Category: ISIS Islamic State
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, November 26, 2017
ISIS Last Stand; End Times for the Caliphate / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Mike_Whitney
Hezbollah, recaptured the city of Abu Kamal in Deir Ezzor province. The city was the last bastion for the terrorist group, ISIS, which, at one time, controlled a vast swathe of land stretching from northern Iraq to central Syria. Now the group has been chased from its last urban hideaway and scattered across the arid wastelands like a nomadic tribe wandering the dessert. Abu Kamal was ISIS’s “last stand”, the final chance to fend off the advancing loyalist forces and reverse the course of the war. But the three-pronged attack proved to be too much for the demoralized jihadists who fled the city northward or surrendered to Syrian troops on the perimeter. Thus, ISIS no longer occupies any of the major towns or cities that once comprised the emerging Wahhabi proto-state. The group has been soundly defeated, its leadership is in tatters and the star-crossed Caliphate has met its end.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
ISIS Is Now Aiming at Africa / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: John_Mauldin
As Islamist militant groups attempt to expand their operations into new areas, some have looked to the Sahel region in western and central Africa and seen opportunity.
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Sunday, August 13, 2017
The Islamic State Jihadi Pivot to Asia / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Dan_Steinbock
As the Islamic State is collapsing in the Middle East, it needs wins elsewhere. Southeast Asia is Jihadi terror’s new battlefront. In order to contain the terror and sustain the Asian Century, new kind of cooperation is needed between the ASEAN, the US, China, and other major powers in the region and the Middle East.
A systematic terror escalation has begun in Asia. In May, an armed conflict started in Marawi in Mindanao, where government forces were surprised by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), and homegrown Maute and Abu Sayyaf Salafi jihadists.
After a foiled plot by an ISIL-linked group last year to launch a rocket at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, several radicalized Indonesian workers have been sent back home and Bangladeshis arrested, along with a few Singaporeans.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Manchester Bombing - ISIS Islamic Terrorist Attack Attempt to Influence BrExit Election / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The people of Britain are waking up to a terrorist bomb attack on young people attending an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena at 10.33pm killing 22 people, including children and injuring 59, Britain's worst terror attack since the London 7/7 bombings nearly 12 years ago. A suspected suicide bomber detonated a device at 10.33pm last night in the foyer as concert goers were leaving. The response of politicians has been to suspend election campaigning for at least 24 hours.
Friday, March 17, 2017
3 Maps That Explain Why Syria Raqqa Battle Will Drag On / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN AND ERIC CZULEGER : The United States, Turkey, and Russia have deployed forces to fight against the Islamic State in a run-up to the final battle for Raqqa. But no one has made a definitive move.
We’ve touched on Syria before, but this is because the battle for the ISIS heartland is complicated by geography and conflicting interests of regional and international actors.
These three maps show the complexity of this battle and why it will be a marathon rather than a sprint.
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Thursday, October 06, 2016
The West Is Playing a Zero-Sum Game with ISIS / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: John_Mauldin
ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism are a threat to the Western world. And so far, we have not really developed any serious defense mechanisms to deal with it. Rather, we are mostly just reacting to seemingly random events.
My friend Dr. Woody Brock is one of the most brilliant game theory specialists that I know. He regularly applies game theory to economics and investing. Here, he analyzes the conflict between the West and ISIS. He says that because of our very values, we end up playing the “game” in a way that leads us to continual frustration.
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Sunday, May 29, 2016
Retaking Raqqa From the Islamic State / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
The battle for Raqqa, the Islamic State's self-declared capital in Syria, has begun. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are advancing toward the city, engaging the jihadist group in the villages of al-Hisha, Tal Samen and Mutamshirij along the way. Because of Raqqa's strategic importance, the Islamic State will do everything in its power to keep the city within its grasp. Driving the militants from their stronghold will not be easy or cheap, but if the SDF is successful, it will greatly accelerate the Islamic State's defeat in Syria.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Terrorist Attack Likely Downed EgyptAir Flight 804 / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Stephen_Lendman
At 11:09 PM local time Wednesday, Flight MS804 with 66 passengers and crew en route from Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport to Cairo went missing over the Mediterranean Sea.
French President Francois Hollande said the plane “went down and is lost.” It’s too early to know if what happened was technical failure or terrorism, the latter most likely.
