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Investment Tips You Should Know About

Personal_Finance / Debt & Loans Oct 15, 2022 - 03:05 PM GMT

By: Mark_Adan


1. P2P Lending
P2P lending, also known as peer-to-peer lending, is still pretty new. There are online P2P services that offers personal loans, business loans and other types of loans. You can join a service, and then you can pool your money with other investors to fund loans to others. If the borrower qualifies for a loan, then you'll make money when they start paying the loan back or when the loan is paid back in full.

There are many P2P lending companies. Do your research before choosing one to join. Here's a tip: Prosper and LendingClub are two good ones.

With P2P lending, there are no banks involved. Generally speaking, your money is pooled with other people's money. Individual loans are funded via the pooled money. In most cases, you'll receive a fixed payment for each month that the loan is paid back.

There is some risk associated with P2P lending, such as you'll likely be loaning money to those who probably wouldn't have gotten approved for a loan through a bank or traditional outlets. In turn, they are likely to default. However, you can view things such as their credit rating before you decide to lend money. You have the option to either fund the loan or not fund the loan.

2. Gold Investment
One of the best hedges against inflation is gold. It's considered to be a great long-term investment. This is because it has a history of increasing in value as time goes by.

There are lots of ways to invest in gold, such as buying physical gold pieces such as bars and coins. You can also invest in gold ETFs or gold accounts. Another way to invest in gold is by buying gold minding stocks, options or futures.

If you're a small time investor, then you might want to consider buying physical gold. Buying gold is a great idea because it allows you to diversify your investment portfolio. Just make sure you become familiar with what affects the price of gold before you start investing in it.

A new version of currency to invest in is cryptocurrency. UK crypto exchange makes investing simple.

3. Real estate
With real estate investing, you can purchase and own property, such as a multi-family dwelling, a house, apartment complex or a duplex. You can rent out your property and collect  monthly rent. Many people end up putting a down payment on a property, while the bank provides financing for the rest. One of the best things about owning a property is it can appreciate over time.

Before you buy real estate, you should think hard about whether or not you actually want to be a landlord. There's a lot of stress associated with being one, such as accidents happening and tenants not paying their rent on time. If you don't want to handle the responsibilities of being a landlord, then you do have options.

You can use a property management company, and they will handle the bulk of responsibilities. This includes screening prospective tenants, collecting rent, taking care of emergency calls and much more. You will need to pay money to use a property management company, but it's usually worth it.

Another way to buy property is to partner up with other investors. Doing this spreads your risk, and it allows you to potentially link up with people who have more knowledge than you. This can benefit you in the short and long-term.

There are investment platforms that focus mainly on real estate. You can join Fundrise or PeerStreet. These platforms allow you to invest in property, but not have to deal with the tasks that come along with being a landlord.

Investment platforms do come with fees. There's also risks associated with investing in real estate. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons before investing in real estate.

4. Run Your Own Business
You can start and run your own business, which has the biggest potential of all in regards to generating high returns. Sure, you can lose money when you run a business. However, as time goes by, you could end up creating a steady source of income and/or increase your income by a lot.

There are many businesses that have low ongoing costs, as well as startup costs. This includes online businesses such as coaching, teaching and IT support to name a few. These businesses can even be run from the comfort of your own home.

You can choose to put money into a business, and then take some of your money to invest. This can help you stress less. This is because you'll be spreading your risk.

Launching a part-time business is another way to start a business. You can focus on your business on the weekends or in your spare time. This allows you to keep your regular job, while creating an extra source of income by growing your business.

5. Equity Crowdfunding
If running your own business isn't for you, then owning a part of another business might be of interest to you. Companies just starting out often need money, and some of them offer shares of their companies via crowdfunding websites. A few of the best crowdfunding sites include SeedInvest, CircleUp and Wefunder.

You can own part of a company by investing via an equity crowdfunding site. If the company becomes a success, then you'll be rewarded. However, you can lose all your money or a portion of it if the company fails.

Some companies have become a success thanks to equity funding. Cruise is one of those companies. It is a company that develops technology for the self-driving industry.

In 2016, General Motors purchased the company. In turn, investors made money. This is also when the crowdfunding industry became more mainstream.

Bear in mind you should diversify your investment portfolio. This is why you should invest in stocks and other forms of investments that don't include stocks. Decide where your money can grow the most, but align with your risk for tolerance. As a general rule of thumb, the higher the risk an investment carries, the potential rewards will be bigger, but so will the potential losses.

By Mark Adan

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Copyright 2022 © Mark Adan - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

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