Category: US Congressional Elections
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, November 09, 2018
US Mid-terms Post-Election Run Down: Biggest Winner, Biggest Loser / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: MoneyMetals
Tuesday's elections produced some winners, some losers, some surprises, and some lingering uncertainties.
For investors, the potential for a major shock to the markets was averted. But with Democrats poised to take control of Congress, new legislative threats to wealth holders loom on the horizon.
Even though the GOP lost the House of Representatives, it gained seats in the Senate – a rare feat during a mid-term election for a party that controls the White House. President Donald Trump hailed the night a “tremendous success.”
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Tuesday, November 06, 2018
US Midterm Elections Forecast 2018 / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Several patrons have messaged me asking for my views on the mid-term US elections. Whilst I’ve not been following these elections too closely i.e. in terms of betting on them, nevertheless here is my view which is primarily based on the fact that usually the party that holds the White House tends to do badly in the mid-terms.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
US 2018 Midterm Elections / Politics / US Congressional Elections
Conventional political wisdom would have the public believe that the electorate is poised for the Democrats to take a majority in the House of Representatives while the Republicans hold the edge in the Senate. Seldom is the question raised just what empirical evidence, where and how is it arrived at for such a conclusion to become valid. The polls in 2016 were entirely bogus and undoubtedly meant to defeat Donald Trump. Nothing has changed in the 2018 midterms. The establishment is committed to defeat GOP candidates and ensure that the Deep State regains their former power and influence. The distortion of reality is their major tactic to confuse, discourage and suppress Trump supporters from casting their ballots.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2018
US False Flag Election / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
A conventional election cycle gets serious and begins when the Labor Day holiday is over. Well, there is nothing normal in a country which is divided among establishment statists, global corporatists, extreme anarchists, Marxists authoritarians vs. Trump 'Deplorables'. The prospects of the 2018 midterm U.S. Federal elections have the entire political structure of the power elites in a panic. The President ran on a platform as a 'Disrupter' and he has fulfilled the dismantling and substitution of many unaccountable Deep State operatives with honest public servants. Brace yourself for much more than the silly season of campaigns. Get ready that the danger level of a monumental false flag is upon us and that the country faces a shock heard round the world.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
President Flim-Flam Leads Democrats to Midterm Massacre / Politics / US Congressional Elections
By: Mike_Whitney
The White House has denied claims that the midterm elections were a referendum on Barack Obama, but the polling data shows that they were. According to a CBS News exit poll:
Read full article... Read full article...“Fifty-four percent of those surveyed said their opinion of the president influenced their vote… 34 percent said they wanted to make a statement in opposition to Mr. Obama, while 20 percent said they voted in support of him.”
Friday, November 07, 2014
U.S. Election Results - It's The Economy, and They're Not Stupid / Politics / US Congressional Elections
By: Peter_Schiff
The sharp rebuke to the Obama administration delivered by the mid-term elections should not be construed as an endorsement of the GOP, which remains as unpopular as ever. Rather, as has been the case in the last few election cycles, voter revolts have hinged on continued dissatisfaction with the strength of the economy and the diminishing financial prospects of ordinary citizens. Given the apparent improvements in the economy, this fact continues to baffle the media which have concluded that Democrats simply failed to effectively communicate the successes that the Administration has achieved. Fortune Magazine offered a more complex conclusion that we have a good economy, but it's just not the kind that benefits the middle class. I believe the truth is far simpler: Voters are dissatisfied with the economy because it is bad and getting worse. Although this unpleasant reality can be masked by economic doublespeak and government accounting gimmicks, the truth comes out in the ballot box.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Forget the 2014 U.S.Election, a False Manufactured Reality / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Ron_Holland
Another election day is upon us, always a great boost to the establishment media giants that own cable and print news as well as TV and radio stations. Total political advertising spending for the 2014 election should reach $2.5 billion dollars in this cycle and most of the payoff money goes to only six companies.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
U.S. 2014 Election Business as Usual / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
Thus far this election cycle has been a dud. Hardly a sweat is broken in the rarified air of partisan politics punditry. The only consistent factor that can always be counted upon to amuse is the reams of paper wasted on the false promises and prevarication made by the esteemed party regulars. It is easy to simply blame the entrenched incumbents or the current crop of insurgents, but it goes much deeper when an entire nation remains mute in the face of the worse run and most condemnable conduct, coming out of the District of Criminals in decades. The party in power traditionally will suffer huge losses in Congress, while the gang of “pols” out of power will start contacting real estate agents within the beltway.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
U.S. Mid-term Elections 2010, Learning From Defeat / Politics / US Congressional Elections
By: Global_Research
Eric Walberg writes: In the US mid-term elections, Republicans picked up approximately 65 seats in the House for a 237-198 majority, and six seats in the Senate — including the Illinois seat formerly held by President Obama and that of liberal icon Russell Feingold of Wisconsin — for a 49-49 tie in the Senate, where two independents will hold the Democrats ransom. Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio will succeed Democrat Nancy Pelosi of California as speaker of the House. Republicans gained eight governorships, but Democrats hold the two biggest states: Andrew Cuomo beat Republican Carl Paladino in New York, and Jerry Brown returned to the governor’s job in California, defeating former eBay Chief Executive Meg Whitman.
