Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Impeachments & Healthcare / Politics / US Politics
By: Rodney_Johnson
Many Democrats really want to impeach President Trump. According to a Pew Research poll conducted after the latest round of Democratic debates, 40% of Democratic respondents said that beating Donald Trump was the number one issue in the upcoming election. It’s not domestic policies, not foreign policy, not protecting any class of people, but simply making sure that, come January 2021, his name is not on the White House door.Obviously, this goes far beyond wanting one’s political party to win. I’m not going to list out reasons why. We’re all well-versed in the current political battles. But focusing on removing him from office either before or during the election leaves precious little time to discuss national issues.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Why Nobody Chants “End the Fed” Anymore / Interest-Rates / US Federal Reserve Bank
By: MoneyMetals
Americans hated it when the Federal Reserve handed trillions of dollars to crooked Wall Street banks following the 2008 Financial Crisis. Politicians were confronted about the merits of central banking and bailouts.
For the first time in history, college students were chanting “End the Fed” at campaign rallies as Ron Paul took the central bank to task during his presidential campaigns.
Virtually everyone in America vehemently opposed the central bank handing piles of cash to the same bankers whose greed and fraud had caused the Financial Crisis.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
2 %: A Magic Number or an Obsession? / Economics / Inflation
By: Submissions
Arf Badeckandy writes: Inflation Targeting (IT) was first adopted in New Zealand in 1990 with a primary goal of price stability. They were going through years of high inflation and slow growth. Initially, they set a target of between 0 to 2 percent. In 1991, the Inflation rate was down to 2.60% from 6.10%. Although there is a cost of disinflation and the Real GDP fell, it recovered. As of August 2019, there are about 71 Central Banks which has adopted an IT Monetary Policy. It can be seen that the authorities are most likely to adopt this policy when their inflation rate is high – to bring it down. Argentina adopted IT in 2016 while the inflation rate was 35.5%, Uganda in 2011 with an inflation rate between 16%-17 %.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Silver Price Daily Reversals Powerful Lessons / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Friday’s session was exceptional for several reasons and the most profound ones are gold’s and silver’s sizable intraday rally, and the subsequent slide. The reversals that both metals created are practically screaming signs pointing to what’s next. The way mining stocks behaved, and how gold closed relative to its previous tops also have important implications, but let’s start today’s analysis with the former.
Silver, the less valuable (at least so far) of the most popular precious metals and many small investors’ metal of choice, reversed in a particularly meaningful way.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Interference Most Foul: When Speculation Becomes Reality / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2019
By: The_Gold_Report
Sector expert Michael Ballanger ruminates on the bubble-popping influence of government and the banking sector on cryptocurrencies, and offers a brief rundown on his most current holdings.
To put it mildly, the business of financial forecasting is not only an inexact science, it is a magnified case study in handicapping, the likes of which you find in sports betting such as horse racing or basketball. You take a basket of data inputs, such as the last five heats run by a certain filly or the accuracy of a basketball player shooting free throws and you assign various weights to the data, which allows you to determine whether the horse or the player has the ability to shine.
In financial forecasting, you take a similar basket of inputs, such as 10-year Treasury yields and average dividend yields, plus a barrage of other factors, which allows you to gauge direction and amplitude. In sports, you are handicapping a winner, and by how much, while in financial forecasting you are handicapping the direction and by how much.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How You Can Buy the Same Stocks as Elite Hedge Funds / InvestorEducation / Learning to Invest
By: Robert_Ross

Hedge funds are a special type of investment company. They pool money from many investors and use complex strategies to invest, often aggressively.
Most people can’t invest in hedge funds—only high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. So it seems like every time you read about these funds, there’s some really rich guy in the story, flying around on private jets, making splashy deals.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
When the Stock Market Gets Expensive, Invest in Yourself / Personal_Finance / Learning to Invest
By: Jared_Dillian
The Federal Reserve has embarked on QE4—sort of. They are buying Treasury bills.
Here we go again.
There is a genus of financial commentary that revolves solely around the Fed and its relentless pursuit of credit expansion, and how it will result in inflation. I know, because I used to do this.
This made for a good trade, from 2009-2011. Now it is mostly people being angry. But there is still a pretty huge appetite for this angry, anti-Fed commentary, so I will indulge in it, a little.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Maybe the West Should Adopt Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Policy / Politics / Nuclear Weapons
By: Antonius_Aquinas
Prior to the modern age, when war was engaged in, combatants, for the most part, acted by a code of conduct which attempted to minimize civilian deaths and the destruction of non-participants’ property. With the onset of the democratic age and the idea of “total war” such modes of conduct have tragically fallen by the wayside, the consequence of which has made warfare far more bloody and destructive.
The ultimate violation of “just warfare” has been the possession and use of nuclear weapons which by their very nature cannot be reconciled with any notion of a civilized society. Of all the hysteria over “terrorism,” nuclear weapons are rarely discussed anymore, but are the ultimate form of terror.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Stock Market Nominal New Highs Reached – Skilled Traders Should Still Be Cautious / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Chris_Vermeulen
The US Stock market rallied on Friday, October 25, on TESLA earnings crushing expectations as well as news that any positive US trade deal outcomes could see almost immediate removal of future tariffs that are scheduled to be implemented near the end of October. This was enough for the markets to rally from the start of trading and continue to push higher until near Noon in NY. After new highs were reached, the markets contracted a bit headed into the close.
