Analysis Topic: Politics & Social Trends
The analysis published under this topic are as follows.Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Panorama: Wi-Fi – A Warning Signal / Politics / Social Issues
Wi-fi networks in schools can give off three times the height of the signal radiation of phone masts, a BBC Panorama investigation has discovered.
The Chairman of the Health Protection Agency, Sir William Stewart , calls for a review of the health effects of wi-fi in the programme, to be broadcast tonight on BBC One .
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Tony Blair Scuttles for Cover as Green Zone and Basra Come Under Mortar Attack / Politics / Iraq War
By: John_York
Tony Blair made his final farewell visit to Iraq today as British Prime Minister. The Invasion of Iraq is seen as the primary reason of why he is now being forced from office. As in the past no apologies were forthcoming on the disastrous decision to follow the Bush Administration into Iraq in 2003 on the basis of flimsy if not completely false propaganda.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Britain's NHS - Free for ALL but Worthless for Many! / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The NHS Hospitals and GP surgeries routinely discriminate against patients, the degree of discrimination varies but the end result is if you are a vocal white middle class non smoker then you will generally receive the best the NHS has to offer. On the other hand, if you are non-white, poor, disabled, obese, or a smoker then you will be discriminated against. So the politicians cry of free healthcare only applies to some and not to many !Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Delusional President, Insane Iraq War, Finding Hope In A Dismal World / Politics / US Politics
By: Joel_S_Hirschhorn
For so many, hope is down the drain. Hard to fault them. Abundant evidence shows our insane world sliding down a global cheese grater.Fish are dying in the Great Lakes. Bees have disappeared. Polar ice caps and glaciers worldwide are melting faster than ever. A global pandemic of a drug-resistant strain of TB is coming at us. Much of the U.S. food supply is highly vulnerable because of imports and totally inadequate government scrutiny. Politicians keep lying. Americans keep dying.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Is George Bush an Idiot ? / Politics / US Politics
By: John_York
We all have our favourtie bushism's, some say he is stupid, others say he is just inarticulate.
Watch the following 10 minute video clip and then participate in our vote.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
When Doctors strike, Less People Die! / Politics / NHS
By: TheDailyReckoning
Rob Mackrill writes : When doctors in Israel took industrial action and went on strike back in 2000, it highlighted a strange phenomenon – when doctors go on strike, the death rate plummets.In this particular instance, the death rate fell by nearly 40% over the strike period. But it's by no means an isolated example.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
NGO Dinosaurs such as the IMF and World Bank / Politics / Global Financial System
By: Ty_Andros
Most NGO's (non governmental organizations, funded by groups of nations for common goals) such as the United Nations, OECD, World bank, the International Monetary fund were valuable contributors to world stability after world wars I and II. But for lack a mission now all have sunk into the depths of corrupt bureaucracies. They are comic book characters now slinking around the world serving up self aggrandizing and self serving goals. Just as Government programs everywhere never are ended decades after their usefulness has ended, but never die, these dinosaurs still roam the earth fighting extinction. They are politically correct as their original intentions/missions were so virtuous, so nobody calls a spade a spade in the politically correct press. Now they are big money machines with heavy strings attached, power and control strings.
Anybody that is involved with them are in it for the money and the money they graft off them is enormous. Any nation taking advice from the IMF is doomed to poverty and economic destruction, its prescriptions are recipes for disaster. Ask Russia , Argentina , Thailand and Brazil to name a few.
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Thursday, May 03, 2007
Vote, vote, vote for central banking! / Politics / Inflation
By: Adrian_Ash
"...What if the 'first win' of globalization didn't go to China ? What if it went to central bank policy wonks instead – free to keep real interest rates low despite oil prices trebling...?"
TAX PAYERS in Britain were invited to vote early and often in today's local council elections. The French will get to choose between one bone-head and another this weekend, too.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
BBC Panorama questions MI5's defence of failure to prevent 7/7 bombers / Politics / Iraq War
By: Sarah_Jones
Peter Taylor , reporting for BBC One 's Panorama programme, has uncovered evidence that questions the Security Service's claim that under the circumstances, it did all it could to prevent the 7/7 bombings.
In Panorama: Real Spooks , to be broadcast at the end of the Operation Crevice trial, he reveals that MI5 failed to pass on relevant details about the individuals who turned out to be Mohammed Siddeque Khan and his accomplice, Shezad Tanweer , to West Yorkshire Police Special Branch when it followed the pair in 2004. At the time, MI5 did not know their identities.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Political Wrap - Time to talk with Iran, US Kansas City Mall Shooting and the Broken Olmert / Politics / Middle East
By: John_York
In a break from the stock market wraps.
Talking to the Iranians
America after nearly 30 years is being forced into direct talks with Iran. As Condoleza Rice mentioned on Sunday whilst referring to Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki. “I will not rule out that we may encounter one another, This isn't an opportunity to talk about US-Iran issues. This is really an opportunity for all of Iraq's neighbours to talk about how to stablise Iraq”
Friday, April 27, 2007
Ron Paul Not a US Dollar Myth / Politics / US Dollar
By: Axel_Merk
We published an analysis on “ Dollar Myths ” in which we criticized spending habits in Washington:
"Interestingly, nobody seemed to focus on the fact that there is an unconventional solution to foreigners holding too much of our debt: live within your means and do not issue debt. Such an old fashioned concept would indeed strengthen the dollar. Unfortunately, none of the presidential candidates at either side of the aisle seem to have heard of this notion."
