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Market Oracle FREE Newsletter

How to Protect your Wealth by Investing in AI Tech Stocks

The Future of Mankind - You are Being Sold a Lie!

Politics / Social Issues Aug 12, 2024 - 12:12 AM GMT

By: Nadeem_Walayat


Dear Reader

Have you managed to capitalise on the stock market correction as many patrons have in key target AI tech stocks?

Here is Part 2 of my extensive analysis AI Will Turn Everyone Into Gamblers! The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History is Coming... was first made available to patrons who support my work. So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $7 per month, lock it in now at $7 before next rises to $10 per month for new sign-ups.

Most recent analysis -

5th August 2024 - Panic in the Air As Stock Market Correction Delivers Deep Opps in AI Tech Stocks.

30th July 2024 - Dubai Deluge - AI Tech Stocks Q2 Earnings Correction Opportunities

Stock Market Inverted Seasonal Trend
Hyper Sensitive Markets as AI Disrupts Everything, Including Itself!
Learn How to Accumulate and Distribute
Beat FOMO and FUD with EGF Direction of Travel
MEDIFAST - Disrupted by Weight Loss Drugs
Counting Down to Nvidia Earnings
AI Stocks Portfolio Spreadsheet
Stocks Portfolio For A Recession of Sorts
AI Will Make Everyone Poor!

Part 2 -
The Future of Mankind - You are Being Sold a Lie!
Universal Basic Slave Income is Coming....
Fake Full Employment
Billionaire Nazis are in Charge!
How to Get Rich University
They Want Your House!
The Greatest Wealth Transfer IN History
UK House Prices
Bitcoin Preparing for Next Leg Higher
BTC Where Next?
Bull Market Tops

The Future of Mankind - You are Being Sold a Lie!

Want to know what's the future for humans? Look at what happened to horses when they became obsolete due to the automobile, and it was fast, in the US horse driven transport went from 95% to 10% within 15 years! And the only thing that has lasted is that we measure Cars in terms of Horse Power, i.e a Tesla's latest Model 3 is rated at 510 HP. Think about that, the power of 510 horses! What chance does any horse have of economically competing against an automobile? Hence what was widespread is long gone. That's what's going to fast happen to human Labour! We are seeing the starting guns for this with the deployment of humanoid robots in the auto manufacturers where all that we will be left with will be the HP measure, Human Power, Optimus 3 perhaps in not so many years will be rated as 10HP on route to 100HP, what chance will human Labour have to compete against that? None!

For a while cheap horse meat was popular, soylent green.....

You are being sold a lie by the proponents of AI such as Sam "Alternative to Man", the tech giants that are ushering in this change that there will be new jobs for humans, no, there won't be any new jobs just death camps like Rafah for the likes of the Fourth Reich to annihilate human populations as what happens when folk start to believe their own Gods chosen BS. Anyway there will always be a convincing reasons for why a given human population needs to be exterminated just as 99% of horses were, how can one compete against a 100 HP bot? They are eventually going to come for all of us, even the Oberführer's won't survive, Good luck in trying to identify between palestinian and Israeli skulls!

Universal Basic Slave Income is Coming....

Humans that take 25 years to become effective workers will not be able to compete against even a 1 HP $10k Tesla bot created off an assembly line within a minute. Then throw in the running costs of a perhaps a few cents per hour vs say $15 for low paid humans illustrates why the arguments for why humans will still be relevant as workers is ridiculous. It's not complicated, it's simple maths and it's going to happen fast.

Robots will soon equate a 100X increase in worker productivity. A human worker takes 20-25 years and huge cost in terms of resources vs a robot worker a few minutes off an assembly line.

The economy will shift from servicing human consumers to servicing the demands of the robot labour system.

The rich will get a LOT richer, many times richer and more powerful they are today whilst the masses will be systematically stripped of virtually all of their rights and freedoms as the rich concentrate wealth and power into their own hands.

We will all be living in a Brazil or South Africa or India, where the masses are marginalised, living in shanty towns on the outskirts of highly advanced cities where the wealthy reside to eventually get the Gaza extermination treatment.

Of course it is going to take time, a decade or 2, and it's going to hit the likes of China sooner and harder as it will make their cheap labour obsolete, and thus will large swathes of chinese population be deemed surplus to requirement warranting a quick cull. So this will widen the gap between rich countries and the rest as the likes of the USA will no longer need to employ cheap chinese and Asian workers, take note ASIA the robot clock is fast ticking towards making your cheap labour factories obsolete!

