Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Kerry Couldn’t Sell a Used Car / Politics / US Politics
By: Washingtons_Blog
After Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that President Bashar al-Assad avoid a war by handing over any chemical weapons his government possesses, Russia quickly seconded the motion, and Assad agreed to it. Just as quickly, aparently panicked by the possible delay or prevention of missile strikes, Kerry’s staff put out this statement:
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
We’re Ruled by Zombies, Desperate to Start a New War / Politics / New World Order
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
What is the real agenda?
Why is the Obama Regime so desperate to commit a war crime despite the warnings delivered to the White House Fool two days ago by the most important countries in the world at the G20 Summit?
What powerful interest is pushing the White House Fool to act outside of law, outside the will of the American people, outside the warnings of the world community?
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
You Don't Have to Stay Poor, the Lesson from Black Millionaires / Politics / Social Issues
By: LewRockwell
Walter E. Williams writes: No one can blame you if you start out in life poor, because how you start is not your fault. If you stay poor, you’re to blame because it is your fault. Nowhere has this been made clearer than in Dennis Kimbro’s new book, “The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires.”
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Descartes and Western Civilization Individualism / Politics / Social Issues
The philosophical condemnation of the supremacy in individual liberty verses the reigning doctrine of collective dominance, is a primary cause for the destruction of Western Civilization principles. Rene Descartes preferred to do his radical doubt thinking in solitude. In today’s society, thinking is about as foreign as rational behavior. In order to understand the timeless values and precepts that fostered the underpinnings of our Western thought and heritage, the significance of Descartes needs a close examination.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Attack on Syria Could Trigger Fuel Apocalypse / Politics / Crude Oil
By: Pravda
In an anticipation of the war in Syria, the global oil market starts to shiver. A barrel of oil has recently jumped up to $115, which, according to experts, is not a limit. Some analysts give quite gloomy forecasts. They authoritatively declare that the world is standing on the verge of gasoline apocalypse.
In the Russian part of the Internet, there is a very popular forecast from U.S. expert Brandon Smith, who considers Syria a spring board for apocalypse that has been planned by the US establishment. His list of 20 looming, pretty grim events, includes those associated with the cost of oil.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Washington at the Centre of The Axis of Evil / Politics / New World Order
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
“The European race’s last three hundred years of evolutionary progress have all come down to nothing but four words: selfishness, slaughter, shamelessness and corruption.” Yan Fu [image below]
It only took the rest of the world 300 years to catch on to the evil that masquerades as “western civilization,” or perhaps it only took the rise of new powers with the confidence to state the obvious. Anyone doubtful of America’s responsibility for the evil needs to read The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick.
Monday, September 09, 2013
Ron Paul's Home Schooling Revolution / Politics / Educating Children
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
Opposing infringement on parental control of education and promoting alternatives to government-run schools is a vital task for the liberty movement. When government usurps a parent's right to control their child's education, it is inevitable that the child will be taught the values of government officials, rather than of the parents. The result is an education system with a built-in bias toward statism. Over time, government-controlled education can erode the people's knowledge of, and appreciation for, the benefits of a free society.
Saturday, September 07, 2013
David Cameron Defends British Power, After Russia 'Small Island' Snub / Politics / UK Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
We are living in a fast changing world. That is never more so than for the status of many countries, and where the small Island of Britain is concerned, not so long ago Britain really was GREAT BRITAIN.
Unfortunately, Britain in geopolitical terms has been on a century long trend towards coming to reflect the actual size of Britain in terms of geography and population (having lost its colonies decades ago), in respect of which the older one is then the more in denial one is likely to be in terms of Britain's actual standing in the world.
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Friday, September 06, 2013
The Stockman Doctrine On US Imperialism / Politics / US Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
David Stockman wades in to the attack on what he calls the “American Imperium”. Published by Lewrockwell.com, he claims that if Congress votes against Obama's war plans against Syria, this can “trigger the end of the American Imperium”. What imperium?
One thing is sure. The downsized US “imperium” certainly has imperial-sized debt, and Stockman knows a lot about how it happened – he was there as Ronald Reagan's OMB budget director in 1981-1985. As we also know, previous and past empires always crippled themselves by taking on real debt and fake wealth in the shape of colonies that weren't filled with gold or oil - but the US never had many formal colonies – Puerto Rico and Guam, for example, are not impressive for a would-be empire.
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Friday, September 06, 2013
An Obituary for the American Middle Class / Politics / Social Issues
By: Profit_Confidential
Michael Lombardi writes:
It’s the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about…
The middle class in the U.S. economy is on the verge of collapse. Yes, I said collapse. That social class that once helped the U.S. economy grow and prosper is coming apart. Will the U.S. economy ever be the same without it or is this the new norm?
