Furniture123 Customer Review - Bargain Home Furniture or Potential Nightmare?
ConsumerWatch /
Apr 17, 2012 - 12:47 AM GMT
By: N_Walayat
The UK based online furniture store, Furniture123.com / Furniture123.co.uk purports to "make our customer's lives easy (as easy as 123!)", however the sales pitch may not live up to real customer experience:
For example I ordered a Basel Oak Dining Table from Furniture123 on 8th of Feb 2012, the first warning bell rang when the company failed to send an email acknowledging the order and delivery.
Furniture123 had to be contacted separately to have the company confirm both receipt of order and to provide a delivery date, which was for the week commencing March 5th 2012.
On the 9th March 2012 the oak table was delivered :

Unfortunately on opening the delivery was found to be lacking the bolts and washers to attach the legs to the table.
I contacted Furniture123 on the same day and received replies on the 12th and 14th from Andrea to inform me that the missing bolts and washers would follow in 2 weeks time.
However 2 weeks passed without any delivery, so on the 30th of March I began sending a series of emails requesting an update on delivery of the bolts and washers, and as of writing having wasted several hours on sending some 20 emails as well as contacts via the Furntiture123 website, however the response to date form Furniture123 has been one of deathly silence.

Now further valuable time has to be wasted in arranging the return of the faulty product that has remained useless as of delivery.
Looking at the small print on the Furniture123 website reveals that returns would be charged at the rate of £40 (20%) for items returned outside of 10 days of receipt, so effectively I was put on hold for 2 weeks from returning the faulty table which has potentially benefited Furniture123 to the tune of £40.
I am most probably not alone in receiving such bad service from Furniture123 and therefore Furniture123 is a prime candidate for the likes of the BBC Watchdog consumer program.
Options -
- Attempt to return the faulty table to Furniture123
- Pay a handyman to source the missing parts and assemble the table.
The Bottom line - Ordering from Furniture123 resulted in the delivery of a product that was not fit for purpose. Furniture123 subsequently failed to rectify the situation as promised and is continuing to result in the wasting of my valuable time. Therefore I will NOT either recommend or order from Furniture123 again.
By Nadeem Walayat
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17 Apr 12, 04:22
This is what happens when you don't buy from a retailer. They might be more expensive etc but at least you can physically go to the premise and speak to someone in charge. By the way you've been silent abt the going's on in Spain recently, any chance of posting your views abt what's happening in Spain??
17 Apr 12, 04:52
Furniture123 is a JOKE
I will NEVER buy from this company again. I ordered a dining table set back in January. We had purchased all our furniture in January from various websites online as we were overseas and relocating back to the UK. All the furniture we had ordered from other websites had arrived on time/when the company had specified. However Furniture123 at the time of ordering the dining table set gave me NO indication of any waiting time. Infact the website stated that the product was in stock so I had no concerns at this stage. I received my confirmation email stating delivery would be in "1 day". I started to worry about delivery of my item once 3 weeks had gone by and no dining table, no email or ANY type of indication from the company about where my item was. I decided to email the company towards the end of February to find out what was going on. I received a reply saying the item was on order from their supplier and wouldn't be delivered until the end of March. As annoying as that was to hear I accepted that and reluctantly decided to wait another month. Fast forward to around the 20th of March I decided to email again to confirm a date of delivery as no date was specified only a vague "end of march" was given to me. I did not receive a reply so I re-sent the email in case it had gotten lost somewhere. A few days pass and still no word. I phone the company to find out what is going on and am then told I will have to wait until the end of April! Giving up at this point as it had been almost 3 months and we had no dining table I tell them I would like a refund instead while also letting them know that at no point during the ordering process was I made aware of ANY delay in delivery. The man I spoke to at the call centre was fine with giving a refund and explained it would take 10 days to reach my account. I gave it 2 weeks just to be sure and give them a bit of time but no refund reached my account. So Mid April I give them another call to ask about my money they were holding. I am told it hand't been processed yet and this time it would be 3 days before it reaches my account. Another week passes, STILL NOTHING! At this point I am getting extremely frustrated so I make contact yet again seeing as no one from Furniture123 seems to initiate any contact with me about anything that has happened. This time I am told that my refund had been processed and I should have already received the refund in my account, I argue the fact that I have seen nothing and demand that they send me proof of the transaction otherwise I would be contacting Consumer Affairs. She told me that it had been sent and said the accounts team give their word that it has also to which I replied your word means nothing to me at the moment as everytime I call I have been lied to. In the end she sends me the transaction report and at no surprise to myself the transaction date and time was 10am 12th April... The exact same time and date of the call. So essentially the last 2 times I phoned for a refund nothing had been actioned until I demanded proof. I am completely disgusted with the way I was treated by this company. Not only did I have to wait for an unspecified delivery date which kept getting pushed back but I had to practically BEG for them to release my money back to my account on a number of occasions. I would advise anyone to stay away from this company as it was problem after problem with them. Now that my refund has hit my account I have now finally ordered another dining table set from another company. Next time I order online I will make sure I check the reviews on the company as it seems there are other unhappy customers all over the place.
17 Apr 12, 04:58
Future Gazing
Hi Brad Ive been busy pondering the future, looking beyond the current crisis, looking at the fundementals and the MEGA mega trends, it's like opening up pandora's box, its leading me into some strange realities, such as a world where money is no longer relevant! LOL, that would make what I do redundant. I will soon condense all of this down into an article hopefully this week. Best NW
Nick Graves
17 Apr 12, 13:52
The future's bright
Hi Nadeem, I'd stick to IKEA in future. They've always been great.
17 Apr 12, 19:32
money will always be relevant...
But probably just not in the form we have come to know it.
19 Apr 12, 11:51
Market Direction
Nadeem, You mentioned that you might do a further market analysis piece towards the end of april 2012 (and back in February you mentioned it was probable we would have at least two more months of gains). Has the timescales for new DOW highs (above 14k) surprised you? It would appear many of the indices have fallen and remain sluggish recently. However, the charts suggest this bull market isn't over. Could you shed some light on this please with the DOW and FTSE 100. The mantra "sell in May" may not be applicable this year. What do you think? Many thanks.
07 May 12, 12:51
Bedside Table
Never got the table. Over a month later and they dont return my calls. Customer service is just a name and useless. Dont buy anything from this company whatever the price. They have got my money and I have got nothing. They operate outside the UK, say no more.
mr p
21 May 12, 14:31
please please do not give these peaple your money , i was one of the stupid ones , orderded a book case a month ago and still waiting , they like having your money but do not like sending your order .