Analysis Topic: Stock & Financial Markets
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market Massive Head and Shoulders Bearish Price Pattern / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Captain_Hook
Major stock market indices put in outside weekly reversals last week, which is a bearish technical indication the intermediate-term trend may have finally rejoined the primary forces that would see prices far lower were it not for official intervention. And although this intervention is now getting talked about in the press in a more intelligent fashion, even if only on a very limited basis, it should be understood most remain oblivious to what makes the stock market world go round.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market Searches for Direction on Rudderless Monday / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: PaddyPowerTrader
A choppy whippy day but US stocks rose Friday, with the Dow Jones erasing a 167-point drop in the final hour of trading, on speculation the European Union may propose a solution for Greece’s budget deficit. Oil, gold and copper rebounded, and the dollar pared its gain. The late day rally has been put down to short covering.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stocks Bear Market and Crash Bomb Damage Assessment for Key Asset Categories / Stock-Markets / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
This article takes a look at results for important asset categories since several key dates: (1) the approximate October 2007 stock markets high, (2) the approximate March 2009 stock markets low, (3) YTD 2010, and (4) since the January 19, 2010 election breaking the 60% Democrat super-majority in the US Senate.
Monday, February 08, 2010
The Greatest Money War of All Time / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Martin_D_Weiss
We are caught in the grips of a great war!
It is not a traditional land or sea war with tanks and battleships.
Nor is it an anti-terrorist, guerilla war for hearts and minds.
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Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market Wild Friday / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: Jay_DeVincentis
Wild Friday
Heres how we see it.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market Close to Finding a Short-term Bottom / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Angelo_Campione
General Commentary: The system for the SPY is on a Buy signal 50%
The market was able to make some nice gains early on in the week, but then panic set in on Thursday and we saw all the gains wash away with a 3% drop for one session. Friday continued the drop except that we saw a recovery late in the session and this could now set up a nice bounce in the near term.
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Monday, February 08, 2010
U.S. Joins Global Debt Bomb Club / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Money_Morning
Jon D. Markman writes: The most important fundamental development of the week was not any of a slew of economic reports at all but the new federal budget proposal released by the White House. And it was a doozy: The Obama Administration proposed to spend $3.8 trillion, with $1.6 trillion on the equivalent of the national credit card.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market S&P 500 Down Trend Cycle In Firm Force / Stock-Markets / Cycles Analysis
By: Jim_Curry
The U.S. stock markets have taken a dive since mid-January, where the various indexes were each in the process of going over larger cyclical peaks. That topping action was then favored to give way to a sharp correction into the month of March - then to be on the lookout for technical signs of the next mid-term low.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Stock Market Trading Position Weighting Change / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Lynn_T
We are moving out of cash.but which way?
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! As I get ready to watch the championship game of the NFL, my appetizers are all set to put in the oven, wine is decanting, beer is stocked in the cooler and a few of my indicators have shifted their positions. Bullish or bearish?
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Gold and Stock Market SP500 Psychology: They Bail, We Buy / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Chris_Vermeulen
Understanding market psychology is crucial for a trader’s success. But so many people get caught up in the daily market volatility, media coverage and “noise” of the trading environment, it’s almost impossible to not think and trade in agreement with the majority of traders.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Capitalism Reigns, Stocks Bull Market in Self-Delusion / Stock-Markets / Stocks Bear Market
By: Charlie_Tarango
The Obvious
Jesse Livermore is one of the Greatest Legends on Wall Street. Rightfully so.
From him and from experience I am have learned one of the most important things a Participant can ever learn in Markets:
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Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Bull Bear Market Report Round Table on Stock Market and Commodities / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Steven_Vincent
With Steven Vincent, Andrew Cardwell and Larry Katz
round table discussion the panel agreed that short term we are likely to see a rally in the stock market and commodities but that lower lows will follow. There was less than agreement about the long term picture.
