Category: EU_Referendum
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, November 25, 2018
Theresa May To Resign as Prime Minister When MP's Vote NO to EU BrExit Deal / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The next major crisis point in Britain's continually thwarted attempts to LEAVE the European Union will probably be in Mid December when MP's are expected to give their consent to the so called 'BrExit deal' which in reality is a 585 page suicide note aimed at keeping Britain permanently within the EU, effectively remaining in the EU in all but name which was the EU's objective from the outset, the signs for which were obvious for which we only needed to look at how the EU managed economic austerity across the South of Europe, creating defacto colonies out of the southern states ruled from Brussels which is destined to be the fate for the UK.
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Saturday, November 24, 2018
BrExit WAR - Theresa May's Government Betraying BrExit New Dawn for Britain / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Where BrExit is concerned the middle path is turning out to be the worst path to follow, the path that pleases neither LEAVERs or REMAINER's, which is precisely the path that Theresa May's government remains determined to put Britain upon as she is wined and dined by Britain's new colonial masters in Europe. If Theresa May gets her way Britain would become a defacto colony of the European Union, subservient to EU Laws and regimes all without political representation. Effectively Britain coming full circle from the world's premier colonial master of a century ago to soon to become an in consequential periphery at the boundaries of a German Economic Empire.
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Sunday, July 03, 2016
Anti-Brexiteers Hit London Streets / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Stephen_Lendman
On June 23, referendum results showed most Brits for Brexit, an anti-neoliberal/pro independence rebellion wanting change.
Union beholden to Brussels sacrifices political sovereignty to a higher offshore authority. Independence may not change much but at least would let Brits chart their own way.
Sovereign independence is sacrosanct, inviolable - the inalienable right of all nations. Union destroys it.
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Saturday, July 02, 2016
Kerry Suggests Maybe No Brexit / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Stephen_Lendman
Addressing the right-wing Aspen Institute on Wednesday, Kerry said Brexit “(d)idn’t change a thing.”
“This is a very complicated divorce.” David Cameron is loathe to invoke Lisbon Treaty Article 50, legally required to begin a lengthy Brexit process. He feels “powerless” to negotiate what he doesn’t want.
“(A)nd I think this is a fair conclusion - to go out and start negotiating a thing that he doesn’t believe in and has no idea how he would do it.”
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Brexit: No One Said Breaking Up is Easy / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Rodney_Johnson

He tried telling people about the wonderful, harmonic world they now enjoy as a pan-European group, but that didn’t fly. He waved white papers estimating that British GDP would fall 3% to 4% per year, but still no dice. So now, he has thrown down the fear card.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Brexit Victory over the EU Globalists / Politics / EU_Referendum
The globalist establishment has been at war against the people for decades. Centuries of scheming produced the EU centralization monster. The overwhelming deceit and destruction caused by the ruling class has finally received a setback in a plebiscite on the European Union. The New World Order of collectivists born in satanic ideologies, implemented by international finance, imposed through the carnage of continuous wars and administered under an abusive bureaucracy system of non elected technocratic elites has suffered the repudiation of British men and women, who want to restore England to a sovereign nation under the principles of Magna Carta.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Greenspan Calls Brexit a ‘Terrible Outcome’ as Euro Area Tested / Stock-Markets / EU_Referendum
By: Bloomberg
- Former Fed chair has no sympathy for view U.K. better alone
- Scotland, N. Ireland may now choose independence from Britain
By Victoria Stilwell and Lisa Du
(Bloomberg) -- U.K. policy makers miscalculated and made a “terrible mistake” in holding a referendum on whether to quit the European Union, in which voters opted to leave the bloc, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said.
That decision led to a “terrible outcome in all respects,” Greenspan said in an interview with Bloomberg Surveillance on Monday in Washington. “It didn’t have to happen.”
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Sunday, June 26, 2016
BBC EU Referendum Result Highlights - YouGov, Markets, Bookmakers, Pollsters ALL WRONG! / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Here are the key highlights I have picked form 8 hours of BBC coverage of the EU Referendum count that started shortly after 10pm as YouGov's poll effectively gave the referendum to REMAIN on 52% against LEAVE on 48% which even prompted Nigel Farage to effectively concede defeat at around 10.15pm, sending sterling soaring to its highest level against the dollar for 2016, and also triggering a sharp FTSE stock futures rally, which I will cover in-depth in an accompanying video on trading sterling and FTSE during brexit, until then here are the highlights of what happened after the polls closed on Thursday 23rd of June.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Brexit: Anti-Neoliberal Rebellion / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Stephen_Lendman
Sunday, June 26, 2016
First the UK, then Scotland ... then Texas? / Politics / EU_Referendum
Ryan W. McMaken writes: That didn't take long. Only hours after the final results came in for a British exit from the EU, political leaders in Scotland are talking about renewing their drive to secede from the United Kingdom.
Pointing to the fact that a large majority of Scots voted to remain in the EU, Scottish advocates for independence are now claiming (convincingly) that Scotland is leaving the EU against its will.
Many of us who advocated for Scottish secession in 2014 were, of course fine with Scottish secession at the time. And we're still fine with it now. Scotland should be free to say good bye and got its own way.
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Saturday, June 25, 2016
Brexit is Just What the Dr. Ordered / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Peter_Schiff
Janet Yellen should send a note of congratulations to Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, the British politicians most responsible for pushing the Brexit campaign to a successful conclusion. While she's at it she should also send them some fruit baskets, flowers, Christmas cards, and a heartfelt "thank you." That's because the successful Brexit vote, and the uncertainty and volatility it has introduced into the global markets, will provide the Federal Reserve with all the cover it could possibly want to hold off on rate increases in the United States without having to make the painful admission that domestic economic weakness remains the primary reason that it will continue to leave rates near zero.
