Category: Investing 2009
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, June 06, 2009
Investing in the Transportation System of the Future / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Sean Brodrick writes: President Obama’s chief-of-staff says …“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” —Rahm Emanuel, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Screening for Dividend Yielding, Growing, Rising Stocks / Companies / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
What do you get when you want yield that is growing along with sales and earnings over a period of years, less than sky high valuation, and evidence of a rising price pattern?
The answer today is not very many stocks, and not necessarily the most exciting names. Not every exploration finds gold. Some of the results of this search are interesting, but we aren’t crying eureka.
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Quarterly Stock Market Market Brief & Stock Pick / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Christopher_Quigley
While from a classic Dow Theory position the markets are in a bear market rally, from a technical position the momentum indicators are very strong. Both the Dow Transports and the Dow Industrials, on a three day chart, have both indicated phased supportive movement with higher highs and higher lows. More significantly the increases are advancing from solid base positions which is granting the market solid technical structure, something it did not possess since the third quarter of 2008.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Stock Market Investing Profits Map For The Next 6 Months! / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Larry Edelson writes: Every so often it pays to take a few steps back … look at the charts from a longer-term point of view … and put the markets into perspective.
This is especially true today with so much confusion in the markets … so much misinformation in the news … so many threats to your wealth … and so much background noise and distractions.
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Bullish and Bearish Stock Market Plays for the 2009 Hurricane Season / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Sean Brodrick writes: Whether the 2009 hurricane season turns out to be a snoozer or a bruiser, I have four picks for you — two bullish, two bearish — to play this summer’s potentially wild weather.
The major hurricane forecasters have made their predictions, and it’s for a “moderate” hurricane season. Cooler seas off the coast of Africa and a prediction of a weak El Nino get the credit for the calmer forecast.
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Friday, May 22, 2009
China and Commodities Profit Opportunities for the Quick and Bold / Commodities / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Sean Brodrick writes: For weeks now on and on my blog, I’ve been talking about the new downleg in the U.S. dollar. This is bullish for commodities in general.
I’ve also been talking about how oil prices are running up even though we haven’t seen a return of U.S. demand AND how China’s economy seems to be recovering faster and even revving up.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Why Warren Buffett Could Be Back on the Money / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: MoneyWeek
Has Warren Buffett lost the plot?
The Sage of Omaha’s recent track record hasn’t been too hot. And he’s had a fair amount of flak for getting some things wrong.
Now, reports Bloomberg, his Berkshire Hathaway holding company is cutting back on buying shares, after the firm’s cash levels have fallen to their lowest in more than five years. Will this prove to be another mis-step? Or is Buffett back on form?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Profit From Small Cap Stocks After the Recession / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Money_Morning
Mike Caggeso writes: Right now many investors probably don’t want to shoot for the moon. The global financial crisis gave their portfolios one the fiercest beat downs since the Great Depression, draining investors’ resources and mood for anything but safe investments.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
How to Investors Can Profit as Leading Economic Indicators Turn Bullish / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Sean Brodrick writes: The recent market rally has a lot of experts, analysts and investors scratching their heads. They ask: How can the market go up when dark storm clouds of failing banks, budget deficits and soaring unemployment hang over our economy?
The answer is the difference between short-term and long-term outlooks. The good news is you can play the market either way.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Here's How to Make Far More Money in Bonds than Stocks in 2009 / Interest-Rates / Investing 2009
By: DailyWealth

I think it's one of the greatest opportunities to make a substantial amount of capital gains – and earn high income – you'll ever see.
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Bargain Investments to Buy on the Next Market Correction / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Uncommon_Wisdom
Sean Broderick writes: The market rally has gone on a lot longer than I thought it would. In fact, there are some signs of real strength — signs that this rally has further to run. Does that mean the big, bad bear is dead? Don’t pin your hopes on it. There are fundamental problems that our economy will be working out for years to come.
Friday, May 08, 2009
What to Do When Stock Market Panic Buying Begins / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Q1_Publishing
Most people would consider Claypool Hill, Virginia, a typical U.S. town.
It is home to 1,912 folks. It’s situated about halfway between Lexington, Kentucky and Richmond Virginia.
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Thursday, May 07, 2009
Gold GLD and Natural Gas UNG, Splicing with Gene & Thom / Commodities / Investing 2009
By: The_Gold_Report
Thom Calandra of Ticker Trax™ and Gene Arensberg of Got Gold Report go way back as friends, colleagues and students of natural resources. They’re talking about tracking the people worth their salt in metals and mining.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Three Ways for Investors to Profit fromTaiwan, the Other China / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Money_Morning
Martin Hutchinson writes: As you scour the globe for potential post-financial-crisis profit plays, don’t overlook Taiwan. Stock markets around the world have already started to rebound with joy as investors begin to believe that that the unpleasant global recession is finally nearing its bottom. Unfortunately, there’s one sobering conclusion many investors have so far failed to reach: With grossly over-stimulative monetary and fiscal policies at play, most countries will find it very difficult to recover.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Corporate Takeovers: “Once-In-A-Lifetime” Investment Opportunities / InvestorEducation / Investing 2009
By: Investment_U
Alexander Green writes: Despite efforts by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to thaw the credit markets, normal lending remains hamstrung. This is a both a significant problem and an enormous opportunity.
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Plan to Make a Fortune over the Next Five Years / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: DailyWealth
There's never been a better moment for making money than we have right now in 2009 in America.
That's because the U.S. government is borrowing the rest of the world's money and dishing it out around America. Meanwhile, everything is on bargain-basement sale... even the casinos along the Las Vegas strip are trading as penny shares. It's amazing...
Monday, April 27, 2009
ETF Chart Trend Comparisons / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
We present three tables comparing the charts of investment funds based on several criteria that some investors may find useful when interpreting whether the fund is in an uptrend or downtrend. The charts used are multi-year, weekly charts. The criteria range from aggressive to conservative tests for trend.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Are Institutional Investors Buying or Selling Stocks Now? / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Marty_Chenard
Everyday, Institutional Investors buy stocks and they sell stocks. If they buy more then they are selling, then they are in Accumulation. If they sell more then they are buying, then they are in Distribution.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Quickest Way to Build a Paper Fortune in the Coming Years / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: DailyWealth

Of all the questions an investor should ask himself (or herself) these days, this is by far the biggest one. I provided the answer to it in the most recent issue of my Investment Advisory.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Investors Path to Permanent Wealth / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Money_Morning
The path to permanent wealth is paved with high-yielding dividend stocks and reinforced with gold. With a housing market that's in tatters and an economy that's reeling, most U.S. investors see the current market as perhaps the worst ever to even think about such topics as saving, investing and wealth. Corporate profits are plunging, as unemployment soars. Investors have watched as the worst bear market since the Great Depression savaged their savings and plundered their pensions.