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Category: Nuclear Weapons

The analysis published under this category are as follows.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Maybe the West Should Adopt Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Policy / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Antonius_Aquinas

Prior to the modern age, when war was engaged in, combatants, for the most part, acted by a code of conduct which attempted to minimize civilian deaths and the destruction of non-participants’ property. With the onset of the democratic age and the idea of “total war” such modes of conduct have tragically fallen by the wayside, the consequence of which has made warfare far more bloody and destructive.

The ultimate violation of “just warfare” has been the possession and use of nuclear weapons which by their very nature cannot be reconciled with any notion of a civilized society.  Of all the hysteria over “terrorism,” nuclear weapons are rarely discussed anymore, but are the ultimate form of terror.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Philippines, China and US: Joint Exploration Vs Rearmament and Nuclear Weapons / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Dan_Steinbock

President Duterte’s joint exploration framework with China is a historical breakthrough. But since it has potential to de-escalate tensions over time, it is opposed by those interests that prefer rearmament, even if that would lead to a split of Southeast Asia and new nuclearization.

In early 2018, the Philippines and China agreed to set up a special panel to work out how the two could jointly explore oil and gas in parts of the South China Sea that both sides claim without having to address the issue of sovereignty. That was something of a breakthrough.

Last fall, President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the Philippines resulted in the bilateral memorandum of understanding on oil and gas development in the contested South China Sea (SCS). It was one of the some 30 documents signed during Xi’s visit in Manila.

Following a recent meeting with President Xi, Duterte said the Philippines could set aside the ruling of the international arbitral tribunal on China’s SCS claims, in exchange for a joint oil and gas exploration deal with Beijing.

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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Pakistan India Conflict over Kashmir Risks Nuclear Winter, but Gold Goes Down / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Arkadiusz_Sieron

Many important things happened yesterday. Cohen testified before the Congress, the US-North Korea Summit took place, while tensions between India and Pakistan escalated. Will these developments boost gold?

India and Pakistan Engage in Another Conflict over Kashmir

India and Pakistan are once again squaring off over the disputed region of Kashmir. It began with the suicide attack in Indian-administered Kashmir, which killed more than 40 people. As the Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for the bombing, India retaliated and launched air strikes inside Pakistan, the first aerial attacks across the Line of Control dividing both countries since 1971. The results of these strikes are not confirmed. However, we know that two Indian jets were shot down and Pakistan army captured one pilot.

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Monday, December 25, 2017

Towards "Nuclear Winter”? / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Dan_Steinbock

All efforts to resolve the elevated nuclear tensions in the Korean Peninsula should be subject to extreme caution, due to the potential of massive collateral damage of death, destruction, radiation and environmental collapse.

Reportedly, Washington is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. According to high-level sources, the White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Iran and North Korea: Brothers in Nuclear Arms / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: John_Mauldin


Remember Iran? The prospect of war with North Korea has made it easy to overlook this other nearly nuclear power that was until recently the object of Washington’s nonproliferation efforts. Tehran was dead set on developing a nuclear weapon, but it agreed to halt its program in 2015 after extensive negotiations with the United States. Granted, the rise of the Islamic State, a common enemy of the United States and Iran, and years of economic attrition wrought by international sanctions forced its hand. Still, Iran has complied with the agreement by subjecting itself to inspections meant to ensure it doesn’t enrich its uranium. 

A nuclear weapons program, however, requires more than just weapons-grade fissile material. It also requires a warhead that is small and sturdy enough to survive the flight on a ballistic missile. And then, of course, it requires the ballistic missile itself – hence the attention North Korean missiles have received lately. North Korea has lots of fissile material. And it most likely has a miniaturized warhead, according to U.S. intelligence officials. Pyongyang is, in other words, one ballistic missile away from being able to strike the United States.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

3 Maps That Explain the Geopolitics of Nuclear Weapons / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: John_Mauldin

BY GEORGE FRIEDMAN : North Korea has received a lot of focus due to a recent missile test and the expectation of another nuclear test. It is a poor country whose nuclear program has allowed it to punch above its weight internationally. This has also forced superpowers to approach it with great caution.

Nuclear bombs are in their own category of weapon. They are useful in that they deter aggression. The potential for massive destruction on both sides forces countries to rethink moves that may threaten an adversary’s national security interests.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Fear Campaign Against Americans Continues Nuclear Attack Drills in New York City / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Jeff_Berwick

In many ways, you have to feel bad for Americans. They have been on the receiving end of constant fear propaganda for decades.

Just look back to the 50’s with the “Duck & Cover” fear campaign as one example.

Getting malleable young minds to cower under their desks in their government indoctrination camps, as though that would somehow protect them from a nuclear blast, shows that it has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with fear.

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

NYT Ignores Greatest Nuclear Threat / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Stephen_Lendman

The hugely destructive power of nuclear weapons can end life on earth.

NYT editors want them kept from “terrorists,” ignoring state terrorists, especially America and Israel, an alliance posing the greatest of all threats.

An earlier article discussed the devastating effects of a thermonuclear attack on New York - likely if America launches nuclear war on Russia, an unthinkable real possibility.

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Does North Korea Need Nukes to Deter US Aggression? / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Mike_Whitney

Here’s your U.S. foreign policy quiz for the day:

Question 1– How many governments has the United States overthrown or tried to overthrow since the Second World War?

Answer: 57  (See William Blum.)

