Category: Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, December 27, 2013
Silver Stocks ETF's / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
2013 has been a brutal year for silver. And a brutal year for a metal obviously doesn’t bode well for its mining stocks. Companies that have been exploring for deposits, developing mines, and producing silver have sadly become the pariahs of the markets. But if silver’s fortunes change in 2014, as they ought to, then right now could be one of the best buying opportunities of this entire secular bull market.
Unfortunately silver is currently in a sentiment wasteland. Even contemplating a foray into this metal, let alone its stocks, is a fool’s errand to the majority of mainstream investors. Their mindset is why bother wasting even a cent of precious capital investing in a sector led by an asset that’s down 36% on the year. It’s much more prudent to throw money at the ever-rising stock markets, right?
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Gold Stocks Bear Market Cycle Bottom Forming Right Now! / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: David_Banister
Today we take a look at the Bullish Percent Index chart relative to Gold’s cycle and Gold Stocks.
Essentially it tells you what percentage of Gold sector stocks are at or above a moving average, which normally would be 50 days. When 70% or more are above a 50 day moving average, sectors can be peaking out. If you look at our chart at the bottom, we have labeled various incidents with A, B, C, and D.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
Contrarian Gold Stocks Investing / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
The gold-mining stocks have suffered a disastrous year, plummeting while the rest of the stock markets soared. This vast performance gap has catapulted bearishness on this sector to epic extremes. Few own gold stocks anymore, and everyone aware of them loathes them. This has crushed their stock prices to unsustainable fundamentally-absurd levels. They now offer the ultimate contrarian buying opportunity.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Gold Stocks Bear of a Lifetime Takes No Prisoners / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Rambus_Chartology
Today I would like to update some of the Diamonds that have been in play for several months now. Chartology is giving us an edge over most of the other technical disciplines out there , in that it has been showing us the way lower to a T. Nobody but Rambus Chartology folks are seeing the precious metals stocks from this angle that got us short, for the first ride down, one year ago during the first impulse leg down. It was in the first week of December of 2012 that we took our first DUST position and added to it from there until the Kamikaze Portfolio was full. Here we are one year later and we have the exact same setup staring us in the face. This time we are one step ahead of the game by being fully invested in the Kamikaze Portfolio before things broke down.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Falling Back in Love with Gold Stocks / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
There's a saying that old love never rusts. James West, publisher and editor of The Midas Letter, might have broken it off with the gold space for a while, but he always knew he'd be back when the time was right. In this interview with The Gold Report, West talks about what has convinced him to start shopping for gold stocks again and the unconventional indicators he's using to signal a buy.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Gold Stocks Nearing Bottom / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
In early November we made the case that precious metals were in danger of a final plunge before a bottom. The decline that ensued has abated in recent days. It appears that a short-term rally is underway. The bear market is very close to ending but we can’t say definitively just yet.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Gold Production Wars: The East Slays The West / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Steve_St_Angelo
Not only is there a battle going on between the East and West when it comes to increasing physical gold reserves, there's also a gold production war taking place amongst these same nations.
Something quite extraordinary took place in 1997 which very few investors are aware. This was the year that the West peaked in overall gold production. Even though the world will hit a new record of global mine supply in 2013, the combined total of the top Western gold producing countries are still way off their highs set in 1997.
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Monday, December 09, 2013
HUI Stocks to Gold Ratio Charts..When is Enough Enough? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Rambus_Chartology
Tonight I would like to show you some HUI to gold ratio charts that could give us a place to look for the ultimate low for the big cap precious metals stocks. So far these charts have been playing out for over five years. The first chart is a 5 year daily line chart that shows the blue 5 point triangle reversal pattern. That 5 point blue triangle reversal pattern has led the big cap PM stocks lower forming one consolation pattern after another.
Friday, December 06, 2013
Gold ETF Selling Waning / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
Gold’s worst year in memory was largely the result of extreme gold-ETF selling. A flood of gold supply hammered gold prices as stock investors around the world aggressively dumped gold ETFs. They were rotating out of gold to chase the Fed-driven stock-market levitations. But as toppy stock markets inevitably reverse, so will capital flows. Gold-ETF outflows are already waning, and will soon shift to accelerating inflows.
This is a very bullish omen for battered gold prices. They are determined by supply and demand, like everything else traded in financial markets. When supply exceeds demand, prices retreat until a new equilibrium level is reached that balances buying and selling. Fundamentally, this year’s extreme gold-ETF selling is responsible for literally all the world’s excess gold supply. That vanishes and gold soars.
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Thursday, December 05, 2013
Gold Bull Over? Time for Goldbugs to Admit Defeat? / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jeff_Clark
After a 12-year run, it looks like gold's wave has truly crested, and many bears are arguing that it's all downhill from here. A quick glance at a long-term gold price chart can certainly seem to confirm this impression.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Junior Gold Stocks Rabbit Hole / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Zeal_LLC
Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland is a timeless tale that chronicles the journey of a young girl into a psychedelic fantasy land. This tale is one that turns logic upside down, and takes us into a bizarre world that defies reality. To get to this world Alice falls down a precarious rabbit hole, perhaps the same one that has swallowed the junior gold stocks.