Capital flows towards that which generates profits and humans with diminishing earnings capacity are going to see less production of food and goods in their direction as the human pie shrinks in favour of the machine pie, as a natural function of how capitalism works as more and more wealth is being concentrated in the hands of those who own the AI, own the assets, own the means of production whilst most people will become hamsters on a wheel living from pay check to pay check and eventually from UBI check to UBI check by which time most will own nothing as what little they had will have been sold to cover day to day living expenses, properties re mortgaged so that in reality the loan shark own their homes so that they pass nothing onto the next generation. It's called Trickle UP Economics.

You will have the rich consumer economy and the AI robot maintenance economy. The bulk of the human population won't have much of a means to create demand for quality goods and services so low quality mass produced crap will be all that most humans can afford as used to be the case in the Soviet Union. What AI does is to reduce the demand for human Labour which means the human population has less money to spend. Thus the gap between the rich and the rest will continue to widen to eventually resemble that of Victorian times.

So becareful of what you wish for! AI is NOT going to make life better for most people, instead AI is a mechanism for accelerating the transfer of wealth from the masses to the elite and the marginalisation of most people much as took place with native peoples across the world, reminds me of movies that featured native americans sat idle in their misery watching European Americans busy in their daily business, as the natives slowly faded out of the picture. That is the future for humanity to become excluded from the AI economy to slowly fade away into history, not death by terminators but through obsolescence, and we are seeing this right now with the likes of Tesla showing how much it cares for it's human workers by FIRING 10% of it's work force as the first phase of replacing it's workers with robots as this poor guy found out during his 1.5 hour commute to work.

As I have been iterating for many years a Universal basic Income is inevitable as a smoke and mirrors solution to the trend in motion, to give the illusion to the masses that they are getting something for nothing when all it will allow for is the steady erosion of what little they have as the printed money flows from the masses into the Elites bank accounts to go on to buy more assets thus concentrating wealth and power into their own hands. So what we will have is a Universal Basic Slave Income just like those who were handed stimi checks during the pandemic soon finding out that what they were given has permanently made many things they took for granted now unaffordable, which is what UBI will do.

To survive what is coming, to beat the system you need to stop thinking like the brainwashed masses fawning over designer labels, filling up their garages with chinese trash products, instead what you need to do is to make yourself more robust, spend less than you earn and accumulate assets that you intend on passing onto the next generation else you will die broke and your descendants will be in an far worse position than what you are in today.

AI will make it infinitely harder for ordinary people to get rich with each passing year as wages in real terms fall which is being masked by REAL INFLATION. The government lies to you by telling you your wages are going up but when you go and do your weekly shops your higher wages buys you a lot less than it did a year ago! And then the crime syndicate has brainwashed the masses to separate ASSET prices from INFLATION. House prices and stock prices going up is INFLATION! So say your wages have gone up by 10% over the past few years, whilst food has gone up by 25% and so say have asset prices, so a larger portion of your wages is spent on food leaving less to buy assets which is are now 25% more expensive! THIS IS THE INFLATION MEGA-TREND IN MOTION and why I iterate don't make the mistake of waiting to buy your home by paying any attention to MSM perma fools, journalists who write reams and reams of gibberish that a house prices collapse is always imminent, because the real trend is that the money you earn is fast losing it's value.

And I have not even touched on warfare! Future wars will involve robot armies blitzkrieg invasions to overwhelm the defences of target nations. Who will have these robot armies, it will be the likes of the US, Europe and China that will create scenarios where they have the right to deploy robot armies against lesser powers, genocides such as taking place in Gaza will be completed within days not months. The only defence nations can have against being overwhelmed by robot armies are nuclear weapons and thus nuclear weapons are destined to become widespread as that is the only thing that can be used to deter robot blitzkriegs.

Russia with it's basket case economy could easily be annihilated by a NATO million strong robot army, where the only defence Russia has against such are it's nuclear weapons that act to deter deployment of Robot armies. Reading the writing on the wall that it's game over for the Russian Empire, i.e. it's sacks of meat soldiers have zero offensive capability vs NATO's robot army then I can see Russia using tactical nuclear weapons in scenarios such as Ukraine rather then to deploy human soldiers.

How to capitalise on this mega-trend?

We already are!


