Category: EU_Referendum
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, May 20, 2016
British Pound Soars on BrExit Hopes Despite Remain Establishment Fear Mongering / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The level of propaganda emanating from the REMAIN establishment camp continues to be relentless. However, as my series of articles and videos have illustrated that virtually every piece of establishment propaganda fails to stand up to close scrutiny and one such piece of misinformation being regurgitated at length by the press is that of the British Pound coming under intense pressure following David Cameron's February announcement to hold an In / Out EU Referendum on June 23rd.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Shocking Proof that Boris Johnson is Right About the EU - Video / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Mario_Innecco
Hi it's Tuesday May 17th 2006 team I'm talking about geopolitics in this video
and more exactly about Rex it the UK the European Union and lately Boris Johnson
who's now just an EMP he used to be the Mayor of London he made a comment in the
Daily Telegraph he said the EU wants a sous superstate just as hitler did that
was just last sunday in the Daily Telegraph or Sunday Telegraph and he
created a lot of controversy
you know comparing the european union with Nazi Germany so to speak
I I'm here to tell you though that he is pretty close to the mark with a comment
in my opinion and late last year when I just started my YouTube channel and I'll....
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Union, Not Brexit, Threatens World Peace and Stability / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Stephen_Lendman
Britain’s David Cameron has it backwards, warning Brexit threatens continental peace - calling support for the move “reckless and irresponsible,” risking Britain’s economic stability, leaving it “permanently poorer.”
Former London Mayor Boris Johnson hit back, saying Britain’s economy is independent of EU membership. The union doesn’t preserve peace, and supporting Brexit isn’t anti-European.
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Sunday, May 15, 2016
How Referenda Threaten the EU / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
- In the coming years, national governments, opposition groups and civil society organizations will increasingly turn to popular votes to decide a broad range of EU-related debates.
- National governments will probably use referenda (or, more likely, the threat of them) to demand concessions from the European Union, to justify domestic decisions or to increase their own popularity.
- Votes will take place against a backdrop of growing nationalism and fear of globalization, and the results will likely freeze or reverse the process of EU integration.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
EU Referendum Opinion Polls Neck and Neck Despite Operation Fear, Support BrExit Campaign / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The average of the latest EU referendum opinion polls put the LEAVE and ReMAIN camps virtually neck and neck on 44% with 12% undecided, which compares against a month ago of 42% LEAVE and 48% REMAIN, 10% undecided. So it is no wonder that the REMAIN camp has gone into panic mode with a relentless torrent of fear mongering emanating from the establishment REMAIN camp.
The narrowing of the polls is even more remarkable given that Brexiters are financially outgunned by at least 10 to 1 as the government has been calling on a litany of state funded favours from the likes of President Obama, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, IMF Chief Lagaard and even ex Prime Ministers such as Gordon Brown and John Major all of whom have been busy this week reading from the establishments fear script in an attempt to frighten the British people into PERMANENTLTY giving up ANY chance of attaining FREEDOM from the emerging anti-democratic European Superstate.
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Friday, May 13, 2016
Mark Carney Warns of 'Technical Recession' if British People Vote for BREXIT Freedom / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Britain's very own Tyrion Lanister, The Master of Coin, Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England stepped forth with his quarterly UK inflation report (economic propaganda) that warned of the dire consequences for the British economy (banking sector) should Britain's wage slaves vote for freedom on June 23rd. Instead the people of Britain are dutifully expected vote to remain in an EU that is trundling along a path towards becoming Greater Germany as the German Economic Empire has already consumed much of the Euro-zone, turning proud nations such as Italy and Spain into beggar states and worse for the likes of Greece. But now eyes it's ultimate nemesis, Britain, which through being out numbered 27 to 1 will be beaten into submission treaty by treaty when all that will be left will be the museum called Westminister, so as to remember how things were in done in the good old days when Britain had a parliamentary democracy instead of direct bureaucratic rule from Brussels, in large part instructed by the German high command.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Brexit Used as Scapegoat for Deliberate UK Inflationary Policy - Video / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Mario_Innecco
Transcript Excerpt: hi its Wednesday May 11th 2016 I'm going to be talking here about Forex it and
inflation in the UK there is an article out in the Telegraph taco dot UK website
major UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph and the headline set backs it four
straight up to three and a half percent within 18 months says newest MPC member
or monetary policy committee member he used to be chief economist at citibank
his name is Michael Saunders and the reason he's saying that he is that he
thinks if the UK vote to leave the European Union or breaks it that the
pound dropped fifteen to twenty percent and that could drive up inflation as the
pound dropped in value which makes sense I agree for once I agree with...
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
BrExit Freedom - New Dawn, New Life for Britain on 23rd June EU Referendum / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Operation Fear, (REMAIN Camp) keeps ratcheting up the threat of what awaits Britain should the people choose to vote for freedom on June 23rd. The most recent warnings of which were literally that BrExit trigger a world war, a nuclear apocalypse. Which is completely ignorant of the fact that it is NATO and not the EU which has kept the peace for over 70 years, including defeated the Soviet Union, NATO not the EU! Whilst FEAR also appears to be the primary message out of the LEAVE camp, Fear of out of control immigration, fear of EU bailouts forever, which whilst being far closer to the truth than the REMAIN camps fear mongering, nevertheless the messages of FEAR are all prevailing, frightening and turning people off. So instead I offer my latest video as a message of HOPE (mostly), a message of a New Dawn, New Life for Britain, summed up in one word FREEDOM!
