.N. four-years-ago, when they sought and got permission to bomb Libya back to Mission Accomplished, clearly said that the objective was only to “protect civilians”.
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
America Clueless In The Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Rubino
Starting with the CIA’s overthrow (and some would say murder) of Iran’s democratically-elected president in the 1950s and continuing through our serial invasions of Iraq and our arming of Al Qaeda and ISIS, American policy in the Middle East has been a textbook case of a superpower with more money than brains, making things vastly worse with every move and counter-move.
Monday, March 30, 2015
With Yemen Burning, Arab Spring II Is Underway / Politics / Middle East
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: The worsening crisis in Yemen has provided a stark reminder of the immediate impact geopolitical events can have on oil prices.
I was asked to provide my analysis on CNBC's "Closing Bell" on Thursday afternoon, and to discuss the impact the crisis will have on oil prices.
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Friday, January 02, 2015
Why Is It Impossible For Palestine To Be An Independent State / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Why Is It Impossible?
The first answer is that it is not impossible. The economic reasons for that are pretty
conclusive and simple. Decades of sanctions and unfavorable trading relations with and through
Israel, and Egypt during the Mubarak era, has forced Gaza to make do and mend. To be a very
efficient micro-economy, with its own offshore natural gas reserves. Eastern Palestine, as we
can call it, with its ultra symbolic capital Jerusalem is another subject, economically.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Arab Spring II is Coming Fast - The Unintended Consequences of Lower Oil Prices / Politics / Middle East
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes: There was one particularly grim matter that came up over and over again in my overseas meetings.
It’s so serious that the bankers I met with in Paris and Frankfurt discussed the sudden need to redraw their risk parameters. Meanwhile, top players in London were concerned about its potential impact on foreign oil companies.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Islamic State Reshapes the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
George Friedman writes: Nuclear talks with Iran have failed to yield an agreement, but the deadline for a deal has been extended without a hitch. What would have been a significant crisis a year ago, replete with threats and anxiety, has been handled without drama or difficulty. This new response to yet another failure to reach an accord marks a shift in the relationship between the United States and Iran, a shift that can’t be understood without first considering the massive geopolitical shifts that have taken place in the Middle East, redefining the urgency of the nuclear issue.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Partying On In The Terror State - Thank God for Nuclear Weapons / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Terror and Counter Terror
We can be sure that, as one example, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has a well-developed terror doctrine or ideology – or at least a bunch of slogans - for his press conferences. Apparently his “drone war” and its civilian victims is not Terror War, nothing like ISIS atrocities because it only concerns non-white persons, who don't speak English, and don't live in the US or Europe. Nice definition!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Kurdistan Oil, Chaos, Power and Arrogance / Politics / Middle East
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Boy, what a day so far; hard to keep up. tell me, is it just me, or has the US really started another round of regime change in Iraq?
Washington wants a new government in the capital, Baghdad, a national unity one, ostensibly to respond to the Islamist State threat.
PM Maliki doesn’t want to go, but also can’t lead such a government (nobody likes him). Iraqi President Fuad Masum then tells him off, so does a court. Maliki sends loyal troops into Baghdad, threatens to take the President to court, and the latter names deputy parliament speaker Haider Al-Abadi as new PM.
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Monday, August 11, 2014
Syria, Iraq... US Picks Wrong Friends, Wrong Enemies, Wrong Fights / Politics / Middle East
By: Raul_I_Meijer
There are presidential elections in Turkey today, and current prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan looks set to win. Which means the US will have a definitely uncomfortable bedfellow in the Eastern Europe/Middle East region (the borders between the two are not terribly clear) in the coming years.
Erdogan has recently become a very loud opponent of Israel – and all the world’s Jews – , and US relationships with him had already been cooling way before this latest foray into ‘international diplomacy’.
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Saturday, July 12, 2014
Is The ISIS Movement A New Intifada? / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
The Crusade Against Terror
In the tense and hectic days following the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, then-president George W. Bush on several occasions committed a serious error, which was soon corrected by his advisers and speechwriters. He said the US would react and respond to the attacks with a Crusade Against Terror.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
ISIS And The New Crusade / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
From Jakarta to Madrid
Shown on hundreds of blogs and used by newswires like Reuters for extracted images, video footage of speakers from ISIS shows them proclaiming the World Jihad as the forerunner to the Global Caliphate. In related ISIS group videos posted to Web sites in June, British ISIS members appealed in English for Muslims across the world to join their cause.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Jordan Next Target for ISIS? / Politics / Middle East
The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, buoyed by its recent successes in Iraq, wants to expand its regional reach. Reports that Iraq has withdrawn forces from western towns close to its 180-kilometer (110-mile) border with Jordan have left Amman feeling vulnerable, and the Hashemite kingdom, certainly a target of interest for the jihadist movement, has deployed additional security personnel along the border.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Intrigue Lying Behind Iraq's Jihadist Uprising - Saudi Arabia Stirs the Pot / Politics / Middle East
Reva Bhalla writes: Events in Iraq over the past week were perhaps best crystallized in a series of photos produced by the jihadist group the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Sensationally called The Destruction of Sykes-Picot, the pictures confirmed the group's intent to upend nearly a century of history in the Middle East.
Monday, June 16, 2014
US Puppet Regimes in the Muslim World Are All Tyrannies / Politics / Middle East
By: Jack_D_Douglas
The sudden implosion of the vast Iraqi Army of the Baghdad Puppet Regime constructed by the U.S. is an excellent early warning of the fates of the other U.S. puppet states in the Muslim World—Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, U.A.E., and lesser ones. As always, there are many differences among these puppet states, including degrees of being puppets of the U.S., but the general picture of them and their situation now are roughly similar.
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Trashing Saudi Cutout States and Ransacking their Gold / Politics / Middle East
By: Jim_Willie_CB
Betrayals occur in high places, even the highest offices of the land. Furthermore, betrayals occur with some of the most important allies for the nation. See the official German gold account thefts, called euphemistically the repatriation demand. See the shredding of the Constitution, by virtue of the Patriot Act which could easily pass for a comprehensive Fascist Manifesto. See the renege on the Chinese gold lease, on the back end of the Most Favored Nation status granted in 1999. See the permitted security agency narcotics centered in Afghanistan, with its vertically integrated business operation, the clearing house function in Iraq, and money laundering among New York banks, whose product fills American streets. See the numerous deals for stolen Defense weapons, in particular those conducted by the favored US ally, accounted for by means of scrap metal costs associated with entire systems, the details promised the day before 911 but never to have arrived. See the planned bank account confiscations and pension fund confiscations, the procedures having been worked into law, or imminently, as the sacred privacy is stripped. See the string of Executive Decrees, which trample on rights in every conceivable manner, including life itself. See the NSA surveillance, which has been revealed not only for ordinary diverse communications but also for stealing trade secrets and monitoring discussions behind walls during trade deals. Now the latest. See the trashing of the Saudis, and the outright theft of their vast gold held on account in London.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saudi Arabia Get Out Of Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Saudi royal family member Prince Turki al-Faisal in a December 15 interview with Reuters said “Iran is coming at us with a broad smile. Let's hope they are serious about that. We would like to see Iran first of all get out of Syria".
Saudi Arabia can also get out of Syria, powerfully de-escalating the civil war.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Obama's Long War - Enduring Security And Perpetual Illusion / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
In a December 6th thinkpiece for 'Washington Post', Andrew J. Bracevich argues that the drift of history and the progression of things signal that now is the time for “ringing down the curtain on (the USA's) 30-plus-year military effort to pull the Islamic world into conformity with American interests and expectations”. As he says, this job befell to Obama and its high time the curtain falls. Almost for sure and certain, this will bring a sense of loss. Bacevich notes that the politics of war in former ages – he quotes Wellington – deals a melancholy sort to the victors of great wars, comparable with what the vanquished resent. They often plot and scheme to make revenge war when they can – not necessarily on their previous enemies. In other words, on collateral country victims of previous defeat.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
U.S. Iran Nuclear Deal Regional Reverberations / Politics / Middle East
What was unthinkable for many people over many years happened in the early hours of Nov. 24 in Geneva: The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran struck a deal. After a decadelong struggle, the two reached an accord that seeks to ensure that Iran's nuclear program remains a civilian one. It is a preliminary deal, and both sides face months of work to batten down domestic opposition, build convincing mechanisms to assure compliance and unthread complicated global sanctions.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Israelis, Saudis and the U.S. Iranian Nuclear Agreement / Politics / Middle East
A deal between Iran and the P-5+1 (the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany) was reached Saturday night. The Iranians agreed to certain limitations on their nuclear program while the P-5+1 agreed to remove certain economic sanctions. The next negotiation, scheduled for six months from now depending on both sides' adherence to the current agreement, will seek a more permanent resolution. The key players in this were the United States and Iran. The mere fact that the U.S. secretary of state would meet openly with the Iranian foreign minister would have been difficult to imagine a few months ago, and unthinkable at the beginning of the Islamic republic.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
U.S.- Iran Talks Ideology and Necessity / Politics / Middle East
The talks between Iran and the Western powers have ended but have not failed. They will reconvene next week. That in itself is a dramatic change from the past, when such talks invariably began in failure. In my book The Next Decade, I argued that the United States and Iran would move toward strategic alignment, and I think that is what we are seeing take shape. Of course, there is no guarantee that the talks will yield a settlement or that they will evolve into anything more meaningful. But the mere possibility requires us to consider three questions: Why is this happening now, what would a settlement look like, and how will it affect the region if it happens?
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Did Israel Kill Arafat? / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
On November 11, 2004, Arafat died in a Paris hospital. He was 75. He was hospitalized for an undiagnosed illness.
After developing, it worsened. He deteriorated badly. He needed special care. On November 3, he slipped into a coma. Days later he died.
Previous articles discussed his death. It wasn’t accidental. It wasn’t natural. Credible evidence points to assassination.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013
From Sykes Picot To Anarchy In The Arab World / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
When it was signed in May 1916 the Sykes-Picot-Sazonov agreement was a secret carve-up accord set by the British and French diplomats, Sir Mark Sykes and Georges Picot, and Imperial Russia's foreign minister Sergei Sazonov. In 1916 the deal still included Imperial Russia for setting “spheres” of colonial power and influence in the soon-to-fall Turkish Ottoman empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917, Vladimir Lenin found a copy of the agreement in Russian archives. By way of the agreement, Russia would control Turkish Armenia and northern Kurdistan. Lenin and the Communists were happy to widely publish agreement – because to them it was nothing but another Imperial carve-up of dominated peoples – and also fell far short of what Russia had expected from the deal, especially concerning Persia or Iran. The Communists totally rejected the deal.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Canada Bans "Disappearing Palestine" The Theft of a Whole Nation / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Ali Abunimah writes: The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has rejected a group’s bus ad showing Israel’s expropriation of Palestinian land over time, claiming the ad could incite anti-Jewish discrimination and violence. The ad, sponsored by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), is similar to others that have appeared in cities all over North America – including Vancouver. CJPME has said it is ready to appeal the censorship of the ad all the way to Canada’s Supreme Court.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Saudi Arabia's Threats To Its Own Survival / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Prince Saud al-Faisal, the foreign minister of the family enterprise called the Wahabite Kingdom did not make his annual address to the United Nations General Assembly, this year. The Kingdom wanted to score a diplomatic snub against the UN Security Council's five permanent members.