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Syria War - Wall Street’s Secret “Economic Endgame”: Making the World Safe for Banksters / Politics / Banksters
By: Ellen_Brown
Iraq and Libya have been taken out, and Iran has been heavily boycotted. Syria is now in the cross-hairs. Why? Here is one overlooked scenario . . .
In an August 2013 article titled “Larry Summers and the Secret ‘End-game’ Memo,” Greg Palast posted evidence of a secret late-1990s plan devised by Wall Street and U.S. Treasury officials to open banking to the lucrative derivatives business. To pull this off required the relaxation of banking regulations not just in the US but globally. The vehicle to be used was the Financial Services Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Putin Calls out Obama: G-20 Conference: East vs. West / Politics / New Cold War
By: Stephen_Merrill
The Russia Times news channel (RT.com) has become a thorn in the side of US journalism with its steady, Kremlin-written, anti-US, anti-Obama stories and editorials.
The Edward Snowden affair seemed to whip RT’s writings into a full-throated debate with the fading US superpower. That situation proved not much though when compared to the voice the Syrian civil war affair is bringing to the RT editorial staff.
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Thursday, September 05, 2013
Syria and Second Passports / Politics / US Politics
By: Casey_Research
By Nick Giambruno, Editor, International Man
All of us by now have seen the latest sales pitch from the Obama administration for yet another so-called "humanitarian intervention" in the Middle East. It is not hard to see that the case for war is a bunch of rubbish and will likely end in disaster for both Syria and the US.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Iran Managing U.S. Military Action in Syria / Politics / Middle East
Conventional wisdom says that a weakened Syria would undermine Iran's regional influence, but a U.S. military intervention in the country could actually benefit Tehran. The government there has devised a sophisticated strategy for responding to a U.S. attack. Of course, Tehran would activate its militant proxies in the region, including Hezbollah, in the event that the United States launches an attack, but it would also exploit Washington's visceral opposition to Sunni jihadist and Islamist groups to gain concessions elsewhere.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
US Congress Lines Up Behind Drive for War Against Syria / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
Andre Damon writes: Leading members of the US Congress have moved quickly to declare their support for President Barack Obama’s proposed resolution enabling the use of force against Syria.
The move to get a congressional authorization is aimed at providing a fig-leaf of legitimacy to a unpopular war that is based on lies. In this way it is similar to the 2001 Authorization of Use of Military Force, which became the rationale for sweeping military attacks and domestic repression.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
A War on Syria Prelude to a World War III Scenario? / Politics / Middle East
By: Michel_Chossudovsky
In order to facilitate the action of liberative (sic) forces, …a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. …[to] be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention, …
Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals. …Incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus …
Further : a “necessary degree of fear .. frontier incidents and (staged) border clashes”, would “provide a pretext for intervention… the CIA and SIS [MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.”(Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957)
Syria occupies a strategic location in the Middle East. The war on Syria is part of a roadmap of military undertakings. It is an integral part of a broader US-NATO-Israel military agenda directed not only against Iran, but also against Russia and China. Moreover, it is part of an extended military agenda which consists in establishing control over Middle East-Central Asian oil reserves as well as strategic oil and gas pipelines.
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Wednesday, September 04, 2013
China Rejects The US-Saudi-Israeli Plan For The Middle East / Politics / Middle East
By: Andrew_McKillop
Named after Israel's minister of foreign affairs at the time of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and occupation of Beirut, with about 25 000 dead, this divide-and-rule geostrategy plan for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) lives on.
Already victims of this strategy since 2011 – operated by Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia – we have the divided and weakened states of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Egypt and even Tunisia can also possibly be added to the list. Others can be identified as likely short-term target victim countries.
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Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Yes, Obamacare Created Jobs. But Guess Who Got Them... / Politics / US Politics
By: Money_Morning
Garrett Baldwin writes: One of the real Obamacare facts we've shared with you is how the Affordable Care Act will influence private employers to cut hours and jobs across the nation.
There is one group of workers, however, that is still raking in new job opportunities at a stunning rate, thanks to Obamacare.
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Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Chinese Banks Quasi Government Institutions / Politics / Banksters
When is a bank an appendage of state? In China, the incorporation of commercial banking under the auspice of governmental policy is virtually indistinguishable. Philosophically, any government should have control of their currency and structure the precepts of banking and lending system. Capitalist banking would command a greater pragmatic function if competition among banks was based upon free enterprise. However, under the central banking scheme governments regulate banks, but are creatures of fractional reserve debt money issued by central bank parentage. The Chinese way has included a touch of mystery when analyzed within the context of western international banking.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Syria: Another Zionist War for Suckers / Politics / Middle East
Just like a broken clock, it tells correct time twice a day. Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to have Congress vote upon his Syria’s strike force plans is a first since the historic constitutional betrayal in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Even the feeble attempt in The War Powers Act of 1973, to place accountability on Imperial Presidents, routinely ignored by other POTUS, struck new heights of arrogance and abuses under this infamous Nobel Peace Prize President.