Category: NHS
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, February 04, 2023
NHS GP's Forcing Patients to go Private - UK Healthcare Crisis 2023 - Delisting, Deducted / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Virtually every patient knows how difficult is is to get an appointment with their GP as patients as they tend to get kit by the brick wall that are the reception staff whose primary function is to STOP patients from getting an appointment unless they try several times. However not everyone is going to phone day after day requesting to be seen by their GP with many, especially men giving up. And so guess what happens next? The patient gets a letter from the same said reception staff informing them that they are being deleted, no deducted from the practice list because the patient has not seen their GP for the last few years. Seriously you cannot make this shit up! Prevented from seeing one's GP, where to be frank the 60 second consultations did not amount to much anyway, and then the patient giving up is informed they are being 'deducted' from the practice list because they have not seen their GP over the past couple of years. The NHS is a FAKE health service, where patients have no choice but to either go private or rely on Google for diagnoses and self treatment.
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Thursday, June 02, 2022
How the NHS Is Forcing Patients to Go Private Due to Consultants with Conflict of Interest / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Like most religions there is myth and there is reality and so it is with Britain's NHS religion, at the heart of which lies the contracted in consultant's structure who tend to have half a leg in the NHS and half a leg in the private sector resulting in a conflict of interest that acts to funnel patients into the private sector as this example of what to expect at an NHS hospital when one presents themselves for competent treatment that tends to be wholly lacking at expect at the Northern General Hospitals' Orthopedics Fractures and Ankles clinic where even minor operations such as a suspected ruptured Achilles tendon tend to be met with the procedure for kicking the can down the road where consultants tend to IGNORE the patient whilst conversing with the GP practice by letter.
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Thursday, May 19, 2022
Northern General Hospital Orthopedics Fractures and and Ankle Clinic Consultations Real Patient Experience / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Here's what to at expect at the Northern General Hospitals' Orthopedics Fractures and Ankles clinic which is where I ended up with an appointment following an injury to my foot, a suspected ruptured Achilles tendon, in advance of which I had an ultrasound also at the Northern General where no info was forthcoming not even of it the scan showed anything good or bad, still that must be upto the consultant to explain what's what and what to do next to get back to recovery.
The entrance to the clinic is next to A&E, a quick book in using the reception touch screen and then after a 40 minute wait my name was called to enter a small cubical that had a computer screen that apparently had an image of what could be my foot so and began the consultation which lasted.....
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Friday, February 19, 2021
Real Reason Why Black and Asian BAME are NOT Getting Vaccinated - NHS Covid-19 Vaccinations / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The mainstream press has gone off on a tangent where the story being peddled by the likes of the BBC to explain the lack of uptake of vaccinations amongst Britain's Black and Asian communities being put down to ignorance, gullible brown people who are easily susceptible to fake news stories, whatsapp and twitter messages.
You want to know the real reason why black and asian ethnic minorities are reluctant to get vaccinated?
It's the same reason why if your Black or Asian you very quickly learn to be cautious of the Police, even if you are a victim of a crime, not to be trusted.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Real Reason Why Black and Asian Ethnic minorities are NOT Getting Vaccinated - NHS Covid-19 Vaccinations / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The mainstream press has gone off on a tangent where the story being peddled by the likes of the BBC to explain the lack of uptake of vaccinations amongst Britain's Black and Asian communities being put down to ignorance, gullible brown people who are easily susceptible to fake news stories, whatsapp and twitter messages.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2020
Covid-19 Exposes NHS Institutional Racism Against Black and Asian Staff and Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Why are black and asians more than twice as likely to die from covid-19 than white patients?
Answer the NHS like much of British society is institutionally racist. This IS the routine experience of staff and patients.
Therefore blacks and asians are warned to avoid NHS Hospitals due to institutional racism, where white staff are more likely to call the police on patients than to treat them as this report by Channel 4 news illustrates where staff call the police to drag an asian father away from his dying 6 year old daughters death bed.
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Friday, May 29, 2020
Last Clap for NHS and Carers, Sheffield UK / Local / NHS
By: Eliza_Walayat
Eliza joins the rest of Britain at 8'oclock for what could be the last clap for the NHS heroes, clap for carers from Sheffield as the sound of clapping, banging of pots and pans, whistles and fireworks echoes across the UK.