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Obama Scaring Saudi Arabia / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Wall Street Journal reported, 29 September, that the Obama administration's overtures to Iran and handling of the Syrian crisis have outraged the Wahabite Kingdom. Saudi Arabian royals still imagine that Obama, and his sole French ally in the fumbled attempt to bomb Syria, want to and will boost the power of armed Sunni rebel groups on the ground in Syria. They want to arm the djihadists, Saudi royals believe, but they could be very wrong.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Iran Hell Bent On An Nuclear Bomb / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
In Israeli eyes, Iran is ruled by a gang of religious fanatics whose nearly unique aim in life is to annihilate Israel. They are hell bent on producing The Bomb, which will enable them to do so. They are crazy fanatics so they don't care that Israel will make a second strike with its own nuclear weapons if it is A-bombed. Iran will be destroyed forever. So Iran must be prevented from having the bomb at all costs, certainly including world oil supplies being cut by 33% or more and the Strait of Hormuz closed, for a period that will depend on how quickly Iran can be bombed flat.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The CIA Said 'Find An Islamic Billy Graham' / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
As of September 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry is probably boning up Putin's Russian chess playing gambits and tactics, but his State Dept's goals in the Middle East, in the 1950s included the hot project of finding an Islamic Billy Graham.
US historian John Buescher says the goals of U.S. foreign policy in the region, during the 1950s, as including the race to find fiery Islamic preachers able to cut the political ground away from fast-rising and troublesome Arab nationalist army colonels like Syria's Husni al-Zaim and Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser. At the same time, the U.S. was courting Nasser as a “bulwark against communism”.
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Obama's Syria Retreat - Middle Eastern Empire In The Sand / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Disowned by their own public opinion, abandoned by party faithfuls, with the media also not showing exemplary loyalty and “confusing the public” with devilish details, Obama and Hollande have had to beat a retreat with their Syrian war plans. Outsmarted by hardened chess player Vladimir Putin, they were playing fourth-grade checkers and with no surprise - lost.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Iran Managing U.S. Military Action in Syria / Politics / Middle East
Conventional wisdom says that a weakened Syria would undermine Iran's regional influence, but a U.S. military intervention in the country could actually benefit Tehran. The government there has devised a sophisticated strategy for responding to a U.S. attack. Of course, Tehran would activate its militant proxies in the region, including Hezbollah, in the event that the United States launches an attack, but it would also exploit Washington's visceral opposition to Sunni jihadist and Islamist groups to gain concessions elsewhere.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
A War on Syria Prelude to a World War III Scenario? / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
In order to facilitate the action of liberative (sic) forces, …a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. …[to] be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention, …
Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals. …Incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus …
Further : a “necessary degree of fear .. frontier incidents and (staged) border clashes”, would “provide a pretext for intervention… the CIA and SIS [MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.”(Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957)
Syria occupies a strategic location in the Middle East. The war on Syria is part of a roadmap of military undertakings. It is an integral part of a broader US-NATO-Israel military agenda directed not only against Iran, but also against Russia and China. Moreover, it is part of an extended military agenda which consists in establishing control over Middle East-Central Asian oil reserves as well as strategic oil and gas pipelines.
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Wednesday, September 04, 2013
China Rejects The US-Saudi-Israeli Plan For The Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Named after Israel's minister of foreign affairs at the time of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and occupation of Beirut, with about 25 000 dead, this divide-and-rule geostrategy plan for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) lives on.
Already victims of this strategy since 2011 – operated by Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia – we have the divided and weakened states of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Egypt and even Tunisia can also possibly be added to the list. Others can be identified as likely short-term target victim countries.
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Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Syria: Another Zionist War for Suckers / Politics / Middle East
Just like a broken clock, it tells correct time twice a day. Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to have Congress vote upon his Syria’s strike force plans is a first since the historic constitutional betrayal in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Even the feeble attempt in The War Powers Act of 1973, to place accountability on Imperial Presidents, routinely ignored by other POTUS, struck new heights of arrogance and abuses under this infamous Nobel Peace Prize President.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
'I Have a Drone' Mena Obama And The Warlords Romp And Jostle / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
U.S. defense officials told the Associated Press that the Navy sent a fourth warship armed with missiles including Tomahawk cruise missiles to the eastern Mediterranean but without immediate orders for missile launch against Syria. Military commanders from the United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Israel, France, Italy and Canada met in Amman, Jordan on Sunday, August 25 to coordinate plans for upcoming attacks on Syria. According to France's leading newspaper 'Le Figaro', August 23, guerrilla warfare commandos trained by the US entered Syria for armed action against government forces from mid-August, around Deraa. A previous group of 300 men, probably directed and supported by American CIA operatives, Israeli operatives and Jordanian commandos, although Jordanian participation was denied by officials, crossed the border on August 17. 'Le Figaro' reports that from August 19 the two groups of fighters have united for joint attacks on the forces of Bashr al Assad. For some analysts this may explain use of chemical warfare agents, such as toxic industrial wastes by Syrian army forces so close to Damascus, in a region not previously known for rebel attacks.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Crossing Syria Chemical Weapons Red Line, Obama's Bluff / Politics / Middle East
Images of multiple dead bodies emerged from Syria last week. It was asserted that poison gas killed the victims, who according to some numbered in the hundreds. Others claimed the photos were faked while others said the rebels were at fault. The dominant view, however, maintains that the al Assad regime carried out the attack.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Weapons Of Massive Self-Destruction And Islamic Gangstah War / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Salem al Rafei, a prominent cleric targeted in Lebanon's August 23 car bomb attack, the most deadly since the end of Lebanon's previous or most-recent civil war in 1990 is reported by newswires to have a long track record of organizing militias. In his case, he encouraged the formation of Sunni defence militias and popular committees for street patrolling, which he calls Islamic defense councils. These are composed of mostly young males armed with a wide variety of hardware, including grenades, infantry rifles and even home-made guns. Financing of these armed groups is always opaque, and almost always includes a range of criminal activities
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Libya Moving From Arab Spring To Arab Winter / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Already dubbed 'Arab Winter', the unrealistic hopes and aspirations of 2011's Arab Spring are rapidly being replaced by civil tension and fear, as we witness the breakdown of the unified nation state in country after country across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Shaded by the Syrian civil war and the probable emerging Egyptian civil war, the Islamic Crescent of instability stretching from Libya and Tunisia through Egypt and Lebanon to Syria, with another branch running through Yemen and Iraq is becoming a sombre reality. Above all, how outsiders can respond and react to it has no easy answers and throws up dangerous pitfalls for foreign policy, diplomatic relations and the economy as shown by the USA's near-total loss of leverage and influence in Egypt.
Monday, August 19, 2013
The Borderless World Of Islamic Instability / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
“The End of History and the Last Man”, the 1992 bestseller of Francis Fukuyama hailed the triumph of globalization and the arrival of a One World State of borderless prosperity – which didn't arrive. History continued, then accelerated.
Fukuyama's book spawned a crop of lookalike works trying to catch the market opportunity, in which authors pondered a spiraling pot pourri of themes like wither and whence Western civilization was going, the future of democracy, the end of the business cycle, world music and The Death of the Nation State. Rather like global warming, this elite theme or meme burnt itself out through over-hype and by boring the public to death with endless and pompous repetition. Well before 2000, and certainly by Sept 2001 the robust survival of History was assured.
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Monday, August 19, 2013
Political Islam And The Next Oil War / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
PIMCO's Mohamed El-Erian, interviewed by Bloomberg August 15, speaking from deep knowledge and sympathy for Egypt likely felt obliged to give a positive turn to his view of events. He said "It is very important for people inside Egypt to step up. This is not a situation where people from the outside can come in, whether they are people who were living in Egypt at one time, or whether it is foreigners. This is a situation where the Egyptians have to find a way to get over what is a very tragic, dangerous, and sad situation". In fact this situation has a tortured pedigree of the state-versus-religion stretching at least 1100 years back in time, but we can start with the the 2011 National Assembly (parliament) elections in Egypt – the first elections in more than 30 years, or longer.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
The Nile Runs Red With Egyptian Blood / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: Egypt’s US-financed armed forces have gone to war against Egypt’s people. Arab spring has become Arab winter.
So far, army and security police have scored brilliant battlefield victories against unarmed men, women and children, killing and wounding thousands who were demanding a return to democratic government.
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Friday, August 16, 2013
Obama's Fatal Errors In Egypt / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Cited on the Muslim Brotherhood's English language site Ikhwanweb, August 16, Brotherhood sympathizer Dr Amr Darrag (also published by the New York Times), said: “....shocking and irresponsible rhetoric from the State Department in Washington and from other Western diplomats — calling on the Brotherhood and demonstrators to “renounce” or “avoid” violence (even when also condemning the state’s violence) — has given the junta cover to perpetrate heinous crimes in the name of 'confronting violence'”. He went on to claim there was “not a shred of evidence” that anti-coup activists including Brotherhood sympathizers possessed arms or had themselves initiated violence.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Boycott Egypt Tourism, Obama and Cameron Support of Military Coup Dictatorship Massacre's / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Military coups, do what military coups do, which is to slaughter ALL innocent protestors, and imprison any left alive who continue to protest for freedom. And so the Egyptian military instigated its latest massacre after seizing power some 2 months ago, where the death toll is put at a minimum of 500 civilians, ranging as high as 2,000. In response to which the so called leaders of the free world, in the name of democracy gave press conferences giving mild reactions to the deaths in Egypt, some 2 months on from when the COUP took place. Instead for 2 months the US and UK have given blanket support to the MILITARY dictatorship in its COUP against an DEMOCRACTICALLY ELECTED GOVERMENT!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
PIMCO's El-Erian: Egyptians Must Step Up to Halt Violence / Politics / Middle East
By: Bloomberg
PIMCO CEO Mohamed El-Erian appeared on Bloomberg Surveillance with Tom Keene today, and spoke about the situation in Egypt, where he spent his childhood. El-Erian said that, "It is very important for people inside Egypt to step up. This is not a situation where people from the outside can come in, whether they are people who were living in Egypt at one time, or whether it is foreigners. This is a situation where the Egyptians have to find a way to get over what is a very tragic, dangerous, and sad situation."
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Saudi Arabia’s Real Agenda for Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
Syria is a dirty war being waged through paid-for proxies by the West and partnering Gulf monarchies.
Don’t think for a moment that the US government are not involved in some way – logistically or otherwise, or that the CIA and others are not working with these terrorists in Syria. At the very least, the US, UK and others have valuable military assets, special forces and ‘trainers’ on the ground in Jordan and Turkey, and likely have agents operating inside Syria itself. But take a look at who’s pulling the expensive strings behind the scenes thus far…
Sunday, July 28, 2013
More Fake Peace Talks for Palestinians, U.S. and Israel Don't Negotiate / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
They begin Tuesday in Washington. They're orchestrated to fail. Israel and America don't negotiate. They demand unconditional surrender.
PA coup d'etat president Abbas is a longtime collaborator. Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat's a convenient stooge.
He, Abbas and other PA conspirators represent Israel, not Palestine. They're well rewarded for doing so. Their history reflects duplicity and betrayal. They enforce Israeli harshness.
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Egypt Muslim Brotherhood’s Legacy: Controls, Shortages and Inflation / Politics / Middle East
By: Steve_H_Hanke
The Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi never had a credible plan for the Egyptian economy. Indeed, I doubt that the Brotherhood’s leaders know the meaning of the word “plan”. Over the past year, economic conditions in Egypt have gone from bad to worse. And, it seems Morsi’s brief tenure as president will likely be remembered largely for its shameful economic record – one marred by a decline in GDP growth, a reduction in foreign reserves, and a sharp increase in unemployment.