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Monday, November 01, 2010
Judgement Day for Barack Obama on November 2nd, “Let the landslide begin” / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Mike_Whitney
Barack Obama rode into office in January, 2008 on a wave of optimism. By the time the ballots are counted in Tuesday's midterm elections, Obama's personal approval ratings will have fallen to historic lows and he will be universally recognized as the man who brought ruin on the Democratic party.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
U.S. Congressional Elections to Result in Two Years of Gridlock / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Gary_North
On November 2, Americans will go to the polls and decide which political party will control Congress. It is possible that neither party will. The House is expected to go Republican. The Senate is too close to call.
My favorite race is Dr. Art Robinson's. Human Events, the conservative website, calls his race one of the top ten potential upsets in the House.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
U.S. Midterm Elections, Obama and Iran / Politics / US Congressional Elections
We are a week away from the 2010 U.S. midterm elections. The outcome is already locked in. Whether the Republicans take the House or the Senate is close to immaterial. It is almost certain that the dynamics of American domestic politics will change. The Democrats will lose their ability to impose cloture in the Senate and thereby shut off debate. Whether they lose the House or not, the Democrats will lose the ability to pass legislation at the will of the House Democratic leadership. The large majority held by the Democrats will be gone, and party discipline will not be strong enough (it never is) to prevent some defections.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
America´s Shadow Class War and the 2010 Congressional Elections / Politics / US Congressional Elections
By: Global_Research
E.J. Dionne writes: The 2010 election is turning into a class war. The wealthy and the powerful started it.
This is a strange development. President Obama, after all, has been working overtime to save capitalism. Wall Street is doing just fine and the rich are getting richer again. The financial reform bill passed by Congress was moderate, not radical.
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
Corporate Cash Floods US Congressional Elections / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Global_Research
Big business and the wealthy are pouring unprecedented sums of money into the US congressional elections, according to data reported in the media over the past several days. While the lion’s share of the money is going to candidates of the Republican Party, Democrats are also raking in millions, underscoring the status of both parties as political instruments of the financial aristocracy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Voters for Tea Party Candidates, Prepare to be Betrayed / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: LewRockwell
It's another revolutionary season in American politics, with voters preparing to do everything they can within the structure of the law to throw out the bad guys and the bad system they represent. The focus is on this amorphous thing called the Tea Party, which embodies a huge range of political impulses from libertarian to authoritarian, united under the common belief that everything is going wrong in Washington, with a common goal of upending the status quo.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
U.S. Midterm Elections and Obama's Foreign Policy Choices / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections

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Thursday, September 02, 2010
Barack Obama's Oval Office Lovefest / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Mike_Whitney
Barack Obama kicked off campaign season in grand style last night with a celebratory "The Iraq War is Over" speech from the Oval Office. Obama--who was framed by flags and photos of cheery family members--looked as wooden and as uncomfortable as anytime since he has taken office.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Corporate Funding of the Upcoming US Mid-Term Congressional Elections / ElectionOracle / US Congressional Elections
By: Global_Research
Kevin Zeese writes: Voter Beware Concentrated Corporate Power is Creating Deceptive Elections
The Republican Party is Being Replaced with Secret Donors and Unlimited Donations as Concentrated Corporate Interests Spend Hundreds of Millions in the Mid-Term Elections
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