Even so the fact we have to do so is a sign of gross government negligence in the handing of the pandemic. None of which should have happened as Taiwan and South Korea illustrate with a fraction of the 64,000 excess deaths to date (ONS)..
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Thursday, April 23, 2020
Clapping for the NHS Heroes, Clap for Carers From Sheffield Across the UK Sound / Politics / NHS
By: Eliza_Walayat
Eliza joins the rest of Britain at 8'oclock to clap for the NHS heroes, clap for carers from Sheffield as the sound of clapping, banging of pots and pans, whistles and fireworks echo across the UK every Thursday night.
Even so the fact we have to do so is a sign of gross government negligence in the handing of the pandemic. None of which should have happened as Taiwan and South Korea illustrate.
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Monday, February 06, 2017
Health Tourism Cripples NHS, Nationwide Winter Crisis Paralysis / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The mainstream press has been reporting on the unfolding NHS crisis over the winter months, one of a building paralysis in the NHS that in large part has its roots in EU out of control immigration and wide spread health tourism abuse that in large part is of african origin. Where people who are ill come to the UK for FREE treatment on the NHS and thus clog up thousands of much needed beds for months at a time, health tourism impacts the NHS across the whole spectrum of services from maternity wards upwards across all age groups costing billions and crippling NHS services.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Sheffield Children's Hospital Accident And Emergency Walk-in Not Fit for Purpose / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The across the board relentless deterioration in the quality of NHS healthcare is not just limited to adult services but as illustrated by the Sheffield Children's Hospital Accident and Emergency Walk-in facilities is literally an across the board manifestation of healthcare paralysis for reasons that go beyond the usual tendency for the public sector to be inefficient.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
NHS Baldrick Plan to Spread Ebola Across UK - Sheffield, Newcastle, Liverpool, London Hospitals / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Baldricks that manage the NHS have formulated a cunning plan to defeat the Ebola virus by effectively bussing infected patients to literally every corner of Britain, Added to the Royal Free Hospital in London will be Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, Royal Liverpool hospital and Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne as the first of eventually upto 160 UK wide hospitals that Ebola patients will be disbursed across.
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
UK NHS Ebola Catastrophe, Out of Control Outbreak Within Weeks / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The case of the Spanish nurse contracting Ebola from a Spanish patient flown into Spain from West Africa and going onto infect others as patient zero for the outbreak with more than 50 being monitored, illustrates the myth of competency that surrounds the western public sector health services in that at least for 1/3rd of the time the public health services only tend to go through the motions of providing a health service which whilst most of the time the consequences for lack of consistency in competency is only to the detriment of the patient, however Ebola is completely unforgiving where any lack of competency can result in a disastrous outcome as Spain is realising today that there is a huge gap between what it's health service states it can do and what it actually delivers.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
NHS Catastrophe, A National Health Service that Kills it's Patients / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The fleeting glare of the mainstream press is once more focused on the latest report that gives a window into the reality of just how bad Britain's NHS is in terms of the poor quality of health service it provides to the people of Britain, which as a matter of routine results in thousands of unnecessary deaths each year.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
NHS GP's Ignoring Cancer Symptoms, Putting Profit Before Patients / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The National Cancer Intelligence Network reports that 1/4 of patients are only eventually being diagnosed when seriously ill in casualty which can have a disastrous impact on their survival chances.
Sara Hiom, of Cancer Research UK and one of the authors of the study states: "Our findings showing the sheer numbers of cancer patients first seen as an emergency are startling.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
NHS GP Standards in Free Fall, Complaints Soar by 23%, GMC Sticks Head in Sand / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
To be blunt, NHS GP's are increasingly NOT doing their jobs, ignoring patient symptoms, fail to refer even misleading patients that a referral has been made, forcing patients to pay for routine referrals with the icing on the cake of obnoxious reception staff who see their jobs as doing their up most at hindering patients in pursuit of competent healthcare. This is the message from the latest GMC report that concludes that patient complaints have soared by 23% during 2011, that is resulting in patients increasingly being forced to pay to see competent private GP's therefore in effect patients are being forced to pay twice for healthcare, once through high extortionate taxes to fund the life-styles of increasingly part-time NHS GP's (3day surgery consultation weeks) and then again for actual diagnoses and referral.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
NHS Hospitals Collapse, Doctors Playing Pass the Parcel With Patients Due to Alleged £300 Billion Fraud / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The Royal College of Physicians reports that NHS Hospitals are in a state of collapse and patients are suffering as doctors play pass the parcel with patients between wards due to lack of operational beds despite a record amount of over £130 billion extorted from tax payers annually to fund the NHS black hole.
