Category: Central Banks
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Thursday, April 15, 2010
Fed Lies, Counterfeit Money, Counterfeit History / Politics / Central Banks
By: LewRockwell
Ryan McMaken writes: The talking points have been written and the official spokesmen have been briefed. Now all that remains is for them to deliver the government-approved version of the history of the financial collapse that has led to the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Greenspan Oscar Winning Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Testimony / Politics / Central Banks
By: Mike_Whitney
Alan Greenspan's performance before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was a real Oscar winner. At no time, was the ex-Fed chairman in trouble, and he was able to showcase the full repertoire of fake emotions for which he is renowned. He was alternately condescending, professorial, combative, engaging, and acerbic. It was vintage Greenspan from start to finish; the tedious jabber, the crusty rejoinders, the endless excuse-making. At 80, Maestro still hasn't lost his touch. No one laid a glove on him, which is precisely the problem.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Greenspan Came Not to Save Consumers but to Bury Them / Politics / Central Banks
By: Fred_Sheehan
April 7 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan defended the central bank's record on consumer protection in the years before the financial crisis.... "The Federal Reserve, often in partnership with the other federal banking agencies, was quite active in pursuing consumer protections for mortgage borrowers," Greenspan said in testimony for a hearing today of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in Washington.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Understanding the Fed, Not Just the Myths / Politics / Central Banks
If you would like to understand more about how the U.S. Federal Reserve works, you can spend some time on its website -- or you can get the real story. Elliott Wave International has collected eight of Robert Prechter's most trenchant articles about what the Fed actually does. He takes on the misleading myths about the Fed and explains what's really going on as he writes about these topics.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Fed's Last Hurrah / Politics / Central Banks
By: Peter_Schiff
During the 1990s, inflationary Federal Reserve policy fueled a tech stock bubble. When that bubble burst, the Fed inflated a larger one in real estate. Now that the real estate bubble has burst, the Fed is inflating the biggest bubble of them all - a bubble in government. While the earlier booms at least provided the illusion of prosperity and some fun while they lasted, the government bubble will cripple the economy and deliver widespread misery to the vast majority of Americans.
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
What the Fed Does Not Want You to Know / Interest-Rates / Central Banks
Dear reader,
Elliott Wave International have just released a FREE 34-page eBook, Understanding the Fed. It’s the free report the Federal Reserve doesn’t want you to read!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Federal Reserve Banking System is a Confidence Game, What They Were Saying in 2007 / Politics / Central Banks
By: Mark_Thornton
In February of 2004, I published an article entitled "Greenspam." The general lesson was not to listen to Greenspan's deceptive testimony. Delete it from your mind like spam email messages. Watch what he has done and what he is doing, in order to protect your wealth and capital. Discount anything you read about his testimony, except Congressmen Paul's questions and commentary.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Greenspan is Back With More Excuses on Why He did Not Cause the Financial Crisis / Politics / Central Banks
By: Mike_Whitney
Alan Greenspan is back. Maestro is scheduled to appear at the Brookings Institute today to deliver a 48 page explanation of why his low interest rates and regulatory neglect did not cause the financial meltdown. The contents of the ex-Fed chief's apologia have already been released to the press. It's just more finger-pointing and buck-passing; 48 pages of the-dog-ate-my-homework excuses in Greenspan's cryptic Fed-speak.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Independence of the Fed? / Politics / Central Banks
By: Sarel_Oberholster
There is a thesis that the banks are in control of the Fed and as a result have gained control over the issuance of the currency of the United States. This thesis is based on the fact that the shares of the Federal Reserve Bank are held by these private banks. Does that mean that the private banks own the Fed?
