Category: Propaganda
The analysis published under this category are as follows.Sunday, March 02, 2014
New York Times Fed's Transcripts the Greatest Propaganda Coup of Our Time? / Politics / Propaganda
By: Mike_Whitney
There’s good propaganda and bad propaganda. Bad propaganda is generally crude, amateurish Judy Miller “mobile weapons lab-type” nonsense that figures that people are so stupid they’ll believe anything that appears in “the paper of record.” Good propaganda, on the other hand, uses factual, sometimes documented material in a coordinated campaign with the other major media to cobble-together a narrative that is credible, but false.
Saturday, November 02, 2013
Conspiracy And The Threat To Democracy / Politics / Propaganda
By: Andrew_McKillop
The deluge of news, views, opinions, theory and spin about everything from the weather – weather now means climate change – to why the price of gold is low and Facebook shares are high, or the outlook for economic growth in the US, Europe or Japan is what passes for 24/7 democratic open access information. Everybody has a right to too much bent information, but for the BBC's Brian Wheeler, October 26, the dark side of information – conspiracy theories – are destroying democracy. He says:
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Nobel Peace Prize CIA, MI6, Mossad, Pentagon, BBC, NYT Propaganda Fog / Politics / Propaganda
By: LewRockwell
Finian Cunningham: writes:
The Nobel Peace Prize should be renamed the Nobel Propaganda Prize, after this year’s ever-so contrived award to the UN-approved chemical weapons team sent to disarm Syria.
Other dubious winners of the “illustrious” prize include the accused war criminal, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who oversaw the genocidal carpet-bombing of Indochina during the 1970s.
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Sunday, May 05, 2013
Politicians and Religions Spreading the Virus called Fear - Video / Politics / Propaganda
By: Submissions
Very few people understand the programming of fear, and why it distorts our perceptions. While fear is a program used for our survival, fear also creates irrational beliefs that cause larger systems of fear like politics, religion and the media. "A Virus Called Fear" is a short film about the conditioning of fear, and what irrational fears can lead to.
Friday, April 12, 2013
North Korean Nuclear Threat Always Imminent / Politics / Propaganda
By: Andrew_McKillop
North Korea’s young president-for-life may be creating a crisis atmosphere, in a strategy to force the US and other Security Council "declared nuclear" nations to recognize his nation as a nuclear weapons power. Alternate reasons for the belligerant North Korean stance are not in short supply - and notably include internal or domestic political issues, ironically due to slowly growing, but nevertheless real economic improvement in this totally isolated country.
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
The New “Argo: Evil North Koreans, White House In Latest Hollywood Fear Vehicle / Politics / Propaganda
By: Danny_Schechter
New York, New York: The trend towards movies ripped from the news, or perhaps ripping off the news continues.
Olympus Has Fallen is the latest in the popular “learn to fear thy enemy even more than you did before” category, as director Antoine Fuqua visualizes a story that can’t be more topical with the White House (Secret Service Code: "Olympus") occupied by a North Korean terrorist fanatic and his barbaric followers.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013
Zero Dark Thirty Wins Oscar For Best Propaganda Picture / Politics / Propaganda
By: Patrick_Henningsen
One of the most pervasive trends in 21st century western culture has become somewhat of an obsession in America. It’s called “Hollywood history”, where the corporate studio machines in Los Angeles spend hundreds of millions of dollars in order to craft and precisely tailor historical events to suit the prevailing political paradigm.
‘Hollywood history’ is very much in fashion these days. From Linclon to Dubya, and from Blackhawk Down to The Iron Lady, they constitute a significant portion of today’s major releases. There’s only one problem, however, with tailoring a story to fit neatly into a prevailing political paradigm… and over the last 100 years, the Germans and the Soviets did this too – with devastating effect, but back then we just called it propaganda.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Lincoln Baloney, Spielberg’s Sovietization of U.S. History / Politics / Propaganda
By: Thomas_J_DiLorenzo
When Steve Spielberg’s movie "Lincoln" came out Time magazine featured interviews with him and his historical advisor on the film, Doris Kearns-Goodwin. Spielberg said the movie is based on part of Goodwin’s book, Team of Rivals, because he was so impressed with her scholarship and the great detail and abundance of historical facts in the book. Goodwin herself wrote in Time that she spent ten years researching and writing the book to assure audiences that the movie was in fact very, very well researched. (This project was commenced shortly after she was kicked off the Pulitzer Prize committee and PBS for confessing to plagiarism related to an earlier book of hers).