The RCP blames the crisis on a drop in the number of beds whilst demand has risen, this despite the fact that the NHS budget has more than tripled over the past 15 years as my earlier analysis illustrated .
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Wednesday, September 05, 2012
NHS Baldrick Cunning Plan to Export Best Doctors Abroad to Treat Foreign Patients / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The latest cunning plan out of the NHS high command / coalition government is for Britains best and brightest doctors and consultants to set-up 'NHS' hospitals abroad at huge tax payer expense to treat foreign patients under the illusion that this will generate profits that will be reinvested into the UK NHS.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
NHS GP's Engaging in Smoke and Mirrors Battle Over Control of £80 Billion Health Budget / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Mainstream press commentary gives the impression that there is a battle taking place between GP's who are either for or against the Coalition Government reforms for the transference of annual NHS commissioning budget of at least £80 billion into the hands of GP led consortia's across the country.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
NHS GP's Pump Out Propaganda for £80 Billion Blank Cheque Flawed Government Health Service Reforms / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
CCG NHS GP's pushing for the UK Government to go ahead with NHS reforms that would effectively transfer an annual NHS commissioning budget of at least £80 billion into the hands of GP led consortia's across the country, have gone on the offensive in the mainstream press as illustrated by across the media sphere articles of the NHS being in peril if government health reforms fail to go ahead.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Sheffield Broad lane NHS GP City Surgery Health Walk in Centre Real Patient Experience / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
One Medicare (owned by One Medical) with much fanfare and glossy leaflet drops opened Sheffield's GP Polyclinic or Super Surgery in April 2009 that offered 7 days per week access from 8am to 8pm, situated near the centre of Sheffield, located on the corner of Rockingham Street and Broad Lane. The centre allows any person to walk in off the street and see a GP or nurse without a prior appointment (allow approx 2hr waiting time) and those choosing to register with the surgery receive full NHS services, thus offering the potential for those stuck in Sheffield's worst ranking GP Surgeries to register with a better ranking and resourced GP surgery.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
NHS GP's, Centralised Healthcare and The Pretense of Medical Knowledge / Politics / NHS
Andrew Foy writes: Like his mentor Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek spent his academic career trying to expose the central planner's pretense of economic knowledge. In doing so, Hayek referred to "the knowledge problem." In explaining it, he writes,
Read full article... Read full article...The peculiar character of the problem of a rational economic order is determined precisely by the fact that the knowledge of the circumstances of which we must use never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess.…
Thursday, March 03, 2011
NHS GP Doctors Putting Profit Before Patient Care, Channel 4 News Investigation / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
"Your doctor making a profit out of your health care, your GP Sending you to a clinic that he or she owns shares in, we are seeing the biggest shake up of the NHS in its history, Channel 4 news can reveal tonight that there is nothing on the legislation currently before parliament to prevent the outcome no one wants, doctors putting profit before the care of patients, in our special report tonight we show how the new arrangements will create fundamental conflicts of interest potentially harming the trust at the very heart of the doctor patient relationship". Channel 4 News
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Britain's Swine Flu Epidemic Feeds on Coalition Government Spending Cuts / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The long dreaded swine flu epidemic is starting to sweep across Britain resulting in NHS critical care hospital beds filling up and some 40 deaths to date of which 36 are as a consequence of H1N1 Swine Flu. The coalition government had cut Labours Swine flu prevention advertising campaign as well as other measures that were directly aimed at preventing a swine flu epidemic.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
NHS Hospitals Productivity Falls For a Decade by 1.4% Per Year Despite 70% Budget Increase / Politics / NHS
By: Submissions
NAO writes: Hospital productivity has fallen over the last ten years, according to the National Audit Office. Over the period since the ‘NHS Plan’ in 2000 there have been significant increases in hospital funding, to deliver improvements in the patient care, and designed in part to increase productivity. Hospitals have used their increased resources to deliver against national priorities, but they need to provide more leadership, management and clinical engagement to optimise the use of additional resources and deliver value for money.
