Category: Protectionism
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Friday, November 19, 2010
The Great Currency Wars, Return of 1930’s Style Protectionism? / Currencies / Protectionism
By: Andy_Sutton
On 9/18/2009 I wrote an editorial called ‘The Quiet Grab’. It discussed China’s deal cutting on the natural resources front, specifically in the rare earth element and petroleum sectors. The article pointed out that the Chinese were quietly provisioning ready supplies of strategic assets for the turmoil that lay ahead, particularly arising from a disdain and mistrust of paper instruments, especially currencies. With the USFed’s second iteration of quantitative easing now underway, the currency battles are starting to heat up and so is the rhetoric. This week we take a look at the ongoing (and intensifying) currency wars, strategic assets, and why we are behind the proverbial eight ball.