Category: Crude Oil
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Mystery Behind Rising Crude Oil Prices Solved / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Michael_Pento
Everything I’ve been warning about regarding the fallout from global central bankers’ love affair with inflation is coming to fruition. Consumers are once again dealing with the fact that the cost of filling up their gas tank is eating a significant portion of their disposable income. The price of a barrel of oil is now soaring above $100 a barrel; just as it always has done when the Fed has gone on one of their counterfeiting sprees. And it’s not just dollars that have been eroding in value because the price of oil in Euros is now at a record high. The sad truth is that with each iteration of QE, either in the U.S. or around the globe, it has sent oil prices skyrocketing, inflation rising and the economy into the tank.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Crude Oil And Inflation Economic Crisis / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
Conventional wisdom says high oil prices raise inflation and slow down economic growth. Recessions are therefore caused anytime oil prices spike, we are invited to believe. In the real world, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi has lowered interest rates twice since he took over as head of the ECB in November, as oil prices went on rising, but economic and finance observers claim that keeping borrowing costs down will get harder as oil prices cruise to record levels in euro terms.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Global 'Oil Shock' Could Sink Obama's Re-Election Bid / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Gary_Dorsch
As the price of North Sea Brent crude oil touched $125 /barrel last week, the topic of sharply higher gasoline prices suddenly caught the attention of the Main Stream Media (MSM). Spin artists for the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama were quick to deny any responsibility for soaring oil prices, and instead blamed the upward spiral on geo-political tension with Iran. However, since the days of the Yom Kippur War in October 1973, - when the OPEC cartel placed an embargo on crude oil sales and hiked oil prices by 70%, the price of gasoline has been a key variable effecting the outcome of US-presidential elections.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
When Oil Rides High The Snakeoil Flows / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
The US energy department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) launched its annual Energy
Innovation Summit, 27 February, to a backdrop of oil price fear and a ritual bout of warnings on the
economic dangers of spiralling oil prices, from media friendly economic gurus usually peddling the
debt-deficit-and-doom storyline.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Is Crude Oil About to Crash the Markets? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: WavePatternTraders
Do I or Don't I?
I decided not to bother, what you ask? writing more of the same about the US stock markets, It don't need a genius to write that the US stock markets are in a coma and stuck in the ICU room waiting to come back into the real world. Although nothing has really changed from the current ideas I am reluctant to post more of the same stuff when nothing really has happened.
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Friday, February 24, 2012
Peak Oil is here, Crude Oil price to reach $150 by 2012 Year End / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Sam_Chee_Kong
The ‘Peak Oil’ or ‘Hubbert Peak’ theory refers to the peak in global oil production. Oil is finite and non renewable resource and once half of its reserve is depleted then it will go into a terminal decline as shown on the above figure.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Crude Oil vs. Iran: Who Blinks First? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: EconMatters
Oil futures spiked more than 2% in one day to their highest level in nine months on Tuesday Feb. 21. WTI front month contract closed at $105.84, while Brent ended at $121.66 on ICE, primarily on investors fear of potential conflict over the escalating tensions between the US, Europe, Israel, and Iran. A second Greek bailout deal of €130bn (£110bn; $170bn) also helped to inject some optimism into the market (which would seem totally mis-placed as we may need to relive this Greek drama in two years). Nevertheless, the fact remains crude oil market supply and demand has not changed a bit to warrant a 2%+ price jump in one day.
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Crude Oil and Curreny Markets Instability: Petro-Dollars and the Oil Bourse / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Bob_Chapman
Several years ago free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing were discussed in the major media. As time wore on the issues disappeared and now it is not easy to find discussions of these policies virtually anywhere as the drain of jobs and companies leave the third world.
Not only have the better paying jobs been leaving, but the destruction of economic independence and sovereignty has been a victim as well, something few professionals, never mind the public, thinks about. If America is to ever have an economic recovery there will have to be trade legislation with tariffs on goods and services.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Brent Crude Oil ETF on the Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Looking at the U.S. Brent Oil Fund ETF (BNO), all of the action off of last Thursday's high at 82.56 represents a high-level bullish consolidation area that ended yesterday. The pattern is resolving itself to the upside in a thrust towards 84-84.50 next.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Crude Oil Prices Make for Profitable ETF Trades / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: The_Energy_Report
Today's retail investors have more options than ever before, but there is a shortage of practical information on how to manipulate different investment products, be they ETFs, options or equities. Enter Roger Wiegand, editor of Trader Tracks. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Wiegand discusses his methods for energy investment and how to set tailor-made time and price windows to realize solid gains.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
What If Iran Closed The Straits Of Hormuz? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Andrew_McKillop
Jimmy Carter asked himself the same question 32 years ago and committed political suicide straight after - but had the time to install solar collectors on the White House roof, in winter, which incoming president Ronald Reagan moved swiftly to have ripped out. We are told that if Iran closed the Straits - possibly for a half day but not much longer before war action reversed the closure - this would give excited oil traders the leeway to make oil prices pop by $30 or $40 a barrel. Iran cutting off its crude oil exports to Europe, or having them embargoed by Europeans, would have a longer-term, slower upward impact on prices, especially in Europe, measured by a Brent premium against WTI that could go beyond $30 per barrel.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Iran Crisis Sets Stage for Crude Oil $200 / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Dr. Kent Moors writes:
Just when it looked like we could take a breather from the Strait of Hormuz, all attention is back on Iran.