The juniors have seen so much carnage lately that investors have completely disregarded their sector. And this disregard has sent them down a proverbial rabbit hole, into a world that is bizarre and illogical to say the least. Though these stocks certainly don’t have much support with gold prices so weak lately, popular consensus that their sector is dead is pure fantasy.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013
HUI Gold Stocks Has Penetrated Its June Lows, Bullion and Silver To Follow / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Bob_Kirtley
The June low for the gold mining sector was believed to the bottom for gold miners and as such presented a buying opportunity for the precious metals community. At the time we greeted this event with some trepidation and described the capitulation as a capitulation of sorts, but not a final one.
In any bull market we have to climb the wall of worry and gold and silver did exactly that in the first phase of this bull market as many objectors denounced its progress. This wall of worry will always be with us as gold clings on in the hope that there is a U-turn coming and the bull returns with a vengeance.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Gold Stocks are the Greatest Investment Opportunity in 30 Years / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jeff_Clark
I caught myself daydreaming last week…
It's October 27, 2008, and Silver Wheaton (SLW) just hit $3 per share. I buy 10,000 shares, more than I've ever devoted to any one stock. I sell half when it hits $33 per share and pocket $150,000 after a 1,000% gain. I pay off the mortgage, and my wife quits work—and I still have 5,000 shares…
Not a bad daydream, eh? I don't know how many investors actually had the intestinal fortitude to plunk down a big lump of cash on a stock at that time—but Silver Wheaton did indeed offer that 1,000% return, and more.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Gold, Silver Prices and Mining Stocks Sector Have Not Bottomed Yet / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Bob_Kirtley

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Thursday, November 14, 2013
Investor Psychology Can Trump Gold Stocks Market Fundamentals / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
With gold and silver equities markets as volatile as ever and assets of many miners valued at pennies on the dollar, Eric Muschinski, editor of the Gold Investment Letter, believes being on the right side of the emotional curve when investing is critical. He pays as much attention to investor psychology as he does to market fundamentals. In this interview with The Gold Report, Muschinski explains how investors can use knowledge of market cycles to their advantage and profiles undervalued companies flying under the radar.
The Gold Report: You have published a recent e-letter for investors called "Fighting Battles to Win the War." Please sum up the major themes of the issue, especially around how small-cap stock investors can combat impatience and deal with the emotional stress associated with temporary market downturns.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Big Ideas on Gold and Resources in the Big Easy / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Frank_Holmes
For nearly four decades, curious investors have made their way to the Big Easy for a taste of New Orleans and several helpings of advice and perspective at the New Orleans Investment Conference.
Coincidentally, President Barack Obama was in the city recently, speaking at the Louisiana port, which was the setting to showcase his focus on the nation's economy.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Junior Gold Mining Stocks Picking Winners in a Field of Losers / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Don_Miller
The airline tried to zap us with an overweight luggage fee on our flight home from the Casey Summit in Tucson. I was toting piles of notes and ideas to share with our readers, and I had to open two suitcases for the whole world to see. Your 73-year-old scribe was on his hands and knees moving clothes and folders between suitcases, but I managed to sneak in under the weight limit.
A few notes on the junior mining sector were among the stacks of paper I had to shuffle around. Lately the price of gold is seemingly going nowhere, and junior mining stocks are in the tank. Nevertheless, people had a tremendous level of interest in these companies, as evidenced by the crowds around their tables in the Map Room.
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Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Falling Gold Stocks Sector Set to Outperform Stock Market / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: InvestmentContrarian
Sasha Cekerevac writes: When it comes to the recent batch of corporate earnings releases, some investors might be cheering. But if you look a bit closer at the results, you will notice the underlying fundamentals aren’t as strong as they first appear.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The Outlook for Gold Minder Mergers and Acquisitions / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
It's no secret that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in the mining sector is in the dumps. According to PWC, deal volume in the first half of 2013 declined 31% as compared to the same period last year. Deal value declined 74%. Excluding Glencore's $54 billion acquisition of Xstrata in 2012, deal value is still down 21%. A recent Bloomberg article noted that the volume of acquisitions valued at less than $1 billion is at an eight-year low while the volume of deals in Q3 was the lowest since Q4 of 2004. However, some deals are taking place and in order for speculators and investors to capitalize, they will need to keep a discerning eye, just like potential suitors.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Gold Stocks Tricks and Treats / Commodities / Gold and Silver Stocks 2013
By: The_Gold_Report
No matter how elaborate an investor's Halloween costume is, the gold space isn't handing out much in the way of treats this year. While Encompass Fund Managers Malcolm Gissen and Marshall Berol don't agree on the timeline for gold's recovery, they have faith that it will come. In the meantime, their focus is on companies that are in production, generate cash flow and have top-notch management teams. They also dig into their treat bag for names in the energy sector and other metals in this interview with The Gold Report.
The Gold Report: It's almost Halloween and we remain in the clutches of a tricky market for junior resource equities. What are your perspectives on how long it's going to take before investors see another treat-filled year like 2010?
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