Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Economics of Sequestration / Politics / Government Spending

Delaying the sequester process for two months confirms that business as usual is well on Capital Hill. The egregious idea of abiding by a former deal that would trigger automatic spending cuts is just too much for Congressional leaders to bear. March 1, 2013 is said to be the new due date. Senatorial magic escapes any semblance of facing up to the obvious. Administration spending is so habitual that even a government shutdown is immune from observance. The true economics of sequestration centers within the next imaginative episode of delay and denial. It is little wonder that commerce and business is a far more risky endeavor, when the principal problem of the national debt is abnegated as an excessive spending crisis.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Trillion Dollar Coin Trick / Politics / US Debt
By: Peter_Schiff
The birth, and the apparent death, of the trillion dollar platinum coin idea may one day be recalled as a mere footnote in the current debt crisis drama. The ultimate rejection of the idea (which was to use a loophole in commemorative coinage law to mint a platinum coin of any denomination) by both the the President and the Federal Reserve seems to offer some relief that our economic policy is not being run by out-of-touch academics and irresponsible congressmen. In reality, our government has been creating more than one trillion dollars out of thin air every year for the past five. The only difference is that the blatant dishonesty of a trillion-dollar platinum coin is so easy to understand that the public simply couldn't be expected to swallow it. The American people are more than willing to be fooled, but they won't tolerate so simple a ruse.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
America Stepping Back as Global Policeman, Avoiding the Wars That Never End / Politics / GeoPolitics

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Ron Paul On Obama's New National Security Team, Keep Your Eye on the Policy / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
President Obama announced his choices for key national security posts this past week, and there has been both celebration and gnashing of teeth in Washington and around the country. There is widespread belief that either or both of these nominees will have an immediate and profound effect on US policy. However, this belief is really just a mistaken over-emphasis on personnel over policy. We should not forget that cabinet secretaries serve the president, and not the other way around.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
U.S. Trillion Dollar Battle: Print, Baby, Print! / Politics / Fiat Currency
By: Axel_Merk
While the introduction of a trillion-dollar coin has been shrugged off as nonsense, there are plenty of nonsensical concepts employed in our monetary system. Here we’ll shed light on a few of them.
Governments - or their central banks - can print a $100 bill. The value of such a piece of paper is worth exactly as much as the supply and demand of a currency dictates. Dollar bills are legal tender for payment of debt, but if someone does not like that the $100 bill is not backed by anything, then anyone is free to decline a $100 bill in exchange for services, and barter instead.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
President Obama Utilizing Media to Pressure Republicans on Debt Ceiling / Politics / US Debt
By: EconMatters
Let me first state that I am not a Republican or a Democrat, or a Tea Party advocate; I just look at individual issues based upon their merit. The issues and the right solution is what is important to me, and not collective party ideology. But president Obama trying the same tactics of negotiation in the media to frame the debt ceiling debate as the Republicans being irresponsible, and not paying the Country`s bills is just media manipulation at its finest.
This tactic is very transparent and apparent to the educated members of society, unfortunately the tactic worked with regards to the fiscal cliff, and he is hoping to do the same thing again by putting all the pressure on the Republicans with these media shows, and essentially making the Republicans look like the bad guys here.
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Monday, January 14, 2013
Hollande Goes To War, French War On Terror in Mali / Politics / France
By: Andrew_McKillop
Francois Hollande's surprise decision in the night of January 11 to rush French pilots and troops into war, to counter the southward advance of "islamic terrorists" in Mali, drew predictable 'union sacree' support from all French political parties including the hardline extreme right Front National and hardline extreme left parties led by Jean-Luc Melanchon. Within 24 hours French media consumers also learned that a French DGSE secret service agent held hostage for more than 3 years by an "Al Qaeda related" terror group in Somalia, 3750 miles (6000 kms) to the east, had been murdered by his captors when DGSE secret service operatives and regular military personnel made an unsuccessful rescue bid. Two of the military were killed and one was injured and taken hostage by the Somali "islamic terrorists" who lost 17 of their own fighters in the raid, according to French reports.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Gun Confiscation - Last Refuge of the Tyrant / Politics / US Politics
Few polarizing subjects are more hotly debated than gun control. Usually lost in the fray of emotional diatribes to ban guns, are the historic empirical foundations of our forefathers who fought a revolution to escape from imperial tyranny. The true reality in today’s AmeriKa is that individual liberty is the most despised activity that any citizen can exert in their lives. Both the popular state worship culture and the authoritarian hoodlums that run the government are so fearful of armed independent citizens, that they are eager to burn the Bill of Rights. Face it, the government is committed to force you to be a ward of the state and will kill you if you resist.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
“Zero Dark Thirty” Torturing the Facts / Politics / US Politics
By: Global_Research
Marjorie Cohn writes: On January 11, eleven years to the day after George W. Bush sent the first detainees to Guantanamo, the Oscar-nominated film Zero Dark Thirty is making its national debut. Zero Dark Thirty is disturbing for two reasons. First and foremost, it leaves the viewer with the erroneous impression that torture helped the CIA find bin Laden’s hiding place in Pakistan. Secondarily, it ignores both the illegality and immorality of using torture as an interrogation tool.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Silly U.S. Debt Ceiling / Default Debate Drama / Politics / US Debt
By: Mike_Shedlock
Of all the over-dramatized nonexistent threats, the silly worry of the day is the US is at risk of default if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling.
