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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

Category: Energy Resources

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Why Helium Stocks Are Set To Soar in 2021 / Companies / Energy Resources

By: Submissions




Monday, July 12, 2021

Why Amazon, Google and Netflix Are Fighting Over this Rare Gas / Companies / Energy Resources

By: Submissions

Big Tech may be in for a major crisis in the coming months, all because of a global shortage virtually nobody’s talking about.

And it has nothing to do with the shortages we’ve seen worldwide in everything from computer chips to lumber to chicken wings.

This supply squeeze runs far deeper and has the potential to crush major blue-chip companies if the situation doesn’t dramatically improve soon.

That’s because Big Tech companies like Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, and Netflix all depend on this one gas to keep their servers up and running around the clock.

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Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Clean Energy Compound That Could Change The World / Companies / Energy Resources

By: Submissions




Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Unlocking The Next Stage Of The Hydrogen Boom / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Submissions




Tuesday, June 22, 2021

This Green SuperFuel Could Change Everything For the $14 Trillion Shipping Industry / Companies / Energy Resources

By: Submissions




Monday, June 21, 2021

The Green Superfuel That Could Disrupt Global Energy Markers / Companies / Energy Resources

By: Submissions




Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Fuel Of The Future That’s 9 Times More Efficient Than Lithium / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: OilPrice_Com




Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Scientists Discover New Renewable Fuel 3 Times More Powerful Than Gasoline / Companies / Energy Resources

By: OilPrice_Com




Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Could This Household Chemical Become The Superfuel Of The Future? / Companies / Energy Resources

By: OilPrice_Com




Monday, June 07, 2021

Is A New Superfuel About To Take Over Energy Markets? / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Oilprice_Com




Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Why Solar and Wind Energy Can’t Save Us / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Richard_Mills

Recently, British Petroleum (BP) went public in declaring that “peak oil demand” was reached in 2019. According to the oil major’s 2020 outlook, global oil demand will not regain levels reached last year, and that demand could soon fall rapidly, due to stronger climate action by countries, by at least 10% over the next 10 years, and up to 50% by 2040.

Demand for the fossil fuel has doubled over the past 50 years, reaching around 100 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) in 2019.

While earlier editions of BP’s outlook stated that global demand would continue rising steadily, peaking in the mid-2030s, the latest version sees the decline as much more dramatic, with peak demand already reached in 2019, and either slowing down or plateauing over the next three decades.

The magnitude of the fall in demand depends on the degree to which global carbon emissions are addressed/ cut by governments and industry. 

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Crude Oil and Energy Sets Up Near Major Resistance – Breakdown Pending / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Our research team believes Crude Oil and Energy, in general, has stalled near major resistance and maybe setting up a big downside move as the COVID-19 virus continues to roil regional and global economies. 

The recent news that the COVID-19 virus cases have skyrocketed suggests further economic shutdowns may push oil prices below $35 ppb over the next few weeks and months.  Our researchers believe Oil has already set up a resistance level near $42 and will begin to move lower as concerns about the economic recovery transition through expectations related to oil demand going forward.  We believe the renewed global economic demand for oil will present a very real possibility that oil could collapse below $35 ppb over the next 30 days.

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Monday, March 09, 2020

Energy Complex Deflation Was All in the Charts / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Rambus_Chartology

I promised you on Friday that I would take an in-depth look at the energy complex in the Weekend Report. If there is one sector to define the possible deflationary event we’ve been discussing for the last several months or so oil is probably the most important commodity of all. Eventually we’ll know the cause in no uncertain terms, but the charts have been suggesting for a long time now that something is afoot and we need to pay attention.

Lets start by looking at the UNG, natural gas fund, as it has been leading the way lower. This first chart is a 10 month daily look which shows a 6 point diamond consolidation pattern which at the time of its development I thought would probably be a reversal pattern to the upside as the price for natural gas was already so low. As you know I usually try to take one position on the initial breakout and a second position on the backtest. I missed the initial breakout and the backtest failed to reach the bottom rail of the diamond so I never got positioned. The other important feature on this chart is the blue bearish falling wedge which we know shows up in fast moving impulse moves.

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Friday, January 17, 2020

ERY Energy Bear Continues Basing Setup – Breakout Expected Near January 24th / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen

After watching Crude Oil fall from the $65 ppb level to the $58 ppb level (-10.7%) over the past few weeks, we still believe the energy sector is setting up for another great trade for skilled investors/traders.

