Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Friday, October 09, 2009
In Defense of Capitalism: a True Love Story / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Vitaliy_Katsenelson
My writing is a byproduct of my investment process, I think through writing. I don’t do movie reviews and don’t watch Michael Moore’s movies. A Denver Post reporter invited me to a private showing of Moore’s latest flick last Monday Capitalism: a Love Story, it stirred up a lot of memories and I recently finished reading Atlas Shrugged which had a great impact on me. A combination of all those things motivated me to write this.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Big Boys and Their Synthetic Political and Financial Toys / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Marilyn_M_Barnewall
It was a story about a man who plunged from an escalator at The Pier Shops at Caesars in Atlantic City that raised my curiosity. He was the second man to die on that same escalator.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Barrack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize for Being First Black President / Politics / US Politics
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Nobel committee awarded the peace prize for - "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".
The normal expectation is for someone to be awarded the prestigious Nobel peace prize AFTER they have contributed in a major way towards making peace, which I just do not see when looking back on Barrack Obama's first 10 months Presidency.
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Friday, October 09, 2009
Technically Bankrupt Iceland Parliament Proposes Debt Default Solution / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Webster_G_Tarpley
Reykjavik , Iceland , Oct. 7 – A leading member of the Icelandic parliament called Monday night for the country to declare a debt moratorium and stop attempting to pay the $6 billion which the British and Netherlands governments are seeking to extort from Iceland with the help of the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission in Brussels. This dramatic call was issued by Birgitta Jónsdóttir, the chairman of the parliamentary faction of The Movement in the Icelandic parliament, the Althing. Birgitta Jónsdóttir was speaking during a special session of the Althing called to address the rapidly deteriorating economic and financial position of Iceland, one year after the collapse of the three hot-money offshore banks, Landsbanki, Kaupthing, and Glitnir.
Friday, October 09, 2009
United States On the Fast Track to Socialism / Politics / Economic Stimulus
By: LewRockwell
The economic meltdown has put the country on the fast track to socialism, but through a series of tiny steps. One need only to examine the supposed victories in the war on depression to see how this is happening. The latest is the claim that the Obama administration has successfully renegotiated many mortgage obligations in a way that allows people to keep their homes.
Friday, October 09, 2009
The Global Warming Scam / Politics / Climate Change
By: Casey_Research
L: [Phone rings. It’s Doug Casey, whose gravelly, "Lobo, let’s talk!" always makes me smile.] Hi Doug! What’s on your mind?
Doug: Global warming. People like my fanatical neighbors here in Aspen seem perfectly willing to undo centuries of progress because they are completely delusional about global warming. The People’s Republic of Aspen is an epicenter of political correctness.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
Let’s Take Back Columbus Day / Politics / US Politics
By: Ayn_Rand
More than a century ago, America celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s voyage of discovery by hosting an enormous world’s fair on the shores of Lake Michigan. This “World’s Columbian Exposition” featured statues of the great explorer, replicas of his three ships, and commemorative stamps and coins. Because Columbus Day was a patriotic holiday--it marked the opening chapter in American history--the newly written Pledge of Allegiance was first recited in schools on October 12, 1892.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
Bankster's Bait and Switch Fractional Reserve Banking System / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Gary_North
The phrase "bait and switch" refers to a sales practice of advertising a desirable item at a low price to get potential buyers into a showroom. Then the salesman tells the shopper that the firm has run out of the sought-after item. The salesman then uses his sales skills to sell the shopper a more expensive item.