Friday, December 24, 2010
UK Worst Cancer Survival Rates Due to NHS GP's Ignoring Symptoms and Delaying Diagnoses / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
An international study of 2.4 million people published in the Lancet has revealed that Britain lags far behind most other western countries in terms of cancer survival rates for Breast, Bowel Ovarian and lung cancers with the blame being firmly placed on delayed / late diagnoses by NHS GP's.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Coalition Government NHS Reforms Disaster, Failure to Get GP Consortia's to Compete for Patients / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Coalition Governments NHS reforms to scrap ALL NHS Primary Care Trusts and replaced by competing GP Consortia's to directly manage the £85 billion budget for patient treatment commissioning, looks set to be heading for a complete disaster on the scale of the last Labour governments GP Contracts disaster, as GP Consortia's are being formed across the land on the basis of avoiding competition with one another.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sheffield NHS GP Consortia's Are Anti-Competitive and Should be Scrapped / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The core at the heart of Coalition Government's NHS reforms is to scrap ALL NHS Primary Care Trusts (PCT's) to be replaced by competing GP Consortia's to directly manage patient treatment commissioning (the process could take 2-3 years to implement).
Thursday, November 04, 2010
NHS GP's Ignore Men's Health Resulting in 100,000 Premature Deaths Per Year / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The Men's Health Forum, a charity aimed at targeting the inequalities in NHS delivery that results in 1/5th of men dieing before they reach the age of 65 as against 13% of women, has launched a campaign called "Lives to Short" to highlight the discrimination in the delivery of UK health services that effectively puts off men from seeking help due to their natural tendency towards reluctance to make a fuss.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Coalition Government Huge NHS No Spending Cuts Blunder Continues to Bankrupt Britain / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The coalition government announcement of spending cuts was crippled from the outset as a consequence of ring fencing the biggest spending departments whilst the mainstream media obsessed over 30% cuts to far smaller departments, the consequences of which are that total UK government spending will NOT fall for ANY year.
Friday, October 01, 2010
BMA, NHS GP Doctors Do Not Want Competition, Value for Money or Patient Choice / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The British Medical Association (BMA) representing NHS GP Doctors has belatedly gone on the offensive against the coalition government's plans for reforming the NHS by introducing a market for competing GP consortiums to manage most of the NHS £100 billion budget. NHS GP's do not want competition because it would mean a more commercial health service where patients are able to freely move to the better run GP surgeries which risks putting failing GP surgeries out of business and fellow GP's out of work.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Free National Health Services, Time is Price / Politics / NHS
Predrag Rajsic writes: Canadian emergency rooms are infamous for their long wait times.[1] A recent study has shown that in most of them the average wait time exceeds 6 hours and sometimes reaches up to 23 hours. While some call for action in reducing these extremely high figures by increasing the supply of healthcare services, others try to present the situation as, in principle, an unavoidable fact of life.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Government Strategy Towards NHS Privatisation Via GP Doctors New Spending Powers / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
NHS GP's are salivating at the prospects of getting their hands on a £70 billion annual pot of gold. The governments announced intentions are for the GP's to be able to manage most of the NHS existing budget to buy patient care from the NHS hospitals and clinics.
Friday, July 09, 2010
ConLib Government to Give NHS GP's £80 Billion Blank Cheque / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The ConLib government appears hell bent on repeating Labours 2003 GP Contracts mistake by effectively giving GP's a blank cheque that is expected to result in huge pay rises as GP's take money meant for improving patient healthcare to reward themselves for working less hours.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Sheffield NHS Choose Your GP Consultation as Health Life Expectancy Gap Widens / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The 13 year Labour government has come and gone and still PCT's such as the Sheffield NHS are sat twiddling their thumbs with yet another patient consultation rather than acting to allow patients to be able to choose to register with any GP, as patients remain locked into their local GP surgeries regardless of the huge disparity in actual health care provision as experienced by patients and as demonstrated by the UK GP Patient survey ( table below).
