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Category: Agricultural Commodities

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

How Has Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Impacted the Commodity Markets? / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Travis_Bard

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine continues to take an incredible human toll, with the very latest updates from the Office of the United Nations revealing that some 4,509 civilians had been killed in the conflict to date.

However, this geopolitical conflict has also caused significant financial and market disruption, from compounding the rise in global energy prices to significantly disturbing the world’s agricultural space.

But how exactly has this industry been impacted to date, and what does the conflict mean for the global commodity markets as a whole?

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Friday, March 12, 2021

Oat Prices AND the Truth Behind the "White Gold" Rush / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities


Oat futures' recent surge to 7-year highs wasn't caused by the oat milk craze; think "market psychology" instead

Generally speaking, the idea of oats is about as exciting as, well, a bowl of steel cut oatmeal.

But this chart of oat futures shows why this ordinarily ordinary grain has stolen the commodity spotlight. For starters, February 2021 saw oat prices soar to their highest level in 7 years.

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Thursday, June 06, 2019

The Emerging Threat of Ferocious Agflation / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: MoneyMetals

Most Americans take food abundance for granted. Grocery store shelves are always stocked, and America’s agricultural sector always grows more than enough corn, wheat, and soybean crops to keep the food production system humming along smoothly.

That all could change as abruptly as the weather. In fact, historically wet conditions throughout the Midwest have put this year’s spring planting in jeopardy.

As reported by Minnesota Public Radio, “Corn is being planted at the slowest pace ever, while soybean seeding is the slowest since 1996. And with the start of June looming, many farmers are facing a tough choice — do they even try to get crops in the ground at all?”

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Friday, August 31, 2018

How to Invest in The Farming and Agriculture Industries / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Dylan_Moran

Agriculture is always  a solid choice to invest. People always need to eat no matter the current economic outlook. This is why many people consider agricultural investments to be recession proof. The good news is that you don’t actually have to own a farm to invest in them. Here is a look at how to invest in farms, all without having to actually own one.

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Corn Commodity Price Analysis 28th June 2018 / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Austin_Galt

Pattern – a downtrend is in progress and I believe a “three strikes and you’re out” low formation is setting up with price currently tracing out its way to the third and final low.

Bollinger Bands – price is at the lower band and the question is does price trade down alongside this band or does support come in and send price back up? I lean to the latter.

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Soybean Price Hits 9 Year Low Due to Trade War / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: ElliottWave-Forecast

Early this week the price of Soybean futures (ZS_F) plunged to a new low in more than 9 years due to the tit-for-tat trade war between U.S. and China. Soybean Futures started to drop on Friday last week after Trump administration decided to go ahead with 25% tariff on $50 billion worth of goods from China. The list of targeted goods includes technology products which are part of Beijing’s Made in China 2025 initiative.

China quickly retaliated with its own 25% tariff on 545 U.S. goods worth equal value, including agricultural products such as soybeans, corn, and wheat. Soybean futures for July delivery dropped more than 7% to $8.415 a bushel, the lowest since March 2009. The price is now 10% down for the year, and more than 17% down for the quarter.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

The Agriculture Revolution Is Coming / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: John_Mauldin

BY PATRICK WATSON : Humans have needs, but we need some things more than others.

Back in the 1940s, American psychologist Abraham Maslow famously classified human needs into a hierarchy, often shown as a pyramid.

At the foundation are our physiological needs: air, water, food, etc. Only when these needs are met can we reach upward to more and more refined stages of material, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment.

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Monday, January 09, 2017

Agri-Stocks and Agri-Food Prices: Both Strong / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Ned_W_Schmidt

When has food been more valuable than technology? Aside from all of history, that was especially true in 2016. Chart below is our Investment Scoreboard for 2016. In it are portrayed the returns for a variety of important market measures. Gold stocks, Silver, oil, and Agri-Equities clearly owned the year. Agri-Equities, number four in chart, substantially outperformed most of the equity markets. In 2016 food was clearly more valuable than those tired, old, over owned technology and internet stocks as indicated by the NASDAQ 100 being far down in the list.

