Analysis Topic: Commodity Markets - Metals, Softs & Oils
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, February 17, 2012
Gold Testing Support At $1,700 And Gains in XAU and HUI Are Positive / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: GoldCore
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,732, EUR 1,316.51, and GBP 1,093.09 per ounce.
Yesterday's AM fix was USD 1,716, EUR 1,320.51, and GBP 1,094.74 per ounce.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
How to Make Over 100% Profit Using Silver Options / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Money_Morning
Larry D. Spears writes:
If you listened to Money Morning's recent special report from global resources expert Peter Krauth, you know the long-term outlook for silver is decidedly positive.
Soaring investment demand, continued industrial use, a growing supply shortage, and falling ore quality all signal a sharply bullish outlook for the "poor man's precious metal."
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Friday, February 17, 2012
Gold and the Next Great War / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Clif_Droke
Let's turn our attention to a cycle which we've rarely discussed over the years. The Kress 24-year cycle is one of the components of the 120-year cycle series which is scheduled to bottom in 2014. The 24-year cycle tends to get eclipsed by the longer-term cycles like the 40-year and 60-year cycles (both of which have a major impact on equity prices and the economy). But the 24-year cycle takes on a special significance all on its own: it's the cycle of war.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Why Gold, 'In Extremis?' Are We There? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Julian_DW_Phillips
Last week we informed you that Iran claims to hold 907 tonnes of in gold reserves.
This week we're informed that Iran is using gold or oil to buy food as new financial sanctions have hurt its ability to import basic staples for its 74 million people. The difficulty paying for urgent import needs has contributed to sharp rises in the prices of basic foodstuffs, causing hardship for Iranians with just weeks to go before an election seen as a referendum on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic policies.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
Silver Prices Soften as Greek Tragedy Continues / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
Prices for precious metals met resistance as Greece continues to be the main focal point in the ongoing European financial crisis. Despite agreeing to strict austerity measures, including cutting 15,000 public sector jobs and cutting the minimum wage by 22 percent, the coalition leaders would not agree to make substantial cuts in supplementary pensions.Read full article... Read full article...
Friday, February 17, 2012
Silver Enters Short Term Trading Range in Bullish Overall Technical Picture / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Dr_Jeff_Lewis
The technical picture for spot silver has been decidedly bullish since the grey metal made what seems to be a double bottom pattern on its price chart. Basically, the price of silver has fallen to a set of notable medium term lows, first at the $26.05 level on September 26th of last year, and more recently at the $26.15 level on December 29th.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Gold Fire Sale, Buy Now Sale Ends Soon / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Darryl_R_Schoon
Inverse Lin-omena, the inverse of the Jeremy Lin phenomena where the unknown and previously discounted suddenly rise to prominence; here, the powerful and previously secure suddenly fall.
Today, central bankers, the mandarins of capitalism, are in disarray. Their attempts to contain capitalism’s current crisis increasingly resemble the tactics of a defeated army in retreat. Like Napoleon and Hitler’s respective “Moscow moments”, the 21st century economic crisis has brought to an end the bankers’ spectacular 300 year run at the table of power and wealth.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Will Gold Cleanse The World From Dirty Fiat Currencies? / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Eric_McWhinnie
On Wednesday, precious metal prices climbed higher as European finance officials considered delaying parts or even all of a second bailout package for Greece. Although gold and silver prices often move inversely of the U.S. dollar, all three edged higher on the news. Despite a temporary boost in the dollar this month, gold and silver continue to receive support from extremely loose global monetary policies.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Gold Demand Trends Show Chinese Growth, Indian Weakness / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Adrian_Ash
WHOLESALE MARKET prices to buy gold bullion slipped further on Thursday in London, falling to a three-week low beneath $1709 per ounce as a raft of positive US data buoyed the Dollar, and fresh rumors broke of a Eurozone exit for Greece.
Last night's phone-conference of Euro politicians said that Greece must accept extra budgetary oversight if it is to get the extra bail-out funds to meet March's critical bond-repayment deadline.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Global Gold Demand in 2011 Rises 0.4% To $200 Billion - Central Banks, Asia and Europe Diversifying Into Gold / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: GoldCore
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,716.00, EUR 1,320.51, and GBP 1,094.74 per ounce.
Yesterday's AM fix was USD 1,725.50, EUR 1,309.88, and GBP 1,099.33 per ounce.
