Category: North Korea
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, February 09, 2007
Bush backs down to Nuclear North Korea as US Drops Sanctions / Politics / North Korea
By: Mike_Whitney
There's been plenty of saber rattling and bold talk about forcing North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program, but after a 6 year standoff, Bush has decided to give in to Kim Jung Il's demands. The western media is characterizing the new developments as a “breakthrough”, but, in fact, Bush has retreated on every issue of consequence. It is as close to a total foreign policy failure as one can possibly imagine. Nothing has been achieved. The bottom line is this; Kim refused to budge from his original position, while Bush completely capitulated on his.
“The US has talked tough without achieving anything.” Han Seung-Joo, South Korea's former foreign minister (UK Guardian)