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
EU Super State Wants the Power to Sack Journalists to Control the News / Politics / Propaganda
By: Mike_Shedlock
"Big Brother" in Action
In case you have not already realized it, 1984 has come and gone politically. All that remains is how fast we march down the path of "thought suppression". Here are a couple of articles that will make my point.
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Friday, January 18, 2013
CIA Wins 2013 Academy Awards, Dominates Hollywood Movies and TV / Politics / Propaganda
By: Washingtons_Blog
The Winners of the Academy Award and Golden Globe Are … Government Propagandists
Rob Kall points out that the military-industrial complex is the winner of the Golden Globe award:
Read full article... Read full article...Homeland won best TV series, best TV actor and actress. It IS a highly entertaining show which actually portrays some of the flaws of the MIIC system
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Obedience To Authority, Should We Trust The Government? / Politics / Propaganda
By: James_Quinn
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooh ah,
Mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for president?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mother, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooh ah,
Is it just a waste of time?
Pink Floyd - Mother
The lyrics to Mother had both a literal and figurative meaning for Roger Waters. He was literally describing his overprotective single mother (his father was killed in World War II) building walls to protect him from the outside world. The figurative meaning is Big Mother sending its boys off to war and using fear to control and manipulate the masses. At the time he wrote this song in 1979, the Soviet Union was thought to be at its peak of power and the Berlin Wall represented a boundary between good and evil. Nuclear war was still a looming fear. Waters has always had a dim view of totalitarian states and institutions (English schools). Having seen his Wall Tour performance this past summer at Citizens Bank Park with a diverse crowd of 40,000, ranging in age from senior citizens to teenagers, it seems this song has gained new meaning. He sang a duet with himself from 1980 projected on the Wall and when he sang the lyric, “Mother, should I trust the government?” the entire stadium responded in unison – NO!!! This revealed a truth that is not permitted to be discussed by the corporate mainstream media acting as a mouthpiece for the ruling class. A growing legion of citizens in this country does not trust the government. This is very perceptive on their part. ily:'Arial','sans-serif'; font-size:14.0pt; ">
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Video Games: The Government’s New Propaganda Tool / Politics / Propaganda
By: Jeff_Berwick
Monday, December 03, 2012
Popular Culture Promotes the Police State / Politics / Propaganda
The New World Order, designed around a functional police state that is encouraged by continuous popular cultural messages, is apparent to even the most avid establishment apologist. Liberty and freedom, hardly ever mentioned in a positive light by the mass media, is a direct threat to the ruling class. The proliferation of degenerate behavior is lauded so that those who object to such conduct will be demeaned as outcasts of the decadent society. The imposition of a police state is necessary to coerce decent people into forced obedience.
Monday, October 08, 2012
Rational Egoism, Irrational Greed And Ayn Rand's Creed / Politics / Propaganda
By: Andrew_McKillop
Oil in New York is breaching long-term technical support at $89.83 a barrel, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. On the weekly chart, that’s the 50 percent Fibonacci retracement of the drop to $32.40 in December 2008 from an intraday record high of $147.27 in July that year. Losses tend to accelerate below chart-support levels from that retracement.
Monday, October 01, 2012
How the Government’s Lies Become Truth / Politics / Propaganda
By: Paul_Craig_Roberts
In my last column, “A Culture of Delusion,” I wrote that “Americans live in a matrix of lies. Lies dominate every policy discussion, every political decision.” This column will use two top news stories, Iranian nukes and Julian Assange, to illustrate how lies become “truth.”
The western Presstitute media uses every lie to demonize the Iranian government. On September 28 in a fit of unmitigated ignorance, the UK rag, Mail Online, called the president of Iran a “dictator.” The Iranian presidency is an office filled by popular election, and the authority of the office is subordinate to the ayatollahs. Assange is demonized alternatively as a rapist and a spy.
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Youtube "Innocence of Muslims", "Broadcast Act of Terror" Recruiting Video for Al-Qeeda / Politics / Propaganda
By: N_Walayat
Under the guise of freedom of speech Youtube continues to broadcast a highly blasphemous video for muslims that to all intents and purposes is acting as a recruiting video for Al-Qeeda on par with the Abu Graib, and civilian Kill video own goals committed by the US Military in Iraq.
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