We are all keenly aware that Winter is still here and that heating oil demands may continue to push certain energy prices higher.  Yet Winter is also a time when people don’t travel as much and, overall, energy prices tend to weaken throughout Winter.

Over the past 37 years, the historical monthly breakdown for Crude Oil is as follows: December: Generally lower by -$0.33 to -$0.86.  Averages to the downside: -3.65 to +3.08 January: Generally lower by -$4.57 to -$6.72.  Averages to the downside: -2.68 to +2.27 February: Generally higher by +$8.41 to +13.73.  Averages to the upside +3.07 to -2.54 March: Generally higher by +7.33 to +$15.62.  Averages to the upside by +2.84 to -2.14

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Thursday, January 09, 2020

Is The Energy Sector Setting Up Another Great Entry? / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Another wild week for oil traders with missiles flying and huge overnight price swings in crude. As we recently pointed out within our current Oil research article, Oil and the Energy sector may be setting up for another great trade.  We recently commented on how the supply/demand situation for oil has changed over the past 20+ years. 

With US oil production near highs and a shift taking place toward electric and hybrid vehicles, the US and global demand for oil has fallen in recent years.  By our estimates, the two biggest factors keeping oil prices below $75 ppb are the shift by consumers across the globe to move towards more energy-efficient vehicles and the massive new supply capabilities within the US.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Energy Sector to Bounce Off Cycle Bottom into 2020 / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: readtheticker

Low prices fix low prices, and eventually the shorts will be forced to cover and buy back their shares and force prices higher. This sector is 'this close' to such and event. Both Hurst cycles and Wyckoff supply and demand action are warming up to the bullish side for the energy sector (XLE). This is on the back of growing inflation fears. Inflation sourced from wage growth in the US and world wide central bankers (Japan [BOJ], Europe [ECB] and the USA [FED]) printing money at the same time. You should note this has never happened before, all three at the same time, printing. Yes, the energy sector has suffered from the lower oil prices but soon the shorts will have to judge how much lower energy stocks can go, as you can see the SPDR Energy Etf (XLE) has been unable to get below $50. Demand is present.  What to do? Watch for significant Wyckoff demand foot prints to see price test upper resistance (sign of strength), and then take action from a strong change of character.    

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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Is Bill Gates Right On Energy Investing? / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: OilPrice_Com

Not long ago, Bill Gates offered some investment advice. That, in itself, constitutes news, but the content and the reactions make up a more interesting story.

Gates told the Financial Times, in essence, that investors who want to do something about climate change should stop making up lists of companies they do not want in their portfolios based on involvement in fossil fuel production or use. They should, instead, invest in disruptive technologies that will provide actual solutions to climate change.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Energy Sector Reaches Key Low Point – Start Looking For The Next Move / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen


The Energy Sector ETF has been on fire recently with big price trends.  We called a bottom/buy trigger in ERY in early July that resulted in a nearly +20% rally.  Then, on August 29th, we called for ERY to rotate lower, targeting the $46 to $47 level – setting up another price momentum base before another attempt to move higher.  You can read that research post here :

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Energy Sector Setting Up For Another Big Trade / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Our research team has been nailing some really great trades recently in Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, ETFs, and many other market segments.  Some of these trades have resulted in fantastic gains of +10% to +20% for our members. 

One trade in particular that we called back in July was the Energy trade in Crude Oil and ERY.  Specifically, we suggested that Crude Oil would fall based on our ADL predictive modeling system and that ERY would set up a very nice trade with targets set relatively close to the basing/bottom pattern. But first, be sure to opt-in to our free market forecast signals newsletter

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Monday, August 13, 2018

Oil And Energies On The Move Lower / Commodities / Energy Resources

By: Chris_Vermeulen

If you have been following our analysis and research of the Crude Oil trend and the energy sector, you know we’ve been suggesting Crude would attempt a move lower and attempt to retest the $58~63 level.  It appears the breakdown in prices has begun.

Our research team, at, uses an array of proprietary technology, price modeling tools and price cycle modeling tools to attempt to keep our followers up to date with trend reversals, trend expansions and more.  This recent downside price move is something we have been expecting for the last 20+ days.  The breakdown of support in the Crude oil market, as well as the oversupply of oil on the planet, is setting up for a downside move that could be extraordinary.

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