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Thursday, December 03, 2015
David Cameron Declares Jihad on Islamic State Syria - 'Bombs Away Chaps' / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's industrial military complex smarting from having failed to profit form the four year long Syrian civil war will today be toasting after the success of much costly lobbying of MP's, who led by the Prime Minister have followed their instructions to start to empty the munitions dumps of bombs and missiles to be dropped right across Syria, joining US, French, Turkish and Russian militaries as they rain hell fire missiles down onto civilian populations, with the probable resulting carnage of many hundreds of innocents killed for every ISIS gangster killed, akin to flattening Rome to kill members of the mafia, all in the name of defending Britain from the terror threat that the likes of the CIA and MI5 amongst other secret police agencies have been busy creating and fostering so as to support the need for the exponential expansion of the surveillance state.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Redefining ‘The Human Rights’ In The Context Of The Rise Of Islamism And The Onslaught Of The Western Democracies / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
ISLAMISM has emerged as the Greatest Threat to Democracy and Human Rights, besides the very existence of the Progressive Modern Societies shaped by Capitalism, Corporatism and Modern Technologies. It is thousand times deadly than Fascism for it is taking back the Humanity to the Age of Primitive Desert Tribal Gods, Wars, Culture , Caliphates and Social Order burying down Democracy, Equality, Freedom, Principles of Human Right, Open Society and Progressive Social Order.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Paris, Sharm el-Sheikh, and the Resurrection of Old Europe / / ISIS Islamic State
By: John_Mauldin
Soon after the Paris attacks, I picked up the phone to talk over the situation with my friend George Friedman. George is one of the truly world-class thought leaders on geopolitics. We had an animated 20-minute conversation. I didn’t particularly like what I heard.
George thinks we face big difficulties in dealing realistically with the ISIS threat. The more I read—and the more I listen to people like George who have worked these issues for decades—the more I think that we, as a culture, need to face reality.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
ISIS May Be Our Ally Some Day / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
Ferghane Azihari writes:“ISIS is certainly not a state” said Obama in a recent statement. This is the official line Western governments use to describe ISIS. The label terrorist is often used to describe dangerous and aggressive organizations. However, these characteristics are not used to describe organizations that don’t threaten the strategic interests of states that dominate the international community.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Paris Terror Attacks, Death Pangs of a Dying Religion, and Impact on BrExit EU Referendum / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's 4 full days since 8 Islamic State terrorists went on a bloody rampage in 6 separate locations across Paris, with the latest death toll put at 129 killed and with some 55 people critically ill in intensive care. Whilst the people of Paris and France have been in a state of shock, grieving at the magnitude of the death toll, remembering and paying tribute to all those who were killed, Hollande's government has already launched its first retaliatory strikes against ISIS, dropping 20 bombs Monday night alone on the Syrian city of Raqqa, and vowing to destroy Daesh / Islamic State.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
RED ALERT: Paris Terror Attacks - What to Expect Next / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
Update (6:00 CST): According to French media reports, French security forces have stormed and secured the Bataclan theater. The attackers apparently used grenades inside the main concert hall, Aujourd'hui Paris reported Nov. 13. Details are still emerging.
As many as 60 people died Nov. 13 in multiple terrorist attacks throughout Paris. At least five gunmen – likely jihadists judging from witness's accounts – conducted the attacks.
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Thursday, June 04, 2015
How Islamic State Victories Shape the Syrian Civil War / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
- The Islamic State will prioritize the defense of its core supply lines, used to provide equipment and much-needed recruits.
- The Islamic State will continue to demonstrate considerable flexibility in its offensive operations.
- The Syrian government and rebel forces will have to increasingly devote their attention and resources to fighting the Islamic State, rather than prioritizing battles with each other.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Just What is Islamic State? / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: LewRockwell
Eric Margolis writes: Sir John Baggot Glubb, better known as Glubb Pasha, was one of the modern Mideast’s most colorful and romantic figures. He and ‘Chinese’ Gordon of Khartoum were the last of the great British imperial officers.
Seconded by Britain to its protectorate, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Glubb built up its small Bedouin army, the Arab Legion, into the Arab world’s finest military force.
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Thursday, September 11, 2014
Radical Islam's Crisis of Competing Caliphates / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
The rise of the Islamic State will inspire other jihadist groups to claim their own caliphates and emirates. In the long run, the extremism of these contrived dominions and the competition among them will undermine the jihadist movement. However, before that happens, the world will witness much upheaval.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Islamic State's Ultimate Goal: Saudi Arabia's Oil Wells / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: OilPrice_Com

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Sunday, September 07, 2014
Islamic Terror And North / South War / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Andrew_McKillop
Theocracy and the Police State
August 30 on FOX News, King Abdullah of the Wahabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia said he thinks ISIS terror attacks in Europe will start within 1 month, and in the USA within 2 months. When do they start in your own police state, King Abdullah? In the Wahabite Kingdom, which dates to 1744 and is named for the extremist lay preacher Abdul Wahab, all religions except so-called ultra conservative and puritanical, or fundamentalist and austere forms of Sunni Islam are forbidden. Attempts to practice any other religion are punished by whipping, imprisonment or for foreigners, immediate deportation.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Countdown To Global Islamic False Flag Terror / Politics / ISIS Islamic State
By: Andrew_McKillop
King Abdullah Says
Speaking on FOX News, August 30, Saudi King Abdullah said he thought that ISIS terror attacks in Europe would take 1 month to start, and 2 months to start in the US. He also said that the sight of ISIS psychopaths, some in their teens, joyfully carrying severed head on spikes was proof that “they know no humanity”, but King Abdullah did not admit the role of his security services, and of the other Gulf states in turning the Syrian civil war into a cesspit of horror from which ISIS crawled out