Category: Canada
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Saturday, December 17, 2011
The End of Canada as a Sovereign Nation State, the path Towardw the North American Union / Politics / Canada
By: Global_Research
James Corbett writes: When Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and US President Barack Obama announced the much-anticipated border agreement between the two countries at a press conference in Washington last week, those mainstream media outlets that bothered to cover the story at all compensated for the lack of details about what specifically is going to be accomplished by this accord by focusing on issues of no practical significance.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Forcing Investment Advisors to “Identify” Suspected Terrorists / Politics / Canada
By: Rob_Kirby
Are Animal Rights Activists Terrorists?
Something which has created a stir in the alternative media [the derelict mainstream have long ceased reporting the news] in the past couple of days is a report concerning new steps being required of investment advisors in Canada relating to their KYC [Know Your Client] procedures. This was first brought to my attention by Jeff Berwick [The Dollar Vigilante] and I’d advise everyone to read his piece on this here. These new steps involve / require investment advisors to complete a questionnaire – prepared by a national regulatory body called FINTRAC – to help investment advisors “identify” suspected terrorists.
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Monday, August 29, 2011
How Canada Escaped the Global Recession / Economics / Canada
David Lee writes: Four months ago, Canadians emphatically renewed the ruling party's conservative mandate, handing Stephen Harper and the Tories the country's first majority government in over a decade. This victory was underscored by the humiliating decline of the Liberals — the country's "natural governing party" — who were displaced by a radical fringe party in their office of Official Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons. Adding insult to injury, the leader of the Liberals, former Harvard professor Michael Ignatieff, failed to win his own seat and was sent unceremoniously into political retirement.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Canada Surprise GDP Economic Contraction, Largest Drop in Two Years, It's Not Temporary / Economics / Canada
By: Mike_Shedlock
Lost in the US deficit battles and the pathetic US GDP statistics comes yet another surprise: Canada’s Economy Shrank 0.3% in May Posting the Largest Drop in Two Years
Read full article... Read full article...Canada’s gross domestic product fell in May by the most in two years due to temporary disruptions in the mining and oil and gas sector, government data showed.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Canada’s Economy Casts a Long Shadow Over its U.S. Counterpart / Economics / Canada
By: Money_Morning
Jason Simpkins writes: Canada's economy has consistently outperformed that of the United States since the beginning of the financial crisis. And while it's showing signs of slowing down, Canada's pending decline will be far shallower than that of the United States, and its rebound more dynamic.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Canada Leads Developed Nations in Emerging From the Great Recession / Economics / Canada
By: Money_Morning
Don Miller writes: The Bank of Canada (BOC) today (Tuesday) raised its key interest rate, becoming the first Group of Seven (G7) central bank to raise rates since the global recession started in 2007.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Canada's Sub-Prime Mortgage Time Bomb / Housing-Market / Canada
By: Global_Research
Murray Dobbin writes: What do the mid-recession housing boom and the Harper Conservatives’ rise in the polls have in common? Answer: the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s massive sub-prime mortgage scheme that is keeping up the appearance of an economic recovery.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
IMF Praises Canada's Stable Banking and Financial System / Stock-Markets / Canada
By: Pravda
The IMF Country Report for Canada published Friday offers some unique perspectives on the reasons for the stability of Canada’s financial system since the credit crunch began. There have no been no failures of financial institutions, no large scale bailout of banks and the financial system did not undergo severe systemic pressures like it did in the U.S. and UK. Let's review some of the key points from this report.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Canada in Crisis Prime Minister Harpers Coup- Power Grab in Ottawa / Politics / Canada
By: Mike_Whitney
“We are in the worst crisis since 1929 and we have no government. How can this be good?” Stephen Jarislowsky, chairman of Montreal money manager Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd.
On Thursday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspended Canada's parliament to avoid a challenge from opposition parties that were planning to oust him from power. The 3-party coalition--the Liberals, the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois---decided to remove Harper because of his strong opposition to a stimulus package that was designed to minimize the effects of the financial crisis.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Soft Canadian Job Market Masked By Public Sector Hiring Binge / Economics / Canada
By: Mike_Shedlock
One expects to hear ridiculous statements continually in the US, particularly from Bernanke, Paulson, President Bush, and various commentators on CNBC.However, the US does not have a monopoly silly economic commentary by any means. Tom Jeffries at radio station CKNW Vancouver (see the audio links on the right hand side of this blog - a new one is posted every week or so as time permits) sent me a link to an article on the Canadian job market containing comments best described as "That's Loonie".
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