Category: Investing 2012
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, April 16, 2012
7 Large-cap Industrial Stocks with High Growth Rates, Low Valuations and Above-average Dividend Yields / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Fast_Graphs
This article screened the industrial sector searching for companies that offer above-average forecast earnings growth of 15% to 20% or better that could be purchased at an attractive valuation. Although each of these companies pays a dividend, due to the cyclical nature of this industry we encourage the reader to carefully review the dividend history on each individual company.
The following table summarizes seven large-cap Industrials that appear to be attractively valued, and lists them in order of Estimated EPS Growth order. From left to right, the table shows the company’s stock symbol and name. Next, two valuation metrics are listed side-by-side, the current PE ratio followed by the historical normal PE ratio for perspective. The final four columns show the current dividend yield, estimated EPS Growth, debt and company sector.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Election Politics and Economic Uncertainty Means It's Boom Times for Gun Stocks / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
The gun business is booming.
Uncertainty about the upcoming election and a sluggish economy has Americans buying guns and ammo by the truck load.
In fact, business is so good they can't make enough of the stuff.
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Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Investing in a Low Interest Rate Market / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Investment_U
Jason Jenkins writes: For the last year, the effective federal funds interest rate has been 0.25%. The federal funds rate is considered one of the most important interest rates in the U.S. markets.
The federal funds rate is used to control the supply of available funds and hence, inflation and other interest rates. Raising the rate makes it more expensive to borrow. That lowers the supply of available money, which increases the short-term interest rates and helps keep inflation in check. Lowering the rate has the opposite effect, bringing short-term interest rates down.
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Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Five Undervalued Dividend Paying Retail Stocks / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Charles_Carnevale
We believe the retail sector is currently a mixed bag where some of the best names are currently too pricey to buy. Retailers such as Costco (COST), Ross Stores (ROST) and T.J. Maxx (TJX) have seen their share prices skyrocket over the last year or so. On the other hand, not all leading retailers have followed suit even when their operating results have been comparable. We have identified five well-known and even leading retailers that offer attractive valuation, good dividend yields and the opportunity for double-digit total returns over the next five years.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Worried that Stock Market is Overbought? Play Defense with Kraft Foods (NYSE: KFT) / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Elliot_H_Gue

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Thursday, March 22, 2012
How Savvy Investors Build True Wealth / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald, writes:
Most investors think of time as an enemy, a predator that stalks them all of their lives. They never feel they have enough of it so they are constantly trying to outwit it.
Trying to beat time, they become irrational and make unpredictable, impulsive decisions to "get ahead" or hit the proverbial "home run."
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Investor Alert: Xerox is a Cash Machine / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Vitaliy_Katsenelson
On the surface Xerox Corp. smells a lot like its Nifty 50 brethren, once-hotter-than-the-sun-but-now-bankrupt Eastman Kodak Co. and Polaroid Corp. Its stock has gone nowhere since forever. But Xerox was not your typical overvalued blue chip of the 1990s, like Cisco Systems, Johnson & Johnson and Microsoft Corp., whose earnings have tripled or quadrupled since then — the kind of stocks I have advocated in this column. Xerox was very pricey in the late ’90s, but its revenue and earnings per share have since declined. And to make matters worse, printing and copying is just so analog, so last century. It is hard to get excited about a company making equipment whose main trick is putting ink on paper. However, all these negative optics have resulted in one misunderstood company and a very mispriced stock.
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Monday, March 12, 2012
How Savers Can Get 10% Yields Without Buying a Single Stock? / Personal_Finance / Investing 2012
By: Casey_Research
By Alex Daley, Casey Research : The average interest rate for a savings account today is 0.45%. It wasn't that long ago that one could easily earn 5% in a well-chosen savings account, like those offered by ING Direct, or bump that up by a point or two by putting money away in a CD. Thanks to the largesse of our Federal Reserve and the antics of bankers around the country and world, those days are over, probably for a very long time. Interest rates are at an all-time low, and they look poised to stay there for a while. It's just about impossible for a saver to find the kind of yield that will beat inflation, let alone be enough to provide an income one can live on.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Five Cheap Stocks for an Undervalued Market: KCG, AWP, WLP, MT, CNBKA / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
Last week marked the third anniversary of the bear market low, and there is compelling evidence that we still have an undervalued market - meaning investors can find cheap stocks.
