Category: War on Cash
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Tuesday, April 30, 2019
A Look Inside the Scheme to Eliminate Cash and Impose Negative Interest / Interest-Rates / War on Cash
By: MoneyMetals
Central bankers and politicians love inflation, but they need “bag holders” to have faith in the value of the fiat currency IOUs they hold. The trick is to avoid suddenly destroying the ephemeral confidence in currencies by printing too much too fast.
Central bankers may also need to limit the options inflation wary citizens have for escaping.
They are both shifty and innovative when it comes to making sure the ill effects of perpetually devaluing currency are primarily borne by the citizenry.
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Thursday, September 27, 2018
What the Decline of Cash Means for the Global Economy / Personal_Finance / War on Cash
By: Steve_Marks
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
How NOT to Become a Casualty in the War on Cash / Currencies / War on Cash
By: MoneyMetals
Lots of bullion investors wonder if the metal they hold might one day be needed for barter and trade. They bought gold and silver, at least in part, as a form of insurance. It just might come in handy in an extreme circumstance such as a currency crisis of the sort Venezuelans are grappling with right now.
However, a hyper-inflationary collapse in the dollar isn’t the only dire scenario to insure against.
It is now clear that the dollar, and the financial network it runs on, is a mechanism for controlling people who don’t toe the government line.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2018
Credit And Bank Cards Stop Working, Sending Masses Into Frenzy / Politics / War on Cash
The digital cashless empire took a huge credibility blow Friday as Visa card holders all over Europe were unable to make transactions.
Caused by an apparent ‘hardware failure,’ the widespread network outage affected large portions of the continent---a region that’s already made dangerous moves toward a cashless society.
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Friday, September 08, 2017
Object Lesson: War on Cash Backfires on India’s Economy / Politics / War on Cash
By: MoneyMetals
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a surprise attack on cash in late 2016. He gave Indians a few days to convert the two largest denomination bills then circulating to bank deposits, after which point any undeposited notes would become worthless. The move was intensely controversial. Transactions completed using cash represented the vast majority of economic activity in the country.
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Monday, August 28, 2017
The Death Of Cash – New Tech To Revolutionize The Payments Industry / Companies / War on Cash
By: OilPrice_Com
Thursday, August 17, 2017
The War on Cash - Rogoff, Orwell and Kafka / Interest-Rates / War on Cash
By: Raul_I_Meijer
Harvard professor and chess grandmaster Kenneth Rogoff has said some pretty out there stuff before, in his role as self-appointed crusader against cash, but apparently he’s not done yet. In fact, he might just be getting started. This time around he sounds like a crossover between George Orwell and Franz Kafka, with a serving of ‘theater of the absurd’ on top. Rogoff wants to give central banks total control over your lives. They must decide what you do with your money. First and foremost, they must make it impossible for you to save your money from their disastrous policies, so they are free to create more mayhem.
Sunday, July 09, 2017
War On Cash: Australia Considering Chipping Senior’s Money To Stop Them From Saving / Currencies / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
Ten years ago I wrote on my personal travel blog, “Australia sucks”. In it I detailed, “Australia seems to have more rules than any other country on the planet I have visited. There are signs outlining rules everywhere. I was even on a street that had a street-sign denoting that particular street as being an alcohol-free street. No alcohol is allowed to be consumed or even carried on that street?? I presume that even includes inside the houses on that street by the way it was written!”
Thursday, June 29, 2017
India Is Likely to Become the First Digital, Cashless Society / Currencies / War on Cash
By: John_Mauldin
BY STEPHEN MCBRIDE : The top news out of India over the past 12 months has been President Modi’s move to ban 85% of the currency in circulation. However, something much more far-reaching has happened.
It’s called India Stack.
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Tuesday, May 02, 2017
The Plan to Control ALL Your Money is Now at Advanced Stage / Personal_Finance / War on Cash
By: Submissions
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Ushering In a Totalitarian Police State in Cashless “Smart Cities” / Politics / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
From Scandinavia to Amsterdam to India and elsewhere, the trend of going “cashless” is gaining traction.
We have been covering the shortcomings of what is rightly called the War On Cash here at TDV for a while now and have shown just how negative the effects can be on an unsuspecting nation’s people.
Chandigarh, India, which is the capital of the northern Indian states of Punjab and Haryana, is like one of India’s labrats. Indian officials are working hard toward making it into India’s first cashless city.