The bottom line is that some decades down the road TESLA may only have ONE human worker! And his name is Elon. Imagine huge billion dollar corporations where the founder owner is the sole employee! This is another reason for my banging the drum of folks becoming business people rather than workers because only through business do you have the potential to become not just rich but billionaires! So just as most people will become poorer there will also be many more billionaires!

Fake Full Employment

Wages have fallen in real inflation terms which means the cost of Labour has fallen and thus there is high demand for workers because it's a lot cheaper to employ workers today then before pandemic as business can employ more man power for the same real terms cost.

The cornerstone of Western Democracies is being systematically undermined as workers earn less in real terms with each passing year resulting in the illusion of full employment! And this the state before one utilises REAL inflation which is typically TWICE CPLIE.

Billionaire Nazis are in Charge!

Billionaire Ray Dalio was partially right there is a civil war brewing but it's not what you think it is as the billionaires like to portray a battle between Left and Right where the likes of Ray Dalio tend to portray themselves as the bastions of democracy and freedom when in reality the real battle is between the masses and the elites, the billionaires! Wow I am sounding a bit socialist here but the truth is that we have all been BRAINWASHED by the Cabal that rules over us, that tells us the Nazis are the good guys and the Palestinian kids dying in their tens of thousands are evil and thus all of whom must die, through smoke and mirrors propaganda.The Nazis are the billionaires, the likes of Gates, Ackman, Dalio, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page & Brin and so on, yes even our beloved Musk! We are so easily brainwashed!

The name of the game is to brain wash the masses into thinking there is battle brewing between Left and Right, Socialists, vs the Freedom loving billionaires, where the masses on both sides are played like puppets!

If you consider yourself Left or Right then consider yourself a Puppet because on both sides reside the wealthy super rich, on the left we have the fake socialists that talk big but in practice enact nothing of substance, and on the right we have the billionaire Cabal that seeks to own everything by means of governments printing money and taxing the wage slaves!

The billionaires instruct the government to print money to give to the masses who then use what they have left after taxes to go and spend it on goods and services that funnels all of that printed money to the billionaire elites as they OWN the means of production! Virtually every dollar the government prints or borrows ends up with the Billionaire Cabal that then USE that MONEY to BUY ASSETS including YOUR HOMES! They then play the pass the parcel game between themselves by selling assets to one another bidding the prices ever higher so that you, ordinary people force to work for devalued wages due to INFLATION and taxes are priced out of the asset markets, unable to afford to buy a house as housing with each passing year gets further out of reach of ordinary people, where home ownership increasingly becomes a pipe dream.

Why do you think the Republicans tend to print just as much money as the Democrats despite all of the BS that they will cut the deficit, cut the debt, NEVER HAPPENS! All Smoke and Mirrors LIES!

Every time the government runs large deficits the rich tend to get a lot richer! As that is the final destination of printed money!

The Nazis Billionaires Really ARE In Charge!


This is a call to arms! We are up against forces that we barely comprehend the magnitude of, we have thousands of evil multi billionaires that traipse around the globe portraying themselves as the good guys when they are evil personified as they seek to take the wealth and power from the masses to concentrate it with themselves and their progeny in perpetuity with the bought and paid for governments acting in their interests.

You have a choice to make today, not later but NOW! Because the trend in motion is such that every day delayed will make it that bit harder to avoid the catastrophe for you and your descendants who will become slaves from cradle to grave.

No 1 Priority is to own the home you live in, forget stocks, forget crypto, your No 1 priority is to OWN the HOME you live in because with each passing year that dream will become further out of reach for those waiting to buy! You won't be just doing it for yourself but you will also be doing it for your children where you need to instill in them the nature of the game that is being played where the Billionaire Nazis seek to take your wealth away from you, try and force you to sell your home and RENT!

1. Buy the Home You Live in
2. Accumulate Assets that are leveraged to inflation.
3. Accumulate Income streams because AI will disrupt your ability to earn.
4. Don't fall for propaganda, this is not a battle between Left vs Right, this is a battle between the Billionaire Cabal and the masses. Understand you are being brainwashed 24/7 by their propaganda machines to believe that they are the good guys when they are evil who believe they have the right to own everything and you own nothing.

How to Get Rich University

The only reason you are NOT Rich is because you weren't born into a rich family! That's primarily why the Rich are Rich because they were BORN RICH! You, me, 99% were unlucky to be born into ordinary families and thus have paid the price, not anymore!