Monday, July 08, 2013
US Destroys a Moderate Muslim Regime - So Much For Democracy / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes:
The real story behind the military coup in Cairo led by General al-Sissi is much more complex than the western media is reporting. Far from a spontaneous uprising by Egyptians, – aka “a people’s revolution” – what really happened was a putsch orchestrated by Egypt’s “deep government” and outside powers – the latest phase of the counter-revolution against the so-called Arab Spring.
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Was Washington Behind Egypt’s Military Coup d’Etat? / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
“[US Defense Secretary] Hagel and [US Chief of Staff General] Dempsey were walking a fine line … expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the U.S. was manipulating events behind the scenes.” (, July 3, 2013)
The protest movement is directed against the US and its proxy Muslim Brotherhood regime.
The Muslim Brotherhood had been spearheaded into the government with the support of Washington as a “replacement” rather than an “alternative” to Hosni Mubarak, who had faithfully obeyed the orders of the Washington Consensus from the outset of his presidency.
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Friday, July 05, 2013
Egypt the Next Syria? Coup by Military Elite to Steal Power from the People / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The military elite's coup against Egypt's first democratically elected government was engineered by the generals and supported by disparate fragmented groups led by big business and academics who lost last years presidential election, an event that was widely celebrated across Egypt including in Tahir Square.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Syria the Real Reason for Egypt Military Coup / Politics / Middle East
By: Washingtons_Blog
Egypt’s Support for Intervention in Syria Was the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
The protests in Egypt against president Mohammed Morsi were – according to the BBC – the largest in history.
The Egyptian military threw Morsi out in a coup today.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013
Egypt Military Coup Slaps Down Islamist Power / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
This is far from an existential question for President Obama and Western leaders. One reason is that political rules, even constitutional laws prevent their governments recognizing or giving aid to coup leaders who declare themselves rulers of a country after overthrowing its elected government.
Monday, June 17, 2013
India's Energy Ties with Iran Unsettle Washington / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
India's relentless search for hydrocarbons to fuel its booming economy has managed the rather neat diplomatic trick of annoying Washington, delighting Tehran and intriguing Baghdad, all the while leaving the Indian Treasury fretting about how to pay for its oil imports, given tightening sanctions on fiscal dealings with Iran.
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Saturday, June 01, 2013
The Middle Eastern Perpetual War Syndrome / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
While the US fixation with Muslim Terror, or homegrown terror, in fact any kind of terror can be said to have been ratcheted up to its current extremes from about 2000, Shia-Sunnin terror war has a long pedigree. Inside Shia majority countries, or in Shia areas of Sunni countries, Shia Muslims are obsessed with Sunni aggression, exclusion, or "cultural racism". The exact opposite also works for Sunni majority countries and regions of Shia countries. The fixation with the past is total.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Israel Terror Air Strikes On Syria, Desperate Attempts to Provoke War Against Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Tony Cartalucci writes: Alleged airstrikes hope to expand conflict, undermine Syrian advances, and provoke Syria and Iran to give US justification for military intervention.
Once again, Israel is “leaking” information about alleged airstrikes it claims it has conducted against Syria along the Lebanese-Syrian border.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Redlines and the Problems of U.S. Military Intervention in Syria / Politics / Middle East
The civil war in Syria, one of the few lasting legacies of the Arab Spring, has been under way for more than two years. There has been substantial outside intervention in the war. The Iranians in particular, and the Russians to a lesser extent, have supported the Alawites under Bashar al Assad. The Saudis and some of the Gulf States have supported the Sunni insurgents in various ways. The Americans, Europeans and Israelis, however, have for the most part avoided involvement.
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Israel Military Implements Gaza War, Phase1 of Iran Nuclear Attack Plan / News_Letter / Middle East
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle NewsletterNovember 17th , 2012 Issue #22 Vol. 6
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Tuesday, December 04, 2012
Egypt's Strategic Balance, Morsi's Challenge to the Nasserite Model / Politics / Middle East
Immediately following the declaration of a cease-fire in Gaza, Egypt was plunged into a massive domestic crisis. Mohammed Morsi, elected in the first presidential election after the fall of Hosni Mubarak, passed a decree that would essentially neuter the independent judiciary by placing his executive powers above the high court and proposed changes to the constitution that would institutionalize the Muslim Brotherhood's power. Following the decree, Morsi's political opponents launched massive demonstrations that threw Egypt into domestic instability and uncertainty.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Gaza Is The World’s Largest Open Prison’ / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
21st Century Wire news analyst Patrick Henningsen appears live on RT to discuss Israel’s current herding and slaughter of the region’s indigenous Palestinian people, a grave situation which has been allowed to continue – and even promoted by governments in Washington DC and London – all under the false guise of Israeli ‘defense’. They also discuss how the western public opinion is beginning to shift away from Israel’s outdated cruel apartheid policy and in favour of the Palestinian’s own “right to exist”…
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Saturday, November 24, 2012
Middle East Crises, Paying For Oil - Twice Over / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
November 22 - Recent days have given all the proof needed that enthusiastic oil traders never miss a trick, for talking up prices, whenever the Middle East Crisis button is hit a couple of times. Even the first announcement of the Egyptian brokered truce deal between Hamas and Israel was not enough. Traders pumped up prices a little more on the basis that "we can't be sure the truce deal will hold". When or if the Hamas-Israel hostilities completely stop, oil traders can beat a retreat to Syrian war musing and Iran bombing scenarios, whenever they fear that oil prices are getting soft. A little later on, by about Spring 2013, we can have Arab Spring-2 or Spring-3 fears and rumours rolled out, as a handy lever to talk up prices.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Is Middle East Peace a Mirage? / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Patrick J. Buchanan writes: With the truce in the week-long Gaza war, Barack Obama is being prompted by right and left to re-engage and renew U.S. efforts to solve the core question of Middle East peace.
Before he gets reinvolved in peacemaking, our once-burned president should ask himself some hard questions.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Israel Gaza Conflict Impact on West Bank and Jordan / Politics / Middle East
A Palestinian who was wounded Nov. 17 during protests in the West Bank against Israel's ongoing operations in the Gaza Strip has died from his injuries, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported Nov. 19. The West Bank has been calm in recent years, but significant protests have been taking place across the eastern Palestinian territory -- which is ruled by Hamas' secular rival, Fatah -- in response to Israel's Operation Pillar of Defense. The protester's death could widen that unrest.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Israel Military Implements Gaza War, Phase1 of Iran Nuclear Attack Plan / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It is no news that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been preparing the world for an attack against Iran all year, as illustrated by the PM's September visit and speech at the UN (Netanyahu Warns of Attack on Iran). In a continuation of the propaganda war, Channel 4 recently aired a fly on the wall documentary into the suggested thought processes that the Israeli Government, Military and Intelligence agencies were going through during September 2012 as they war gamed the consequences of a unilateral attack against Iran's air defence, missile and nuclear infrastructure, and how the aftermath could play out in terms of world reaction and Iranian military response.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Syria, Turkey, Israel and a Greater Middle East Energy War / Politics / Middle East
By: F_William_Engdahl
On October 3, 2012 the Turkish military launched repeated mortar shellings inside Syrian territory. The military action, which was used by the Turkish military, conveniently, to establish a ten-kilometer wide no-man’s land “buffer zone” inside Syria, was in response to the alleged killing by Syrian armed forces of several Turkish civilians along the border. There is widespread speculation that the one Syrian mortar that killed five Turkish civilians well might have been fired by Turkish-backed opposition forces intent on giving Turkey a pretext to move militarily, in military intelligence jargon, a ‘false flag’ operation.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Netanyahu Warns of Attack on Iran, Confesses to Israel Nuclear Arsenal at UN / Politics / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pulled out a chart to describe the threat that Israel's nuclear arsenal of at least 200 nuclear missiles poses to the middle east and wider world at the UN General Assembly.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Qatar: Rich and Dangerous / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
The first concern of the Emir of Qatar is the prosperity and security of the tiny kingdom. To achieve that, he knows no limits.
Stuck between Iran and Saudi Arabia is Qatar with the third largest natural gas deposit in the world. The gas gives the nearly quarter of a million Qatari citizens the highest per capita income on the planet and provides 70 percent of government revenue.
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Monday, September 24, 2012
Arab Spring - Arab Winter / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
The so-called Arab Spring of 2011 has rapidly mutated into a dark and chilling winter scenario of spreading civil war, shia-sunnite conflict and other ethnic-based strife, and rapidly intensifying economic meltdown in the Arab and Muslim world. The latest manifestations include the Mahomet insult saga, supposedly opposing the progressive, lay-minded, open society West against entrenched religious-minded conservatism and fundamentalism in the Arab world, and the long-running mass bloodshed of the Syrian civil war.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Can Syria's Rebels Overthrow Assad? / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
As rebels attempt to regroup in advance of a new strategy to overpower Assad, and Western powers try to start from scratch with a new rebel formation that is presumably devoid of Salafi Jihadists, the US is calling on third party, non-state actors to arm the rebels in order to avoid becoming embroiled in a geopolitically sensitive conflict just ahead of presidential elections. As attentions turn to the chaos breaking out across the Middle East and North Africa (and even further afield), what chance do the rebels have of pushing Assad to his limits? Michael Bagley, President of the Jellyfish Operations private intelligence boutique, which has adopted an approach that is contrary to the typical "yes-man" characteristics of its competitors, calls a spade a spade.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Libya Was Doomed from Day One / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
People often ask me why the West doesn't attempt a Libya-style intervention in Syria. After all, things are going so well in Libya. Oil production is up. But oil production is merely a mirage, as is security in Libya, which was doomed from the day one PG (post-Gaddafi) because of the way it was "liberated".
Last Wednesday, US envoy to Libya Christopher Stevens was killed along with three other American diplomats in a rocket attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the United States / Politics / Middle East
For the past several months, the Israelis have been threatening to attack Iranian nuclear sites as the United States has pursued a complex policy of avoiding complete opposition to such strikes while making clear it doesn't feel such strikes are necessary. At the same time, the United States has carried out maneuvers meant to demonstrate its ability to prevent the Iranian counter to an attack -- namely blocking the Strait of Hormuz. While these maneuvers were under way, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said no "redline" exists that once crossed by Iran would compel an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. The Israeli government has long contended that Tehran eventually will reach the point where it will be too costly for outsiders to stop the Iranian nuclear program.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
US Sponsored “Islamic Fundamentalism” / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Benjamin Schett writes: The alliance between the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia helped spread the ideology of fundamentalist Sunni Islam all over the globe. The majority of its victims are not citizens of Western countries, but citizens of countries that U.S. elites consider a threat to their economic and geopolitical interests. Many victims of Sunni extremism (often called Wahhabism or Salafism[1]) are in fact Muslims (often with a secular leftist or nationalist political background), moderate Sunni or members of Shiʿite Islamic faith.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Why Everybody's Going To War in the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Ron_Holland
"Everybody's going to war but we don't know what we are fighting for." – Nerina Pallot, from "Everybody's Gone to War"
Iran Wants War
Although a peaceful nation for hundreds of years, Iran was invaded and occupied by the Allies in both World War One and Two. Then in 1980, at the urging of the United States, Saddam Hussein invaded them and used poison gas against both Kurds and Iran. Over 500,000 civilians, Iranian and Iraqi soldiers died in the longest war of the 20th century, which lasted until 1988.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saudi Arabia Goes on the Offensive Against Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
Saudi Arabia has gone on the offensive against Iran to protect its interests. Their involvement in Syria is the first battle in what is going to be a long bloody conflict that will know no frontiers or limits.
