Category: China
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, November 20, 2009
Obama in China Opening the Doors for Wall Street, Nothing More / Stock-Markets / China
By: Mike_Whitney
Barack Obama took Hu Jintao to task this morning, scolding the dejected-looking Chinese leader at a press conference held in Beijing. Obama delivered one ferocious jab after another, claiming that China's dollar-peg has cost the US millions of high-paying manufacturing jobs while creating gigantic trade imbalances which have destabilized the global economy and thrust the world into severe economic contraction.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Commodity Bulls Snared by China Stimulus Snafu / Commodities / China
By: Justice_Litle
Some of China’s stockpiling may well have been due to speculative excess, rather than any rational plan on the ground. That realization played a role in the market carnage seen this week.
As Grant’s Interest Rate Observer has been known to say, “We wrote it. Did you read it?”
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
China Commodities Undercut U.S. Dollar / Commodities / China
By: Jim_Willie_CB
China is directing their mountain of reserves away from acquired mining firms and toward managed hedge funds. This is a new direction for Beijing, clearly in response to the refusal by Rio Tinto to permit a $19 billion stake from the Chinese aluminum giant Chinalco. They were frustrated and angered by the other refusal with the failed Unocal dea in 2005. Clearly, whether stated openly or not, the Chinese are thwarted by USGovt and UKGovt hidden leaders from investing in strategic firms. From their point of view, tarnished by ill feelings, their money is good for credit supply but not good for commodity supply lines. So China will continue its pursuit of significant interests in commodity firms, both metals and energy related, and will amplify the pressures by taking scattered interests in hedge funds,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
China’s Got a New Currency… and It Sure AIN’T the Dollar / Commodities / China
By: Graham_Summers
Let’s talk about China.
China is the US’s largest creditor. All told, the People’s Republic has $700+ billion in US Treasuries. However, if you account for other dollar denominated investments, China is believed to have 70% of its $1.7 trillion in foreign reserves sitting in green backs.
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Friday, June 13, 2008
China's Geopolitic Imperatives and its Current Economic Position / Economics / China
By: John_Mauldin

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
China Factor on US Economics and Politics - The Adverse Feedback Loop, Part One / Politics / China
By: Paul_Petillo

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Trade War Looming as Made in China Toxic Consumer Goods Removed from Shelves / ConsumerWatch / China
By: Phillipa_Green
Chinese factories start to feel a chill as Wall Mart follows Mattel in removing substandard chinease products from their shelves.
The giant Lee Der toy company that used to employ 5000 workers remains closed after Matels recall of some 18 million toys, likely to cost the company in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Another 10,000 toy factories employing more than a million workers similarly await judgment day in the form of cascading bad consumer press.
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Friday, January 19, 2007
China fires ballistic missile into Space destroying its own Weather Satellite / Politics / China
By: John_York
China successfully fired a ground based ballistic missile into space destroying one of its own weather satellite Feng Yun (FY-1C), that was schedules to be shortly retired. Immediately western leaders expressed concern that China was now capable of targeting foreign satellites including low orbit spy satellite, and risked a new space arms race.