Category: Religion
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Monday, February 16, 2015
Prime Minister Naredra Modi And The Ideological Contradictions Of The Hindu Fundamentalism / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
When Narendra Modi formed his BJP Government in India with a sweeping majority in May 2014, it was hailed as a victory of the Hindu Fundamentalism of the RSS and the Sanga Parivar. They might have even dreamt of establishing a Nation with Hindu Fundamentalism in India.
Friday, February 06, 2015
Moses Was a Terrorist - Egyptian Empire vs U.S. Empire, Today's Islamic Freedom Fighting Terrorists - Video / Politics / Religion
By: Videos
"In an interview with ABC’s Nightline, Christian Bale described his Exodus: Gods and Kings character Moses as a “freedom fighter” and a “terrorist” against the slaveholding Egyptian empire.
Enter Fox & Friends with a segment ridiculing the actor’s comments part of their regular “Fight for Faith” segment (normally reserved for stories on the persecution of Christians and/or Todd Starnes).
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Exploring the Clash Within Civilizations - Mind the Gap / Politics / Religion
Jay Ogilvy writes: The Charlie Hebdo attack and its aftermath in the streets and in the press tempt one to dust off Samuel Huntington's 1996 book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Despite the criticisms he provoked with that book and his earlier 1993 article in Foreign Affairs, recent events would seem to be proving him prescient.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Islamic Fundamentalism - The Problem of Confusing Muslims with Islam / Politics / Religion
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The whole world over, people, are people are people and most people are moderate. In the wake of the Paris terror attack there has been an outbreak of muslim phobia that carries the label of Islamophobia, which in my opinion cannot exist because Islam is not a race or people but an ideology. Just as Christianity and Judaism are ideologies and not a race or people i.e. you can change your ideology but you cannot change the colour of your skin (see Israel's Dark DNA Secret Revealed ).
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Islamic World Transition From the 'Age of Religion' to the 'Age of Reason' / Politics / Religion
By: Nadeem_Walayat
Whilst the worlds focus today is on the Islamic threat as a consequence of the terror attacks on Paris resulting in 17 innocents being killed that has prompted the world wide 'Je Suis Charlie' marches amongst many hash tags of solidarity of which I favoured the "I am not charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so". #JesuisAhmed
The mainstream press as usual have run off at an tangent by trying to analyse why the three french muslims committed the atrocities by looking at their backgrounds, their lack of opportunity in France etc. However, the very simple answer is that these individuals perceived their actions as playing a part in the fulfillment of prophecy and that they expected that their real lives would only begin AFTER they completed this TEST in this world which is how all devout muslims perceive this world to be, as a test for worthiness to enter paradise for eternity at End Time.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
Charlie Hebdo: Can We Understand Extremism In France Via Self Assembling Dynamic Networks (SADNs)? / Politics / Religion
By: DK_Matai
· The regrettable and tragic extremist incidents in France, which resulted in double digit loss of ordinary citizens’ lives are the worst since the Second World War.
· ATCA 5000 offers its deep condolences to the bereaved families, the victims of the atrocities and solidarity with the people of France.
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Friday, January 09, 2015
Islamic Terrorism And Counter Terrorism - New Twists And Turns / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
The latest Paris Murder at the office of Charlie Hebdo was a strategic and well-articulated move to give lasting lessons to the enemies of Islam or the Non-believers by the Islamic Terrorist outfit so as to mobilize the sympathy or support of the Muslims all over the world. It has got wide coverage in all medias, Islamic, Anti-Islamic and Secular. Undoubtedly, it has great propaganda value for the Muslim Fundamentalists to create fear in the mind of the people, especially intellectuals and media persons who are criticizing Islam. They are in shock. But it is only a beginning of a new dreadful chapter with greater intensity and impacts.
Friday, January 09, 2015
France Attack Multicultural Catastrophe - Fundamentalism a Reaction to the Threat of Islamic Reformation / Politics / Religion
By: Nadeem_Walayat
The terrorist attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead in an apparently well organised assault by subsequently identified as French born brothers, an attack that was said to be conducted in the name of God as an act of vengeance against a series of offensive cartoons depicting Islam published by the French magazine over a number of years that to be frank were just as extreme in their ideology of 'Freedom to Offend' as the muslims that attacked them are in terms of Islamic extremist ideology.
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Je Suis Charlie – Virer Les Islamistes - From Blasphemy to Bigotry / Politics / Religion
By: Andrew_McKillop
Criticising the particularly dumb religion called Islam is still a capital offence – as proven in Paris, you can get killed for poking fun at Mahomet. Self-proclaimed defenders of his faith are still at their gory and psychopathic work in Syria and Iraq, but when they meet YPG fighters and Peshmerga of Kurdistan they receive a 9 mm bullet right between their eyes. Stone dead. There are no prisoners and no survivors in this real war against vermin pretending to “defend Islam”.
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Paris Terror Attack Underscores a Deeper Islamic Malaise / Politics / Religion
Wednesday's deadly attack against a French satirical publication has the potential to upset relations between European states and their Muslim citizenries. The strategic intent behind such attacks is precisely to sow this kind of crisis, as well as to influence French policy and recruit more jihadists. Even though Islamist extremism is, at its core, an intra-Muslim conflict, such incidents will draw in non-Muslims, exacerbating matters.