Ongoing Disorders in the island kingdom of Bahrain since February of 2011 have set off alarm bells in Riyadh. The Saudis are convinced that Iran is directing the protests and fear that the problems will spill over the twenty-five kilometer long COSWAY into oil rich Al-Qatif, where The bulk of the two million Shia in the kingdom are concentrated. So far, the Saudis have not had to deal with demonstrations a serious as those in Bahrain, but success in the island kingdom could encourage the protestors to become more violent.
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Monday, July 30, 2012
U.S. Backs Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Washington's agenda involves death squad diplomacy. Evidence mounts proving it. It's standard practice in all US direct and proxy wars. It's how America treats its enemies.
Massacres and unspeakable atrocities are committed. Women are raped. Civilians are treated like combatants. They're indiscriminately killed.
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Sunday, July 22, 2012
Fake Arab Spring are Post-Modern Coup D'etat / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Prof. Ismael Hossein-zadeh writes: Within the first few months of 2011, the United States and its allies lost three loyal "friends": Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Zine el-Abbidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Saad Hariri in Lebanon. While Mubarak and Ali were driven out of power by widespread popular uprisings, Hariri was ousted by the parliament.
Inspired by these liberating developments, pro-democracy rebellions against autocratic rulers (and their Western backers) soon spread to other countries such as Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Playing Syria Roulette / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
In Las Vegas, the house seldom loses. Rarely are dirty Washington schemes foiled. It's playing hardball against Syria.
Its dirty hands are all over months of violence. In a July 18 press briefing, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell refused to condemn Wednesday's cold-blooded killings.
Syrian Defense Minister Dawood Rajiha, his deputy General Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President General Hassan Turkmani died.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Iran Looks to China and Russia for Military Support as Western Pressure Increases / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
Beset by rising rhetoric about a possible Israeli attack against its nuclear facilities, Iran is seeking full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an additional layer of international diplomatic "life insurance." On 12 November 2011 Iranian Supreme National Security Council's Secretary Assistant Ali Bageri said that Iran is seeking full membership in the SCO, upgrading its current observer status, telling journalists in Moscow, "We have already submitted a relevant application."
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Turkey Re-emerging Regional Power Strategy / Politics / Middle East
Turkey is re-emerging as a significant regional power. In some sense, it is in the process of returning to its position prior to World War I when it was the seat of the Ottoman Empire. But while the Ottoman parallel has superficial value in understanding the situation, it fails to take into account changes in how the global system and the region work. Therefore, to understand Turkish strategy, we need to understand the circumstances it finds itself in today.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saudi Arabia: House of Saud, Falling House of Cards / Politics / Middle East
By: Washingtons_Blog
Saudi rulers are struggling to contain a new wave of public protests that has erupted across the Arabian kingdom as security forces open fire on unarmed civilians.
The big question: is the House of Saud finally beginning to collapse like the fragile house of cards that this creaking, ruling monarchy represents?
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Friday, March 16, 2012
Arab Spring Hits Israel's Natural Gas Supply / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
As last year's Arab spring has slowly roiled eastwards from Tunisia to the eastern Mediterranean, the two most concerned governments are the U.S. and Israel, that are watching their carefully constructed defense alignments crumble to the populist forces unleashed.
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Friday, February 10, 2012
24 Signs That We Are Getting Dangerously Close to a Major War in the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
End of the American Dream writes: Is 2012 the year when we will see a major war in the Middle East? For years we have heard about rising tensions in the Middle East, and for years we have heard politicians express concerns about Iran's nuclear program, but now things really do seem to be reaching a boiling point. In just the past few days, the U.S. government has imposed tough new sanctions on Iran and has totally shut down the U.S. embassy in Syria. The truth is that we are getting dangerously close to a major war in the Middle East. So will Israel strike Iran at some point in the next few months? Will the U.S. military intervene in the rapidly escalating conflict inside of Syria? If a major war does erupt, it could send the price of oil skyrocketing and there is the potential that the war could broaden very quickly. Hezbollah has already indicated that it will side with Syria, and there is always the potential that Hamas could as well. Russia and China have both stated that they are completely opposed to military action by the United States against Iran and Syria, and they have even hinted that they would possibly even help defend those countries. As the nations of the world take sides, there is even the potential that we could see World War III develop. Let us hope that it never comes to that, but with the world as unstable as it is right now, you never know what may happen.
Monday, February 06, 2012
Washington Heading for War on Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Washington's longstanding policy is regime change in Iran and Syria. At issue is replacing independent regimes with client ones and securing unchallenged control of valued Middle East resources.
On February 4, Russia and China vetoed a largely one-sided anti-Assad resolution. A previous article called him more victim than villain. Yet he's falsely blamed for months of externally generated violence.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Iran, Gold and Oil - The Next Banksters War / Politics / Middle East
Remember the real reason why Moammar Gadhafi is dead. He dared to propose and started creating an alternative currency to the world reserve U.S. Dollar. The lesson learned in Libya is now ready for teaching in Iran. Forget all the noise about going nuclear, the true message is that the banksters rule and nation states serve their ultimate masters. The hype and disinformation that surrounds the push for war is best understood by examining the viewpoint of Iranian MP Kazem Jalali. The Tehran Times quotes him in saying,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Something's Fishy in Tripoli / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
Way back in early 2011, members of the U.N. Security Council had no problem getting a resolution through that authorized military force in Libya ostensibly to protect civilians from attacks by forces loyal to strongman Moammar Gadhafi. The year before, lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic were bickering over who did what and why in terms of the cancer-stricken Lockerbie bomber. This Scottish decision to release him, depending on which U.S. lawmaker you spoke with, was tied to a BP deal to drill for oil in Libya. Despite fractures in the new interim government in Tripoli and reports of renewed protests, a decision by the Italian government to quietly discuss trade relations suggests something isn't quite right in the way Western allies pick their fights.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Why Iran Can Whip the US and Israel Without Firing a Single Shot / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Mark R. Crovelli writes: To the outside observer, the intensifying conflict between the United States, Israel and Iran (along with some lesser bellicose nations, like Britain) may appear like a classic "prisoner’s dilemma." The best option for both sides seems to be to pacify their domestic constituencies by escalating the conflict, which will ensure the worst possible outcome. The Israeli right-wing government is seemingly beholden to its extremist and terrorist voting blocs, while the American government is seemingly fenced in by the Israel lobby, neoconservative candidates vying for the imperial throne, the US empire and merchants of death, and the Israeli government itself. Meanwhile, the semi-totalitarian Iranian government is seemingly obliged to "stand up" to the aggressive Americans and their "Zionist client state," lest it be seen as "soft" or "weak" by its own citizens.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Washington’s Plan to Isolate Iran is Drifting Towards a Profitable Stalemate / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
On the surface, the latest spat between the West and Iran looks like a step closer to war, with tensions reaching a fever pitch on both sides of this potential conflict. Upon closer examination however, present conditions are not particularly ideal for a preemptive strike against Iran by the US and Israel. There is still much money to be made from the current crisis – on both sides, before the winds of war could be unleashed on the region.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Another Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed as Covert War Against Iran Escalates / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
The US covert war against Iran raised the stakes even higher today with the assassination of yet another nuclear scientist, with some analysts saying that the Islamic Republic is being pushed into a corner to either back down in its confrontation with the US or retaliate – the latter most certainly triggering an all-out war.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Washington’s Plan to Isolate Iran is Drifting Towards a Stalemate / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
From the surface, the latest spat between the West and Iran looks like a step closer to war, with tensions reaching a fever pitch on both sides of this potential conflict. But upon closer examination however, present conditions are not particularly ideal for a preemptive strike against Iran. There is still much money to be made from the current crisis – on both sides, before the winds of war could be unleashed on the region.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Arab Winter: Violence from a US-back Egyptian Military Junta / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
Now that the Arab Spring has come and gone, one of the features of the new Arab Winter is watching how a US/UK-backed brutal Egyptian military dictatorship has become increasingly more violent towards its own pro-reform, unarmed citizens.
There are still a few readers left out there who will understandably be a bit confused and ask, “Wait a minute, I thought Egypt’s military dictator President Hosni Mubarak was ousted during the famous Arab Spring? I thought we brought democracy to Egypt?”
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Syria, Iran and the Balance of Power in the Middle East / Politics / Middle East
U.S. troops are in the process of completing their withdrawal from Iraq by the end-of-2011 deadline. We are now moving toward a reckoning with the consequences. The reckoning concerns the potential for a massive shift in the balance of power in the region, with Iran moving from a fairly marginal power to potentially a dominant power. As the process unfolds, the United States and Israel are making countermoves. We have discussed all of this extensively. Questions remain whether these countermoves will stabilize the region and whether or how far Iran will go in its response.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Dealing with Despots: Sanctions Make Things Worse, Case in point Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
The stupidest OP-ED I’ve read all year was a recent column in the New York Times:
The sale of oil — about 2.3 million barrels are exported every day — accounts for more than 50 percent of Iran’s national budget. Under current American law, the importation of Iranian oil is prohibited, but gasoline refined from Iranian petroleum is not. Sanctions obviously need to hit this industry harder.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
US Puppet Regime in Iraq is Calling for a ‘Regime Change’ in Syria / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
It’s one thing when imperial bureaucrats in Washington call for ‘regime change’, but it’s quite another thing when the rallying cry is coming from US-installed puppet regime.
In this case, we’re talking about the now fully domesticated US-puppet government of Nuri Kamal al-Maliki in Iraq, who is now calling for a regime change in its neighboring embattled country Syria. You would think that of all people, the Iraqis would not want to wish a US-sponsored sectarian free-for-all on their worst enemy, or neighbor. But think again.
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Friday, September 02, 2011
Libya Regime Change, Panic After The Picnic / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Presented by mainstream media as a kind of high-tech "turkey shoot", the military intervention in Libya to overthrow the Gaddafi regime threatens serious blowback. Through a fatal combination of analytic and judgemental errors, the Libyan regime-change experiment will deliver unwanted results, and a possible long delay before oil export supply recovers pre-war levels. Other unwanted effects could include added confidence and determination for what is loosely called "Political Islam", but in fact is an ethnic, religious and community-based Arab and Muslim identity quest that is basically hostile to and replaces the nation state concept, as well as western democracy the way it is preached and practised.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Libya Premature Victory Celebration / Politics / Middle East
The war in Libya is over. More precisely, governments and media have decided that the war is over, despite the fact that fighting continues. The unfulfilled expectation of this war has consistently been that Moammar Gadhafi would capitulate when faced with the forces arrayed against him, and that his own forces would abandon him as soon as they saw that the war was lost. What was being celebrated last week, with presidents, prime ministers and the media proclaiming the defeat of Gadhafi, will likely be true in due course. The fact that it is not yet true does not detract from the self-congratulations.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
While Libyan revolutionaries have not yet won the war in the oil-rich country, Western powers are already discussing the post-Gaddafi period on such issues as how the interim government there needs to honor its oil contracts.
