Category: Arctic Resources
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, July 07, 2011
Militarization of the Arctic / Politics / Arctic Resources
By: Rick_Rozoff
Canada has announced that they will be conducting large-scale exercises in the Arctic. NATO also announced claims on the Arctic. What can you say about the militarization of the Arctic?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Investing in the Arctic Tundra - Diamonds are Forever / Commodities / Arctic Resources
By: Money_and_Markets
Sean Brodrick writes: When I wrote you last week, I had just joined my hosts in the diamond exploration camp in the Canadian Arctic. I was taking my first trips out on the tundra, looking for kimberlite, which is the host rock for diamonds.
In the picture, I'm standing with Nick, one of the locals. One of his many jobs was making sure I wasn't eaten by grizzlies. His bear rifle is in the blue bag on his shoulder!
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007
The Race for Arctic OIl, Gas and Metal Resources / Commodities / Arctic Resources
By: Money_and_Markets
Sean Brodrick writes: A lot of people are going to the Arctic these days.
The U.S. is sending an icebreaker there to help expand its territorial claim … Canada is planning on building as many as eight armed patrol ships and a deep water port to reassert its sovereignty over Arctic territory … and last week, Russian explorers planted a national flag on the seabed under the North Pole.
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