Analysis Topic: Market Oracle's Stocks Portfolio
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, November 11, 2011
Investors How Much Cash Should You Hold? / Portfolio / Investing 2011
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
As you might imagine, I receive a lot of questions from readers around the world and right now the question I'm being asked most frequently is, "How much cash should I be holding?"
There's no right answer, but given the extraordinary times we're living in, I think the more interesting thing to consider is "what to do with it?"
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Investor Moves to Make Before Debt Ceiling Debacles Disfigures Your Portfolio / Portfolio / US Debt
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
One night at dinner a few years back, my Dad, Greg Fitz-Gerald, explained exactly why the "tax-takers" in Washington think that recoveries, bailouts, negotiations and stimulus packages are a good idea - while the taxpayers believe just the opposite.
"When you rob Peter to pay Paul, Paul generally thinks this is a good idea," he said.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
How to Build a "Stockless" Investment Portfolio / Portfolio / Investing 2011
By: Money_Morning
Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:
I've lectured on investment strategies the world over, but I recently got one of the most intriguing questions I've been asked in a long time at the Global Currency Expo in San Diego, California.
An attendee asked me: "Is it possible to achieve decent performance if I don't want to include stocks?"
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Bullish, But Nervous? Here's how to protect your Stock Profits - and make more... / Portfolio / Options & Warrants
By: Money_Morning
By Larry D. Spears writes:
Since bottoming out in early July, the stock market has turned in a brilliant performance, giving many investors Christmas stockings bulging with profits. However, it also has left a lot of investors nervous - though not the ones that know how to use options.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Time to Fine Tune Your Investment Portfolio / Portfolio / Learning to Invest
By: Nilus_Mattive
In my last couple of columns, I told you about two different portfolios that I’ve been running, both of which contain dividend stocks and have been performing very strongly.
That prompted some of you to write in asking what differentiates these two portfolios. It’s a great question and it raises the bigger issue of how you can tweak your own portfolio to better suit your goals and individual tolerance for risk.
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
This Simple Step Could Save Your Investment Portfolio / Portfolio / Risk Analysis
By: Jared_Levy
Just about every stockbroker, financial advisor or money manager worth their weight in salt knows that diversification is a major way to us to manage investment risk.
But here's what most -- professionals and retail investors alike fail to remember: Diversification doesn't just mean choosing to invest in different companies that do different things and that's it. Creating real diversity and ultimately protecting your investment portfolio involves a little more work, which amazingly, most professionals still get wrong.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Investor Portfolio Diversification is Dead / Portfolio / Investing 2010
Shocking new market research indicates
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
A Value Investors View of Portfolio Risk vs. Diversification / Portfolio / Risk Analysis
By: Hans_Wagner
Diversification is the one of the ways to reduce risk, or so we learned. While a properly diversified portfolio might reduce your risk of loss, it also lowers the chance you have to achieve market-beating returns.
If you are a value investor, you find that your approach already reduces your risk of loss without having to resort to various diversification schemes.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ramp Up Your Stocks Portfolio’s Growth with Dividend Reinvestment Plans / Portfolio / Dividends
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
With interest rates near all-time lows and equity markets in flux for much of the past decade, dividends have become an increasingly attractive feature for stock investors. But, while it's always nice to receive those quarterly checks, dividends do little to help you grow your wealth if all you do is spend the money as it comes in.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How to 'Stress Test' Your Investment Portfolio / Portfolio / Learning to Invest
By: Money_Morning
Jack Barnes writes: Back when I was a portfolio manager, I was always looking at ways to "stress test" my portfolio. In other words, I was on the constant lookout for ways to hedge my holdings, guard against risk, and to anticipate anything the market could throw at the stocks, bonds, options and other investments contained in my portfolio.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Managed Closed End Funds --- Solid Income Investments in Liquid Form / Portfolio / Investment Funds
By: Steve_Selengut
A Closed End Fund (CEF) is a publicly traded investment company that invests in a variety of securities such as stocks, bonds, preferred stocks, real estate, mortgages, oil and gas royalties, etc. The variety of sectors, classifications, and geographical representation is every bit as confusing as it is with traditional funds, but the advantages are easy to understand.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Stocks Portfolio Relative Returns vs. Absolute Returns / Portfolio / Investing 2010
By: Money_and_Markets
Monty Agarwal writes: The term “relative returns” refers to returns as compared to a benchmark index. Most money managers, such as mutual funds, will aim to produce returns that beat a benchmark, e.g. the S&P 500 or the Nasdaq 100.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Investors Search for Income, Preferred Stocks Secret / Portfolio / Dividends
By: Andy_Sutton
One thing that is unlikely to change as we begin a new year and decade is the fact that savers continue to sit in the corner wearing the proverbial dunce cap. They’re an often unmentioned casualty in a world of bailouts, big government spending, and general financial irresponsibility. In a normal, healthy economy, savers would be the focus of attention. In our deviant economy, however, where more people are employed by government than goods-producing industries, savers are disregarded. Harsh words? Absolutely. Certainly no one in charge has actually come out and said it, but as the old adage goes, actions speak much louder than words.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Stock Market Portfolio Risk Management / Portfolio / Investing 2010
By: Hans_Wagner
One of the most basic tenets of portfolio risk management is, do not lose money. Understanding the risk, you are assuming and how you intend to mitigate this risk is what separates successful investors from those that never make any money.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Investor Long-Term U.S. Stock Bond Portfolio Allocation Results / Portfolio / Investing 2010
By: Richard_Shaw
As you think about your asset allocation and return expectations, you should take multiple historical periods into consideration, as well as current and forward conditions. The basic bonds to stocks mix in a portfolio is one of the primary drivers of overall portfolio return.
Short-term data is easy to access. Long-term data is somewhat more difficult for many investors to find. We’ll leave the current and forward conditions to you in this article, but this data may be helpful with respect to history.
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Monday, November 09, 2009
Very Long-Term Portfolio Asset Allocation Analysis Results / Portfolio / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
Nobody has the time or patience to wait 82 years to experience the long-term, but if they did (or if they wanted to bet on the future based on the long-term past), here is how a simple allocation between the S&P 500 index and the U.S. Aggregate Bond index worked out from 1926 through 2008.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Do You Really Have a Diversified Portfolio? / Portfolio / Learning to Invest
By: Andrew_Abraham
I have heard so many times when speaking to investors that they have a diversified portfolio. I ask further and I have been told that they maintain a diversified portfolio of stocks consisting of both domestic and international companies. My immediate question is, are you really reducing your risk? Especially in these times it is paramount to have a diversified portfolio and try to mitigate some of inherent risks.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
A Simple, Incredible System that's Beaten the Market by 10% a Year / Portfolio / Trading Systems
By: DailyWealth
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud writes: "Using a form filed with the government that's available to everyone, we've found ways to beat the market by as much as 10% a year."
Investment analyst Mebane Faber told me that recently (in so many words), over dinner with my good friend and mentor Van Simmons.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Portfolio Asset Allocation Analysis / Portfolio / Investing 2009
By: Richard_Shaw
It can be useful to know how the average other guy is allocating assets, whether you are inclined to follow the crowd or to do something else.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Build Your Stocks Portfolio With Different ETF Weightings / Portfolio / Exchange Traded Funds
By: Ron_Rowland
You probably know that exchange traded funds (ETFs) are usually based on an index. In some cases the indexes are broad, like the S&P 500. Others are narrowly specialized in sectors like biotechnology or software. This means that ETF investors need to understand how indexes work.