Analysis Topic: Personal Finance
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Sunday, September 11, 2016
Cheap Toddler Swing Chair Review - Buy Online from Amazon, EBay or Tesco stores / Personal_Finance / Reviews
By: Anika_Walayat
Find out how Toddler swing chairs are a cheap, cost effective way of keeping your toddler entertained during the summer months, at the very least save time on driving or walking to the local park, and then without waiting for an occupied swing to become vacant. This is a review of the cheap plastic toddler swing chairs typically sold on amazon, ebay and at supermarkets such as Tesco. So find out what you need to know before buying one.
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Tuesday, September 06, 2016
UK Credit Card Interest Rates on the Rise Despite Base Rate Cut / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: MoneyFacts
Credit cards are a frequently used method of payment, but despite a record-low bank base rate, credit card interest rates are not on a downward trajectory. Credit card competition has been concentrated on interest-free credit deals, but the contest is less intense than previous years, with little change to the longest interest-free terms.
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Saturday, September 03, 2016
Kid's Fun Fruit Trees and Plants Garden UK (E1 - August 2012) / Personal_Finance / Gardening
By: Anika_Walayat
This is the first in a series of videos starting August 2012, where 4 year old Anika first shows her fruit trees and plants garden in the UK from tropical trees such as Mangoes and Bananas to the traditional Apple and Cherry trees, nut trees including walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, plenty of citric lemon and orange trees continuing with some raspberry and blackberries bushes strawberries and grape vines. Watch as the fruit trees and plants grow over the following seasons and years so you too can plan your own fun fruit filled kids gardens.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
UK Savings Market Left Devastated after Base Interest Rate Cut / Personal_Finance / UK Interest Rates
By: MoneyFacts
The Bank of England’s decision to drop the base rate has officially fuelled the fire of rate cuts across the savings market, making August the worst month of the year for cuts which total a devastating 354, compared to just 3 rate rises. This means that for every rate rise during the month there were 118 cuts.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Cash ISAs still have some fight left in them / Personal_Finance / ISA's
By: MoneyFacts
Savers are likely to have lost all enthusiasm in getting a decent return on their cash, thanks to a lack of competition in the market fuelled by consecutive rate cuts over the years. In times of despair, savers are being warned of investing their cash in poor easy access accounts and instead to consider a cash ISA.
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Friday, August 19, 2016
Tesco Club Card Vouchers Days Out Tokens Cheapest Theme Parks Entry / Personal_Finance / Theme Parks
By: Anika_Walayat
All who shop regularly at Tesco's will each year build up a sizeable balance of clubcard vouchers that can be used for a whole host of purchases from groceries in stores, to restaurants, and cinema tickets. However, in many cases the most cost effective use of clubcard vouchers is to exchange them for tickets and tokens for entry into 180 venues across the UK including major theme parks as explained in this real world example of how Tesco vouchers converted into tokens are the cheapest route into many of Britain's theme parks such as Pleasure Island.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
TwinLakes Theme Park Summer Super 6 - FREE Entry / Personal_Finance / Theme Parks
By: Sami_Walayat
TwinLakes theme park situated near Nottingham are running a summer super 6 challenge, which results in an easy to obtain free entry for a family of 4 people to the theme park during September. Find out how it works in this video.
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
UK Bank Current Accounts Conundrum / Personal_Finance / Current Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Current account customers who are considering switching their bank account will be facing an ever growing challenge to find the right deal. Now that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have finalised the retail banking report, many customers will be hoping for more competition in the market for their business.
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Saturday, August 06, 2016
Best Cash ISA for Crash / Collapse in UK Savings Interest Rates / Personal_Finance / ISA's
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Bank of England slashing UK interest rate from 0.5% to 0.25% in a panic to save its always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy bankster brethren from going bust again and to monetize government debt by means of quantitative easing, the smoke and mirrors phrase used for the Bank of England to print another £170 billion mostly for its banking sector friends to gorge themselves on, to generate additional artificial profits. The net effect of this 'THEFT' of purchasing power is that the price savers and workers have already been paying for 8 years has just gotten a lot worse!
Thursday, August 04, 2016
Bank of England Base Rate Cut to 0.25% - Savings, Mortgages and Pensions / Personal_Finance / UK Interest Rates
By: MoneyFacts
The Bank of England’s decision to cut interest rates from 0.50% to 0.25% marks the first interest rate change in over seven years and is the result of market uncertainty stemming from the EU referendum vote. So what does this mean for the average consumer?
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Monday, August 01, 2016
Best Fixed Rate Savings Deals Vanish from Sight! / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Savers have had it rough over the years and with endless cuts decimating the market, some potential investors may not realise that a few best buy savings deals are in fact disappearing altogether.