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Iraq War, Inflation and War Finance / Politics / UK Economy
By: Dr_Ron_Paul
The Pentagon recently reported that it now spends roughly $8.4 billion per month waging the war in Iraq, while the additional cost of our engagement in Afghanistan brings the monthly total to a staggering $10 billion. Since 2001, Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected in official budget and deficit figures. Congress has funded the war by passing a series of so-called "supplemental" spending bills, which are passed outside of the normal appropriations process and thus deemed off-budget.
This is fundamentally dishonest: if we're going to have a war, let's face the costs-- both human and economic-- squarely. Congress has no business hiding the costs of war through accounting tricks.
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Shocking news about Gordon Brown - Sold Half of Britians Gold Reserves at Bear Market Low / Politics / UK Politics
By: Adrian_Ash
"...Two billion here...two billion there. Pretty soon you're just funding a war in the desert or paying one-in-four of the working population to stay at home on sick leave..."
SHOCKING NEWS from the Sunday Times in London . Gordon Brown is an idiot.
More shocking still, his boss Tony Blair – the prime minister who led Britain to war in Iraq on spurious evidence of WMDs – doesn't always speak the truth. Their political party, New Labour, likes to bury bad news. And expert knowledge counts for nothing at Westminster .
Hence the biggest financial story in the United Kingdom right now – bigger by far according to the column inches than its record-breaking credit bubble – is that Gordon Brown "ignored advice" before selling half the nation's gold at rock-bottom prices in 1999.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Vote Now - Should the US Attack Iran's nuclear and military infrastructure? / Politics / Iran
By: Nadeem_Walayat
As the US military build up continues to gain momentum in the Persian Gulf, which includes some 50 warships comprising of 2 aircraft carrier battle groups. These military assets are reinforced by well established military bases in neighbouring countries, with hundreds of war planes to enable around the clock bombing capability.
Any attack against Iran would firstly be targeted at Iranian air bases and command and control structures as well as naval ports so as to limit the immediate retaliatory response, before around the clock bombing of the well dug in Iranian Nuclear facilities would take place.
We ask the question should the US attack Iran's nuclear & military infrastructure ?
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Monday, April 09, 2007
British Soldiers Banned from Selling their Stories - Poll result says NO to Selling / Politics / Iran
By: John_York
In a swift turn of events, the Ministry of Defence has reversed its decision to allow the released British soldiers / personnel from selling further stories, after mounting negative response to the TV and press stories sold for six figure sums. Des Browne (Defence Secretary) announced - "No further service personnel will be allowed to talk to the media about their experiences in return for payment." and stated that a 'review of regulations' would now take place following outrage from all sections of the public.
This follows the Market Oracle Opinion Poll conducted between 7th and 9h April 2007, which resulted in 62% of respondents voting that the released Navy Military personnel should NOT be allowed to sell their stories to the media. Click here for the background to the capture and opinion poll
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Saturday, April 07, 2007
Vote Now - Are the British Personnel Right to Sell their Iranian Capture Stories / Politics / Iran
By: John_York
The 15 British Navy personnel that were released by Iran on Thursday have been given the green light to sell their stories to the media. It is likely that some stories could sell for more than ten times their annual salaries. Especially from the only woman captive, Faye Turney, who is expected to earn the most.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Iran crisis still ready to blow … US preparing to Attack / Politics / Gold & Silver
By: Money_and_Markets
Larry Edelson writes:Yesterday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced he will free the 15 British sailors and marines captured on March 23. That's welcome news.
However, I don't think this political maneuver changes the underlying situation one iota. And gold's price is confirming that. Instead of falling on the news of the pending release of the hostages, the yellow metal soared nearly $10 to its highest level since last May!
My view on the Iran crisis hasn't changed one bit: Despite the potential release of the British hostages, a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities is coming, sooner rather than later.
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Shock and Awe II - The Consequences of an US attack on Iran / Politics / Iran
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British and American public appear to being hyped up towards a possible attack against Iran . Despite recent rhetoric. the actual consequences of an attack need to be fully investigated before another ‘Mission Accomplished' photo opportunity turns into something far worse than the quagmire in Iraq, which so far is on target to cost over $1 trillion, with estimates being revised higher every quarter.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Iran - Iran - Iran - Despite release of British hostages, US Attack still Imminent / Politics / Iran
By: Christopher_Laird
The ongoing situation with Iran is hugely gold and oil bullish right now, and will be for the coming months. The recent statement by Iran that they will free the British naval hostages is just one detail. It solves nothing fundamental.
First of all, before I discuss why, I want to comment on several emails I got about my views that Iran is going to be attacked. The comments went along the line: ‘the US is too tied down in Iraq, won't even think of another war..' etc.
I disagree. So let's get into the reasons why there is likely an attack on Iran….
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Apprentice 2007 - BBC One - 9pm Wednesdays - Meet the Boys / Politics / Resources & Reviews
By: Sarah_Jones
Tre Azam
Age: 27
Qualifications: 2 A-Levels
Career: Marketing and Design Consultant
Home town: Loughton, Essex
Profile: Forthright, opinionated and a bit of a maverick, Tre is a tough hard worker who knows what he wants and is determined to get it. He started work aged 10, building PCs in his father's factory. By the age of 16 he was teaching clients how to build computers and training them in electronics and software. At 17 he was working in his family's software and hardware business in Europe and Asia before moving to America where he ran the company for more than two years. In his teens he spent over a year in hospital recovering from a serious car accident which left him in a wheelchair, however he is now fully recovered. His hobbies include weights, boxing, martial arts and philosophy.
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