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Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Bullish Stock Market Stampede from March ’09 ends abruptly in January ’10 / Stock-Markets / Stock Index Trading
By: Joseph_Russo
Shortly following the Dow’s print high in late January, it became clear that the markets forward looking mechanism suddenly shifted into reverse. Well before the fact, we were alerting subscribers of a looming top in late December or January.
Turn-bar analysis is one of the ways we keep members abreast of pivotal market turning points. Back in October of 2009, when most everyone else was calling for an imminent crash, we alerted our readership that new highs were likely throughout November and into the dawn of the current decade.
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Sunday, February 07, 2010
U.S. Federal Deficit is the Biggest Threat to Investor Wealth! EVER! / Stock-Markets / US Debt
By: Martin_D_Weiss
While our federal deficit explodes and U.S. stocks sink, I’ve been actively meeting our readers on my personal blog to share ideas on how to build the optimal growth portfolio in trying times like these.
We’ve examined all five of the major asset classes — stocks, bonds, currencies, precious metals and commodities — to sort out which ones we believe will sink and which will surge going forward.
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Sunday, February 07, 2010
Stock Market Bottom Are We There Yet? / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Guy_Lerner
Like those long distance car trips I take with my children where 90 minutes into an 8 hour drive they say, "Are we there yet?", market participants are wondering the same: are we there yet? Will the recent bout of selling entice the buyers such that the market will revisit the highs last seen only 4 short weeks ago? Anything can happen, but from a sentiment perspective, the answer remains same as last week: complacency reigns and this is not a high reward, low risk investing environment.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Stock Market Testing the 200 day Exponential Moving Averages / Stock-Markets / Stock Markets 2010
By: Jack_Steiman
The market has come down a long way in a fairly short period of time. It wasn't too long ago that the S&P 500 printed 1151. Intra-day yesterday we hit 1044 on the S&P 500 or a drop of 107 points or roughly 9.5%. A very decent drop and can clearly be called a correction although it falls technically about 1/2% below. 9.5% is close enough to say we just went through a correction. The market has purged and now it's time for a little break from the down side action. It's taken enough Pepto Bismol to where it can have at least a tiny vacation. How long is unclear and I'll cover the whole scenario in this report.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Financial Markets Review and Inflation Mega-trend Ebook Update / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Inflation mega-trend ebook presents key analysis and and precise concluding forecasts for the key economic indicators of inflation, interest rates and economic growth which have been applied to a range of financial markets and investment trends that further conclude towards precise forecasts.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Had the Fed Stopped Buying Stocks and Can we trust the U.S. Economic Statistics? / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: Anthony_Cherniawski
The unemployment rate fell from 10.0 to 9.7 percent in January, and nonfarm payroll employment was essentially unchanged (-20,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment fell in construction and in transportation and warehousing, while temporary help services and retail trade added jobs. In January, the federal government added 33,000 jobs, including 9,000 temporary positions for Census 2010. Employment in state and local governments, excluding education, continued to trend down.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Financial Market Bubbles in Search of a Pin / Stock-Markets / Financial Markets 2010
By: John_Mauldin
A Bubble in Search of a Pin
Unemployment Numbers: A Mixed Bag
A Bubble in Search of a Pin
And Speaking of Bubbles
Should Greenspan and Bernanke have seen the bubble in housing and other assets and acted, or should we accept their defense that you can't know whether there is a bubble until after the fact? We will look at research that suggests they should have known, and, at the least, policy makers should no longer be allowed to say, "How could I have known?"
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Friday, February 05, 2010
World in Chaos and Market Meltdowns, Too Costly To Bear / Stock-Markets / Financial Crash
By: Doug_Wakefield
Though this piece was originally released via our paid research publication – The Investor’s Mind – in September 2006, if not timeless, its contents are certainly applicable to our current markets and economic environment. While we have taken the liberty of updating some of the charts, it is largely unchanged:
“It does not matter how frequently something succeeds if failure is too costly to bear.” – Solon
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