Monday, June 21, 2010
UK Government Scraps NHS GP and Hospital Waiting Time Targets / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The New UK ConDem government has scrapped Old Labours efforts to hold GP's and the NHS Hospitals to account by means of feeble waiting time targets such as of being able to see ones GP within 48 hours, or be assessed at your local hospital within 4 hours. I say feeble because GP's have long since developed tricks, simple mechanisms to avoid falling fowl of Labours targets such as not picking up the phone on patients calling to make appointments, or telling patients to come in on a later date to make an appointment.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust Hospital Tip of NHS Hospitals of Death Iceberg / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A lengthy report into the REAL performance of one of Britians top ranked hospitals placed The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust as a killing field for patients that walk through its doors, this is set against NHS phony statistics on hospitals and GP surgeries that relentlessly paints a picture of everything is great, against the facts of actual patient experience as reported by the Telegraph -
Sunday, January 03, 2010
British Politicians Lying to the Electorate, NHS Budget 4% Cut (Minimum) / ElectionOracle / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst both political parties profess to not only not cut the NHS budget but to increase spending over the coming years. The fact is that the NHS budget under the Labour government has grown to a level that risks bankrupting the country. In nominal terms the budget has increased from £37 billion in 1997 to approx £120 billion for 2009, a more than tripling of the budget.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
U.S. Citizens Healthcare Reform Lucky Escape from Making Britain's NHS Mistake / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The proposed healthcare bill appears to ensure that Americans have managed to retain their free market based health care system that will now be subsidised by the Federal Government. Whilst a far from perfect system of health care, however what has been prevented is the U.S. making the same mistake of creating their own version of the NHS, where 70p of every extra £1 spent on it disappears down the NHS spending black hole that now seriously risks bankrupting Britain.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
NHS GP Patient Survey Targets 5.7 Million Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Nearly 6 million UK GP patients are being given the chance during 2009 to rate their GP services in terms of quality of access and service by the Department of Health funded GP Patient Survey conducted by Ipsos MORI.
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Monday, September 21, 2009
Labour Government to Give NHS Patients Real GP Doctor Choice / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The Labour government despite tripling the NHS budget / GP Pay over the past 10 years has resulted in a continuous fall in productivity over the past 6 years or so, has finally announced a proposal to implement a policy that I have long concluded as one of the two key critical reforms necessary to drag the NHS into the 21st century with a view to putting the patient first for the first time since its creation.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Conservative Government to Privatise the NHS and Save the Economy from Bankruptcy / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The heated healthcare debate across the atlantic last week that targeted the NHS as a bureaucratic nightmare when it comes to actual delivery of prompt and efficient healthcare has started to reveal cracks in the Tory party public position on the NHS as Tory MEP's and MP's are rebuked by David Cameron for breaking with Tory front bench policy of continuing expansion of funding for the NHS regardless of the state of the country's finances so as to maximise votes amongst the 1-2 million voters that are either directly or indirectly employed by the NHS.
Friday, August 14, 2009
America Attacked During Obama Health Care Debate by British NHS Army / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The onslaught of Brit's running to the defence of the NHS against US attacks during the Obama healthcare reform debate must leave american's wondering what the hells going on, perhaps the NHS is far better than they were led to believe?. However what is missing from the equation is the fact that over 1 million people in Britain ride the NHS gravy train and hence have a vested interest in the continuance of this sacred cow funding black hole that continues to exert a sizeable political force that political parties have little choice but to pander towards to ensure electoral success.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
NHS GP's Betray Patients / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Over the past 9 months many if not most GP surgeries have made it increasingly difficult for patients to make appointments to see their GP's. Patients seeking GP appointments since September 2008 have invariably been met with the response by GP surgery reception staff to go home and someone will call you. On going home invariably the phone call results with the patient being told to go to their local hospitals walk in centre if the symptoms deteriorate.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
NHS Hospitals Torturing Patients to Death / Local / NHS
By: N_Walayat
NHS trust hospitals are providing British NHS patients with third world patient health care whilst at the same time tax payers have tripled the NHS annual budget under the Labour government. This lack of competent health care has been brought home in a report by the Healthcare Commissions as reported by The Times.Read full article... Read full article...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
NHS Gives Death Sentence to Kidney Cancer Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Patients that have spent there whole lives working and contributing towards NHS budgets so that others can benefit from free healthcare are now being hit in their late life illness with a not so NICE death sentence as the NHS focuses resources towards those with self inflicted illness such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs abuse.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
GP Annual Reviews to Weed Out Incompetent Doctors / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat

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Saturday, July 05, 2008
NHS 60 Today! Reform or Die? / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The NHS celebrates its 60th birthday today. The government has been marking the landmark event through a string of announcements of initiatives aimed at bringing the ageing and bureaucratic institution into the 21st century.