In case of internal fighting in Libyan crisis, will the US and its coalition NATO allies deploy boots on the ground to protect their oil interests?
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Libya After Gadhafi: Transitioning from Rebellion to Rule / Politics / Middle East

As the experiences of recent years in Iraq and Afghanistan have vividly illustrated, it is far easier to depose a regime than it is to govern a country. It has also proved to be very difficult to build a stable government from the remnants of a long-established dictatorial regime. History is replete with examples of coalition fronts that united to overthrow an oppressive regime but then splintered and fell into internal fighting once the regime they fought against was toppled. In some cases, the power struggle resulted in a civil war more brutal than the one that brought down the regime. In other cases, this factional strife resulted in anarchy that lasted for years as the iron fist that kept ethnic and sectarian tensions in check was suddenly removed, allowing those issues to re-emerge.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
NATO Targets Syria After Libya for Regime Change / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
With globalist restructuring plans for the Middle East and North Africa looking to be nearly complete, one major hurdle remains. After a relatively easy path to victory in Tunisia and Egypt, and with the project to dismantle and re-privatise the Libyan state nearly complete, only Syria remains as the last serious contender for resistance against a globalist effort to dominate the greater region.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What Happened In Tripoli From 20TH To 22ND Of August - The Truth !! / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Forest Lane Submits: It’s no longer a surprise that a media war is being waged against Gaddafi and Libya. In March, all news were breaking and highly contradictive towards each other. It arose in global media approximately on 15th of August, when a Saudi Arabia newspaper Asharq Alawsat told that Gaddafi is allegedly ill and ready to leave the country. Saudis, mortal enemies of Muammar Gaddafi, were, of course, such a reliable source, that all other papers followed.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Gadhafi's Days Numbered, Libyan Rebels In Tripoli / Politics / Middle East
Reports of explosions and heavy gunfire in Tripoli on Aug. 20 indicate that rebel fighters may be beginning an attempt to lay siege on the Libyan capital with the aim of removing Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Based on the limited information available so far and the immense complications entailed in trying to seize a metropolis like Tripoli, however, it does not appear that the rebels are in a position to wage a final assault against Gadhafi.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
U.S.-Saudi Dilemma: Iran's Reshaping of Persian Gulf Politics / Politics / Middle East
Reva Bhalla writes:
Something extraordinary, albeit not unexpected, is happening in the Persian Gulf region. The United States, lacking a coherent strategy to deal with Iran and too distracted to develop one, is struggling to navigate Iraq’s fractious political landscape in search of a deal that would allow Washington to keep a meaningful military presence in the country beyond the end-of-2011 deadline stipulated by the current Status of Forces Agreement. At the same time, Saudi Arabia, dubious of U.S. capabilities and intentions toward Iran, appears to be inching reluctantly toward an accommodation with its Persian adversary.
Monday, June 27, 2011
What's the Endgame for the Arab Spring? / Politics / Middle East
By: HRA_Advisory
The many "typical" issues with downside potential that markets have been dealing are still some ways away from sufficient resolution to calm markets. One that has slipped off the economic pages, but is still causing much chatter on the political front, is the ongoing movement in the Arab world for changes of government. Though not as up front with the market crowd as when it began, it is still having its impact on markets.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Low Risk High Reward Middle East Investments / Companies / Middle East
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
As I mentioned yesterday (Thursday) in Part One of this story about Middle East investments, instability makes investing in this tumultuous region fairly tricky. But that doesn't mean you ought to avoid it entirely.
After all, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in its World Economic Outlook that the region's economy would expand at a 5.1% pace in 2011, outpacing the United States and Europe.
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Friday, April 22, 2011
The Libyan Battle for Misurata / Politics / Middle East
The Libyan city of Misurata is the last remaining major rebel outpost in western Libya. Misurata’s access to the sea has enabled regular shipments of food, weapons, medicine and ammunition to sustain the resistance in the face of daily attacks by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Gadhafi’s forces are intent on retaking the port at Misurata, while the Libyan rebels based in Benghazi hope the looming humanitarian crisis in Misurata will persuade the European coalition leading the mission in Libya to deploy ground troops to assist the rebels.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
U.S., Britain and France Prepare to Invade Libya / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
The stage is now set for the imperialist invasion of Libya.
The former colonizing and enslaving powers of Africa—Britain, France and the United States—have committed themselves to the ouster of the Libyan government.
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Monday, April 11, 2011
European Union Prepares to send Ground Troops to Libya / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Chris Marsden writes: The European Union is seeking to utilise the humanitarian cover of the fate of the besieged city of Misrata to send ground troops to Libya under its command. The operation could be mounted within a matter of days. In a reversal of previous policy, the German government of Angela Merkel has offered to play the leading military role.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Gold and Oil Will Soar When the Saudi Monarchy Falls / Commodities / Middle East
By: Ron_Holland
Oil at $200 plus a barrel will be the least of America’s problems when the Saudi Monarchy falls.
"If something happens in Saudi Arabia it (oil) will go to $200 to $300 (a barrel). I don't expect this for the time being, but who would have expected Tunisia?" ~ Former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Zaki Yamani 4/5/11
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
NATO's War Against Libya / Politics / Middle East
By: Rick_Rozoff
Following similar developments in neighboring Tunisia and Egypt, anti-government protests began in Libya on February 15. On March 19 the U.S., France and Britain delivered air and cruise missile attacks against targets in Libya: 112 Tomahawk missile strikes from U.S. and British submarines and warships in the Mediterranean Sea and attacks by French warplanes on what were identified as government military vehicles on the ground.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Libya, the Fourth Western Crusade in 12 Years / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Robert Bridge writes: "We must not forget how NATO and US aircraft bombed Yugoslavia, and that is not the only precedent. Libya may become the fourth country in 12 years to be threatened with direct military foreign interference after Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq.”
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Libya, Hypocrisy and Betrayal by the United Nations / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Felicity Arbuthnot writes: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." - George Orwell.
The bombing of Libya will begin on or nearly to the day, of the eighth anniversary of the beginning of the destruction of Iraq, 19th March, in Europe. Libya too will be destroyed - its schools, education system, water, infrastructure, hospitals, municipal buildings. There will be numerous "tragic mistakes", "collateral damage", mothers, fathers, children, babies, grandparents, blind and deaf schools and on and on. And the wonders of the Roman remains and earlier, largely enduring and revered in all history's turmoils as Iraq, the nation's history - and humanity's, again as Iraq and Afghanistan, will be gone, for ever.
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Friday, March 18, 2011
U.N. Votes to Do a Kosovo in Libya, Be Fearful When Politicians Dream of Rambo / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
Just for the record I’m not “anti-war”, my uncle was awarded a Military Cross for fighting Hitler, and I’m proud of that. But sometimes I wonder was his sacrifice worth it?
The good news I suppose is that The U.N. has managed to agree on something that might have a minimal impact on the propensity of despots with guns, money and backing from a big power, to terrorise their own people; should we now expect that someday soon:
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Monday, March 14, 2011
Saudi Troops Storm Into Bahrain / Politics / Middle East
Forces from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries will enter Bahrain to help the Bahraini regime quell unrest, according to a number of media reports, including by Bahrain’s Alyam newspaper, known for its close links with the ruling al-Khalifa family. The reports come one day after clashes occurred between Shiite protesters and police in the capital, Manama. Meanwhile, Bahraini state media reported that the Independent Bloc (a parliamentary bloc of the Bahraini parliament) asked Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa to enforce martial law to contain the unrest.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Financial Consequences of the Middle East Protest Movement? / Politics / Middle East
By: Bob_Chapman
Just as we pointed out after the Tunisian episode, this was the beginning of CIA, MI6 and Mossad planned activities in the Middle East. As usual there were several objectives. The first was a distraction to cover up the financial troubles in the US, UK and Europe. The second was to remove Mubarak from his dictatorial position, because of his refusal to participate and agree to an invasion of Iran and to cause chaos in the region, so that those who were pro-Iran would not give it assistance in the event of war. There was also the matter of controlling Libya’s oil and toppling its dictator Gadhaffi. The US and the Brits want Libya’s oil among other things.
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Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Global Currency War Flash Points in the Middle East 'Age of Rage' / Economics / Middle East
By: Gordon_T_Long
The conflict in North Africa was a predictable outcome of the US Monetary Policy of Quantitative Easing. It is not plausible that the US Federal Reserve, as the manager of the world's Reserve Currency, did not fully recognize the global ramifications of such monetary inflation actions well in advance. Quantitative Easing like the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) of the cold war era has had the same devastating pre-emptive impact on Libya.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
U.S. And NATO Prepare For War With Libya / Politics / Middle East
By: Rick_Rozoff
March 7 was a pivotal moment in plans by Western powers to launch military operations against Libya.
After meeting with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Washington, President Barack Obama stated "we've got NATO, as we speak, consulting in Brussels around a wide range of potential options, including potential military options, in response to the violence that continues to take place inside of Libya."
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Bahrain and the Battle Between Iran and Saudi Arabia / Politics / Middle East
The world’s attention is focused on Libya, which is now in a state of civil war with the winner far from clear. While crucial for the Libyan people and of some significance to the world’s oil markets, in our view, Libya is not the most important event in the Arab world at the moment. The demonstrations in Bahrain are, in my view, far more significant in their implications for the region and potentially for the world. To understand this, we must place it in a strategic context.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Dubai Property Market Crash BubbleOmiX Update 2011 / Housing-Market / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
If you drive out on the highway towards Abu Dhabi past the Jebel Ali Free Zone, look on the right and you will see, partly covered in sand, the remnants of the billboards that used to declare, “Where the Vision of Dubai Get’s Built”.
I met a guy who claimed to have come up with that tag-line. He was a young American, very nice and very-very smart, based in New York working for a big-name branding company, with absolutely no clue of what Dubai is/was about. But he was making really good money, and that’s fundamentally what everything is about, in Dubai.
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Sunday, March 06, 2011
Libya Crisis. What the Mainstream Media is Hiding / Politics / Middle East
By: Pravda
Two weeks have elapsed since the first demonstrations in Benghazi and Tripoli. The disinformation campaign about Libya has sown confusion in the world. First a certainty: the analogies with events in Tunisia and Egypt are misplaced. These rebellions contributed obviously to depoliticize street protests in both neighboring countries, but the peculiar Libyan process has characteristics inseparable from the conspiring strategy of imperialism and what can be defined as the metamorphosis of a leader.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
NATO Re-surfaced Map of the New Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Chris_Kitze
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya writes: A relatively unknown map of the Middle East, NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, and Pakistan has been circulating around strategic, governmental, NATO, policy and military circles since mid-2006. It has been causally allowed to surface in public, maybe in an attempt to build consensus and to slowly prepare the general public for possible, maybe even cataclysmic, changes in the Middle East. This is a map of a redrawn and restructured Middle East identified as the “New Middle East.”
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Middle East Protests Continue for People's Unmet Demands / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
So far, weeks of regional protests achieved nothing. Despite ousting Egypt's Mubarak and Tunisia's Ben Ali, their regimes remain in place, offering nothing but unfulfilled promises.