British Universities charge you £10k a year for 3 to 4 years to be handed a scrap of paper at the end which for most will be for useless degrees all so as to keep the hamsters off the streets as they have their University experience, 70% of University degrees are useless, what a con!

They never actually teach you what you need to know to do what's needed to get to accumulate those points in the game called getting rich! That's £££'s and $$$'s! All you lucky guys and gals have access to the Three modules that comprise the How to Get Rich University Degree all for the princely sum of $5 bucks! See the difference? They have to charge you £30k to £40k because that's how scams work! You have to be liberated of your money! Whereas there is better than all that you have paid for on the likes of youtube for FREE! The only difference is that you don't have a piece of paper at the end of it.

Here is Your $5 University Degree Programme, if you take the time to learn and apply then you will at least be on the right path towards becoming rich unlike most graduates who leave University to discovery their degree won't land them any of the fantasy Jobs the con men at the Universities said they would get instead end up working at Mcdonalds or Burger King.

Forget the socialists, they envy the rich, they want EVERYONE to be poor! This is how it's done, your cheat sheets to hacking the system that we are born in to be slaves in, destined to work our whole lives in the service of the Elite and then die with little to pass onto the next generation, NOT ANY MORE!

Change the Way You THINK! How to Really Get RICH Guide 2023

Learn to Use the FORCE! How to Really Get Rich Part 2 of 3

The Investing Assets Spectrum - How to Really Get RICH

For those academically inclined I can suggest doing a science degree, computer science, but you don't even need to go and enrol and pay thousands per years to do that as you can do the same degree for virtually free online as I elaborate in the above 3 part series.

They Want Your House!

Rampant unaffordability reigns supreme that triggers shrill cries from the econofools that house prices will CRASH to become more affordable because ordinary folk are finding it near impossible to buy.

Whilst those who have proprieties imagine that they will be able to pass their property onto the next generation, understand that the system is designed to take your property away from you. Lets leave aside the equity release scams with their small prints that ensure you will end up leaving little or nothing behind. There is also the big elephant in the room in the UK and probably most western nations that of paying for ones end of life care where one can either end up in an Local Authority Old Folks prison, or slightly less worse private healthcare, you don't know what you are in for until you get there!

Either case your going to lose most of all that what you have built over your life time in a few short years.

In the UK you pay 100% of the Fees for local authority care if your capital is over $23,250, which is a pittance, a cost of a few subs to the likes of Netflix. Whilst the government has kept promising since 2021 that it will cap care costs at £86k, however to date no such cap has been implemented and therefore talk of a cap is the government lying to the electorate to gain some extra grey votes.

The system is designed that after having forced you to work like a slave your whole life that towards the end of your life they will take what little capital you have accumulated under the pretence of CARE, there is no care instead it usually amounts to TORTURE!

And don't think putting your assets in your children's name is a going to make any difference because unlike for inheritance tax and the 7 year rule there is no time limit on how far the Council can go back to take your assets from you. Though the earlier one does this the better i.e. for instance gifting your children a lump sum to buy their own home well over a decade before you reach the care home imprisonment stage the better.

I can imagine the next big con will be to force the elderly to rent NHS Tesla bot's for home care where they take your property to pay for the rental costs after you have died.

The only solution is to be so stonking wealthy that you can pay for private in house workers and eventually buy a home care bot outright, likely cost something daft like £100k each, a huge mark upto the the likely cost of production at well under £10k. So get building that end of life money war chest so you too can have your Rosebud moment. That and doing ones best to keep fit and healthy through exercise as I covered in the HGR guides.

Whilst to avoid getting hit by UK inheritance tax here are 3 key relatively easy to implement strategies.

1. The 7 year before you die gift rule.

2. Put the assets into a Trust so that gains are taxed as crystallised instead of at the point of ones death.

3. SIPPs are NOT subject to inheritance tax, so when one semi-retires you want to leave your SIPP as the last pot of money to access i.e. spend your ISA's first.

The Greatest Wealth Transfer IN History

The next 20 years is going to result in a huge difference between the haves and the have not's when the greatest wealth transfer in history takes place that in today's money totals as much as $100 trillion!

Wealth transfer from the Boomers to the Millennials!

Economic consequences will result in an increase in consumption, an economic boom for many as those without rich boomer parents look on in envy!

The only question mark for Boomers is how much of their wealth do they want to pass on given that Boomers are the luckiest generation in human history, everything worked in their favour towards maximising wealth, however death comes knocking on everyone's door, so the party even for Boomers has to end.

