Category: Government Intervention
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, December 30, 2013
Ron Paul - Government Policies Hurt Low-Wage Workers / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Fast-food workers across the county have recently held a number of high profile protests to agitate for higher wages. These protests have been accompanied by efforts to increase the wages mandated by state and local minimum wage laws, as well as a renewed push in some states and localities to pass "living wage" laws. President Obama has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to ten dollars an hour.
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Monday, August 12, 2013
Obamacare, Stimulus, and Other Economic Disasters / Economics / Government Intervention
By: David_Gordon
John Lott is best known to the public for his outstanding analysis of gun control legislation, but his research as an economist extends far beyond that topic; and he here gives us a devastating account that covers the full range of the Obama Administration’s economic policy.
Readers stirred to anger by the simpleminded statism of Paul Krugman will be delighted by Lott’s demolition of several of his claims. To those who urge that high taxes on the wealthy discourage investment, to the disadvantage of us all, Krugman often recalls the palmary era of the 1950s. Did we not then see very high tax rates together with high rates of economic growth? “In the 1950s incomes in the top bracket faced a marginal tax rate of 91, that’s right, 91 percent, while taxes on corporate profits were twice as large, relative to national income, as in recent years.” (p. 200, quoting Krugman)
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Prohibition Caused the Greatness of Gatsby / Economics / Government Intervention
By: Mark_Thornton
The new adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a good movie, but it is no indictment against capitalism, as some may contend. It is rather an implicit condemnation of government prohibition.
When I read the book in high school I did not like it. I found it hard to read, not because it was overly complicated or poorly done, but because of the subject matter. The book (as well as the movie) dwells on decadence, licentiousness, promiscuity, and recklessness, or what was called “luxury” in the old days. I have an aversion to all that, and there was only so much I could take.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013
Why Government Control over Financial Markets has to Grow! / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
Growth of control by banks and government
Quietly, but thoroughly, governments and the banking system have taken an ever increasing role in every aspect of the economy and individual's lives. Where in the distant past cash was the only means of exchange, cash is now controlled by the banking system and cash transactions reduced to a miniscule role in all our lives. Even in Cyprus after the 'confiscation' of deposits, cash is rationed and transactions within the banking system are allowed up to €200,000 before a 'bank committee' has to approve them. The banking system is answerable only to government. Government is grateful to the banking system because government has a means of visible monitoring and controlling its citizen's financial affairs. Through the banking system, government is able to control our financial lives as never before. Cyprus demonstrates how that control will be increased even in crises caused by themselves.
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Crony Government Is The Threat / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Andrew_McKillop
Some, like Brandon Smith of Alt-market blog ( claim the basic problem is as simple as the fundamental dichotomy, even schizophrenia of all persons who on the one hand will defend freedom of action and choice but want sure, reliable laws, order and authority. Smith says it is a split between those persons who value freedom regardless of risk or pain, and those who value slavish obedience in a desperate bid to avoid risk and pain.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Government Subsidizes and Bankrupt Companies / Companies / Government Intervention

There are many forms of government subsidies. Ambitious politicians ingeniously design schemes to expand their power and repay their donor patrons. Opportunist corporate enterprises beg for favor to fund projects or guaranteed loans. The role of government venture capitalism has produced a much-sordid record for the taxpayer. The sheer concept of picking winners and losers is a pure political play that defies pragmatic prudence. In spite of this, actuality, the rush to squander public money is one of the few growth industries. The pitiful results of the predictable bankruptcy are the common fate of this flawed business model.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
How Government 'Works' / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Bill_Bonner
There are many theories to explain government. Most are nothing but scams, justifications, and puffery. One tries to put something over on the common man…the other claims it was for his own good…and the third pretends that he’d be lost without it. Most are not really ‘theories’ at all…but prescriptions, blueprints for creating the kind of government the ‘theorist’ would like to have. Not surprisingly, the blueprints flatter his intellect and engage his imagination.
Friday, September 21, 2012
How Investors Can Navigate an Economy Weighed Down by Government Meddling and Cronyism / Stock-Markets / Government Intervention
By: Doug_Horning
Doug Hornig, Casey Research writes: If you wanted to sum up the just-concluded Casey Research/Sprott Inc. Summit titled Navigating the Politicized Economy, you could say "The situation is hopeless but not serious."