On February 26, Egyptians again protested in Tahrir Square. This time, however, military forces confronted them, Reuters headlining, "Egypt military angers protesters with show of force," saying:
"Soldiers used force on Saturday to break up a protest demanding more political reform in Egypt, demonstrators said, in the toughest move yet against opposition activists who accused the country's military rulers of 'betraying the people.' "
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Arab Revolt And The Failed Nuclear Subprime Rout / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Top and bottom or truth and beauty quarks interest nuclear physicists, but the mutually assured
destruction of both the top and bottom, North and South parts of the global economy came very close,
and was even programmed until end December 2010. Using the lever of nuclear power and financial
assets generated around them, the intended mechanism featured a massive finance bubble driven by a
construction spree of new, industry standard, Chernobyl-sized (900 MW and over) reactors right across
the Southern emerging and developing countries, through 2010-2020.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Uncertainty in the Arab Street and Rising Food Costs / Politics / Middle East
By: HRA_Advisory
Events in Arabia have been sending flutters through the market. Egypt, by far the largest Arab state, has shifted into a virtuous economic growth cycle confirming it as an important emerging market regional centre. That said, it continues to have a high population growth and economic expansion has to be high to maintain current wealth levels. As street demonstrations go, these haven't been all that chaotic given they lack a pro rallying point. It is hard to say just what a growing Arab middle class will want beyond a say in its own governance. It was that middle class that first called for political change, but the poor who are trying to cope with rising food costs have also joined in. Both deserve some consideration.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Egypt Kiss Revolution Good Bye, Bankers Begin Quietly Carving Up North Africa / Politics / Middle East
By: Patrick_Henningsen
Richard Eastman writes: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is ready to lend one billion EUROS a year to Egypt for reconstruction and “free-market reform”- even as Egypt’s Minister of Finance Samir Radwan has gone begging to the City of London bankers and the British Ministry of Trade and Investment for relief on debt payments that are about to throw Egypt into bankruptcy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bahrain Peoples Uprising Against the US-backed Regime Gains Critical Mass / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
Bahrain’s uprising against the US-backed ruling elite is gathering critical mass, with the Persian Gulf island state seeing the biggest demonstration ever last night. Some 200,000 people took the main highway leading to the financial district in the capital, Manama, shouting in unison for the regime to go.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Arab Revolutions and the Emergence of a New Global Social Order / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Prof. (Dr.) Raju M. Mathew writes: The Arab Reality - The entire Arab World is in Revolution. It is a spontaneous over flow of the suppressed anger and frustration of the Arab Youth and Women against their Rulers and Regimes and the Rigid and Oppressive Socio-Economic System. The rulers and systems have been making their life more and more miserable, denying them dignity, justice, freedom and opportunities to grow and flourish. They have living in utter frustration and hopelessness without anything to dream.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Libya Crisis and its Energy Industry / Politics / Middle East
Libya’s political strife has already begun to impact its energy production, and this is just the beginning.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Libya Red Alert: Unrest and the Libyan Military / Politics / Middle East
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has ordered the Libyan air force to fire on military installations in Libya, according to what the BBC has characterized as a reliable source. Al Jazeera has suggested that air force fighters have opened fire on crowds of protesters.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bahrain State’s Lethal Crackdown Backfires on the Regime / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
There was an uneasy calm in Bahrain’s capital, Manama, last night following nearly a week of lethal repression by state security forces which has left eight civilians dead and hundreds injured.
But the appalling violence inflicted by state forces seems to have now galvanized the protest movement and radicalizing its calls for the entire regime to go.
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Libya Red Alert: Clashes in Tripoli / Politics / Middle East
Emerging reports early Feb. 21 indicate the unrest in Libya is spreading from eastern Libya to the capital of Tripoli. According to initial reports, heavy gunfire was heard in central Tripoli and in other districts with Al Jazeera reporting 61 people killed in Tripoli on Feb. 21. Other unconfirmed reports say protesters attacked the headquarters of Al-Jamahiriya Two television and Al-Shababia as well as other government buildings in Tripoli overnight.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saif Gadaffi's TV Speech Full Text as Libyan Regime Collapses / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
SultanAlQassemi writes: I saw that I had to speak to you. Many Libyans asked me to speak. I don't have a paper or a document to read from.I will not speak in classical Arabic, I will speak in Libyan, I don't have any papers, this is a talk from the heart & mind. We all know that the region is passing through an earthquake, a hurricane or change. If this change does not come from the govts it will come from the people, we have seen this in other Arab countries. Today I will tell you only truth only. We know that there are opposition figures living abroad who have support in Libya. There people try to use Facebook for a revolution to copy Egypt. These people want to bring Libya to what happened in Egypt & Tunisia.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Oil Revolution, Iran's Answer to the West / Politics / Middle East
By: Pravda
The riots spread to the oil-rich Arab countries. During the clashes with police in Bahrain on February14-15, at least two protesters were killed. What is the cause of such instability in Bahrain? It would seem that one of the richest "oil cats" of the Persian Gulf cannot be threatened in principle.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Palestinians plan 'Day of Rage' to protest U.S. veto on UN settlement resolution / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Haaretz Service writes: Palestinians are planning their own "Day of Rage" to protest the American veto on a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements, Ma'an News Agency reported a top Fatah official as saying on Saturday.
"They are liars who pretend to support democracy and peace. Far from it," Fatah official and former Palestinian intelligence chief Tawfik Tirawi, referring to the U.S., told the news agency.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Egypt's Economy in Crisis / Economics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Dr. Ali Kadri writes: Just a week after the Tunisian revolution, at a conference in Beirut, an astute Egyptian social scientist was asked, would the Tunisian contagion spread to Egypt? And his answer was a categorical, ‘it is not likely, Egyptians are religious, conservative and the security apparatus has a good grip on the country.’ Not long after, of course, the Egyptian popular uprising had proven once more that not only cultural explanations of revolutions were inapposite tools of analysis, but it has also shown that when the time comes for people to rise up, they just do so unexpectedly. Suddenly, all the facts on the grounds explain the revolution. They fall into place like a two piece puzzle. It would thereafter be said that the revolution was historically overdetermined despite the most recognisable fact, which is, no one could have predicted it and the social seismic metre did not even record any serious pre-traumatic tremors. All the conditions for the revolution were there last year and the year before. So why now?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Bahrain Revolt Against Another US Ally / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
“Have you ever seen an island with no beaches?” The question posed by the young Bahraini taxi man standing among thousands of chanting anti-government protesters seemed at first to be a bit off the wall. But his explanation soon got to the heart of the grievances that have brought tens of thousands of Bahrainis on to the streets over the past week – protests which have seen at least seven civilians killed amid scenes of excessive violence by state security forces. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll much higher.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Egypt's Next Crisis: The Economy / Economics / Middle East
Until just a few years ago, Egypt’s ruling military elite was able to “borrow” money from Egyptian banks with no intention of paying it back. President Hosni Mubarak’s son Gamal changed all that, reforming and privatizing the system in order to build an empire for himself. For the first time in centuries, Egypt’s financial position was not entirely dependent upon outside forces. Now, Mubarak and his reform-minded son are out of the picture and Egypt has a budget deficit and a government debt load that are teetering on the edge of sustainability.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
U.S. Economic Policies Driving Egypt's Workers Revolt / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
"The revolution in Egypt is an expression of the will of the people, the determination of the people, the commitment of the people.... Muslims and Christians have worked together in this revolution, as have the Islamic groups, secular parties, nationalist parties, and intellectuals....In fact every sector has played part in this revolution: the young, the old, women, men, clerics, artists, intellectuals, workers, and farmers." Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah
Monday, February 14, 2011
Egypt, The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality / Politics / Middle East

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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hold the Celebrations, Egypt's Struggle Just Began / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Hopefully beneath celebratory euphoria, Egyptians know ousting Mubarak was simple, especially since Washington long wanted him out. Covertly with Egypt's military, it facilitated long-planned regime purging for with new faces under old policies. In other words, have everything change but stay the same, a common imperial bait and switch con.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Whats Next In Egypt? / Politics / Middle East
By: Danny_Schechter
It is now the long morning after, as protesters returned to Tahrir Square to clean it up and savor their victory. There were even some initial scuffles with the military that may be over anxious to assert control and show that it is in charge.
In all the joy of the moment—the type of joy we see so rarely these days in the news—in all the electrifying coverage, and congratulations in the capitals of the West that stood by Mubarak for decades, there is still vast uncertainty.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
Egypt Roars With Freedom, Hurriya! / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Ramzy Baroud writes: “Just listen to that roar,” urged a CNN correspondent in Egypt, as thousands of Egyptian protesters charged, fists pumped, against hundreds of armed Egyptian security forces. What a roar it was, indeed. The protests have shown the world that Arabs are capable of much more than merely being pitiable statistics of unemployment and illiteracy, or powerless subjects of ‘moderate’ but ‘strong’ leaders (an acronym for friendly dictators).
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
Egyptian Crisis To Only Get Deeper With No Quick Fix Likely / Politics / Middle East
By: Danny_Schechter
The African journalist Nathanial Manheru chose a quote from French icon Andre Malraux’s Anti-Memoirs to understand current events in Egypt, “it is in Egypt that we are reminded that (man) invented the tomb.”
The tomb may be the appropriate metaphor not only for wannabe President for forever Hosni Mubarak but also for the 30 plus year neo-colonial economic system that he has presided over. Not surprisingly Frank Wisner Jr, the former U.S. Ambassador and son of a CIA dirty tricksters, wants the President to stick around –in the country’s interest, of course.
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
Egypt Crisis Financial Bonanza for Wall Street Investors and Speculators / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
Mubarak's decision not to resign was taken in close consultation with Washington. The US administration including US intelligence had carefully identified the possible scenarios. If Washington had instructed Mubarak to step down, he would have obeyed forthright.
His decision not to resign indelibly serves US interests. It creates a situation of social chaos and political inertia, which in turn generates a vacuum in decision making at the government level.
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
Who is the Real Opposition in Egypt? / Politics / Middle East
By: Shamus_Cooke
The revolution in Egypt erupted like all revolutions do, from the bottom up. It was unemployment and high food prices that propelled working and poor people into action. Now, the media reports that the "opposition” in Egypt is a group of well-to-do folks who have very little in common with the poor of Egypt.
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
The Battle for Egypt - The People vs. Washington / Politics / Middle East
By: Michael_T_Bucci
As it now stands on 5 February, Washington has engineered the Egyptian situation to where revolution is repressed, installation of a military regime is proposed, and the West can go back to business as usual, or so it hopes.
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
Egypt's Revolution: Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'? / Politics / Middle East
By: F_William_Engdahl
Fast on the heels of the regime change in Tunisia came a popular-based protest movement launched on January 25 against the entrenched order of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak. Contrary to the carefully-cultivated impression that the Obama Administration is trying to retain the present regime of Mubarak, Washington in fact is orchestrating the Egyptian as well as other regional regime changes from Syria to Yemen to Jordan and well beyond in a process some refer to as "creative destruction.&
Friday, February 04, 2011
Egyptian Revolution Will Eventually Be Betrayed / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Mark R. Crovelli writes: There is nothing in this dark and cynical world that is more beautiful than when a people rises up en masse against its suffocating and predatory political system and tells its murderous "leaders" to get the hell out of the country. Such a scene is all the more inspiring when it is motivated solely by the hope for freedom and prosperity, and the participants resort to the protest instead of the assault rifle. In the face of such a powerful grassroots lunge toward liberty, it is a foregone conclusion that the "leaders" of the country will eventually be forced to abdicate power and run for their lives. When this happens, the victorious and free people will fill the streets and countryside with joyous and uproarious song. They will have won the battle for liberty.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Why Did Mubarak's Thugs Ride In On Camels? / Politics / Middle East
By: Washingtons_Blog
The photos of Mubarak's thugs riding in on camels to attack the peaceful protesters with whips is getting worldwide attention:
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Wednesday, February 02, 2011
U.S. Chickens Come Home to Roost in Egypt / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Marjorie Cohn writes: Barack Obama, like his predecessors, has supported Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the tune of $1.3 billion annually, mostly in military aid. In return, Egypt minds U.S. interests in the Middle East, notably providing a buffer between Israel and the rest of the Arab world. Egypt collaborates with Israel to isolate Gaza with a punishing blockade, to the consternation of Arabs throughout the Middle East. The United States could not have fought its wars in Iraq without Egypt’s logistical support.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Revolutions When US Presidents Are Soft: Might Egypt Be Like Iran? / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
There is a lot in common between the Iranian Revolution and the current almost revolution in Egypt that is being played out.
