Profit from Economic Boom and Bust Cycles
Economics / Liquidity Bubble Jul 15, 2008 - 06:09 PM GMTRather than study theory, let's watch the news!
Here is a Yahoo Finance Video . This is exactly the stuff that Mike Maloney was predicting on stage years ago - and it is happening today! Mike sounded slightly nuts when he was talking about this during the housing boom. Few forecasters anticipated that this boom ever really would bust, but the credit balloon can only inflate so far and then it wants to deflate. This has happened repeatedly throughout history.
People always want to believe, "It is different this time." But history shows that everything is cyclical..
At last, now the financial press has begun educating the public about this crisis. The public is starting to become aware that they need to do something to protect themselves financially during this portion of the cycle. Real estate is not working, stocks are not working and the media is just getting around to seriously reporting these facts. This awareness is another sign that we are at the beginning of Phase II of this precious metals bull market (usually the longest and most profitable portion). And by the way, the precious metals markets anticipated all this and are indeed working (gold up 3.5 times and silver up over 4 times since 2001).
Of course there will come a time to sell precious metals and get back into real estate and stocks. But the indicators that correctly forecast the down-turn in real estate and stocks say this precious metals bull is just getting warmed up.
Bad News & Good News
The bad news is that it is going to get much worse for many. The good news is that people who realize what is actually going on can position themselves to take maximum advantage of this period. Remember, "Wealth is not destroyed, it is merely transferred." Some of the biggest fortunes in the world were created during these "down-waves."
To see the financial press just starting to wake up to the financial realities that Mike forecast years ago click on the link below. The video box will appear on the left side of your screen:
Sentiment Shifts: Credit Crunch Isn't Over, March Wasn't 'The' Low
By Brent Harmes
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