Monday, May 02, 2016
How Brexit Could Help All of Europe / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
Ferghane Azihari writes: The United Kingdom (UK) is about to hold a referendum on June 23rd on whether it should leave or remain within the European Union (EU). Once unthinkable, the "Brexit" is becoming more and more plausible. It is seen by the mainstream media as a factor of uncertainty in Europe. For its critics, Brexit would lead to increasing nationalism and protectionism. Nevertheless, those same critics forget the European Union is not a free-trade area.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
OECD Suggests BrExit Would Cut Net Migration by 1.2 Million by 2030 / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The mostly funded by EU member states OECD's Pro-Remain report appears to have badly backfired is its analysis concludes that if the people of Britain voted for BrExit then that would result in 1.2 million FEWER migrants into Britain as average net migration into Britain would fall by 84k per annum and also slow house price inflation. So apparently according to a blundering OECD the people of Britain should vote to REMAIN so that Britain can be flooded by 1.2 million EXTRA migrants (+4.6 million total)!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
President Obama Attends David Cameron's 'Political' Funeral as Brexit Looms / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Obama dutifully followed David Cameron's script, heavily laden with the consequences of a Brexit and finished off with a nice sprinkling of threats, blowing away the illusion of a special relationship as Britain in trade terms at least would find itself at the back of the trade agreements queue following a Brexit vote victory, perhaps even behind North Korea!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
UK BrExit Referendum as European Union Faces Migration Catastrophe / News_Letter / EU_Referendum
By: NewsLetter
The Market Oracle NewsletterNov 12th, 2015 Issue # 23 Vol. 9
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Friday, April 22, 2016
Obama Instructs British Poodle to REMAIN Within the EU Superstate / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
President Obama, the leader of the free world visits Britain today for the apparent purpose of instructing the British people to vote to give up their hard won freedoms in THREE wars (1st, 2nd and Cold War) to an bureaucratic undemocratic European Union, something that the American President himself would never contemplate for the US of giving up even an inch of American sovereignty to even nations that border it let alone that which Obama today proposes for the UK. One of sacrificing British sovereignty for the greater American good, one of the British identity being drowned out in a EU soup that is determined to average down living standards and civil liberties so that all europeans are equally poor and disenfranchised.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
George Osborne's UK Treasury BrExit Dodgy Dossier Latest Remain Propaganda / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Chancellor George Osborne led the charge of the light brigade by publishing a UK Government (Treasury) report that concludes that leaving the EU would cost the UK potential future GDP growth of 6.2% (Canada model) per annum by 2030 in relative terms i.e. that if BrExit happened annual GDP whilst still growing would be 6.2% lower by 2030 than if Britain had Remained within the EU.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
UK Treasury Dodgy Dossier Claims 6% BrExit Price for Freedom, But Bank Bailouts Cost 16% / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The UK Government (Treasury) has released its latest 200 page dodgy dossier as part of the REMAIN establishment camps FEAR campaign on the forthcoming EU Referendum / Vote for Freedom (June 23rd). Today the Chancellor George Osborne led the charge of the light brigade by publishing a report that concluded that leaving the EU would cost the UK potential future GDP growth of 6.2% (Canada model) per annum by 2030 in relative terms i.e. that if BrExit happened annual GDP whilst still growing would be 6% lower by 2030 than if Britain had Remained within the EU.
Friday, April 15, 2016
BrExit - Ne Pleurex Pas, MiLord! - de Gaulle was Right EU is NOT For Britain / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
It's over 50 years on from when Britain's first attempts under Harold Mcmillion to join the then Common Market was refused TWICE by the French, the first in 1963 at a a summit in Paris where at the very last minute de Gaulle literally sang "Ne Pleurex Pas, MiLord!", leaving a tearful Harold Macmillan to fly back home in disgrace.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
IMF Warns of BrExit Apocalypse, Global Chaos if Britain Votes LEAVE in EU Referendum / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Paris based and tax payer funded IMF, headed by unelected bureaucrats and manned by academics paints a dire picture for not just Britain but the entire world, not that far from an Armageddon style mass extinction event if the people of Britain apparently vote for freedom in the June 23rd EU Referendum.
Monday, April 11, 2016
UK Government EU Referendum Propaganda Leaflet Backfires as Anger Spurs BrExit Support / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Conservative government's baldrick-esk cunning plan of using £10 million of tax payers money to send out 27 million pro-Remain propaganda leaflets to Britains households looks to have badly backfired as its announcement has increasingly been met with a wall of anger from the electorate at what is seen as blatant attempts to gerrymander the election by the establishment by spending TAX PAYERs money on a leaflet the cost of which is EXCLUDED from the supposed £7 million election spending limits for either LEAVE or REMAIN camps.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
EU Referendum UK Government Propaganda Leaflet Facts Check / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Conservative government over the next few weeks will send out a propaganda leaflet to 27 million households at a cost to British tax payers of over £9 million in an attempt to convince the electorate to vote to remain in the European Union that this video attempts to facts check whether the claims stand up to close scrutiny or not.
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Don't Let the Brexit Head Fake Fool You - Video / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Mario_Innecco
Trancript Excerpt hi it's Tuesday April 5th 2016 I'll be talking to me about something very
interesting especially for UK residents but also for anyone around the world and
it's the breaks it had failed and some fake is some of you might not head fake
usually happens and sports for example in football as Americans call it soccer
you know our players running with the ball kicking the ball and then he looks
to the last but actually passes the ball to the right instead of you know 24 the
opponent also in basketball for example you running with the ball and you look
to the left and you can you pass the ball to the right to to your teammate
then the opponent will actually focus on the left and be fought so that's a head.