Following New Labour's 1997 victory the cry went out for more spending on the NHS in real-terms. i.e. above the rate of inflation as the NHS had been under funded for the duration of the preceding Conservative government. Labour more than fulfilled this election pledge by delivering a whopping £300 billion (est.) of extra real terms spending, as an example of the magnitude of the increase, £300 billion is more than the amount the government has earned from North Sea Oil and Gas since 1997 and has resulted in the NHS expansion from approx 4.8% of the UK's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 8% of GDP and is destined to continue to grow under New Labour towards a target of 11% of GDP by 2020.
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Super Surgeries: GP's Accused of Lying to Patients! / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
In an attempt to halt the governments programme for the implementation of Polyclinics or ‘Super Surgeries', the political arm of GP's the British Medical Association (BMA) delivered a petition of more than 1 million signatures to Downing Street against the implementation of 150 ‘Super Surgeries' and for existing GP Surgeries to be protected.
The Health Minister, Ben Bradshaw lashed out at the scare tactics accusing the BMA of "misleading and mendacious" behaviour in getting patients to sign up to the petition.
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
Government Aims to Axe 2000 Incompetent NHS GP Surgeries / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
In an attempt to provide competent GP healthcare services, the government is planning to proceed with the first phase of the creation of 150 super surgeries across Britain.
Currently the NHS and GP Surgeries discriminate against men and those living within deprived wards, which comprises more than 60% of the UK population. Therefore barely 40% of the UK population is receiving competent GP surgery services and NHS hospital healthcare. This despite a tripling in the NHS budget which is increasingly seen by the voters as money wasted.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
NHS Hospitals Disgrace- Ten Times the Super Bug Death Rate than Any Other Country / Politics / NHS
Panorama: How Safe Is Your Hospital? BBC One 's Panorama reveals that there are 10 times more deaths across the UK from the superbug clostridium difficile among over 65-year-olds than in any other country in the world.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Incompetent GP's Warned to Stop Ignoring Cancer Symptoms / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The Governments top cancer expert warned that GP's are failing to diagnose cancer symptoms in an interview with the Observer.
"Patients are dying of cancer because GP's are failing to identify their symptoms, the government's top cancer expert has warned. Professor Mike Richards said botched diagnoses were now 'a significant concern'. 'Ultimately it can mean that the cancer has progressed to a stage where it can't be cured,' he said. Failed diagnoses also meant that, when cancers were eventually spotted, particularly aggressive treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery, had to be used. 'That could be a mastectomy rather than perhaps a breast conserving operation,'
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Tuesday, January 01, 2008
NHS Patients Told to Treat Themselves - Gordon Browns New Idea for 2008 / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Gordon Browns big new idea for the NHS for 2008 is for patients to apparently diagnose and treat themselves. This is being packaged up in the form of a constitution for the NHS but the aim is that after having failed to meet the nations health needs despite a tripling in the annual NHS budget. The goal now is to reduce patients reliance on the NHS with patients having to increasingly pay for treatment privately.
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Third of GP's Incompetent at Referring Breast Cancer Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat

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Sunday, December 23, 2007
NHS Loses Confidential Records on Hundreds of Thousands of Patients / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
The NHS delivered fraudsters a potentially early Christmas present by nine NHS trusts losing the computerised records of hundreds of thousands of patients across England, as data disks went missing.
Its a case of here we go again..
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
NHS - Staggering Scale of Money Wasted / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Can Gerry Robinson Fix the NHS?
Gerry Robinson the management guru returns to see if his management reforms implemented a a year ago at a large district hospital in the North of England have taken root and managed to fix the NHS.
Patients continue to lose confidence in the wake of lack of competency in the NHS ability to manage resources resulting in little more than 30p of output for every extra £1 spent on the NHS.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
UK NHS Hospitals Turning into Killing Fields Due to Super Bug and Patient Neglect / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Despite spin by Doctors and NHS Management, a shocking report by the Healthcare Commission reveals that hundreds of patients continue to die unnecessary deaths in further super bug outbreaks.Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
VOTE NOW - Rate Your NHS GP Doctor Surgery Service / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Every other week, results of independent studies reveal that Britain's NHS right from the GP surgeries straight to hospital wards delivers extremely poor value for money.Read full article... Read full article...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
GP's to Blame for Britain's Worse Cancer Record than Eastern Block Countries / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
An in depth study by Euro care into cancer treatment across Europe reveals that despite Britain spending a record amount on cancer treatment, it fails abysmally coming in below many former eastern block countries that spend as little as one third that of the UK on cancer treatment.Read full article... Read full article...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
UK Health Warning - Environmental Flu Can Kill! / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
How ?
