Category: France
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, May 07, 2017
Emmanuel Macron and Banking Elite Win French Presidential Election 2017 / ElectionOracle / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's 7pm BST, and the voting is all over, with the count under way the early projection is for a strong Macron win on 65.5% against Le Pen on 34.5%. So Madam Fascist BrExit failed to do a Trump or BrExit in France. Instead now a Rothschild Banker will take hold of power for business as usual for the French elite to rule over the French people. Though for most voters it was always a choice between two evils between fascism and the banking elite.
Sunday, May 07, 2017
France Votes: Nationalism v. Globalism on the Ballot / ElectionOracle / France
By: Stephen_Lendman
On May 7, France votes under draconian/militarized state of emergency conditions, imposed after the November 2015 Charlie Hebdo/kosher market false flag attacks.
According to French interior ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet, “more than 50,000 policemen, gendarmes will be deployed” nationwide for Sunday’s vote.
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Sunday, May 07, 2017
Macron Wins French Presidential Election, Le Pen to Concede Defeat on Close of Polls / ElectionOracle / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The last minute En Marche! hack and leak of 9 gigabytes of Emmanuel Macron's personal and campaign emails came too late to have any effect on the outcome of the French Presidential election, as going into voting day the Rothschild Banker Macron led Fascist Le Pen by a huge 26%, 63% against 37%, an unbridgeable gap, which means Emmanuel Macron IS the next President of France.
Thursday, May 04, 2017
French Election Forecast Countdown - Elite Banker Macron vs Fascist Le Pen / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
All eyes are now on the second and final round of voting to be held in a few days time on 7th May 2017 when Rothschild Banker Macron goes head to head against Fascist Le Pen. The consensus view is that Marine Le Pen just CANNOT Win, as the odds are heavily stacked against her despite a late narrowing in the polls giving Macron a healthy lead of 60% against Le Pen trailing heavily behind on 40%,that's a HUGE 20% gap!
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
Can Madame BrExit Marine Le Pen Win French Presidential Election? / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
All eyes are now on the second and final round of voting to be held in a few days time on 7th May 2017 when Centrist Macron and Far Right Le Pen go head to head. The consensus view is that Marine Le Pen just CANNOT Win, as the odds are heavily stacked against her with the polls giving Macron a healthy lead of 60% against Le Pen trailing heavily behind on 40%,that's a 20% gap!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Le Pen Shifts Political Landscape- The Rise of New French Gaullism / Politics / France
By: Dan_Steinbock
After the first round of the French presidential election, “center-right” Macron and “radical right” Le Pen are positioned for a face-off. However, the real story of the election is that Le Pen's agenda has shifted the political landscape toward new French Gaullism.
At the eve of the French election, A gunman opened fire on the Champs-Élysées, killing a police officer and wounding others, while the Islamic State claimed responsibility. Meanwhile, US observers explain the rise of Le Pen on the basis of the French industrial decline, while German observers see France sandwiched between extremists on the Left and the Right.
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Monday, April 24, 2017
Russia Campaigns for the Le Pen French Presidency / Politics / France
The European Union's busy election season is an important campaign opportunity, not only for the politicians running, but also for the Kremlin. Several leaders and governments around the world have accused Moscow of coordinating disinformation campaigns to influence other countries' political affairs over the past year. The Kremlin quadrupled its spending on media activities abroad in its latest federal budget, and since half its projected expenditures are labeled confidential, Moscow may well be devoting hundreds of millions more to the cause. Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia's legislature and a top political strategist, has been stumping across the European Union this campaign season, meeting with representatives of nationalist parties such as Alternative for Germany. And now Moscow has turned its focus toward France as the country gears up for two months of presidential and legislative elections.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Emmanuel Macron vs Marine Le Pen Round 2 - Can BrExit Factor Deliver Le Pen Victory? / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
France is heaving a temporary sigh of relief as the nightmare scenario of a far right Le Pen vs a far left Melenchon round 1 win failed to materialise, instead that which has always been most probable has come to pass, where the two candidates with the most votes going into the second and final round of the French Presidential election will be centrist Emmanuel Macron (23.8%) vs far right Marine Le Pen (21.7%).
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Le Pen vs Melenchon Election Doomsday for France and EU - Hard Left vs Hard Right / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The last French poll ahead of Sunday's first round in the French presidential election is resulting in a three horse race from which the 2 front runners will go through to the second round. Centrist Macron leads far right Le Pen by 1% on 23.5% against 22.5% with far left Melenchon snapping at her heels on 21.5%, all within the margins of polling error of 3%! Which means there could easily be a doomsday scenario outcome for France and the European Union, one of the two disruptive anti-EU candidates, Hard Left vs Hard Right going into the second round. Where Le Pen would seek to immediately take France out of the Euro-zone and Anti-German pro Putin Melenchon would seek to impose a 100% tax rate on those earning above e360,000 triggering a French recession, and where his policies of stimulus through printing hundreds of billions of euro debt would also inevitably mean France leaving the Euro-zone, as the ECB controls the printing of Euro's and not the central banks of Eurozone members.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Can Marine Le Pen Win? French Presidential Election Forecast 2017 / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's anti-establishment Brexit contagion could once more be on the march by spreading from its heavy influence on the US Presidential election, that allowed an alt-reality TV star to con his way into the White House, and thus could similarly allow France's far right Marine Le Pen funded by Putin's regime to squeak her way into the Elysee Palace.
Whilst it is beyond the scope of this video to consider all of the ramifications of a potential Le Pen victory for the French people, one thing is for certain that it would greatly destabilise the European Union as a Le Pen regime would be pro-Brexit and soon announce Frances own FrExit EU Referendum which would amount to the death of the European Union.
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Monday, March 27, 2017
This Map Explains The Roots Of France’s Growing Nationalism / Politics / France
By: John_Mauldin
What does it mean to be French? Inherent in this question is a fundamental tension within French nationalism that is unique to France.
Originally, France consisted of diverse regions with their own languages, resources, and way of life. Take a look at the map below.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Return of Sovereign France, Europe’s Changing Landscape / Politics / France
By: Dan_Steinbock

