Category: Credit Crisis 2015
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, May 18, 2015
European Banks Vulnerable Today As 2008 Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: GoldCore
- Euro banks no more stable now than in run-up to 2008 crash
- Banks in France, Spain and Italy are “highly vulnerable to failure”
- Low quality bank equity not sufficient to withstand shock
- Risk to system “enormously underestimated”
- Investor deposits at risk of “bail-ins”
Saturday, May 16, 2015
A Financial "Perfect Storm" May Be Brewing / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: Dan_Amerman
The "Perfect Storm" of 1991, as described in the best-selling book by Sebastian Junger, resulted from massive weather systems converging to create the storm of a century.
In the financial world at this very moment, we have eight different "weather systems" that are all developing in real time. While the defenses in place may be able to easily withstand any one or two of these concerns in isolation – the danger is the increased power of a "storm" that can result from the merging of multiple systems together.
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
War On Cash - Why the IRS Seized All the Money from a Country Store / Personal_Finance / Credit Crisis 2015
Another shot fired in the "War on Cash"
Editor's note: You'll find the text version of the story below the video.
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
Learn from Geithner and Profit from the Next Big Financial Crisis / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: ... Peter Krauth writes: Former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was as close as it gets to the epicenter of the 2008 U.S. financial crisis.
Together with Treasury chief Hank Paulson and Fed boss Ben Bernanke, he presided over the crisis at the Bush administration, which let the conflagration get out of control. He then led the Obama administration's response.
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Saturday, May 09, 2015
Credit Insanity: The Biggest Debt Bomb in History and the Fuse is Lit / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis 2015
Dear investor,
Exclusive invitation: Our friends at Elliott Wave International have just released a new subscriber-level summary report, Credit Insanity: The Biggest Debt Bomb in History and the Fuse is Lit, for their paying subscribers. Once I read it, I asked EWI if I could share it with you, too, and they graciously agreed, but asked that I don't make too big of a deal about it, because it was intended for subscribers only.
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Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Do They Really Want to Outlaw Cash? / Politics / Credit Crisis 2015
Some bankers want to charge you for your deposits
Editor's note: You'll find the text version of the story below the video.
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Tuesday, May 05, 2015
U.S. Fears a European “Lehman Brothers” / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: GoldCore
European complacency regarding Greek default and exit is high – Tett
- Narrative to reassure investors that markets have already priced in effects of Greek default
- U.S. Council on Economics is alarmed by risk being taken by European elites to bring Greece to heel
- Greek default would cause a new and very “unpredictable” paradigm – huge uncertainty in markets
- U.S. policy makers fear unforeseeable knock-on effects
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Cash Payments - Prove You’re Not a Terrorist / Politics / Credit Crisis 2015
By: Casey_Research
Jeff Thomas writes: Recently, France decided to crack down on those people who make cash payments and withdrawals and who hold small bank accounts. The reason given was, not surprisingly, to “fight terrorism,” the handy catchall justification for any new restriction governments wish to impose on their citizens. French Finance Minister Michel Sapin stated at the time, “[T]errorism feeds on fraud, money laundering, and petty trafficking.”
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Iceland Monetary Reform Half-Right / Politics / Credit Crisis 2015
Patrick Barron writes: The prime minister of Iceland recently commissioned a report by Frosti Sigurjonsson to recommend a better money and banking system for Iceland. The recently released report recaps Iceland's sorry history of money and banking disasters and lays the majority of the blame for the 2008 collapse on the institution of fractional reserve banking, which caused an out-of-control increase in the money supply. Sigurjonsson recommends the abolition of fractional reserve banking, a separation of deposit and loan banking, and an end to deposit insurance.
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
The War on Cash Special Report / Personal_Finance / Credit Crisis 2015
Dear investor,
It's not on the front page...yet.
But it will be.
Some governments, central banks and mega-banks are waging a secret war on cash. They are even talking about outlawing the use of physical currency. This new reality might be closer than you think.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
FDIC Plots a Bank Heist Involving YOUR Accounts / Personal_Finance / Credit Crisis 2015
By: MoneyMetals
Guy Christopher writes: There's a new front opening up in the war on your wealth. If you haven't heard yet of the “bail-in,” you will. Even if you have, you need to know the latest…
The bail-in is another weapon in the government's arsenal of capital controls meant to reward Wall Street cronies and separate you from your money.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Unsound Banking: Why Most of the World's Banks Are Headed for Collapse / Politics / Credit Crisis 2015
By: Casey_Research
You’re likely thinking that a discussion of “sound banking” will be a bit boring. Well, banking should be boring. And we’re sure officials at central banks all over the world today—many of whom have trouble sleeping—wish it were.