Earlier today, I saw a couple of articles outlining how and why a US default could happen. Well, it won't, and there is no need for all the surrounding drama either.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Colours of Sound and Light: Energy, Frequency and Vibration / Politics / Science
By: DK_Matai
One of history's greatest engineers Nikola Tesla, who invented the means to transfer and to distribute electricity over long distances, once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." The same holds true for the world in which we live, our interactions with each other, and indeed our interactions within.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Is Fractional Reserve Banking The Source of All Evil? / Politics / Central Banks
By: Paul_Tustain
I'm getting very suspicious of anything which regulators think is "safe" collateral...
Fractional Reserve Banking is not responsible for the bad practice of 'creating money', writes Paul Tustain, founder and CEO of BullionVault.
It is a speed limit on money creation, put in place by a Central Bank to stop banks doing too much of what comes naturally to them.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
A Trillion Dollar Coin for Your Thoughts? / Politics / Fiat Currency
By: Andy_Sutton
The one consolation for insanity is that it usually tends to come full circle and deposit an appropriate amount of egg on the face(s) of the most outspoken proponents. It is no different when the discussion of our broken monetary system comes up. Although I must say, the latest stunt is bold and daring and might very well threaten the one thing that underpins the global monetary system itself, and that is confidence, mixed with a good deal of ambivalence.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Insights into U.S. Cultural Shifts from a Visit to a Hardware Store / Politics / Social Issues
By: Casey_Research
Pete Kofod writes: "So this is what it looks like when a society is starting to collapse," the man standing behind the counter at the hardware store said matter-of-factly. The remark had been directed at no one in particular, but generally at anyone standing nearby. As I was among that audience, I looked at him inquisitively, eliciting in return a look indicating that his observation should be intuitively obvious to even the casual observer.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Obama's Third Term? / Politics / US Politics
By: Jeff_Berwick
Jim Karger writes: This piece started with a note:
"Karger, they want to make Obama the King (officially) by rescinding the 22nd Amendment. Sounds like a legal issue to me. You want to take it on? — Berwick"
Not really, I thought.
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Friday, January 11, 2013
Keynesian Inflation Propaganda Exposed / Politics / Inflation
By: Peter_Schiff
Economists who hold the popular view that expanding the money supply will provide the best medicine for our ailing economy dismiss the inflationary concerns of monetary hawks, like me, by pointing to the supposedly low inflation that has occurred during the current period of rampant Fed activism. In a recent blog post aimed specifically at me, Paul Krugman noted that the sub 2.5% increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the past few years are all that is needed to prove me wrong. In fact, Krugman and others have even suggested that the CPI itself overstates inflation and that the Fed would be better able to help the economy if less strict methodologies were used. However, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the CPI is essentially meaningless as it woefully under reports rising prices.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Robin Hood is Dying, The Assassination Of Chavez / Politics / US Politics
By: Andrew_McKillop
On one hand a cruise through business news media like Bloomberg will tell you that the probable near-term disappearance of Hugo Chavez has put at least $7 billion-worth of oil and gas projects in jeopardy, in Venezuela. On the other hand the left-wing and conspiracy-theme media says that the Venezuelan president's previous track record of escaping kidnap and assassination attempts may or may not work another time. He might have received, like Yasser Arafat, a large dose of Polonium 230 or some other beta emitter toxic heavy metal such as radioactive lead, cobalt, cesium, thorium or uranium which are found in the effluent streams and waste ponds of nearly all uranium mines. Supply is no problem!
Friday, January 11, 2013
U.S. $1 Trillion Coin Isn’t the Right Answer to Our Debt Ceiling Crisis / Politics / US Debt
By: Money_Morning
Ben Gersten writes: There's increasing support for the idea of minting a $1 trillion coin to help the United States avoid hitting the debt ceiling.
Even those supporting the idea - including The New York Times' Paul Krugman - admit it sounds "silly," but say it deserves consideration in that it could help solve one of our country's biggest economic issues.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Krugman's $1 Trillion Platinum Coin / Politics / US Debt
By: Jesse
Read full article... Read full article..."Well, the trillion-dollar-coin thing — deal with the debt ceiling by exploiting a legal loophole to have the Treasury mint one or more large-denomination coins, deposit them at the Fed, and use the cash in the new account to pay bills — has really taken off. Last month I spoke with a senior Fed official who had never heard of the idea; these days it’s all over. [It has been around for quite some time in monetary theory circles, where P.K. apparently does not dally - Jesse]
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Is American Justice Dead? / Politics / US Politics
By: David_Galland
Every nation-state has a body of laws woven into the fabric of society. As Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto has commented on extensively, the stronger the rule of law, the stronger the economy.
And by "stronger" laws, I mean laws that are impervious to tampering for personal or political gains. The connection between a sound judiciary and economic health is readily comprehensible, except maybe to a politician… businesses and individuals are far more likely to invest capital in a country with understandable laws that are impartially and universally enforced than if the opposite condition exists.
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