Your NHS surgery is manned by smooth talking incompetent GP's who do not know the difference between flu symptoms and something far worse that can literally kill within weeks.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Britain's NHS - Free for ALL but Worthless for Many! / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The NHS Hospitals and GP surgeries routinely discriminate against patients, the degree of discrimination varies but the end result is if you are a vocal white middle class non smoker then you will generally receive the best the NHS has to offer. On the other hand, if you are non-white, poor, disabled, obese, or a smoker then you will be discriminated against. So the politicians cry of free healthcare only applies to some and not to many !Read full article... Read full article...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
When Doctors strike, Less People Die! / Politics / NHS
By: TheDailyReckoning
Rob Mackrill writes : When doctors in Israel took industrial action and went on strike back in 2000, it highlighted a strange phenomenon – when doctors go on strike, the death rate plummets.In this particular instance, the death rate fell by nearly 40% over the strike period. But it's by no means an isolated example.
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
NHS - GP's ignore patient symptoms as 66% of GP complaints due to failures by GP's in making accurate or timely diagnoses / Politics / NHS
By: N_Walayat
Watchdog urges NHS to learn from "raw feelings of patients" in report on 16,000 complaints.
Commission to inspect local complaints handling in first national audit
The Healthcare Commission is urging NHS trusts to do more to learn from patients' complaints and to handle the issues raised “quickly, efficiently and locally”.
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Monday, March 19, 2007
UK Supermarkets to Open GP Surgeries in Stores - Start of a Trend / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
UK Health Minister, Patricia Hewitt is expected to announce later today that GP surgeries are expected to open in supermarkets and high street stores, due to many areas of the UK experiencing unreliable GP services and access.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Doctors Protest, whilst patients suffer due to NHS Out of Hours Fiasco / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Junior doctors protest in Glasgow over the recently introduced recruitment tests for specialist training posts. Effectively making the tests harder than in years gone post so one would assume that only the more capable would be selected for the posts.
Because of this junior doctors are protesting in an attempt at trying to trivialise the tests due to the extra depth covered during the testing process.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Britain's NHS - One of the the worst health services in Western Europe - How it can be fixed / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A tripling in annual NHS budget to £110 billions, and Britain is still inflicted with the worst health care in Western Europe. Even the BMA admits that 2006 was a bad year for the NHS, and with budgets increasingly being allocated from patient heath care to pay NHS employee pay rises, 2007 looks set to be an even worse year.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Save our NHS from Privitisation ..... Why ? / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
In a week when statistics of deaths from NHS hospital infections continued to soar from a number of 'Super Bugs'. They may be super bugs in the UK, but do not even appear on the radar in many other countries.
Deaths in UK NHS hospitals from so called super bugs such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile continue to soar by nearly 70%, totaling over 5,400 deaths in 1 year. The NHS is well on the path to becoming one of Britians biggest killers.
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Government admits that the NHS is overpaying GP's as average salaries surge well above £100,000 due to government mismanagement of contracts / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Patricia Hewitt, the Health Secretary, has said that the Government should have capped GP Salaries when the new contracts were introduced in 2004. "I think if we anticipated this business of GP's taking a higher share of income in profits we would have wanted to do something to try to ensure that the ratio of profits to the total income stayed the same and therefore more money was invested in even better services for patients,” she said.Read full article... Read full article...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
NHS GP's enjoy record pay for less hours whilst neglected patients suffer / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
A near tripling in GP salaries since New Labour came to office has led to less time spent in practice by GP's, as they seek to enjoy their windfall payout's on the golf green rather than spend time in surgeries. This means less time committed to patient consultations and thus quality of GP diagnoses is expected to decline significantly.
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
The NHS is killing Britain as it wastes tens of billions every year ! / Politics / NHS
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The UK Labour government came to office in 1997, focused on reinvigorating the National Health Service (NHS), this they did with vigor where the annual NHS budget has grown from £34 billions in 1997 to the present days £96 billion ! A more than 282% increase !!!!
Given the surge in spending, you would expect everything to be happy in the NHS, with ample funds to go around, if so ? You would be badly mistaken. NHS trusts up and down the country are reporting budget over-runs and cut backs in beds available to patents as well as on staffing with demands for billions more money to be spent.
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