The World Gold Council released its comprehensive report today, “Gold Demand Trends Q4 and Full Year 2011” looking at demand in gold demand in full year 2011 and the 4th quarter of 2011.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Broad Market Nearing Resistance while Gold Stocks Basing After Bottom / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Jordan_Roy_Byrne
While the gold stocks have enjoyed a decent recovery, they have certainly lagged the broad market which has almost broken out to new highs. Should you be worried that a major shift is in place? Hardly. The fact is the broad market is in the latter stages of its a cyclical bull while gold stocks just completed a major bottom. Don't call us doom and gloomers because we do not foresee a real bear market. The last phase of a secular bear market tends to be mild in nature but coincides with a strong move in resources, higher inflation and higher interest rates. In looking at the charts, we expect 2012 to be a transition year in which precious metals reemerge while the broad market peters out at resistance.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Gold, Silver Heading Up / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: The_Gold_Report
Roger Wiegand, editor of Trader Tracks, says cycles will bring gold and silver higher in the first half of 2012: gold up to $2,050/oz and silver up to $44/oz or even $50/oz. He sees plenty of opportunities for volatility given the political and economic situation in the U.S. and the EU. In this exclusive Gold Report interview, Wiegand reveals names of mining companies poised to profit.
The Gold Report: Roger, you attributed the recent uptick in the gold price in part to large funds bidding up the price. But these funds have also shown their willingness to sell their gold positions to cover their short positions. Can gold investors look forward to more volatility this year?
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Brent Crude Oil ETF on the Rise / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: Mike_Paulenoff
Looking at the U.S. Brent Oil Fund ETF (BNO), all of the action off of last Thursday's high at 82.56 represents a high-level bullish consolidation area that ended yesterday. The pattern is resolving itself to the upside in a thrust towards 84-84.50 next.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Copper Price Forecast, The Fall of The Chinese Miracle 2012 / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Submissions
Jaroslaw Suplacz writes: Firstly, cycles
The copper consumption has been strongly polarized in recent years. China uses more copper than North America and Europe combined. A drop in copper demand in China alone will signify a global crisis in industries pertaining to this natural raw material.
Despite the high and long-lasting economic growth of China (“despite” and “because of it”) one must remember that economy develops in economic cycles, including long lasting ones, after the economic boom of the Middle Kingdom, there will be a deep recession. The financial system of China may prove to be a bubble and currency reserves, although they appear enormous, will lose their significance against the scale of outstanding credits which were used to finance, among other things, rushed government investments – all of it is still ahead of China.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
PIMCO, Texas Teacher Retirement System, Soros Buy GLD; Paulson Sells / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: GoldCore
Gold’s London AM fix this morning was USD 1,725.50, EUR 1,309.88, and GBP 1,099.33 per ounce.
Yesterday's AM fix was USD 1,721.00, EUR 1,303.10, and GBP 1,091.80 per ounce.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Gold Retirement Inflation / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: Jan_Skoyles
Central Banks and their rounds of quantitative easing is something which is garnering more and more attention at the moment. The Central Banks defend their actions by arguing it will boost the economy, but we ask what it will do for the savers? They now face negative real interest rates, plus counterparty risk when their savings are left in the banking system. Jan Skoyles outlines why gold investment may be a more sensible place to place your savings.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Crude Oil Prices Make for Profitable ETF Trades / Commodities / Crude Oil
By: The_Energy_Report
Today's retail investors have more options than ever before, but there is a shortage of practical information on how to manipulate different investment products, be they ETFs, options or equities. Enter Roger Wiegand, editor of Trader Tracks. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Wiegand discusses his methods for energy investment and how to set tailor-made time and price windows to realize solid gains.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Rare Earth Metals Demand Is Unstoppable / Commodities / Metals & Mining
By: Critical_Metals_Repo
Not long after the New Year dawned, Gold Stock Trades Editor Jeb Handwerger noted certain rare earths emerging from their 2011 slumber to produce impressive gains. It's not yet March, but the good news keeps coming. Despite dire predictions that demand is drying up, Handwerger tells The Critical Metals Report in this exclusive interview that the world remains at risk of supply shortfalls. It's not strictly a rare earths story, either. Read on to see what he has to say about the nascent niobium space.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Gold’s Demise! / Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012
By: UnpuncturedCycle
The media drones on and on like some empty, faceless, meaningless noise, and that’s on a good day. On a bad day it’s like fingernails on a blackboard; this horrible shrieking noise that never let’s up. When I grew up I caught the tail end of Edward R Morrow, a chunk of Walter Cronkite and most of Huntley & Brinkley, and it was still news mixed with a lot of truth and little or no effort to shape your thoughts. Now it’s all about numbing your brain and getting you to buy some worthless piece of garbage that you really don’t need anyway. The financial news is more of the same and the “garbage” they are selling are paper assets. Anything that gets you to do that is good and anything that takes you off of the chosen path is bad. Stocks are good; gold is bad! It’s as simple as that.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Goldcorp (NYSE: GG): A Safe Play for $2,000 Gold / Commodities / Gold & Silver Stocks
By: Yiannis_G_Mostrous
The case for investing in gold remains strong: The EU sovereign-debt crisis continues to drag on, while the US economic recovery remains anemic relative to most postwar economic cycles. Meanwhile, central banks purchased about 400 tons of gold last year and will likely add to their stockpiles in 2012.
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