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Agri-Commodities: Birthing a New Bull Market? / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Ned_W_Schmidt

An investment reality is that neither bear nor bull markets last forever. From high, July 2014, to low, October 2016, the Agri-Food Price Index fell 23%. Since that low, this index of 18 Agri-Commodity prices has risen 19%, and is nearing a new 52-week high. If we accept the popular notion that a 20% rise from a low signals a new bull market, Agri-Commodity prices may be birthing a new bull market. Chart below is for Agri-Food Price Index over the past year.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This Commodity Has Perked Up its Investors' Portfolios / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities


The 90% rally in sugar prices since late 2015 fulfills our long-standing forecast

Imagine that the world's leading commodity markets were cars speeding down a two-lane highway. Who do you think is in the driver's seat controlling which direction prices go?

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

You Didn’t See This Bubble Burst Coming / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Harry_Dent

I keep saying that in the next great crash, everything will get swept up in the onslaught – with virtually no exceptions.

And that goes too for what we eat!

The 30-Year Commodity Cycle peaked in mid-2008 and has been the first major bubble to crash and burn.

The CRB (Commodity) Index has been down as low as 67%, with the potential for 74% or lower in the next few years.

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Friday, September 09, 2016

Sugar Price Set To Correct / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Austin_Galt

The sugar price has experienced a solid move up off the lows putting in a high back in July at $21.10. Since then price looks to be in a process of distribution and I expect a more substantial correction to take place.

Let's take a bottom up approach to the analysis beginning with the daily chart.

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Soybean Commodity Price to Soar Again / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Austin_Galt

The soybean price had a cracker of a run recently and is now consolidating. Once this corrective phase is over I expect price to soar once more to even greater heights.

Let’s review the technicals beginning with the longer term yearly chart.

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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Agri-Commodities Winning in 2016 / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Ned_W_Schmidt

The inevitable just seems to keep coming around. That over time food would become scarcer in our world has been well known for decades. Simply put, global demand for food continues to expand. Inevitable scarcity of food for the world is occasionally hidden by short-term bursts of exceptionally good harvests. But, exceptionally good is not a normal state for world's Agri-Food production.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sugar Commodity Price Set For Correction  / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Austin_Galt

The sugar price has traded exactly as outlined in analysis titled, Sugar Technical Outlook, produced back in September 2015 and has seen price increase by just over 50%.

That analysis outlined the expectation for price to trade up to around the $16.25 level. Price just hit a high of $16.75 before reversing back down impulsively. I believe that completes the intermediate term rally.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Soybeans Commodity Trading Weekly Setup / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Submissions

Sasafuturestrading writes: Remember that there is one open position in the COPPER market.


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Friday, January 29, 2016

Sugar Commodity Trading Sweet Tooth Pay Day! / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Chris_Vermeulen

On Wednesday Jan 27th I wrote an article that gave you a picture perfect trade setup. The trade is on sugar or the SGG sugar ETF. As of this writing sugar is now over 10% in our favor from the original entry and trading at short term support.

This is a critical level to lock in partial profits and move your stop in the money for the balance of the trade to be safe. I just want to keep following up with this trade as many followers are in this trade with me.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sugar Commodity Sweet Holiday Trade Is In Play & In The Money! / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Chris_Vermeulen

As traders we are always on the hunt for new trade ideas poised and ready for big moves. And back on Dec 17th 2015 I shared a sweet trade idea publicly on my blog and other financial websites.

If you want so see much more detailed charts and analysis from Dec 17th visit my blog page as it paints a clear picture:

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Monday, January 04, 2016

Technical Analysis of the Corn Commodity Market / Economics / Agricultural Commodities

By: EconMatters

Corn Market 2015

I have been watching corn prices lately as they are getting low enough to at least pique my interest into looking at a market that usually just gets bypassed with the rest of my agricultural futures prices tab on my trading platform, more out of habit than having anything in particular against the agricultural markets. The March 2016 Futures contract was down about 16% in 2015 along with most of the commodity space on fund outflows, a weak China, and a strong dollar.

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Sugar Commodity Trade Setup / Commodities / Agricultural Commodities

By: Chris_Vermeulen

Before I dig into the nitty gritty of this potentially sweet trade setup, I would like to first wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

Being from Canada, I’m very lucky to be able to spend quality time with my family for the next month down in the sunshine state of Florida. I sure love the ocean breeze, sand between the toes, palm trees, and heat. Its amazing how cold Floridians make a sunny 70-degree day look being all bundled up in pants, jackets, and hats while I live in my bathing suit practically the entire time I’m down here. I don’t put on pants or a sweater until its 65ish outside or a restaurant demands I must wear pants and I’m still sweating wearing all that clothing. Its great to be back in America!

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