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Debating the Morality of Hiroshima / Politics / Nuclear Weapons


Each year at this time — the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima — the world pauses. The pause is less to mourn the dead than to debate a moral question: whether the bombing was justified and, by extension, whether the United States unnecessarily slaughtered tens of thousands of people on Aug. 6, 1945. The debate rarely focuses on a careful analysis of war and morality and is more frequently framed by existing views of the United States. The debate is rarely about Hiroshima or about World War II. It is a debate about the moral character of the United States. This is not an illegitimate subject, and Hiroshima might be a useful point with which to begin the debate. But that isn't possible until after we consider the origins of Hiroshima, which can be found in the evolution of modern warfare.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal / Politics / Nuclear Weapons


Spending time analyzing the particulars of the agreement misses the point of the Iranian deal. It is not about preventing or even delaying the deployment of the bomb. The true intent of the P5+1 negotiation is to disrupt the unholy alliance between the war party and their Zionist overlords. The overwhelming reality is that U.S. foreign policy is based upon doing the bidding of Israel. What is transpiring is a fundamental push back coming from Barack Hussein Obama II. The Full text: Obama’s news conference on the Iran nuclear deal demonstrates this context.

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Friday, August 07, 2015

Hiroshima, Nagasaki 70 Years On, Damascus Next City to be Nuked to Fulfill Bible Prophecy? / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Nadeem_Walayat

Japan and much of the world this week will be commemorating America's nuking of two Japanese cities in August 1945 that resulted the incineration of over 250,000 people, 90% of whom were innocent civilians. Whilst to much of the world the nuking of these cities was clearly a war crime, to the US and some of its allies was deemed to be a necessary evil so as to bring a speedy end to the War in the Pacific. Though the facts are that Japan at the time was already negotiating its surrender, so the real reason why the bombs were dropped was so as to justify the huge amount of expense that had been incurred which would only be satisfied by such demonstrations.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Why Historic Iran Nuclear Deal with Will be a Historic Failure / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Atlantic_Perspective

For years the United States has tried to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. Never before in the history of the US, has a Secretary of State been so involved in a task or invested so much time and energy on a single mission. John Kerry has spent so much time with the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, that finishing the deal probably felt like signing a divorce from your closest partner.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Russia Nervously Eyes the U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal / Politics / Nuclear Weapons


Reva Bhalla writes: When a group of weary diplomats announced a framework for an Iranian nuclear accord last week in Lausanne, there was one diplomat in the mix whose feigned enthusiasm was hard to miss. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov left the talks at their most critical point March 30, much to the annoyance of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who apparently had to call him personally to persuade him to return. Even as Lavrov spoke positively to journalists about the negotiations throughout the week, he still seemed to have better things to do than pull all-nighters for a deal that effectively gives the United States one less problem to worry about in the Middle East and a greater capacity to focus on the Russian periphery.

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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Iran Nuclear Talks, Does a Missed Deadline Matter? / Politics / Nuclear Weapons


The Obama administration has slipped past self-imposed deadlines and minced words over red lines before. Although certainly an embarrassment for the White House, another missed deadline in the seemingly never-ending Iran nuclear negotiations — which stretched beyond the latest deadline of March 31 — may not matter much in the end.

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Monday, March 30, 2015

A Middle East Nuclear Holocaust / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Paul_Craig_Roberts

Foundations and corporations do not support truth-tellers. American foundations underwrite war and US imperialism. Foundations support subversion of countries that are not Washington’s puppet states. Your website has no foundation support, no corporate support; it only has your support.

I have been around for a long time and have experienced more than most. The current situation in my experience is the most dangerous time of all for humanity.

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Sunday, February 01, 2015

How to Start a Nuclear War / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: LewRockwell

Eric Margolis writes: The United States has just made an exceptionally dangerous, even reckless decision over Ukraine. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who ended the Cold War, warns it may lead to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Rule number one of geopolitics: nuclear-armed powers must never, ever fight.

Yet Washington just announced that by spring, it will deploy unspecified numbers of military “trainers” to Ukraine to help build Kiev’s ramshackle national guard. Also being sent are significant numbers of US special heavy, mine resistant armored vehicles that have been widely used in Afghanistan and Iraq. The US and Poland are currently covertly supplying Ukraine with some weapons.

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Will Iran Commit Nuclear Hara-Kiri? / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: LewRockwell

Eric Margolis writes: To no surprise, nuclear talks between Iran and major world powers have become stalemated.

Iran will not sink “to its knees” to win a nuclear deal with the great powers, said its leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, after the failure of six months of talks in Vienna.

However, the talks will continue until at least next March. Pity the poor negotiators: besides being excruciatingly boring, dealing with the tough, savvy Iranians is like pulling teeth. The only nationality I ever saw get the better of Iranians in negotiations were Armenians.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Breakfast with a Lord of War and Nuclear Weapons / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Casey_Research

By David Galland, Partner, Casey Research

For reasons that will become apparent as you read the following article, I was quite reluctant to write it.

Yet, in the end, I decided to do so for a couple of reasons.

The first is that it ties into Marin Katusa’s best-selling new book, The Colder War, which I read cover to cover over two days and can recommend warmly and without hesitation. I know that Casey Research has been promoting the book aggressively (in my view, a bit too aggressively), but I exaggerate not at all when I tell you that the book sucked me in from the very beginning and kept me reading right to the end.

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Monday, September 15, 2014

The Myth of Nuclear Weapons / Politics / Nuclear Weapons

By: Andrew_McKillop

The Hiroshima Bomb
On the 6th August, 1945, US military forces dropped one special incendiary bomb on Hiroshima. According to official sources, the bomb destroyed 1.7 square miles of the city killing a disputed number of persons, due to the blast and fire deaths caused by the bomb being treated separately from radiation deaths caused by the bomb, which were only admitted at a later date. US war officials stated that the bomb weighed “4 to 5 metric tons” and had the power of “13 to 16 kilotons of TNT”. The novelty of this bomb was that it radiated heat, light and gamma radiation whereas all classical incendiary bombs radiate only heat and light.

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