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Thursday, January 05, 2017
The War On Cash Ratchets Up In Greece With “Soft Cash” Ban / Stock-Markets / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
It wasn’t long ago that it came out that the IMF intentionally wanted to create a “credit event” in Greece - part of a larger plan to destabilize Europe.
The country has already fallen victim to the repercussions of the war on cash, but now the grip of capital control is growing tighter.
The Greek Finance Ministry in their infinite wisdom has decided that its nation’s taxpayers will only be granted deductions or tax-allowances if payments are made using a debit or credit card.
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Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Old Woman In Sweden Becomes The Latest Victim of the War on Cash / Politics / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
It has been a common practice for people to keep cash stowed away in lock boxes or under mattresses in their homes, but now, even something as logical and important as keeping a cash stash for a rainy day can make you a suspected criminal.
Ethel Hülst, a 91 year old Swedish woman, unfortunately got to experience the ruthlessness of her country’s central bank first hand which may have contributed to her death.
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Monday, December 26, 2016
The Big Theme for 2017: a Global Cash Ban / Stock-Markets / War on Cash
By: Graham_Summers
The big theme for 2017 will be Cash… not a pro-deflationary “time to own cash” theme… but a “let’s ban it as quickly as possible” theme.
Let’s review.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016
The War on Cash and Then on Gold / Commodities / War on Cash
By: The_Gold_Report
Technical analyst Clive Maund says liquidity issues with banks could lead to restrictions on cash and precious metals.
The global financial system continues to groan under the strain of the accumulated weight of trillions of dollars worth of debt and derivatives, which have built up to even more fantastic levels than those that precipitated the near collapse in 2008, thanks to the policy of solving liquidity problems near term by creating even more debt and derivatives, Quantitative Easing being the most obvious example. However, while the majority considers the situation to be hopeless, there is actually "light at the end of the tunnel."
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Friday, December 16, 2016
The War on Cash Rages On in India and Venezuela / Currencies / War on Cash
By: Jeff_Berwick
Imagine you roll out of bed tomorrow to find out that US $100 and $50 bills were outlawed and deemed worthless? Hard as it is to believe, this is now taking place in both Venezuela and India.
It’s a war on cash. And it’s coming soon to your doorstep.
This past Sunday, President Maduro, the tyrannical leader of the socialist paradise of Venezuela gave a three day warning that he was eliminating his country’s 100 bolivar bank note.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2016
War on Cash Spreads to India / Currencies / War on Cash
By: John_Browne
Over the past year, central banks, commercial bankers and prominent economists have expressed the view that digital money and transfers should replace large denomination cash and cash transactions. This dramatic transition has been fostered under the guise of the public interest in an effort to curb terrorism, tax evasion and criminal activity. Many observers contemplate more sinister motives that involve increased government control of economic activity. The latest country to engage in this 'war on cash' is India.
Monday, December 05, 2016
India’s Demonetization Could Be the First Cash Domino to Fall / Currencies / War on Cash
By: John_Mauldin
BY PATRICK WATSON : Just recently, millions of Americans voted against Hillary Clinton because, among other reasons, we thought she would raise taxes or otherwise take our money.
Most of us didn’t notice what happened on the other side of the world that very same day. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi really did take everyone’s money.
Citizens of India learned, with only a few hours’ notice, that their 500 and 1,000-rupee notes were no longer legal tender. Those are—or were—the country’s largest-denomination bills and the foundation of a huge underground economy.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Could a “Greek-Style” Carry Tax on Cash Come to the US? / Interest-Rates / War on Cash
By: Graham_Summers
As we keep warning, India is not the “last stop” in the global financial elites’ war on cash.
Indeed, as ZeroHedge noted earlier today, officials are proposing a tax on cash withdrawals in Greece. They’re also proposing only permitting digital cash or cards for various transactions.
The claim behind this policy is that it would stop cash being used in the black market. This is similar to other claims that implementing a carry tax on physical cash or banning it altogether would stop money laundering or other illicit activities.
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
The War on Cash is Not Over… It’s About to Intensify / Stock-Markets / War on Cash
By: Graham_Summers
The Trump Presidency has distracted from the next major move to be implemented by Financial Elite.
That move is a cash ban.
Cash, particularly physical cash (as in bills and coins) is a huge problem for insolvent banks.
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