There are three reasons for this - all happening within the last week:
1.First was Tehran's successful launch of a satellite, viewed by all in the region as being for military intelligence.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Is Deepwater Horizon the New Ecuador? / Politics / Crude Oil
By: OilPrice_Com
Nearly two years after the worst accidental offshore oil spill in the history of the energy industry, some of the biggest companies in the world are busy pointing their legal fingers at one another in court over who has to pay what in claims, damages and fines over the deadly Deepwater Horizon oil spill. A federal judge this week ruled that BP is still obligated to a clause in its contract with Transocean that would protect the rig owner from damages related to the spill. That means BP still has to shell out money to settle claims filed by those along the southern U.S. coast impacted by the spill. BP, meanwhile, is suing Halliburton, something Halliburton said was ridiculous. If the legal mess over Chevron's case involving Ecuador is any indication, former BP boss Tony Hayward will be pushing 80 before this gets settled.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Why Energy Investors Will Get Crushed If They Fail to Look Towards Dubai / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
The way I see it, U.S. and European energy traders will be lucky if the door doesn't hit them in the backsides as everybody heads for the doors.
Like so many Western investors, they still have their blinders on.
They think that if demand in the U.S. and the European Union (EU) begins to slide that oil prices will fall into the toilet right along with it.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Straightening Out the Strait / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: John_Browne
Recently some of the fears that investors had focused on in the 11th hour debt negotiations in Greece have drifted southeastward towards the Strait of Hormuz. An increasingly bellicose Iran threatens to throw the world economy into confusion with the potential closure of one of the world's most important sources of energy. Catastrophic failure in Athens or the Gulf could plunge the world into severe recession if not depression. Having discussed the Eurozone at length, we focus this week on the threats posed by Iran.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Completed Correction in Crude Oil? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Nearby NYMEX oil experienced a deep retracement of yesterday's upmove from 97.40 to 100.24. This morning's low at 98.25 followed by an upside pivot and rally to 99.20-plus preserved yesterday's low as well as its up-leg, which itself exhibited bullish form.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
How to Profit from the "Shale Oil Bubble" / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes:
It's true: French, Japanese, and Chinese energy companies cannot seem to get their hands on a big enough slice of U.S. shale oil deposits these days.
However, that doesn't mean this investment frenzy is evidence of a "shale oil bubble."
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Gasoline and Crude on the Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Jim_Farrish
$5 gasoline this summer -- fact or fiction? As we start a new year it is apparent that $3 gasoline is leaving, at least for now. The rise at the pump is to $3.39 per gallon according to AAA last week. Considering the average cost was down to $3.20 just three weeks ago, this is an increase of nearly 6%. Gasoline is up 30% versus a year ago according to the AAA data. What does all this mean and what is driving the price higher? Short term, there has been concern over the bantering with Iran and the threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. Some 17 million barrels per day passed through in 2011. Geopolitical risks are always present in the current era of the Mideast. Not to be outdone, Nigeria has seen strikes and protests over the weekend, adding to the pressure on oil prices. Thus, gasoline is on the rise... again. The following are some issues facing gas and potential reasons it may rise to $5 per gallon this summer.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Crude Oil Prices 2012, Another Roller Coaster Ride? / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Asha_Bangalore
Oil is trading around $112 a barrel this morning. Putting things in perspective, the price of oil today is higher than the level seen in the 2005-2006 period when the world economy was growing at a faster pace and the economic challenges of 2012 were not on the horizon.
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Monday, January 16, 2012
Upward Pressure to Remain on Brent Crude Oil in 2012 / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Investment_U
David Fessler writes: Oil prices have traded off a few dollars from their recent highs. The factors that will keep Brent above $100 a barrel for 2012 are the same ones that kept it above $100 all of last year.
Take a look at the graph below, courtesy of the Energy Information Administration.
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