The post boomer boom will mean there is plenty of scope for stocks and housing to continue trending higher, the roaring 2020's could continue well into the the 2030's. Of course there will be bear markets / corrections such as swift drops like March 2020 or a 9 month bear run such as 2022 which is good for the smart money to accumulate into.

UK House Prices
For the MSM brigade higher for longer UK Interest rates translates into a house prices CRASH as has been the narrative for the past 2 years. Yes higher interest rates are acting as a DRAG on UK house prices, a temporary DRAG that has held UK house prices back from doing what comes naturally which is to RISE as a function of INFLATION and a RISING POPULATION and chronic under construction of new homes.

UK house prices are being kept back is akin to building pressure that can only result in one outcome which is for a spike higher as the government will continue to print money in attempts to buy the electorate which will find it's way into asset prices as the final destination of all money printing, asset price inflation just as has taken place with consumer price inflation.

The government cannot avoid but to keep printing money as a function of the demands from the electorate for FREE MONEY AND to service the exponential debt mountain, the more debt the government has the more the government tends to borrow to service that debt! Which results in the same outcome that the government needs to depress long-term borrowing rates to reduce the debt burden which is a lot harder for countries such as the UK to do then for the US that controls the worlds financial system.

Therefore by hook or by crook UK long-term market interest rates are heading lower so as to prevent a runaway debt interest spiral through a myriad of mechanisms such as monetizing Government debt (QE) which should eventually act to drag the base interest rate lower. Thus the drag on UK House prices will diminish during the remainder of 2024 and into 2025.

So instead of a house prices crash what we are going to see is that UK house prices soon trend to set a new all time high.

And don't expect the next Liebour government to come in and save you! Even IF Liebour for the first time this century kept to it's promise of building 200k+ homes per year.

a. 200k is still not going to be enough to satisfy ever increasing demand despite Britain being poop for most of the slave workers, it's still a lot better to live in than most other countries, hence no matter what the British government does to try and limit immigration, the determined Jack Whittingtons of the world will find a way to getting to the promised land called London, even though personally I would NOT live in London even if rent free!

b. Anyone of intelligence understands new builds suck, so a massive increase in supply of new build homes over say the next 5 years won't result in the a fall in average house prices because existing stock will just carry a higher premium over new builds that are deemed to have been mis priced at the point of sale and be higher risk and prone to things going wrong not just with the house but with the streets and footpaths that have not stood the test of time. That and having to contend with this new thing imported from the US called HOA's and their service charges on houses as opposed to service charges on leasehold Flats which is another nightmare to avoid! There are not supposed to be service charges on Houses! This is alien to the UK housing market, an imported scam on new build homes from the US.

This is what it's like to own a shared ownership HOA property in the UK where this poor soul woke up on 1st April to a monthly hike from £333 to £714 per month, mostly due to the near X5 hike in the service charge.

In fact I imagine it's going to take most folk many years to break even on a new build that won't rise in value inline with average house prices, and given the risk service charges pose the properties could even become un sellable! One cannot take the risk of buying houses that carry any service charge due to the risk of the charges spiraling out of control.

Favouring old stock over new builds is the exact polar opposite to many housing markets, especially Japan where existing stock is deemed to be far inferior to new builds and in fact in many towns is un sellable so tends to be left abandoned awaiting demolition and rebuilds.

c. Council tax bands favour existing stock over new builds. Britains antiquated housing tax system fixed on estimates of what properties were worth on 1st April 1991 acts to place new builds into a higher tax band then similar older stock in the same area, and the difference can mount up over the years as count il tax tends to increase by 5% per annum, a band H property currently carries a not insignificant council tax bill of £4,500! vs a Band F at £3,300. Whilst mine is inline with neighbours (F), though one poor soul for some reason is rated G despite being a 4 bed whilst ours being a 6 bed! I am pretty sure they could make a case to be moved to a lower tax band in line with all of the neighbouring properties.

The bottom line is that average UK house prices will continue to trend higher regardless of what the government or UK economies does, just as long it's not a flat or new builds.

Bitcoin Preparing for Next Leg Higher

BTC continues to consolidate off if it's March 73,500 high, putting in a new swing low at $56.6k where the drop below $59k convinced most that next stop was $52k, which is why I often say forget about the hunting the bottom, instead scale in, so I added some more BTC at $60k, $59k, $58k, and at $57k, and similar one MSTR's slide to $1000, though held off on nay big buys until I see sub $900.