This practice is illegal. It is a form of fraud. It steals time from the shoppers.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
NHS GP Patient Survey Targets 5.7 Million Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Nearly 6 million UK GP patients are being given the chance during 2009 to rate their GP services in terms of quality of access and service by the Department of Health funded GP Patient Survey conducted by Ipsos MORI.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
How Generations Move History, Into the Fourth Turning / Politics / Demographics
By: Casey_Research
A Casey Research interview with Neil Howe, co-author of The Fourth Turning
The Fourth Turning is an amazingly prescient book Neil Howe wrote with the late William Strauss in 1997. The work, which describes generational archetypes and the cyclical patterns created by these archetypes, has been an eye-opener to anyone able to entertain the notion that history may repeat itself. At the time the book was published, the Boston Globe stated, “If Howe and Strauss are right, they will take their place among the great American prophets.” Read this visionary interview published in The Casey Report, and see for yourself.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Restoring a Viable System of Bank Credit / Politics / Credit Crisis 2009
By: Mike_Whitney
Fed chief Ben Bernanke is in a bit of a bind. He's being asked to restore a system for credit expansion which collapsed more than two years ago and has shown no sign of life ever since. During the boom years, securitization accounted for more than 40 percent of the credit flowing into the economy. No more. When two Bear Stearns hedge funds defaulted in July 2007, the system crashed as investors of all stripes backed away from complex, illiquid assets.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Global Warming Scandals / Politics / Climate Change
By: Floy_Lilley
One failed resurrection of the old hockey stick prop, one "scientist" using thin data, and one entire research unit destroying what should have been secured are distasteful scandals that couldn’t have erupted at a worst time for global warming alarmists. Cooling temperatures and collapsed economies have already forced this once hot issue of yesteryear to the bottom of anyone’s list of concerns.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Mainstream Media Failure Compounds The Financial Crisis Failure / Politics / Mainstream Media
By: Danny_Schechter
The Press Is Still Missing The Story Of Fraud and Economic Decline Ahead
We know that Wall Street has not learned much from the crash it helped instigate. We know that our government, whatever its stated desire to clean up the markets and reform the financial behemoths, lacks the willingness and perhaps the clout to rein in the real power centers. We are not sure if they have been “captured” by them, or just lack the guts to take on institutions and individuals that helped fund their rise to power.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Congress Bombs and Bribes / Politics / US Politics
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
What if tomorrow morning you woke up to headlines that yet another Chinese drone bombing on US soil killed several dozen ranchers in a rural community while they were sleeping? That a drone aircraft had come across the Canadian border in the middle of the night and carried out the latest of many attacks? What if it was claimed that many of the victims harbored anti-Chinese sentiments, but most of the dead were innocent women and children? And what if the Chinese administration, in an effort to improve its public image in the US, had approved an aid package to send funds to help with American roads and schools and promote Chinese values here?
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Monday, October 05, 2009
Secrets Leaked on the Deepening Iran Crisis / Politics / Iran
Two major leaks occurred this weekend over the Iran matter.
In the first, The New York Times published an article reporting that staff at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N. nuclear oversight group, had produced an unreleased report saying that Iran was much more advanced in its nuclear program than the IAEA had thought previously. According to the report, Iran now has all the data needed to design a nuclear weapon. The New York Times article added that U.S. intelligence was re-examining the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) of 2007, which had stated that Iran was not actively pursuing a nuclear weapon.
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Monday, October 05, 2009
How the Feds Imprison the Innocent: New Book Confirms Tyranny of Good Intentions Thesis / Politics / US Politics
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
Authors of serious books seldom have cause to celebrate, but Larry Stratton and I have two reasons to open the champagne. Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, has announced a second printing of the second edition of The Tyranny of Good Intentions, and the noted civil libertarian and defense attorney, Harvey Silverglate, has just published a book covering many of the same legal cases and vetting our conclusion that in the United States every American is in grave danger from unscrupulous prosecutors who target the innocent.
Monday, October 05, 2009
NATO's Global Military Roadmap / Politics / New World Order
By: Rick_Rozoff
Not content with expanding from 16 to 28 members over the past decade in a post-Cold War world in which it confronts no military threat from any source, state or non-state, and not sufficiently occupied with its first ground and first Asian war in Afghanistan, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – the world’s only military bloc – is eager to take on a plethora of new international missions.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
The U.S. Constitution Never Had a Chance / Politics / US Politics
By: John_Kozy
An eminent North Carolina jurist, with whom I served on a Criminal Code Revision Commission, once told me that the law is what the last court that looks at it says it is and even then, its Justices usually disagree. I told him that there must be something very wrong with such a system. Thinking about this issue and attempting to isolate the arguments in Supreme Court decisions for use in my logic classes over decades, I came to the conclusion that so many things were wrong that even selecting the most egregious would be difficult. Perhaps that is why I have not attempted to write this piece until now.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Understanding the Costs of Healthcare / Politics / Healthcare Sector
By: D_W_MacKenzie
Rising costs are the main issue in the debate over healthcare reform. Most everybody thinks of healthcare as expensive, but there is much confusion over these costs. On September 9, President Obama attempted to clarify cost issues concerning the medical industry. The federal government will supposedly reduce costs, curtail abuses, and make healthcare services more affordable.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
How Goldman Sachs Lobbies the Senate / Politics / Market Manipulation
By: Matt_Taibbi
The SEC is holding a public round table Tuesday to explore several issues around securities lending, which has expanded into a big moneymaker for Wall Street firms and pension funds. Regulation hasn’t kept pace, some industry participants contend. Securities lending is central to the practice of short selling, in which investors borrow shares and sell them in a bet that the price will decline. Short sellers later hope to buy back the shares at a lower price and return them to the securities lender, booking a profit. Lending and borrowing also help market makers keep stock trading functioning smoothly.