In both cases there was a huge popular uprising against a corrupt, brutal, venal and un-democratic government who relied heavily on police, secret police, and torture, to stay in power, headed up by self admiring despots.
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Monday, January 31, 2011
The Egyptian Intifada, Mubarak's Time Is Up / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
Stocks plunged on Friday following a fifth day of protests in Cairo. Oil shot up more than $3 per barrel as investors grew nervous about potential disruptions to supply. The Dow Jones tumbled 166 points by day's end.
The Israeli embassy has been shut down in Egypt's capital and it's diplomatic staff has been flown to Tel Aviv (allegedly) disguised as tourists.. The Star of David has been lowered and is no longer visible anywhere in Cairo.
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Facebook, Twitter, and the Arab Revolutions / Politics / Middle East
By: Gary_North
The dictator of Tunisia was overthrown in less than one month after being in power for 23 years. There is no question about how opponents of his regime were able to topple it. Two words describe it: Facebook, Twitter. These two social networking sites enabled protesters to take to the streets, organize the opposition, recruit new protesters, and overcome the police force and the military.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Egypt, Economic Crisis Driving Political Protests Sparked In Part By US Financial Speculation / Politics / Middle East
By: Danny_Schechter
This is an upstairs/downstairs story that takes us from the peak of a Western mountaintop for the wealthy to spreading mass despair in the valleys of the Third World poor.
It is about how the solutions for the world financial crisis that the Ceos and Big pols are massaging in a posh conference center in snowy Davos Switzerland have turned into a global economic catastrophe in the streets of Cairo, the current ground zero of a certain to spread wave of international unrest.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Egyptian Military Attempting to Retain Control / Politics / Middle East
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak remains the lifeblood of the demonstrators, who still number in the tens of thousands in downtown Cairo and in other major cities, albeit on a lesser scale. After being overwhelmed in the Jan. 28 Day of Rage protests, Egypt’s internal security forces — with the anti-riot paramilitaries of the Central Security Forces (CSF) at the forefront — were glaringly absent from the streets Jan. 29. They were replaced with rows of tanks and armored personnel carriers carrying regular army soldiers. Unlike their CSF counterparts, the demonstrators demanding Mubarak’s exit from the political scene largely welcomed the soldiers. Despite Mubarak’s refusal to step down Jan. 28, the public’s positive perception of the military, seen as the only real gateway to a post-Mubarak Egypt, remained. It is unclear how long this perception will hold, especially as Egyptians are growing frustrated with the rising level of insecurity in the country and the army’s limits in patrolling the streets.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Egypt: Cue the Dirty Tricks, False Flags To Discredit Pro-Democracy Movement / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
The looting of Cairo’s world-famous Egyptian Museum over the weekend seems to have engendered the desired news headlines.
‘Looters smash ancient treasures’, ‘Looters decapitate mummies’, ‘Looters rip off heads of artifacts’ etc., read a rash of headlines, following the apparent breaking into the country’s national museum, which is said to house the world’s biggest of Pharaonic antiquities.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Egypt: Washington Has Finger on the Trigger for More Bloodshed / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
Egypt’s capital Cairo and other major cities across the country are increasingly looking like battlefields as president Hosni Mubarak tries to tighten his grip on power in the face of nationwide protests calling for his abdication.
Reports of more than 50 civilians killed and more than 1,000 injured over night in police and army violence did not deter ten of thousands of people defying the now nightly curfew and secret arrests. Nor did that deter huge crowds from amassing on central streets of Cairo and Alexandria the following the day, which revealed the charred remains of government buildings, armoured cars and other debris, evidencing fierce clashes between armed forces and demonstrators,
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
US Backed Repression in Egypt is Insight for American Public / Politics / Middle East
By: Finian_Cunningham
As thousands more Egyptian citizens take to the streets in anti-government protests, the country is in danger of witnessing a bloodbath – at the behest of Washington.
Defying a ban on public demonstrations by the government of President Hosni Mubarak, tens of thousands of Egyptians have for the fourth consecutive day rallied on the streets of the capital Cairo and other major cities calling for his abdication. Inspired by the mass uprising in neigbouring Tunisia earlier this month, which forced its president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali into exile, the protesters in Egypt are likewise demanding Mubarak and his government to quit.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Anti Government Protests Spreading Across North Africa and Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Barry_Grey
As thousands continued to demonstrate in Tunisia over the weekend against the interim “national unity” government, antigovernment protests spread to Algeria, Yemen and Jordan.
State forces in Algeria and Yemen responded to the protests with deadly force. The Associated Press reported that more than a dozen people were killed in Algeria Saturday when police blocked a march on the parliament building in the capital city, Algiers. Some 300 people intending to march from the city’s Place de la Concorde to parliament were quickly blockaded by police armed with batons, tear gas and other weapons.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Why Tunisia Changed the World / Politics / Middle East
By: Shamus_Cooke
Tunisia woke up the Middle East with a thundering yawn. After years of domination by western-backed tyrants, the working people of the Arab world are rising from slumber. Once fully awake and aware of their surroundings, they'll shake off the influence of the western nations with a collective flick of the wrist.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
America's Arab Puppet Dictatorship Regimes Are Going Down / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: Oops! Something has gone terribly wrong with Washington’s plans for regime change in the Mideast. Wasn’t there supposed to be a US and British engineered revolution against Iran’s mullahs, followed by installation of a cooperative pro-western government and a bonanza for western oil companies?
The revolution came, all right, but in the wrong place. The explosion of popular fury in Tunisia that ousted its dictator of 23-years is sending shock waves across the Arab world and has alarm bells ringing in Washington.
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Monday, January 17, 2011
The US-Israeli Coup in Beirut / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
The United States and Israel have executed a stealth coup that has precipitated the collapse of Lebanon's unity government.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton preemptively torpedoed negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Syria by telling "Saudi King Abdullah and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri that the U.S. would reject any settlement at the expense of the UN tribunal." (Tehran Times) Clinton knew that the Saudi-Syria team was close to a "breakthrough" that would have resolved contentious issues related to the investigation of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. She could not allow that to happen because it would derail the US/Israeli plan for regime change and another Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
Tonight We Are All Tunisians / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Yvonne Ridley writes: Over the last few days we have seen some of the bravest people facing down some of the worst.
Armed with nothing more than a revolutionary heart and hopes of a better future they gathered and protested as government forces aimed their weapons and fired live rounds in to the crowds.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
Turmoil in Lebanon / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Reportedly, 19th century Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz once remarked: "Poor Mexico, So far from God, So close to the United States." His proximity comment applies to Lebanon. Bordering Israel, it experienced decades of belligerent interventions as early as 1954 when Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion proposed supporting the establishment of a Maronite-dominated Christian mini-state.
In 1978, Israel attacked Lebanon and occupied the country up to the Litani River before withdrawing under US pressure, letting UN Blue Helmets (UNIFIL) replace its own forces.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
US Pressure Triggers Collapse of Lebanese Government / Politics / Middle East
By: Global_Research
Bill Van Auken writes: Lebanon’s misnamed “national unity” government fell Wednesday after the political bloc led by Hezbollah withdrew over the failure to reach an agreement on policy toward a United Nations probe into the 2005 assassination of former prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
U.S. $60 Billion Saudi Arms Sale Into the Arms of King Abdullah / Politics / Middle East
Congress was recently notified by the US administration that it would be selling weapons to Saudi Arabia in one of the largest arms sales in history. The $60 billion deal includes advanced military aircraft, new helicopters, and other weapons such as missiles and bombs.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
U.S. Saudi Arms Deal is About Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
This month the US Administration notified Congress that it intends to complete one of the largest arms sales in US history to one of the most repressive regimes on earth. Saudi Arabia has been given the green light by the administration to spend $60 billion on some 84 new F-15 aircraft, dozens of the latest helicopters, and other missiles, bombs, and high-tech military products from the US weapons industry.
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Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Israel Prepares to Attack Iran With WMD's, Could Trigger World War III / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
The stockpiling and deployment of advanced weapons systems directed against Iran started in the immediate wake of the 2003 bombing and invasion of Iraq. From the outset, these war plans were led by the US, in liaison with NATO and Israel. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration identified Iran and Syria as the next stage of “the road map to war”. US military sources intimated that an aerial attack on Iran could involve a large scale deployment comparable to the US "shock and awe" bombing raids on Iraq in March 2003:
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Middle East Peace Talks Another Fraud / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: On 2 Sept, 2001, in a newspaper article, I wrote: "America’s strategic and economic interests in the Mideast and Muslim world are being threatened by the agony in Palestine, which inevitably invites terrorist attacks against US citizens and property."
The 9/11 attacks came nine days later.
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Sunday, September 05, 2010
Middle East Conflict Costs Region $12 Trillion Over 20 Years / Politics / Middle East
By: Rick_Rozoff
The Internet has provided the world with, if nothing else, instantaneous access to news and in-depth information previously available only to governments and think tanks. It has also allowed for the exchange of data and analyses between groups and individuals around the globe, in part by making one tongue, English, the language of the World Wide Web. It remains to be seen whether the keystroke is mightier than the sword.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
U.S. Wants the Appearance of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks / Politics / Middle East
The Israeli government and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) have agreed to engage in direct peace talks Sept. 2 in Washington. Neither side has expressed any enthusiasm about the talks. In part, this comes from the fact that entering any negotiations with enthusiasm weakens your bargaining position. But the deeper reason is simply that there have been so many peace talks between the two sides and so many failures that it is difficult for a rational person to see much hope in them. Moreover, the failures have not occurred for trivial reasons. They have occurred because of profound divergences in the interests and outlooks of each side.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
NATO Assists In Building New Iraq Middle East Proxy Army / Politics / Middle East
By: Rick_Rozoff
A North Atlantic Treaty Organization website recently posted an article by the commander of the NATO Training Mission – Iraq, American Lieutenant General Michael Barbero, entitled "NATO Training Mission – Iraq: Tactical Size...Strategic Impact" which reflected on the six-year-old but little known role of the Western military bloc in the Middle Eastern nation.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hezbollah, Radical but Rational / Politics / Middle East

We frequently hear concerns from U.S. and Mexican government sources about the Iranian and Hezbollah network in Latin America. They fear that Iran would use Hezbollah to strike targets in the Western Hemisphere and even inside the United States if the United States or Israel were to conduct a military strike against Tehran’s nuclear program. Such concerns are expressed not only by our sources and are relayed not only to us. Nearly every time tensions increase between the United States and Iran, the media report that the Hezbollah threat to the United States is growing. Iran also has a vested interest in playing up the danger posed by Hezbollah and its other militant proxies as it tries to dissuade the United States and Israel from attacking its nuclear facilities.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Israel Interference in Lebanon, Spies, Lies and Goodbyes – Part 1 / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
The killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was until recently widely believed to have been perpetrated by the Syrians, or at least on their behalf. It was the assassination of Mr. Hariri that led to the forced departure of Syrian troops from Lebanon as a result of international pressure and wide-ranging opposition from the Lebanese street.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Phantom Iranian Ship sails for Gaza / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
Why are members of the western media saying that an Iranian ship is on its way to Gaza? Is it just an innocent mistake or is there something more sinister involved?