All BTC is doing is consolidating the bull run to $73.5k in preparations for the next leg higher where my base case is to target $135k.

Bitcoin Trend forecast - Last Chance to Get on Board the Bitcoin Crypto Gravy Train - Choo Choo!

So here's my Bitcoin gift (trend forecast) that on the current price of $27k, Bitcoin will at least near X4 to $98k and likely a lot more than that, given that there will soon be a flood of Bitcoin ETF's hovering up limited supply of the NSA's, I mean Satoshi Nakamoto's crypto baby.

BTC Where Next?

A lower low and a lower high implies Bitcoin is targeting a retest of $57k.

The bigger picture is that when this correction terminates it will target a trend to $88k, so whilst $88k remains the most probable next stop form the BTC bull, however given that the correction continues to extend in TIME and has made a new LOWER LOW then I would not be surprised if the next leg higher continues all the way to above $100k! As that would be the more unexpected move for BTC from here as looking at the chart many will be convinced the next leg higher will be similar to the move from $50k to $74k, and thus target $88k. Instead I think the next swing higher will be straight to just above $100k which will drive people nuts as it will convince many to FOMO in on expectations of BTC going to keep going to $15k and beyond, just as it will be putting in an interim top

The bottom line is where ever BTC finally bottoms the current swing is a correction that will resolve in the next leg higher to at least $88k and likely to above $100k.

Meanwhile Michael Saylor is engaged in Financial Voodoo. as what usually happens when a company prints more shares i.e. dilutes existing shareholders is for the stock price to FALL, which we got a taste of on Tuesday and likely targets a trend to under $1000 should the crypto correction continue.

Bull Market Tops

Here's a reminder of my study into market dynamics that shows when markets put their tops in during 2021 as a rough guide of what to expect for the current bull market, so when bitcoin tops stock investors will get 6-12 months advance warning to start reducing their positions for a potential drop in stocks.

Next article will be focused on the US Housing Market in about a weeks time, contents include -

GLOBAL WARMING Housing Market Consequences Right Now
Money Supply
HOA Nightmare
Florida Hurricanes
Rentals Crisis
Who is Buying All the Houses?
US House prices
Commercial Property Capitulation
US Housing Market Stocks
Coronal Mass Ejection Building Geomagnetic Events

Your buying the dips and trimming the rips analyst.

This extensive analysis AI Will Turn Everyone Into Gamblers! The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History is Coming... was first made available to patrons who support my work. So for immediate first access to ALL of my analysis and trend forecasts then do consider becoming a Patron by supporting my work for just $7 per month, lock it in now at $7 before next rises to $10 per month for new sign-ups.

And gain access to my most recent analysis -

5th August 2024 - Panic in the Air As Stock Market Correction Delivers Deep Opps in AI Tech Stocks.

30th July 2024 - Dubai Deluge - AI Tech Stocks Q2 Earnings Correction Opportunities

Also access to my comprehensive 3 part How to Get Rich series -

Change the Way You THINK! How to Really Get RICH Guide

Learn to Use the FORCE! How to Really Get Rich Part 2 of 3

The Investing Assets Spectrum - How to Really Get RICH

Here's what you get access to for just $7 per month -

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Your AI tech stocks buying the dips analyst.

By Nadeem Walayat

Copyright © 2005-2024 (Market Oracle Ltd). All rights reserved.

Nadeem Walayat has over 35 years experience of trading derivatives, portfolio management and analysing the financial markets, including one of few who both anticipated and Beat the 1987 Crash. Nadeem's forward looking analysis focuses on UK inflation, economy, interest rates and housing market. He is the author of five ebook's in the The Inflation Mega-Trend and Stocks Stealth Bull Market series that can be downloaded for Free.

Housing Markets Forecast 2014-2018The Stocks Stealth Bull Market 2013 and Beyond EbookThe Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update 2011 EbookThe Interest Rate Mega-Trend EbookThe Inflation Mega-trend Ebook

Nadeem is the Editor of The Market Oracle, a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication that presents in-depth analysis from over 1000 experienced analysts on a range of views of the probable direction of the financial markets, thus enabling our readers to arrive at an informed opinion on future market direction.

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any trading losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors before engaging in any trading activities.

Nadeem Walayat Archive

© 2005-2022 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.

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