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Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Catholic Church New World Order Pope - Frankie the Fake / Politics / Religion
The Catholic Church has a long history, for good and bad, that has shaped the political fortunes of Western Civilization for over two millenniums. From the conversion of the Roman Empire under Constantine to the pagan ridden culture of feast days and devotions to the Great East–West Schism of the 11th century, the “Church” has invited skepticism and criticism while the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ took a back seat to the temporal lust for power and dominion. Throughout the turmoil of the Common Era, scholarship and core doctrine professed a profound belief in the teachings in the Gospels, the promise of salvation and the sanctity of individual life.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Why Are We Still Using A ‘Second-Rate’ Calendar System ‘Imposed By A Pope Over 400 Years Ago’? / Politics / Religion
By: Steve_H_Hanke
If Canadian-born astrophysicist Richard Conn Henry were in charge, New Year’s Eve would have been four days ago.
Under the intricately designed Hanke-Henry calendar (slogan, “It stays exactly the same, year after year!”), the day we’ve known for centuries as New Year’s Day would actually be Jan. 5.
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Monday, December 29, 2014
Are Islam And Christnity Being Wise And Brave Enough To Eradicate Hunger, Ignorance And Humiliation Of Their Own People? / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
Islam and Christianity have emerged as the two well-organized and most resourceful world religions capable of bringing over sixty percent of the mankind under their fold. Out of 60,000 years of the known history of the humanity, Christianity has just 2000 years and Islam just 1400 years of existence. Both Islam and Christianity have been promising the heaven or the paradise for their own members, leaving the rest to some other place, including those who lived before their origin.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Christmas Reality - One Jew’s Christmas / Politics / Religion
By: Walter_Brasch
I am a Jew.
I don’t mind receiving Christmas cards or being wished a “Merry Christmas” from friends, clerks, or even in junk mail trying to sell me something no sane person should ever buy. My wife and I even send Christmas cards, with messages of peace and joy, to our friends who are Christians or who we don’t know their religion.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Outrage at Taliban Islamic Fundamentalists Massacre of 132 Pakistani School Children in the Name of God / Politics / Religion
By: Nadeem_Walayat
There is NO JUSTIFCATION for the Murder of Children. NONE Whatsoever. Virtually everyone reading this will agree with this statement.When bearded Black Turbaned Taliban appear on broadcast news in front of the Black flags with Islamic verses on them to justify their murderous actions then virtually everyone reacts with the same disgust that THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION for killing 132 children.
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Countering Terrorism And Fundamentalism With The Ancient Indian Wisdom: ‘Sanadhana Dharma’ / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
Terrorism and Religious Fundamentalism have emerged as the greatest threat to the humanity in the twenty first century. The international community and the world religions like Islam, Buddhism and Christianity and their leaders, including Pope Francis, do not have much solution or answer for this growing cancer of the mankind, for it is based on the misguided faith and knowledge. The ancient Indian wisdom, originated at the Indus Valley Civilization, gives a lot of insight in tackling the current problems of the humanity.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Strategic, Methodological and Developmental Importance of Knowledge Consumption - Production in Countering Terrorism and Ensuring Peace / Politics / Religion
By: Dr_R_M_Mathew
Conventionally, Knowledge had been associated with the God, Scriptures, Religions, Sacrifices and sometimes even Sex till the development of the Modern Science, Technology, Humanities, Social Sciences, Language and Literature. For terrorists and religious fundamentalists, Knowledge has become a deadly weapon. Knowledge poses several new and unfamiliar Methodological, Theoretical, Strategic and Practical Challenges related to Peace, Development, War and Terror and the very existence of the Humanity. Nobody is fully aware of the potentialities of Knowledge, including the top Think Tanks and Universities for they are dealing with fragmented Knowledge and self-growing bundles of Data.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Will Saudi, Emirati Move Anger U.S. Muslims? / Politics / Religion
The UAE Cabinet approved a list of 83 designated terrorist organizations on Saturday, including al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Much more significant, though, was the inclusion of many Muslim organizations based in the West that are believed to be allied with the Muslim Brotherhood movement. Prominent among them are two American Muslim groups: the Council on American Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Pope Francis And The Third World War / Politics / Religion
By: Andrew_McKillop
Anglosaxon Hegemony is Finished
With the open air decapitation of British hostage David Haines by ISIS psychopaths, the image of the “Anglosaxon world” has suffered another heavy blow. The killing of Haines was preceded by the killing of two American hostages. It is hard to not understand why American and British targets were chosen by ISIS. The role of British, French and American “nation-building” in the Middle East after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1917-18 is primordial. Revenge against “the Anglosaxon world” is possibly the main emotional focus of ISIS and other Crony Islamic psychopaths in the region.
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Conquest Of Real - Degenerate Philosophies of the Book / Politics / Religion
By: Andrew_McKillop
A Dangerous Time
Try to find a common theme, apart from the probable or possible role of the US CIA and other secret services in Al Qaida and ISIS, the Ukraine civil war, Boko Haram or even the rigging of gold, oil and other financial markets. Or the increasingly global Flash Mob uprisings, disappearing or destroyed Malaysian airliners, Russia's ***** Riot, and a bearded lady-transvestite winning the Eurovision song contest of 2014.