Indeed, research from Moneyfacts.co.uk can reveal that in July there were 13 best buy savings deals withdrawn entirely from the market, that have yet to be replaced. Some of the best deals have only sat on the shelf for a week* before being closed to new customers, a clear sign that providers can not cope with the onslaught of new savers looking for a home for their cash.
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Saturday, July 30, 2016
Top 10 Pokemon GO Playing Tips, Tricks and Secrets! / Personal_Finance / Mobile Technology
By: Sami_Walayat
Here are my TOP 10 Tips and tricks for playing Pokemon GO, for both beginners and experienced players to get you on the fast track to level up to evolve higher CP Pokemon's
- Use curve balls for more experience.
- Busy locations for lots of stops and pokemon's
- Don't power up your Pokemon's until you reach level 13.
- Watch out for Rustling grass for nearby Pokemon's....
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
UK Annuity competition has never been weaker / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
By: MoneyFacts
The latest analysis of the annuity market by Moneyfacts has highlighted the challenging pricing conditions facing the sector and suggests that competition in the annuity market has never been weaker.
The analysis conducted for the Moneyfacts Personal Pension and Annuity Trends Treasury Report shows a seeming lack of appetite among providers to compete for annuity business, a factor which is contributing to record low annuity rates.
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Pokemon Go - How to Play, First Use, Balls, Stops, Catching Pokemon's... Great Excercise! / Personal_Finance / Health and Fitness
By: Sami_Walayat
Here is your comprehensive guide to join in the Pokemon Go, Nintendo's stock price soaring craze, your first use guide as we walk you through of what to expect and what to do. From logging into what is still a relatively buggy app to catching your very first Pokemon, and then your off on your exercise trek to your first Pokestops to get lots of free stuff from balls, to incense to eggs that will hatch into pokemon's as you walk. Then its a case of catching Pokemon by watching out for the telltale signs such as rustling grass as you power up your way through the levels. All covered in this video:
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
UK Savings Interest Rates Fall to Record Lows / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
Data from Moneyfacts.co.uk can reveal that rate reductions in the savings market have now outweighed rate rises for nine consecutive months.
In June, Moneyfacts recorded just 14 savings rate rises. Disappointingly, rate reductions over the same period completely outshone this figure, with the number of rate decreases standing at a staggering 117, with some deals falling by as much as 1.30%.
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Monday, July 18, 2016
With less cash to Spend Abroad, avoid unwanted Credit and Debit Card Fees / Personal_Finance / Credit Cards & Scoring
By: MoneyFacts
As holidaymakers prepare for their trip abroad, they may begin to realise that their travel cash will not be going as far as before. Thanks to fluctuating exchange rates, buying £200 worth of Euros today means €49 less spending money than a year ago, and a similar picture can be seen when buying £200 worth of dollars, with almost $48 less back compared with 2015. With this in mind it is vital for consumers to save cash where they can, and one way to do this is to be wary of using cards abroad.
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Will They Come For Your IRA? / Personal_Finance / Pensions & Retirement
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
I received this note from a reader regarding the confiscation of retirement accounts:
Thank you for your kind words. I do have a question for you.
You only need to read the first paragraph of this article for my question:
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Friday, July 15, 2016
How to Get Winning Letters K, C or D in Walkers Spell & Go Holiday Wins Promotion / Personal_Finance / Freebies and Comps
By: Anika_Walayat
Want to know how to get a winning K,C or D letter in Walkers Spell and Go Holiday wins promotion? Then find out in our latest video where we show you two methods for getting a winning letter K, C or D, so you too can experience what it is like to win a Walkers Spell & Go Holiday! Just as we have experienced! And so you can too share the excitement of winning a holiday with your friends and family.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Extortionate Fees Push Bank Overdraft Costs to a New High / Personal_Finance / Current Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
In March 2009 the credit crunch started to bite and base rate fell to its historic low of 0.50%. Since then, the cost of borrowing using a current account has risen, and it has now hit yet another high. Indeed, the latest research by Moneyfacts.co.uk can reveal that authorised overdrafts could now cost borrowers as much as £180 a year.
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Monday, July 11, 2016
UK Savings Market Review / Personal_Finance / Savings Accounts
By: MoneyFacts
As far as the savings market was concerned, the first half of 2016 was a total wipe-out. In fact, research from Moneyfacts.co.uk shows that, since the start of the year, savers have witnessed a vast number of rate cuts, which have caused rates to plummet to new lows. For example, the average five-year fixed rate has fallen by a whopping 0.63% since January this year.
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