The first reports of an Iranian flotilla first appeared on Israeli news-sites late Sunday night. This (accurate report) is from the Jerusalem Post:
Saturday, June 05, 2010
How To Survive Under Economic Destructionism / Politics / Middle East
By: LewRockwell
Karen Kwiatkowski, writes: It’s time for those Americans who wish to stay and fight our overweening government to recognize a new model of survivalism, and learn from it.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Gulf Defensive Buildup In Advance of Attack on Iran? / Politics / Middle East
This weekend’s newspapers were filled with stories about how the United States is providing ballistic missile defense (BMD) to four countries on the Arabian Peninsula. The New York Times carried a front-page story on the United States providing anti-missile defenses to Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, as well as stationing BMD-capable, Aegis-equipped warships in the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile, the front page of The Washington Post carried a story saying that “the Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid to thwart future attacks by Iran, according to former and current U.S. and Middle Eastern government officials.”
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Media and Political Hysteria Over Yemen Hides a Deeper Strategic Matrix of Long-Term Importance / Politics / Middle East
By: OilPrice_Com
US and Western European political leaders have begun to focus on Yemen as a source of projected instability and as a haven for jihadist terrorism against the West.
This simplistic and overly narrow view has largely been a reaction to media reporting of the links of alleged (and unsuccessful) Nigerian-born terrorist bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to a radical Yemeni group, and to intense ongoing fighting between insurgents and Yemeni and Saudi government forces on the Yemen-Saudi border.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dubai Crisis to Sustained Growth / Economics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Dr. Raju M. Mathew writes: Dubai A Victim - Dubai is a victim of over-projection at the time of boom and underestimation at the time of bust or crisis. Builders, investors, sellers and buyers in Dubai behave irrationally without having a clear cut idea or knowledge about the actual strength and weakness of Dubai. Misinformation and semi-processed data were the basis of all the speculation in Dubai. In Dubai fantasy prevails over reality. The real economy of Dubai is far away from the over projection and under estimation made by the market players as well as its friends and enemies.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Using ETFs to Invest in the Middle East / Stock-Markets / Middle East
By: Ron_Rowland
The Middle East is big news this week with a state-owned company in the tiny emirate of Dubai asking for an extension on debt payments. Markets around the globe are watching intently.
I’m not especially surprised about this …
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
BubbleOmics: Dubai Property Market Down And Out…Or Bounce? / Housing-Market / Middle East
By: Andrew_Butter
On the sidelines of the Big News there are two stories making the rounds: Dubai property and Dubai debt.
In the grand scheme of things Dubai is a pretty small place (the economy is about 45% the size of Singapore), but it’s interesting from the perspective of bubbles.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bankrupt United States Ruling Over an Impotent World Prepping Israel for an Attack Against Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Japan did not spend years preparing her public case and demonstrating her deployment of forces for the attack. Japan did not make a world issue out of her view that the US was denying Japan her role in the Pacific by hindering Japan’s access to raw materials and energy.
Similarly, when Hitler attacked Russia, he did not preface his invasion with endless threats and a public case that blamed the war on England.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Worlds Tallest Building, Burj Dubai Final Height Fails to Meet 900 meter Target / Housing-Market / Middle East
By: Pravda
Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world, will be opened in United Arab Emirates in December of this year with a three-month delay, The National newspaper wrote with reference to Emaar Properties, the company that builds the tower.
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Saturday, June 06, 2009
Grim Picture of Obama's Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Noam Chomsky writes: A CNN headline, reporting Obama's plans for his June 4 Cairo address, reads 'Obama looks to reach the soul of the Muslim world.' Perhaps that captures his intent, but more significant is the content hidden in the rhetorical stance, or more accurately, omitted.
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Thursday, June 04, 2009
President Obama's Speech in Cairo, Egypt, Transcript and Video / Politics / Middle East
By: Submissions
Thank you very much. Good afternoon. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning; and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. And together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. I'm grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt. And I'm also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: Assalaamu alaykum. (Applause.)
Friday, April 03, 2009
Burj Dubai One Kilometre High Property Crash White Elephant? / Housing-Market / Middle East
By: Pravda
World's highest skyscraper Burj Dubai, which Emaar Properties builds in Dubai, will be open for public access in September 2009, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of Downtown Burj Dubai.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Dubai Property Market Crash / Housing-Market / Middle East
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman

In his book "Overcoming Zionism," Joel Kovel writes: Zionism seeks "the restoration of tribalism in the guise of a modern, highly militaralized and aggressive state. (It) cut Jews off from (their) history and led to a fateful identity of interests with antisemitism (becoming) the only thing that united them. (It) fell into the ways of imperialist expansion and militarism, and showed signs of the fascist malignancy."
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dubai's Oil Boom Financial Centre Heading for Bust? / Stock-Markets / Middle East
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: Dubai has plenty of qualities that catch an investor's eye.
- The emirate has the world's only (self-proclaimed) 7-star hotel.
- Dubai also is home to the biggest financial market in the Middle East, which is itself publicly quoted and trades at 25 times forecast 2008 earnings.
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Monday, June 09, 2008
How to Profit from the Middle East's Global Economic & Investment Expansion / Stock-Markets / Middle East
By: Martin_Hutchinson

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Thursday, April 10, 2008
New Middle East War Rumours / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
This is a Special Edition of Outside the Box from my friend George Friedman and Stratfor. You've heard me say before that these guys see the world in a different way, but this piece just makes it crystal clear. There are serious rumblings about a major war coming between Israel and its neighbors, and George has put what seems like innocent dots on the board and wonders if there is not a pattern emerging. I am especially looking forward to seeing George and his wife and partner Meredith at my conference this weekend.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
George Bush in Danger While on Middle East Tour? / Politics / Middle East
By: Ian_Brockwell
The recent “Al Qaeda” video, which was posted just days before George Bush's trip to the Middle East, urges fighters to meet the President with bombs.
U.S.-born Adam Gadahn, who appears on the almost one hour long video, was quoted as saying in Arabic “Now we direct an urgent call to our militant brothers in Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula .. to be ready to receive the Crusader slayer Bush in his visit to Muslim Palestine and the Arab peninsula in the beginning of January and to receive him not with flowers or clapping but with bombs and booby-trapped vehicles”
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Why Did Israel Attack Syria? / Politics / Middle East
By: John_Mauldin
One of the things I found out in my recent survey of readers is that many of you really like the special Outside the Box I send every now and then from George Friedman and Stratfor. I share your enthusiasm for the really unique world view that George and his team bring to us. This week's special Outside the Box is no exception to the quality and uniqueness of analysis that George brings to us.
I have found it very strange that no government is talking about the air strike that Israel did a few weeks ago into Syria. Why isn't Syria screaming? Israel bragging? Turkey's air space was used. It now seems that there were more than a few planes. Something happened, and as George points out, it is serious. But at what level. This whole thing needs to examined carefully for its implications, but I will let George do that.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Middle East Madness - Occupation of Iraq and Plans to Attack Iran / Politics / Middle East
By: Stephen_Lendman
Administration rhetoric is heated and the dominant media keep trumpeting it. It signals war with Iran of the "shock and awe" kind - intensive, massive and maybe with nuclear weapons. Plans are one thing, action another, and how things play out, in fact, won't be known until the fullness of time that may not be long in coming. For now, waiting and guessing games continue, and one surmise is as good as another. The more threatening they are, the less likely they'll happen, or at least it can be hoped that's so.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Osama bin Laden Video – Is this a joke? / Politics / Middle East
By: Ian_Brockwell
It has been claimed that this is the first appearance of Osama bin Laden (in a new video) since 2004, although his voice has apparently been heard on a tape more recently. As most will clearly see at a glance, his beard shows no sign of grey hairs anymore (the result of dye we are told), and seems to be more curly/bushy than before. There are of course other facial differences, like the position of his ears, mouth and eyebrows, and if I am not mistaken, his nose looks like it belongs to a boxer who has been on the receiving end of far too many punches! Talking of boxers, can anyone else see a resemblance to Rocky Balboa?Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sept 11th Video Address - Bin Laden's Final Call To Islam / Politics / Middle East
By: Emil_Bailey

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A Political Wrap - Iran Forces Japan to Pay in Yen and Odds n' Ends in the War on Terror / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney

Much has been made of the chummy relationship between George Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin. An incident, which was reported last week in the "UK Spectator", shows that this so-called "man-to-man" friendship is a complete fraud created by the Washington press corps to conceal the real issues and to perpetuate the illusion that Bush is a normal guy.
You be the judge:
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Battle of Gaza / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
In less than 24 hours of fierce street-fighting, Bush's proxy-army in Gaza was routed by armed units of Hamas. It was a stunning defeat for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and for US-Israeli policymakers who have done everything in their power to overturn the “free and fair” election of the Hamas government. For now, Hamas has reestablished its authority in Gaza although Abbas is still working frantically with Bush and Olmert to consolidate his power in the West Bank.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Bush's New Middle East - Interference in Lebanon / Politics / Middle East
By: Mike_Whitney
It's hard to know what Bush hopes to accomplish by backing the bloody siege of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, but one thing is certain; things are never as they seem. In an interview on Democracy Now last week, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh stated that, Fatah al-Islam — the group of Sunni extremists inside the camp — were getting material support from the Saudis, the Bush administration and members of the Lebanese political establishment.Read full article... Read full article...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Political Wrap - Time to talk with Iran, US Kansas City Mall Shooting and the Broken Olmert / Politics / Middle East
By: John_York
In a break from the stock market wraps.
Talking to the Iranians
America after nearly 30 years is being forced into direct talks with Iran. As Condoleza Rice mentioned on Sunday whilst referring to Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki. “I will not rule out that we may encounter one another, This isn't an opportunity to talk about US-Iran issues. This is really an opportunity for all of Iraq's neighbours to talk about how to stablise Iraq”
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Israel and Iran share most negative ratings in global Opinion poll / Politics / Middle East
By: John_York
Most people believe Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world with almost as many saying the same about North Korea and the United States, according to a BBC World Service poll of 28,000 people in 27 countries.
People were asked to rate 12 countries – Britain, Canada, China, France, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Russia, the United States and Venezuela – as having a positive or negative influence.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Lebanon drifts towards civil war following the assassination of Pierre Gemayel / Politics / Middle East
By: John_York
The killing of Pierre Gemayel the Minister for Industry and member of the Phalange party, shook lebanon's weakening government, with the finger of blame immediately pointing to Syria. At least three gunmen rammed their car into Gemayel's vehicle near Beirut, then leapt out and riddled it with bullets, firing at Gemayel with silencer-equipped automatic weapons at point-blank range in a Christian neighborhood. Ten bullet holes were seen around the window of the driver's seat of his grey car. The two front seats were soaked in blood.