Even though the S&P 500 Index has nearly doubled off its lows of March 9, 2009, it is still trading at only about 14.1 times earnings, well below its 15-year average of 20.2.
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Friday, March 02, 2012
Three Ways to Ride the Rally in Small Cap Stocks / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
A recent surge in small cap stocks - companies with a market capitalization of under $1 billion - means individual investors should be placing at least a few of their chips in the small-cap arena.
In fact, the rally has pushed the Russell 2000, an index of 2,000 small cap stocks, to within shouting distance of record highs.
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Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Most Important Investment You Can Make Right Now / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
I was taken aback by the question: "What is the single most important investment I can make right now?"
Not by the question itself - I get that one a lot.
But because of who was asking it and what they excluded.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Five Savvy Ways Investors Can Conquer the Wall of Worry / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
If you like extreme risk and consider living on the edge to be "normal," today's column isn't for you.
Today I'm writing to the millions of investors who are completely terrified by the prospect of what's next and who simply want their faith restored - not to mention their investments.
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Monday, February 13, 2012
Whiskey and Cigarettes: The Best Way to Profit From Sin Stocks / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes:
The common misconception is that so-called "sin stocks" only perform well when the economy tanks.
But the truth is that purveyors of alcohol and tobacco take their lumps during a recession just like everybody else.
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Thursday, February 02, 2012
Where to Invest 2012 and What to Avoid / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Bloomberg
Bloomberg TV Exclusive: Fortress fund manager Michael Novogratz talked about his fund's investment strategy with Bloomberg TVs Erik Schatzker and Stephanie Ruhle.
Novogratz talked about improving investing conditions for 2012, and said that "I bet January returns were great for most hedge funds because we're seeing a breakdown of correlation."
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Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Buy Timber Stocks and Watch Your Money Grow on Trees / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes:
Chances are you've never considered timber stocks in your investing strategy.
But if that's the case, then you've been missing out.
Timber is a long-term investment that can reward your portfolio in good times, and protect it in bad.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
How Online Gamers Can Give Biotech Investors Big Gains / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Michael Robinson writes:
A group of online gamers are onto something big. Very big.
So please don't think these "hobbies" are a complete waste of time and energy.
An online game called Foldit has actually helped to deliver a medical breakthrough that could change the future of biotech research.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Don’t Be A Wall Street Patsy, Understand How to Play the Game / Stock-Markets / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Shah Gilani writes:
You want to know the truth? The truth is that Wall Street has stacked the deck against you.
That's why you need to understand how the game is played. Otherwise you'll end up a Wall Street patsy.
So, here's the truth along with some lessons that will help you play the game like a pro.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Taking Advantage of Tight Local Government Budgets / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Submissions
Benjamin Shepherd writes: US state and local governments shed about 244,000 jobs in 2011 and 249,000 jobs in 2010, according to government data. Since the height of the global credit crunch in mid-2008, almost 670,000 state and local government jobs have been eliminated.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Five Stocks to Avoid Like the Plague / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
There's no better time to take a good hard look at your portfolio than the beginning of a new year.
I know this may not be your first rodeo and chances are you've already done at least a little thinking about how your investments came through 2011, and what you'd like to achieve in 2012.
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Thursday, January 05, 2012
Is It Time to Buy These "Death Watch" Stocks? / Companies / Investing 2012
By: Money_Morning
Kerri Shannon writes: Money Morning's Keith Fitz-Gerald joined Fox Business's Stuart Varney yesterday (Wednesday) to discuss three stocks Varney said were on "death watch" - including Eastman Kodak Co. (NYSE: EK), rumored to be on the brink of filing for bankruptcy.
Varney asked Fitz-Gerald if any of these companies presented a buy-when-it's-cheap opportunity, or if investors should steer clear.
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