Before TV debates, the French presidential election featured 3-4 viable candidates, which together accounted for 85-90 percent of the total vote. Until recently, the leader of the Front National, Marine Le Pen, and the centrist Emmanuel Macron, have garnered about 25 percent in the polls, followed by the center-right François Fillon (20%), and the socialist Benoît Hamon (15%).
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Sunday, March 12, 2017
Le Pen-ization of France, Europe’s Changing Political Landscape / Politics / France
By: Dan_Steinbock

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Sunday, November 15, 2015
After Paris Terror Attacks, France Contemplates a Reckoning / Politics / France
Details are still emerging as to precisely who was responsible for the Nov. 13 Paris attacks. Sorting through the jumble of misinformation and disinformation will be challenging for French authorities, and for outside observers such as Stratfor.
While the Islamic State has claimed credit for the attack, it is still uncertain to what degree the Islamic State core organization was responsible for planning, funding or directing it. It is not clear whether the attackers were grassroots operatives encouraged by the organization like Paris Kosher Deli gunman Ahmed Coulibaly, if the operatives were professional terrorist cadres dispatched by the core group or if the attack was some combination of the two.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Paris Attacks = President Marine Le Pen AND Massive Euro Devaluation / Politics / France
By: John_Rubino
Earlier today, articles started appearing about the rise of France’s right wing, anti-immigration National Front party in recent polls. This wasn’t a surprise given the ascendancy of formerly fringe political movements in most European states. See, for instance, Portugal Is Potentially A Very Big Deal.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Paris Terror Attacks, Islamic State Attempting to Spark Civil War in France / Politics / France
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Last night 8 Islamic State terrorists went on a highly co-ordinated pre-planned rampage across France's capital city Paris, the latest death toll is put at 127 killed and probably many more injured. Though the toll could have been many times higher if the terrorists had succeeded in gaining entry to France's national football stadium full of 70,000 fans whoalong with the French President Hollande were watching a friendly football match between France and Germany.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Stock Market CAC40 Trend Forecast / Stock-Markets / France
By: Austin_Galt
The French stock index, the CAC40, looks to have the final top to its bull market already in place. Let's analyse the technicals using the weekly, monthly and yearly charts.
Sunday, May 03, 2015
French Unemployment Hits New Record High - Whose to Blame? / Economics / France
By: Mike_Shedlock
While ECB president Mario Draghi brags his economic policy of negative interest rates is working, I ask for whom?
On April 23, 2015 I noted Spain's Unemployment Rate Increases to 23.7%; 114,300 Jobs Vanish in First Quarter, Public Sector Jobs Rise.
Let's now turn our attention to France.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Netanyahu Gatecrashes Paris / Politics / France
By: Stephen_Lendman

Wednesday, January 07, 2015
The End Of French 'Multiculturalism' / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Europe Too
Very similar to the UK, and similar to several other EU28 countries including Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, France's elites engaged a wrongheaded, anarchic and born-to-fail “multicultural experiment' in the 1960s. In the French case this came immediately after its total defeat in France's vicious and bloody colonial war in Algeria (1956-63) aimed at keeping Algeria an integral part of the French state and nation. Today's French far-right nationalist passionara – Marine Le Pen – was a schoolgirl when her father Jean-Marie Le Pen was a French army officer in Algeria, where he lost an eye. He later bragged about his feats of torture and “elimination” of Algerian resistance fighters, already including Muslim religious cadres engaged in a fight to the death “against the white infidels”.