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Friday, June 24, 2016
BrExit: The System Cannot Hold / Politics / EU_Referendum
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Well, they did it. A majority of Britons made clear they’re so fed up with David Cameron and everything he says or does, including promoting the EU, that they voted against that EU. They detest Cameron much more than they like Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson. It seems that everyone has underestimated that.
Cameron just announced he’s stepping down. And that points to a very large hole in the ground somewhere in London town. Because going through a list of potential leaders, you get the strong impression there are none left. Not to run the country, and not to negotiate anything with Brussels. Which has a deep leadership -credibility- hole of itself, even though the incumbents are completely blind to that.
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Friday, June 24, 2016
BrExit Morning - New Dawn for Britain, Independence Day! / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Despite all that the establishments project fear threw at the EU referendum campaign in an attempt to scare the British people into being good docile wage slaves by following the commands of their masters, those who have owned Britain for centuries! However the establishment elite has clearly grossly underestimated the British people who have found the courage to vote for FREEDOM. And so Britain awakes today, June 24th to a NEW DAWN, A NEW LIFE, the beginning of Britain's Independence from the emerging european super state, and thus best place to cope with the unfolding consequences of climate change that will increasingly make its apocalyptic presence felt with each passing year.
Friday, June 24, 2016
LEAVE Wins EU Referendum - Sterling and FTSE Hit Hard, Pollsters, Bookies and Markets All WRONG! / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
4am BST: With now nearly 20 million votes counted out of an estimated total of 33 million, LEAVE are maintaining a 2% lead of 51% against 49% for REMAIN, then this continues to confirm that LEAVE / BrExit are heading for a referendum win because as Jeremy Vine keeps periodically reminding BBC viewers that LEAVE are doing far better than their models suggested they should be, which if maintained implies that LEAVE are definitely heading for referendum win, which compares against the situation of when the polls closed and the release of YouGov's opinion poll of the day that gave REMAIN a commanding 4% lead over LEAVE, which even prompted Nigel Farage to effectively throw in the towel, apparently after talking to his friends in the city who assured him that REMAIN had won.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Trading BrExit - British Pound Plunges, FTSE Stock Futures Slump on LEAVE Shock Referendum Win / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
3am BST: With now 8 million votes counted, the headline of standings of near 50/50 masks the fact that as Jeremy Vine periodically keeps reminding BBC viewers that LEAVE are doing far better than their models suggested they should be, which if maintained implies that LEAVE are heading for referendum win, which compares against the situation of when the polls closed and the release of YouGov's polling for the day that gave REMAIN a commanding 4% lead over LEAVE, which even prompted Nigel Farage to effectively throw in the towel, apparently after talking to his friends in the city who assured him that REMAIN had won.
Friday, June 24, 2016
EU Referendum Shock Results Putting BrExit LEAVE in the Lead Hitting Sterling Hard / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Results at 1am BST are reversing the REMAIN camps earlier complacency that following the polls closing had many congratulating themselves after YouGov's 10pm poll that gave REMAIN a commanding 4% lead over LEAVE. We even even saw Nigel Farage effectively throw in the towel, apparently after talking to his friends in the city who assured him that REMAIN had won.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Final Opinion Poll Gives REMAIN 52% Lead, Bookmakers, Markets and Pollsters ALL Back REMAIN Win / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The final opinion poll of the EU Referendum campaign by YouGov was released at 10pm just as the polls closed and the counting began, putting REMAIN in a clear 4 point lead on 52% against LEAVE on 48%, which is what the story that the mainstream press is running with given that the first significant results won't be known for at least another 3 hours.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Keep Calm and Vote BrExit - Last Chance to Break Free of EU Superstate / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In February Prime Minister David Cameron defacto surrendered virtually every point of his already heavily watered down non binding deal with the European Union who stated would only legislate the laws AFTER the the UK had voted to remain within the EU. Which the EU Parliament President clarified as implying that virtually every aspect of the deal would be subject to debate and resistance from the dozen or so eastern european benefits claiming states, who would likely decide to reject most of the so called UK deal, that effectively has been repeatedly used as a smoke screen to hoodwink the British people into giving up their democracy and freedoms.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
BrExit Looks Set to Win EU Referendum, Final Opinion Polls Give LEAVE Lead Over REMAIN / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Latest opinion polls taken today (22nd of June) both put LEAVE marginally ahead of REMAIN, TNS (online) 43% LEAVE against 41% for REMAIN and Opinium (online) 45% LEAVE against 44% for REMAIN. Which illustrates that whilst leave as the advantage nevertheless given the margin of error then both camps are virtually neck and neck, literally balanced on a knife edge going into voting day that compares against the dramatic shifts in the poll leads of the past 10 days.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Will Brexit Be Used as Scapegoat for Global Financial Reset? - Video / ElectionOracle / EU_Referendum
By: Mario_Innecco
hi minako 64 here home of alternative economics and contrarian views
so we've got one day to go to the EU referendum here in the UK or Brax it as
it's more colloquially known and i usually don't buy the newspapers but I
went down to the shop around near my house and i bought the Sun today which
is the biggest tabloid newspaper in the UK and as you can see it says what Queen
asked dinner guests give me three good reasons to stay in Europe
so apparently the Queen has been asking doing the guests that question and they
the press has contacted buckingham palace for you know an explanation and
they've they not confirmed it nor denied and they said we don't comment on the.