More than 20 speakers – many of them world-renowned financial experts and best-selling authors – gathered in Carlsbad, CA, from September 7 to 9 to ascertain exactly how hopeless, and what investors can do to protect themselves.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Bypassing Government Roadblocks to Your Personal Prosperity / Stock-Markets / Government Intervention
By: David_Galland
David Galland, Casey Research writes: Recently I helped out with some delivery chores. As I drove about, I discovered that one of the roads I would normally use was closed by roadblocks. It was, I imagine, due to road repair work. I had to reverse course and take a substantial detour.
I wondered why the road crew hadn't put up a sign indicating the road was closed back at the main intersection, but I shrugged and muttered something like "Typical government operation."
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
To Fix U.S. Economy, Stop Government Meddling! / Politics / Government Intervention
By: David_Galland
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Friday, November 04, 2011
The Problem With People Seeing Government as God / Politics / Government Intervention
By: David_Galland
David Galland, The Casey Report writes: While I haven't made a scientific study of the topic, I suspect the leading genre for popular entertainment – and for popular delusions of crowds, for that matter – revolves around magical worlds. As illustration, the Harry Potter series will serve.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Why Innovation Needs Big Government / Economics / Government Intervention
By: Ian_Fletcher

Simply put: despite appearances to the contrary, our economy is not innovative enough. And it’s costing us, big-time.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Real Meaning of "Defense" / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Jeffrey_A_Tucker
The horror of Muammar Gaddafi's approach to keeping power in Libya boggles the mind and shocks the moral conscience. But how different is his approach from the way most all governments behave in the face of citizen revolt? There are differences among them with regard to how far they will go to force submission, but the methods and the rationale everywhere are the same in all times and places.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
End of the Statist Quo, Switzerland's Tempting Tax Regimes Attract UK Firms / Politics / Government Intervention
By: David_Galland
David Galland, Managing Director, Casey Research writes: Here at Casey Research, we have been rather negative about the economy for many moons. To be otherwise in the face of the decades-long trend toward ever more government - along with its increasingly destructive and expensive meddling in the free markets - would have been foolish. And, so far, we have been right.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Can Politicians Help Us? / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Kel_Kelly
The word "politician" usually comes with a negative connotation. It often brings to mind thieving, lying, corruption, and malfeasance. Nonetheless, most people seem to look to politicians to manage their world for them, to protect them, and to make their lives better. In every instance of local or national elections, citizens are deeply focused on choosing the politician they think will do the best for their community or nation. They seek politicians with experience, knowledge, insights, and ideas. They seek a leader.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Obama Is Clueless on the Economy / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Dian_L_Chu
On Labor Day, President Obama announced a new $50-billion infrastructure plan next year as a way of a second stimulus for job creations as well as for the faltering economic recovery. However, the plan is expected to be met with strong opposition in the midst of a mid-term election, while many economists are skeptical as to any swift effect it could have on America's $14.3 trillion economy, as well as the troubling labor market.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
The Government War on Small Business / Economics / Government Intervention
By: Mark_B_Rasmussen
The government DOES NOT "create" productive, value added, sustainable "jobs", Small Business Does!
To help set the stage, let's look at some important stats from the Small Business Administration (SBA). Small businesses:
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Sunday, July 04, 2010
Sloppy G-20 Drunks Can’t Avoid Their Fate / Politics / Government Intervention
By: Justice_Litle
In some ways, the recent G-20 gathering in Canada was like a giant Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, in which the heads of drunk governments promised a return to fiscal sobriety. Fat chance...
"Wall Street got drunk."– George W. Bush, July 2008
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Friday, June 18, 2010
The Exploitation of Entrepreneurs / Politics / Government Intervention
Aaron Smith writes: In our society of victims, entrepreneurs are blamed for many of the hardships that ail our economy. Whether it is because of high prices, low wages, or substandard economic conditions, they are often accused of exploitation in their quest for profits.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What Does Germany’s Short Selling Credit-Default-Swap Ban Mean for You? / Stock-Markets / Government Intervention
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: Germany did something on Tuesday that I've been hoping would happen for three years: It outlawed naked short-selling and speculation on European government bonds with naked credit default swaps.
The financial institutions that have been profiting from this type of speculation immediately went on the offensive.
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