Category: CRB Index
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, December 30, 2010
Commodities Outlook 2011 Remains Positive / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Chris_Ciovacco
Given a basket of commodities, as measured by the CRB Index, is up a healthy 9.72% this month, it may be a good time to revisit the longer-term outlook. While the daily chart of the CRB is showing some signs of short-term fatigue, the outlook for the next three-to-six months still appears to be encouraging.
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Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Commodities Outlook Remains Positive / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Chris_Ciovacco
With news of a compromise on extending the Bush tax cuts, recent strength in the U.S. dollar, and signals from China it may raise interest rates, it is a good time to check on the health of weak-dollar assets, such as commodities (DBC). Commodities, especially hard commodities like copper (JJC) and gold (GLD), are often used as a way to protect purchasing power during periods where concerns about future inflation are elevated.
Monday, September 20, 2010
CRB Index Trying to Shake Off the Bears / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The first half of 2010 was marked by general weakness in the CRB Index, following a modest 2009 recovery. In Aug, however, the signals started changing, and the bear case has weakened.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
Gold and Commodiies Being Hit by Second Wave of Deflation Fear / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Howard_Katz
Below is the CRB index, monthly basis, for the past 15 years showing the beginning of the (second) upswing of the commodity pendulum. (This is the real CRB index, the one which was started in 1955 and weighs the different commodities equally, not one of the modern variants which overweigh the energy group.)
Friday, June 04, 2010
CRB Commodities Index Slide Nearing Support Area / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
Early 2010 negative signals in the CRB Index called for a bearish stance, with the Feb/Apr recovery attempt viewed as temporary. A subsequent resumption of the bear move has now seen the Index approaching an interesting technical support area where support, and a rebound, is likely.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
NO Stock Market Investments, Commodities Second Inflationary Upswing / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Howard_Katz
This is directed toward those readers who have heeded the siren song of the establishment and have put their assets into the stock market. I say to you: NO STOCKS, NO STOCKS, NO STOCKS, not at this time.
The basic reason is that we are in the second upswing of the commodity pendulum. First, what is the commodity pendulum? And second, why should this affect your decision to put your assets into stocks?
Friday, February 05, 2010
Commodities CRB Index Bearish Key Reversal Month / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
After deep losses in the CRB Index in 2008, 2009 was marked by a recovery attempt – and to date it has fallen short of the 38.2% retracement. This has been accompanied by certain bear signs that herald a medium term pullback phase now.
Monday, November 02, 2009
New Low for the Dollar and New highs for Commodities CRB Index / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Donald_W_Dony
• US Dollar decline continues. $0.74 target
• Upward pressure on CRB builds into Q1
Monday, October 26, 2009
The CRB Index, One Inflation Indicator The Government Can't Ignore / Commodities / CRB Index
Here's One Indicator The Government Can't Ignore
There is an indicator which has been around since 1957. It has accurately forecasted every inflationary and deflationary cycle since.
Friday, September 04, 2009
U.S. Dollar Stability Stalls Commodities / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Donald_W_Dony
• Building risk aversion supports U.S. Dollar Index and pins commodity growth
• Next major low in equities expected to lift US$ to $0.80
• CRB consolidation continues into October
Friday, August 14, 2009
Further Upside in CRB Commodities Index / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
An earlier pullback in the CRB Index found solid technical support in early July and subsequent recovery has been impressive. Following a recent erosion of former 23.6% resistance there seems to be scope for further modest gains at least.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Long Term Look at the Commodities CRB and Silver / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Tim_Wood
Every market is comprised of cycles of various durations. Each of these cycles is constantly ebbing and flowing with one another much like the currents, the tide, the waves and ripples in the ocean. Sometimes these different cycles are moving together and sometimes they move in opposition. In cycles analysis the trend is defined as the direction of the next larger cycle.
Monday, July 20, 2009
China Surging Money Supply a Strong Driver for Inflation and Commodities / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Douglas_V._Gnazzo
Honest Money Gold & Silver Report - According to the data published by the People's Bank of China on July 15, the broad money supply (M2) expanded more than 2 trillion Yuan in June alone, to 56.89 trillion Yuan. That’s an increase of 7.28 trillion so far this year (14.6%) and a year on year increase of 28%.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Plunging CCI Resulting in Cheap Commodities on False Bearish Prognostications / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Zeal_LLC
Commodities have had a rough go lately, especially before this week. You couldn’t open a financial newspaper or turn on CNBC without seeing endless bearish prognostications for raw materials’ prices. Ongoing global economic fears led to the widespread belief that commodities are doomed to grind lower.
Friday, July 03, 2009
CRB Commodities Index Pullback Now Underway / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Seven_Days_Ahead
The recovery in the CRB Index from a late Feb low reached our first objective on 11th Jun, the 23.6% recovery level. We were ready to see a pause in the uptrend here, and this has happened, with a corrective phase now in process.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Stock Market and Dollar Upward Wedge Patterns - Signs of the times / Stock-Markets / CRB Index
By: Garry_Abeshouse
Over the last 12 months, the USD and now US equities, have formed bearish upward wedge formations on the charts. Upward wedges are usually well defined patterns showing weakening upward momentum, hence the shape. These patterns are known to be very common in stocks during bear markets and were especially so during the period 1929 to 1932.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Farmland Investing, the Quiet Land Grab is Just Beginning / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Q1_Publishing
According to the Economist, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and China have been “quietly” buying up more than $20 billion of this asset.
It’s not oil or natural gas assets though. And it’s not the molybdenum they need to build thousands of miles of new pipelines. They’re buying up one of my favorite long-term investments, farmland.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The #1 Predictor of Inflation or Deflation / Commodities / CRB Index
There is an indicator which has been around since 1957. It has accurately forecasted every inflationary and deflationary cycle since.
This is my number one indicator for large cyclic trends. You may want to watch this index carefully should you want to invest in certain stocks and commodity related markets.
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Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Four Ways to Profit From the Commodities Bull Market / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: In normal recessions, commodities prices fall - and stay down for the count - as mines, farms and oil wells continue to expand production, even as demand is flattened by the economic malaise.
Well, not this time around. And that figures to make commodities a profitable defensive investment. Indeed, we’ve uncovered four of the very best ways to profit from this trend.
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Bottoming Consumer Prices and Commodities– Confirmations and Conclusions / Commodities / CRB Index
By: Andy_Sutton
In a mid-February editorial we took a look at some factors that were beginning to confirm one of our proprietary indicators that pointed to a bottoming in consumer prices in December 2008. Writing such an article at the time was a big risk since it flew in the face of a trend that had been firmly in place for the past half-year. The price of nearly everything was falling – or so it seemed. For those who understand and appreciate the function of money supply in the determination of prices, the article made perfect sense.