This brief article will explain why the world’s banking system is unsound, and what differentiates a sound from an unsound bank. I suspect not one person in 1,000 actually understands the difference. As a result, the world’s economy is now based upon unsound banks dealing in unsound currencies. Both have degenerated considerably from their origins.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
The Most Dangerous Financial Headline I’ve Seen Since 2008 / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes: In my capacity as Chief Investment Strategist, I read newsfeeds from more than 100 sources every day. That helps me keep tabs on the Unstoppable Trends we follow here, what’s going on around the world, and, more importantly, discover opportunities for you that others don’t yet understand or even recognize.
Given everything going on – ISIS, Russia, Washington, fabricated economic numbers, earnings… you name it – it takes a lot to surprise me. I’m pretty jaded.
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Thursday, April 09, 2015
Austrian Government to No Longer Guarantees Bank Deposits / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: GoldCore
- Austria will remove state guarantee of bank deposits
- Austrian deposit plan given go ahead by the EU
- Banks to pay into a deposit insurance fund over 10 years
- Fund will then be valued at a grossly inadequate €1.5 billion
- New bail-in legislation agreed by EU two years ago
- Depositors need to realise increasing risks and act accordingly
- “Bail-ins are now the rule” and ‘Bail-in regime’ coming
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
Cost of Negative Bank Interest Rates / Interest-Rates / Credit Crisis 2015
So you thought that the unimaginable could not happen. The signal is heard loud and clear. Keeping your money in a fiduciary account will not only earn no interest; there will be an actual cost of parking your funds in a bank relationship. The madness that has engulfed the financial sector is preparing to escalate the systematic looting of saved capital. Ponder the consequences of negative bank rates and ask, what exactly can anyone do or where can they place their money for safekeeping. The first objective of entrusting your funds to a financial institution is to have the ability to obtain access to the return of your capital.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Santander and Deutsche Fail Bank ‘Stress Tests’ – Risk of Bail-Ins / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: GoldCore
- Largest banks in Germany and Spain fail Federal Reserve’s ‘stress tests’
- Stress tests designed to assess whether lenders can withstand another financial crisis
- U.S. subsidiaries fail Fed stress tests on ‘‘widespread and critical deficiencies’’ in identifying risks
- Deutsche and Santander bank fail on “qualitative” grounds
- 28 out of 31 banks passed the stress test, with Bank of America required to resubmit plans
- Both Deutsche and Santander passed questionable ECB stress tests in October
- Developing bail-in regime poses risks to depositors
Monday, March 09, 2015
Financial Crisis Aftershocks - That Austrian Bank / Politics / Credit Crisis 2015
By: John_Rubino
Sometimes little things are the start of much bigger things. Probably the most famous historical example of this is the June 1914 assassination of an Austrian archduke who, it's safe to say, 99% of the world had neither heard of nor cared about. But the aftershocks of the deed produced the biggest war in human history.
More recently, the US government's 2008 decision to allow mid-tier investment bank Lehman Brothers to fail is frequently blamed for turning a mortgage bubble into a global financial collapse.
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Thursday, March 05, 2015
Understanding True Credit and False Credit / Economics / Credit Crisis 2015
By: Frank_Shostak
There are two kinds of credit: that which would be offered in a market economy with sound money and banking (true credit), and that which is made possible only through a system of central banking, artificially low interest rates, and fractional reserves (false credit).
Banks cannot expand true credit as such. All that they can do in reality is to facilitate the transfer of a given pool of savings from savers (i.e., those lending to the bank) to borrowers.
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Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Bondholders “Bailed In” In Austria – New Banking Crisis? / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
By: GoldCore
- Auditors find €7.6 billion hole in Austria’s “bad bank”, Heta Asset Resolution AG
- Austria’s government says it will not give Heta “a single euro”
- Emergency legislation passed last month means bondholders to be bailed in
- Risk of contagion high as other banks may hold Heta bonds
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Friday, February 27, 2015
France and Italy are the Next Causalities of the Credit Bubble / Stock-Markets / Credit Crisis 2015
Editor's note: This article is excerpted from The State of the Global Markets Report -- 2015 Edition, a publication of Elliott Wave International, the world's largest financial forecasting firm. Data is updated to December 2014. You can download the full, 53-page report here.