Monday, March 08, 2010
From the Greenspan Put to the Kohn Put: Our Brilliant Central Bankers / Politics / Central Banks
By: Fred_Sheehan
Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn announced his retirement on March 1, 2010. In his obligatory lament, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke was half right: "The Federal Reserve and the country owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Don Kohn." What is good for the Fed is generally not good for the country. The influence of Donald Kohn supports this view.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Says Federal Reserve System 'Corrupt' / Politics / Central Banks
By: Submissions
Shahien Nasiripour writes: One of the world's leading economists said Wednesday that the very structure of the Federal Reserve system is so fraught with conflicts that it's "corrupt."
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Bank of the Fed is Closed…Forever / Politics / Central Banks
By: Robert_Singer
In an effort to explain our escalating financial crisis, an American Nightmare (an Environmental Dream), the pundits are focusing their angst on the 44th POTUS, who might very well go down as the single most inept president in all of American history. (How to Squander the Presidency in One Year, David Michael Green)
Barack Obama is not inept, greedy or stupid and he isn’t one of “us”.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Fed vs. Fed, Bankster Contradictions / Politics / Central Banks
By: Gary_North
Two events took place last week that would have been inconceivable a year ago. First, on February 20, Ron Paul won CPAC's straw poll for the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in 2012. CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference. He routed Mitt Romney: 31% to 22%. Sarah Palin did far worse: 7%.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Is Ben Bernanke Smart Enough to Be a CEO? / Politics / Central Banks
By: Casey_Research
By Vedran Vuk, Casey Research writes: Ben Bernanke has got to be laughing it up after being reappointed to another term as Federal Reserve chairman. What else could we expect from the ex-lawyers and lifetime Beltway bandits voting on global monetary policy?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Central Banks Are On the Defensive, Where's All the Gold? / Politics / Central Banks
By: Gary_North
All over the Western world, central banks are under pressure from their governments to inflate. Governments are not satisfied with short-term interest rates at historic lows, such as a federal funds rate of 0% to 0.25% in the United States. Politicians want rapid economic growth, and they are convinced that this is possible after a major recession only with more fiat money. In short, they have accurately understood the message of their college-level textbooks. This is what textbooks have been saying for over 50 years. This is the new, improved Keynesianism. Keynes focused on the need for large government deficits and increased government spending, not monetary inflation. The new Keynesianism wants large government deficits and lots of fiat money.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Trouble at the Fed, Bernanke's Pretence of Knowledge / Politics / Central Banks
Antony Mueller writes: In line with the basic rule that few things are more helpful to a political career than catastrophic failure, Ben Bernanke was confirmed by Senate vote for four more years as chairman of the US Federal Reserve System (the Fed) on January 28, 2010.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Alan Greenspan Party Boy / Politics / Central Banks
By: Fred_Sheehan
"It's important to remember that equity values, stock prices, are not just paper profits. They actually have a profoundly important impact on economic activity. And if stock prices start continuing down, I would get very concerned." -Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, Meet the Press, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
Ben Bernanke, The Very Model of a Modern Pliant Bureaucrat / Politics / Central Banks
By: Fred_Sheehan
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke was a safe bet to win the Senate's vote for a second term. "Safe" is what the senators want and Bernanke passed the test. He is not a man inclined to make bold decisions. A former university administrator, his institutional mind will be just as slow to foresee the next financial crisis as it was incapable of forecasting the last.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Thoughts On The Bernanke Re-Appointment / Politics / Central Banks
By: Graham_Summers
The US Congress decided to re-appoint Ben Bernanke as Fed Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. This decision is completely and utterly insane.
Please understand, I do not use the word “insane” for humorous purposes, but as a factual observation. For there is truly no other way to look at Congress’ decision.
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010
The Fed as Giant Fiat Currency Counterfeiter / Politics / Central Banks
By: Robert_Murphy
San Jose State economics professor Jeffrey Rogers Hummel tells all his students that the easiest way to understand the Federal Reserve is to think of it as a giant, legalized counterfeiter. I had always known that the Fed and other central banks were like counterfeiters, but I still thought that the actual mechanics of open-market operations and so forth actually provided some important distinctions.