Gold shot up early this morning before the news related to the US trade deal hit. Our opinion is that this is a natural advancement in precious metals that is not new related or muted by some external factors. Precious metals have been setting up a sideways FLAG formation for over 2 months and we believe the apex/breakout move is near.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Paysafe Group: General Information & Features / Companies / Financial Education
By: Submissions
The modern payment methods have gained immense popularity and today, international money transfer is not rocket science. One of the most reliable solutions is Paysafe that has invaded the global market and is used by more than 40 countries. The company was established in 1996 under the name of Optimal Payments PLC and has offered products like digital wallets and electronic money.
This payment and credit card processor enables the users to transfer or cash-out money through the website or mobile apps. Good news! Paysafe delivers its services via many branches including Skrill, Neteller, and Netbanx.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
Powerful Lessons of Silver’s Daily Reversals / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: P_Radomski_CFA
Friday’s session was exceptional for several reasons and the most profound ones are gold’s and silver’s sizable intraday rally, and the subsequent slide. The reversals that both metals created are practically screaming signs pointing to what’s next. The way mining stocks behaved, and how gold closed relative to its previous tops also have important implications, but let’s start today’s analysis with the former.
Silver, the less valuable (at least so far) of the most popular precious metals and many small investors’ metal of choice, reversed in a particularly meaningful way.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
How to Avoid the Next 50% Stock Market Crash / Stock-Markets / Stock Market Crash
By: Michael_Pento

The simple reason for this is that for the first time ever both stocks and bonds are in a massive and unprecedented bubble; and are therefore both vulnerable to significant selloffs. Bonds will no longer provide a ballast or offset to your stock portfolio once reality hits both of those asset classes. If a bond has a 5% yield and has 30 years left to maturity; that holder would lose 25% of his principal if interest rates rise by just 2%. Given the fact that bond yields are the lowest in history, an increase of 2% is certainly not out of the question; and is in fact most likely inevitable.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
GATA’s Powell: Attacks on Gold & Silver Prices Are Losing Their Impact / Commodities / Gold & Silver 2019
By: MoneyMetals
Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason.
Coming up Chris Powell of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee joins me and updates us on the recent developments in the gold and silver manipulation prosecutions and discusses how the price spoofing schemes by the bullion banks may be tied to trades by central banks working to keep a lid on prices.
Chris also explains why he thinks the “powers at be” are losing control of the price and how the recent positive price action in the metals markets suggests they have lost some of their influence in the markets. So be sure to stick around for a jam-packed interview with Chris Powell of GATA, coming up after this week’s market update.
Well, another week, another new and expanded repo market intervention by the Federal Reserve. On Thursday, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York intervened twice with fresh liquidity injections. Fed officials raised their offerings for overnight repos up from $75 billion to a staggering $120 billion.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
Stock Market Trend Forecast Current State / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Nadeem_Walayat
My in-depth analysis of 30th September 2019 Dow Stock Market Trend Forecast Oct to Dec 2019 concluded in expectations for a probable deep correction during October which would set the market up for a santa rally into the end of the year -
Dow Stock Market Forecast Conclusion
Therefore my forecast conclusion as illustrated by the below chart is for the Dow to target a trend towards Dow 27,500 by the end of this year following a significant correction during October that could see the Dow trade as low as 24k.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
A Stock Market New All-Time High Is Not Always Bullish / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Avi_Gilburt
There is a significant amount of frustration from the bulls and bears alike as the market has been basically in a trading range for many, many months. So, before we go into my expectations for the coming months, I want to review how we got here.
As the market began its rally off the December lows of 2018, my initial expectation was that we could top out as we headed into the March/April time frame.
Clearly, the market had other intentions as it extended the timing for my correction expectations, and in quite a similar fashion as to what we saw in 2014-2015. Yet, we are still well within the price target expectations I outlined at the end of 2018.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
What if the Fed Stops Cutting Interest Rates? / Interest-Rates / US Interest Rates
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
Fed rate cuts have been the driving force of the recent gains in precious metals.
This is not a surprise to our readers as since 2018 we argued that a shift in Fed policy from rate hikes to rate cuts would springboard the next big move. History argued the same.
The market is showing a roughly 90% chance the Fed will cut rates this week which indicates the market has essentially already priced in the rate cut.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
Stock Market Final Touch? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Andre_Gratian
Current Position of the Market
SPX: Long-term trend – There are no clear signs that the bull market is over.
Intermediate trend – Most likely building an intermediate top.
Analysis of the short-term trend is done on a daily basis with the help of hourly charts. It is an important adjunct to the analysis of daily and weekly charts which discusses the course of longer market trends.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
Three Stock Charts Every Investor Needs to See This Morning / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
By: Graham_Summers
Stocks broke upwards last week from the consolidation pattern we’ve been watching.
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Monday, October 28, 2019
The Hottest Tech Stock For 2020 / Companies / Tech Stocks
By: OilPrice_Com
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Stock Market Dynamics Changing for Year End Rally / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2019
Last week saw the US equity markets testing the all time highs and moving back a little. The action has been healthy. Markets are almost sanguinely comfortable that everything everywhere is doing great. The risks to the downside in economy seems not as important to investors.
We look at a plethora of charts and setups to drive the point which we have been making that market crash is not coming and we have saying that for over 6 months now. There might be a blip here and there but things are healthy.
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